Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of
Martial Arts Referees
e Salmhofer, Lucian Gutica-Florescu, Dominik Hoelbling
, Roland Breiteneder,
Rene Baranyi
and Thomas Grechenig
Research Group for Industrial Software (INSO), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Decision-making Training, Serious Game, Digital Game-based Learning, Referees, Judges, Martial Arts.
While sports referees need to cover a wide spectrum of demands depending on the characteristics of the judged
sport, the outstanding responsibility they are associated with, is the task of decision-making. The focus of
martial arts referees lies in perception and cognitive processing to detect, categorize and evaluate fast-moving
techniques performed within a short period. To accumulate the training intensity required to reach expert
level, recent research suggests complementing competitive experience with a video-based training approach.
By combining the benefits of video-based training with motivational game elements, the study aimed to de-
velop a video-based serious game to train intuitive decision-making processes of martial arts referees through
immediate feedback. The training platform called JudgED comprises two modules: (a) a serious game to
train decision-making processes and (b) a content and administration interface to manage, prepare, annotate
and augment the video content used in the serious game. To evaluate the effectiveness of the serious game, a
method to measure the players’ decision accuracy and reaction time is proposed.
While referees need to cover a wide spectrum of skills
encompassing perception, physical fitness, and inter-
action with athletes, the characteristic responsibility
referees are connoted with, is the responsibility of
decision-making (MacMahon and Strauß, 2014). As
athletes in martial arts can perform a sequence of fast-
moving techniques within a short period, referees are
required to derive appropriate decisions from mem-
ory, by combining their perception of the athletes’
movement with their prior experience and the rules
of the sport (Carlsson et al., 2020).
Investigating the task of decision-making in de-
tail discloses a complex social-cognitive process in-
fluenced by various external constraints specific to the
officiated sport (Kittel et al., 2021). To cope with
the complexity of this task, referees need to combine
declarative knowledge covering the rules of the sport
and procedural knowledge acquired by practical ex-
perience (Mascarenhas et al., 2006). If referees are
not trained appropriately, the complexity of this pro-
cess can cause decision errors having the potential to
influence the outcome of competitions or tournaments
(MacMahon and Strauß, 2014).
1.1 Decision-making Process
Decisions are derived by traversing a sequence of so-
cial information processing steps comprising percep-
tion, categorization, memory processing, and infor-
mation integration (Bless et al., 2004). While all four
steps are essential to derive a proper decision, the em-
phasis of each step depends on the characteristics of
the judged situation (Plessner and Haar, 2006).
Schweizer et al. outline the importance of the
categorization step for judging foul/no-foul situations
in soccer (Schweizer et al., 2011). By referring to
Brunswik’s Lens model (Brunswik, 1952), they claim
that categorizations are influenced by multiple cues,
where only relevant cues are contributing to the ac-
curacy of the decision. To integrate cues and derive
decisions under high time pressure, intuitive process-
ing is applied rather than deliberate processing.
1.2 Lack of Decision-making Training
The impact on competition outcomes and its associ-
ated economic consequences led to an increased in-
Salmhofer, A., Gutica-Florescu, L., Hoelbling, D., Breiteneder, R., Baranyi, R. and Grechenig, T.
Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of Martial Arts Referees.
DOI: 10.5220/0011382800003321
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2022), pages 29-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-610-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vestigation of referees’ decisions (Kittel et al., 2021;
Larkin et al., 2011). While the literature specifies
a variety of approaches to develop decision-making
skills of referees, direct participation in sports com-
petitions is acknowledged to be an ideal method to
acquire these skills (MacMahon et al., 2007). Based
on skill development frameworks like the 10,000-
hour rule of deliberate practice (Ericsson et al., 1993),
solely relying on on-field experience might not accu-
mulate enough training intensity to reach expert level
in decision-making (Larkin et al., 2018).
1.3 Video-based Training Approach
A potential solution to compensate for the lack of
training time caused by the limited number of com-
petitive events is the application of video-based train-
ing programs (Kittel et al., 2021). These allow the
accumulation of practical training intensity, which
would hardly be achievable by solely judging real-
life competitions (Larkin et al., 2018). The trend in
research towards the development and evaluation of
well-grounded video-based decision-making training
programs emerged over the past 17 years (Kittel et al.,
Recent research confirms the effectiveness of
video-based training platforms for referees in vari-
ous sports (Mascarenhas et al., 2005; Schweizer et al.,
2011; Put et al., 2016; Larkin et al., 2018). Although
no training platform is available to improve decision-
making skills of martial arts referees, the positive
effects of video-based training approaches might be
transferable to martial arts refereeing as well.
