3.3 Interrelations between the Roles
and Career Anchors of a Modern
The next stage of analyzing was to identify significant
correlation relations between methodologies “Circle
of the main personal roles” and ”Career anchors”,
with help of Pirson’s correlation analysis.
The first significant correlation relation among
the mentioned methodologies was identified between
the scales “Professional competence” and A3 (role
excessiveness) (r= -0,342, at р<0,01). Professional
competence means aiming of a person to improve in
certain activity sphere develop his abilities in it
exactly. It is conditions narrower role circle which
will be accepted and realized by a person in
professional activity due to their orientation to the
activity. Realizing the roles in one kind of
professional activity, a woman does not overfill her
role spectrum, and at the same time she feels much
lower role excessiveness.
According to the scale reverse correlation relation
has been found with the scale A7 (conflicting of the
roles) (r= -0,472, at р<0,01). We can conclude if a
woman is oriented to develop her professional
abilities in certain sphere and her professional roles
connected with this activity, so a possibility of role
conflict appearing is much lower, than among the
women who are in professional search and try
different professional roles.
The reverse correlation relation was found
between the scales “Management” and A1 (role load)
(r= -0,779, at р<0,01). This result gives us the basis
to talk about the fact that a woman who oriented to
the role of management in her career, who wants to
control everything and oriented to effort integration
of other people, accepts this role mostly. These
women often choose professional roles of this
category refusing other roles. That is why woman’s
role load with management orientation will not reach
high level due to low role range, and it is connected
mostly with professional roles.
Direct functional connections are found between
the scale “Autonomy (independence)” and the
methodology scale “Main role circle”.
So direct correlation relation according to the
scale A6 (realization role deficiency) (r=0,365, at
р<0,05). This interrelation can mean that choosing as
priority direction of building the career relieving from
organizational rules, orders and limits a modern
woman tries to realize (simultaneously or gradually)
certain number of professional roles, choosing their
“own”, orienting to the values in career. She tries not
to realize the professional roles which do not satisfy
a modern woman’s needs, and a desire to accept other
new roles appears. In this case a desire to fill her role
base becomes strong, that is why high level of
realization deficiency can be seen.
The conscience of the described correlation
relation is a direct functional relation “Autonomy”
with the scale A7 (role conflict) (r=0,758, at р<0,01).
Searching for independence in building of career a
modern woman is oriented to the sphere where she
will be able to do plenty of roles. A woman realizes
the role of a boss and employee, a secretary, an
accountant and others. In the same sphere she takes
many role positions, both enrich her role base and
overfill it. Taking into account, that the woman with
these motives can change kind of professional activity
in her career, so her role load becomes higher.
Different roles change or complete one another, and
it can become the catalyst for role conflict appearing.
The more a woman tries to organize her professional
activity autonomously, the higher possibility of the
conflict is.
Between the scales “work steady” and A1 (role
load) a reverse correlation relation has been found (r=
-0,587, при р<0,01). The woman, who chooses
steady reliable work for long period, tries to find
protection, confidence and opportunity of predicting
her professional activity. These women often
associate their work with the career and put the
responsibility for their career on their employer. That
is who, the roles which a woman plays, are often
connected with that sphere. They are settled and
cannot be completed by others, because a woman
does not have a wish of new knowledge. Woman role
base does not fill and role load does not reach high
Reverse functional relation has been found
between the scale “Stability of job” and the scale A2
(role lack) (r= -0,647, at р<0,01). Choosing the place
of work, the woman with stability orientation, tries to
get long term contract and steady position in the
company, permanent job. In this case she accepts and
realizes professional roles according to that sphere
where she plans to spend long time. She realizes all
professional roles but taking into account that fact
that the motive is a permanent job, and she does not
try to study and realize new professional roles. That
is why with a high motivation job stability index, a
woman does not have desire to realize the roles
beyond the professional sphere and she does not feel
or feels a lack of roles on a low level.
This is connected with the reverse correlation
relation which was found by us according the scale
A6 (role realization deficiency) (r= -0,362, at
р<0,05). “Steady” woman realizes her certain
ISC SAI 2022 - V International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE