bulk of cultural and professionally oriented
information, socio-cultural skills etc.
The lecturers and students showed their interest
and attention towards the problem of polycultural
environment and admitted the importance of
polycultural education due to the fact of poilycultural
environment in which the graduates of higher
educational establishments will work in the nearest
future. The knowledge of foreign languages is
recognized as an important component for the
formation of cross-cultural social intelligence so
foreign languages learning must be aimed to the
certain level of polycultural competence formation.
Among the motivational and value criteria for the
formation of polycultural education the most
important one is the ability to use the acquired
knowledge for professional purposes.
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2021. Distance Learning of a Foreign Language –
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Questionnaire for Students
1)Do you think polycultural education is compulsory
for university graduates?
1. Yes, polycultural education is an integral part of
educating worthy members of society;
2. I think polycultural education is important, but not
3. I do not think that polycultural education is more
important than vocational training;
4. It seems to me that polycultural education is not
needed in our society;
5. Own answer.
2)What does "a highly cultured person" mean?
1. An educated person;
2. A man armed with professional knowledge and
prepared for life in the modern world;
3. A highly educated, tolerant person;