1.4 Serious Games
While several definitions of the term serious game ex-
ist, Michael and Chen (2005) describe it as games,
whose primary goal is education rather than entertain-
ment. The serious game developed in this work can be
classified in the sub-category of digital game-based
learning, which aims to foster knowledge and skills
by utilizing challenges and associated achievements
(Qian and Clark, 2016).
1.5 Design Considerations
The design of the serious game was based on the
decision-making framework described above and the
implications drawn by Schweizer et al. (2011) and
Brand et al. (2009) to train intuitive decision-making
processes of soccer referees by the principles of Hog-
arth’s learning approach (Hogarth, 2008). This sug-
gests that intuitions can be trained in representative
environments by providing relevant and immediate
feedback. Assuming the similarities to foul/no-foul
judgments in soccer, these theoretical considerations
might apply to decision-making in martial arts refer-
eeing as well.
The scope of this study is to (a) design and develop
a serious game to train intuitive decision-making pro-
cesses of martial arts referees by enabling the judg-
ment of numerous representative fight videos and
providing immediate feedback, (b) ensure the pre-
cise recording of user inputs in accordance with the
progress of the streaming video, (c) define a proce-
dure to measure the referees’ in-game performance,
and (d) propose a setup for evaluating the effective-
ness of the serious game.
The serious game was designed and developed ac-
cording to the method of prototyping, which allowed
to produce artifacts demonstrating relevant aspects of
the target system in early phases of the software de-
velopment life cycle (Floyd, 1984). Initially gathered
requirements were refined by conducting two itera-
tions of exploratory prototyping based on mock-ups
of the user interface. Subsequently, the system was
developed in multiple iterations including the activi-
ties of requirements engineering, design, implementa-
tion, test, and deployment. Throughout all iterations,
feedback was gathered from domain experts compris-
ing two former professional athletes in kickboxing
and karate kumite, as well as seven officially licensed
kickboxing referees. Depending on the maturity of
the developed system, reviewed artifacts comprised
low-fidelity or high-fidelity prototypes.
Requirements Engineering: Requirements were
gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews
(Adams, 2015) of domain experts in kickboxing and
karate kumite. While initial requirements were re-
trieved at the beginning of the project, the list of re-
quirements was gradually extended and refined based
on feedback retrieved during the iterative develop-
ment cycles.
Design and Implementation: The frontend of the
prototype was developed by exerting component-
based software engineering (Xia Cai et al., 2000).
The backend was developed following a resource-
oriented architecture (Overdick, 2007). Endpoints
were designed according to principles of API com-
position and API aggregation (Baldini et al., 2017),
which allowed to keep the client-side code slim by
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
hiding the complexity in the backend. Particularly,
the system’s architecture was achieved by applying
the MERN stack (Subramanian, 2019) comprising the
technologies MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS.
The video content platform Vimeo
was used to store
and stream the training videos.
Test: The developed features were manually tested
by applying a combination of black box and white
box tests (Jamil et al., 2016). While white-box test-
ing was used to verify the correctness of self-written
code, black-box testing was used to cross-check fea-
tures developed by other team members. Thus, ev-
ery feature went through two internal test stages be-
fore it was deployed to gather feedback from domain
experts, who accepted or rejected the developed fea-
Deployment: The break-down of requirements into
small tasks resulted in short lead times, which
supported an incremental development process (Pe-
tersen, 2010). This allowed performing frequent de-
ployments by using an automatized CI/CD pipeline
(Shahin et al., 2017), which enabled the collection of
early and recurring feedback from domain experts.
This section presents the artifacts and procedures con-
tributing to the development and evaluation of the
training platform JudgED. After enumerating high-
level requirements and the building blocks of the sys-
tem, the functionality of the training platform is dis-
cussed. Subsequently, a mechanism to precisely cap-
ture and calculate performance data is described, be-
fore an evaluation approach is proposed.
3.1 Requirements List
The requirements engineering process resulted in a set
of functional and non-functional requirements. Ta-
ble 1 enumerates the identified high-level require-
ments, which are classified in the categories of con-
tent and administration (C) and serious game (G). The
sections 3.4 and 3.5 describe the functionality of the
training platform by referring to the related require-
Table 1: High-level requirements classified in content and
administration (C
) and serious game (G
ID Description
Upload videos
Define and annotate video scenes
Compile video scenes in playlists
Configure feedback and playback modes
Release playlists for players
Video scene status management
Performance monitoring dashboard
Statistical performance evaluation
Assessment of video scenes
Immediate feedback and slow-motion
Personal performance dashboard
User performance comparison
3.2 Main Modules
The training platform comprises two modules: (a)
the serious game used by referees to improve their
decision-making skills and (b) a content and adminis-
tration interface enabling experienced referees to pre-
pare, manage and annotate the training videos used in
the game. While the content and administration mod-
ule is only provided as a web application, the serious
game is additionally accessible by an Android app.
3.3 Entity Structure
To structure and prepare the content for the play-
ers, the training platform comprises the main enti-
ties videos, video scenes, playlists, courses, and users.
The training material is based upon uploaded videos
of fight scenes. Due to the reason that many video
files include an entire bout, the footage can be sliced
into multiple short video scenes corresponding to fight
sequences to be judged by the users. To arrange video
scenes according to didactic requirements, they are
compiled in form of playlists. To release specific
playlists to a certain group of referees, the course en-
tity combines playlists and users. Users assigned to a
course can access all playlists included in the course
for a defined period. Figure 1 visualizes the involved
entities and their relationships with each other.
3.4 Content & Administration Module
The content and administration module includes func-
tions to prepare and organize the video scenes used
as training material in the serious game. It provides
functions to upload videos, define video scenes, com-
pose playlists, and create courses. The subsequent
sections describe the functionalities in the context of
the involved entities.
Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of Martial Arts Referees
Figure 1: Relation between entities of the training platform.
3.4.1 Videos
Implemented Requirements: C
A video corresponds to raw footage containing fight
situations involving two athletes in a certain disci-
pline. The system provides the functionality to up-
load videos along with basic metadata. While most
of the metadata serves for identification purposes, the
fields association and discipline determine constraints
applicable to the extractable video scenes. Figure 2
shows the video upload screen including the upload
area and the metadata fields.
Figure 2: Upload of video including descriptive metadata.
3.4.2 Video Scenes
Implemented Requirements: C
, C
Once a video is uploaded to the system, multiple
video scenes can be extracted. A video scene is a par-
tition of an already uploaded video, annotated with a
list of decisions appearing in the defined time range.
It corresponds to a fight situation that can be judged
by the players of the serious game. Video scenes serve
(i) as the basis to render the video content in the se-
rious game and (ii) as a reference to determine the
Table 2: Constraints in terms of admissible duration, deci-
sion values, and number of decisions (#) for defining video
scenes in kickboxing (KB) and karate (KT) disciplines.
Discipline Length Decision #
KB Point fighting 4-15 s 0-3, W/E 1, 2
KB Light contact 45-90 s 0-3, W/E 1+
KB Kick light 45-90 s 0-3, W/E 1+
KB Full contact 45-90 s 0, 1, W 1+
KB Low kick 45-90 s 0, 1, W 1+
KB K1 Style 45-90 s 0, 1, W 1+
KT Kumite 4-15 s 0-3, W/E 1, 2
correctness of player inputs for presenting feedback
and enabling statistical evaluations.
Structure and Constraints: The allowed configu-
rations for duration and decisions of a video scene are
determined by the discipline inherited from the up-
loaded video. While video scenes of Point Stop disci-
plines can include one decision and an optional con-
current decision, video scenes of Running Time disci-
plines can contain arbitrarily many defined decisions.
Table 2 summarizes the admissible duration of video
scenes as well as the number of allowed decisions and
their spectrum of accepted decision values by disci-
pline. An exceptional case is posed by decisions de-
fined with value 0, which are used to mark sensitive
situations for which no referee input is expected. For
simplification reasons, no distinction is made between
warning and exit decisions (W and E).
Time Range & Decisions: Figure 3 depicts the
screen where video scenes can be defined. The time
range of the video scene is configured by defining the
start and end time in the context of the uploaded video
(1). The process of defining a decision is triggered by
watching the video and searching for the approximate
point in time of the occurring event. To easier scan
the video scene, the speed can be toggled between
normal mode and a 30 percent slow-motion (2). To
precisely seek the exact frame of the occurring deci-
sion, the frame-by-frame function forwards/rewinds
the video in steps of 0.02 seconds (3). New decisions
are added by automatically adopting the point in time
of the identified video frame (4). Each decision con-
sists of the exact point in time of the decision (5), the
technique determining the decision score or penalty
(7), and the athlete (red or blue) to which the decision
is attributed (6). The first and the last second cannot
be utilized to define decisions, which allows players
of the serious game a reaction time of three seconds
by appending a trailing period of two seconds at the
end of each video scene. The position of the red and
blue athletes is configurable (8) based on the athletes’
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
position at the start of the video scene. This setting
provides the basis to assign decisions to the respective
athlete and arranges the position of the red and blue
scoreboard shown to the player in the serious game.
Figure 3: Definition of video scene and occurring decisions.
Highlighting: Apart from the basic decision anno-
tations, information-rich areas can be highlighted for
each defined decision separately. Figure 4 shows the
highlighting drawing screen for a selected decision
within the video scene. A highlighting can consist
of multiple ellipses added in the context of 0.5 sec-
onds of the defined decision (1). Within this time
frame, the visibility period of the highlighting can be
adjusted according to the characteristics of the situa-
tion (2). Each ellipse can be positioned and resized to
emphasize important techniques (3). The highlighting
is displayed as an overlay in the slow-motion feed-
back presented to the player in the serious game after
judging the video scene, which aims to increase the
player’s understanding of the decision.
Figure 4: Definition of highlighting for a defined decision.
Preview: To review the correct timing as well as the
configuration of the optional highlighting, a preview
function is available. The preview shows a 30 percent
slow-motion 0.5 s before and 0.5 s after the defined
decision, which corresponds to the slow-motion feed-
back shown to the player.
Blurring: The usage of footage from real-world
competitions poses a problem, as gesticulating refer-
ees might be visible in the video. To not influence the
players in the serious game, referees can be covered
by adding multiple blurring rectangles (1) for the vis-
ibility period of the gesture (2) as shown in Figure 5.
Each rectangle can be positioned and resized to en-
sure the referee’s gesture is covered (3). While the
blurring rectangle is semi-transparent in the definition
screen to ease configuration, it is displayed opaquely
for the player of the serious game.
Figure 5: Covering decision-revealing gestures of referees.
Status Management: The training platform has a
simple status management for keeping track of the
quality of video scenes. A created video scene is ini-
tially in status DRAFT until it is reviewed by another
user with proper permissions, who can change the sta-
tus to either APPROVED or REJECTED. Changing
relevant fields of a video scene automatically resets
the status to DRAFT. Figure 6 shows the current sta-
tus (1), the functions to approve (2) or reject (3) the
video scene as well as the status history (4).
Figure 6: Status management of a video scene.
3.4.3 Playlists
Implemented Requirements: C
, C
Playlists serve as a container to compile multiple
video scenes according to given didactic or organiza-
tional requirements. Figure 7 shows the screen where
Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of Martial Arts Referees
playlists can be created by dragging and dropping
video scenes. A playlist can be configured with re-
spect to allowed repetitions, playback order, and the
extent of displayed feedback. These characteristics
are determined by the playlist’s mode which can take
the values regular (1), lab (2) or exam (3).
Figure 7: Playlist creation by drag and drop of video scenes.
Regular Playlists: Regular playlists can be played
arbitrarily often, whereas the included video scenes
appear in random order leading to a non-uniform dis-
tribution of judged video scenes. The full extent of
feedback is shown after each judged video scene and
the slow-motion replay can be repeatedly watched by
the player. This kind of playlist is intended to be used
for regular training sessions in non-scientific setups.
Lab Playlists: Similar to regular playlists, lab
playlists can be played arbitrarily often, and included
video scenes appear in random order. However, repe-
titions only appear as soon as all video scenes in the
playlist were played through, leading to a uniform dis-
tribution. Feedback is shown after each judged video
scene, but the slow-motion replay is not repeatable
(i.e. non-repetitive). This kind of playlist is intended
to be used for intervention periods in field experi-
Exam Playlists: Video scenes included in exam
playlists are presented in the defined sequence. Each
video scene in the playlist can only be judged once.
Neither feedback nor a slow-motion replay is pro-
vided after the judged video scene. This playlist is
intended to be used for pre-, post-, and retention-tests
in field experiments.
3.4.4 Courses
Implemented Requirements: C
Courses serve as organizational units to release se-
lected playlists (3) to a certain audience (2) for a de-
fined period (1). Course participants (i.e. players) can
access all playlists included in the course for the de-
fined period. Figure 8 shows the screen to configure a
Figure 8: Course definition including playlists and players.
3.4.5 Dashboard
Implemented Requirements: C
Depending on the role of the administrative user, the
dashboard contains slightly different widgets. While
course organizers see statistics and charts restricted
to their administered courses, administrators are able
to see statistics of all players in the system. Figure 9
shows the dashboard of the administrator role display-
ing the average decision accuracy (1), reaction time
(2), and training intensity (3) overall and for each dis-
cipline separately. The development of these metrics
over time is visualized by a line chart (4). To detect
problematic video scenes, a list of worst-rated video
scenes concerning players’ decision accuracy and re-
action time is shown (5). In addition, the number of
challenged video scenes (6) and the number of video
scenes that were rejected during the quality review
process (7) are displayed.
Figure 9: Administrator dashboard with performance data.
3.4.6 Statistical Performance Evaluation
Implemented Requirements: C
To allow the evaluation of the players’ performance in
scientific or course settings, the training platform pro-
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
vides functions to generate charts for decision accu-
racy and reaction time on various aggregation levels.
Figure 10 shows a chart for the metric reaction time
(1) aggregated by discipline (2). Statistics can be gen-
erated as bar charts (3) or as line charts (4) showing
the development of the selected metric over time. To
refine the charts, various filter criteria can be applied
Figure 10: Chart showing the reaction time by discipline.
3.5 Serious Game Module
Based on the playlists prepared in the administration
and content module, the serious game provides the
actual functionalities aiming to improve the decision-
making skills of martial arts referees. The serious
game is additionally provided as an Android mobile
application optimized for ten-inch tablets. Making
judgments on a touchscreen might reduce the time be-
tween the detection of the decision and the actual user
input, as the mouse cursor does not need to be moved
to the respective button on the scoreboard.
The subsequent sections provide more insights
into the mechanics of the serious game.
3.5.1 Serious Game Mechanics
Players in the serious game are confronted with a se-
ries of fight situations in the form of video scenes. By
using a discipline-specific scoreboard, the task of the
user is to judge the occurring events in real-time as
accurate and fast as possible. After each video scene,
the user receives feedback on the correctness of their
decisions. To increase the users’ motivation to train
with the serious game, personal statistics, rankings,
and comparisons with other players are available.
3.5.2 Judge Scene
Implemented Requirements: G
Training sessions are initiated by selecting an avail-
able playlist, which redirects the player to an included
video scene. Figure 11 shows the progressing video
scene, for which the player is requested to judge oc-
curring events in real-time. By using a discipline-
specific scoreboard (1 and 2), decisions are attributed
to either the blue (3) or the red athlete (4). Depending
on the configuration of the video scene, potentially
revealing referee gestures are blurred.
Figure 11: Video scene to be judged by the player.
3.5.3 Immediate Feedback
Implemented Requirements: G
At the end of each video scene, feedback about the
judgment(s) is presented based on the comparison of
the player’s inputs with the defined decisions in the
video scene (see Figure 12). For each decision de-
fined in the video scene (1) a 30 percent slow-motion
sequence starting 0.5 seconds before and ending 0.5
seconds after the time of the defined decision is shown
to the player. In addition, the feedback comprises the
player’s decision (2), the correct decision (3), the re-
action time (4), the correctness indication (5), and the
applied technique (6).
To increase the player’s understanding of the re-
vealed decision, the slow-motion sequence optionally
highlights information-rich areas relevant for detect-
ing the cause of the respective decision (7). In case
of disagreement with the expert-defined decisions, the
player can challenge them by entering a comment (8).
The review ends with a summary of the perfor-
mance of the judged video scene as depicted in Fig-
ure 13. The summary shows the overall decision ac-
curacy for the video scene as well as the visualiza-
tion of the defined decisions and player decisions on a
timeline (1 and 2). In addition, it also provides feed-
back about redundant decisions (3), which were not
presented in the detailed decision-specific feedback
Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of Martial Arts Referees
Figure 12: Feedback about the player’s decision(s) after
judging the video scene.
Figure 13: Holistic feedback about the judged video scene.
3.5.4 Dashboard & Game Elements
Implemented Requirements: G
, G
The purpose of the dashboard shown in Figure 14 is
to compactly inform the players about their judgment
performance and to increase their motivation to train
with the serious game.
Performance Elements: Performance data is pro-
vided in terms of average decision accuracy (1), reac-
tion time (2), and training intensity (3) overall and for
each discipline separately.
Competitive Elements: To increase the motivation
of the players and to enable the comparison with other
players in the serious game, the dashboard displays a
leader board (5), the player’s rank (6), and the aver-
age performance data of all players (7). While the
leader board shows the performance data of the best
performing referee, the own rank indicates the rank of
the currently signed-in player. Both leader board and
own rank are calculated according to the metric of de-
cision accuracy. To avoid a high fluctuation in the
elements of the leader board and rank, players with
less than 50 decisions are excluded, as too little per-
formance data is recorded to calculate a reasonable
performance indication.
Replay: The dashboard enumerates all video scenes
for which no single decision was judged correctly by
the signed-in player (4). These video scenes are the
only ones, which can be selectively replayed. They
disappear from the list as soon as they reach a decision
accuracy greater than zero percent.
Figure 14: Game dashboard including personal perfor-
mance data and comparison with other players.
3.6 Precise Data Recording
While the player judges the video scenes according to
the occurring events, the inputs are logged in the sys-
tem, which allows to create statistics and draw con-
clusions about the player’s performance. Particularly,
the following data is logged for each judged video
scene: (i) user ID, (ii) video scene ID, (iii) playlist ID,
(iv) course ID, (v) date and time of the judgment, and
(vi) a list of player decisions comprising input time,
decision and athlete.
This information provides the basis to calculate
results concerning the correctness and reaction time
of decisions. To obtain accurate results, the player
decisions must be precisely recorded in accordance
with the progress of the streaming video. This is
ensured by the provided functionalities of the client-
side player library used to render and interact with the
video stream. There exist two basic approaches to re-
trieve the current progress of the the video stream: (i)
by listening for timeupdate events triggered every 250
ms or (ii) by calling the function getCurrentTime() on
Depending on the capabilities of the client-side li-
brary, either the first or the second version is used to
determine the progress of the streaming video. While
the web version of the serious game uses the second
method to precisely determine the current progress of
the video stream whenever the player makes a deci-
sion, the mobile version relies on the first version,
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
which comes with a maximum inaccuracy of 250
ms. This allows the general statement that the serious
game can record the point in time of the player’s deci-
sions in accordance with the progress of the streaming
video by tolerating a maximum deviation of 250 ms.
3.7 Performance Metrics & Calculation
As a prerequisite to providing proper feedback to the
user as well as to statistically evaluate the players’
performance data, the correctness, as well as the re-
action time of the players’ decisions, is determined.
While decision accuracy is defined as the ratio be-
tween correct and incorrect decisions, the reaction
time of a decision is the time difference between the
player decision and the defined decision in the respec-
tive video scene.
To calculate these metrics, the player decisions are
compared to the defined decisions of the judged video
scene. In case the video scene contains multiple de-
cisions, this poses a complex task, as it is not always
unambiguous which player input was meant for which
defined decision. To perform this correlation, an algo-
rithm was developed, which matches player decisions
to defined decisions based on a defined set of rules.
3.7.1 Definitions
To describe the functionality of the correlation pro-
cess, basic terms used throughout the algorithm need
to be defined in advance.
Defined Decisions D: A list consisting of all deci-
sions included in the video scene defined by an expert
referee. Each defined decision D
is identified by the
properties time, athlete and value.
Player Decisions P : A list consisting of decisions
inputted by the player of the serious game while
watching the video scene. Each player decision P
is identified by the properties time, athlete and value.
Matching M : A matching is a tuple correlating a
player decision P
to a defined decision D
. It also
contains the reaction time as well as the correctness
of the decision.
Unassignable Decision P
: A list of elements con-
sisting of a subset of player decisions, which were not
assignable to any defined decision.
Missed Decision D
: A list of elements consist-
ing of a subset of defined decisions, which were not
assignable to any player decision.
Maximum Decision Time T
: The maximum al-
lowed time difference between player decision and
defined decision (defined as three seconds). Player
decisions exceeding this time are not considered as
matching candidates.
3.7.2 Consideration for Choosing T
To consider a player’s decision as correct, it needs to
be performed within the maximum decision time of
three seconds from the occurring event in the video
scene. The comparable study in the sport of soc-
cer conducted by Schweizer et al. (2011) used a time
range of ve seconds. Compared to the referred study,
where the participants used a mouse as an input de-
vice, the current work’s test setup proposes to use the
mobile version of the serious game. In this case, the
player decisions are indicated by taping on the respec-
tive scoreboard element on the touchscreen. Thus, a
maximum decision time of three seconds was consid-
ered sufficient for the serious game in this work.
3.7.3 Correctness Evaluation
Player decisions are only considered to be correct in
case (i) they are judged within the Maximum Decision
Time, (ii) the player decisions are made in the same
order as the defined decisions, and (iii) the athlete and
decision value are matching.
A necessary condition to evaluate a player deci-
sion as correct is its occurrence in the list of matchings
M . Decisions included in this list already fulfill the
conditions (i) and (ii) mentioned above. Thus, the first
step is to generate the list of matchings M according
to the process described in the subsequent section.
3.7.4 Decision Matching
1. Basic Matching: The list of matched decisions
M is generated by comparing player decisions in P
with defined decisions in D. Player decisions are
attempted to be matched with defined decisions ful-
filling the correctness condition, whereas the search
space for eligible player decisions is limited by the
Maximum Decision Time constraint. In case no
matching candidate fulfilling the correctness condi-
tion is found, the defined decision is correlated to the
closest player decision. Already matched player de-
cisions are not eligible candidates for further correla-
A special situation is represented by defined de-
cisions with the value zero, which demand no explicit
player input to be correct. In case the defined decision
is defined as zero and no assignable player inputs are
found, the defined decision is correlated with a syn-
thesized player decision constructed by adopting the
Development of a Serious Game to Improve Decision-making Skills of Martial Arts Referees
time, athlete, and value properties of the defined deci-
2. Conflicts Detection: Solely performing the basic
matching described above, might lead to cases where
the correct order condition of decisions is violated,
which poses a conflict. A conflict is reflected by a
constellation in M , in which a player decision’s time
parameter is smaller than the player decision’s time
parameter corresponding to one of its preceding de-
fined decisions.
By illustrating the relations between defined deci-
sions and player decisions on a time scale, a conflict
can be visually imagined by an intersection of con-
nections representing matchings. Figure 15 shows an
example posing a conflict between the matching M
and M
. Formally, two matchings M
and M
involved in a conflict, in case the conditions Equa-
tion 1 to Equation 5 are met. Where M
i j
the matching of a defined decision at index i in D
with a player decision at index j in P .
Figure 15: Conflict indicated by intersection of matchings.
As already considered by Equation 5 in the formal
definition of a conflict, a special case poses the situ-
ation in which multiple defined decisions are closely
spaced within a specific period (i.e. within delta time
defined as 0.3 seconds). For a consecutive sequence
of defined decisions that is within delta time, the vio-
lation of the order does not cause a conflict. This ex-
ception was introduced as the insistence on the judg-
ment order in such cases might be too strict.
P[b].time D[y].time < maxtime (1)
P[y].time D[a].time < maxtime (2)
D[a].time < D[x].time (3)
P[b].time > D[y].time (4)
D[x].time D[a].time > deltatime (5)
3. Conflict Resolution: To maintain the order of
decisions condition, identified conflicts in M need to
be removed. A conflict is resolved by inspecting the
matchings involved in the conflict and deciding which
one to keep and which one to refuse. Besides remov-
ing the refused matching from M , its defined deci-
sion is added to the list of missed decisions D
and its
player decision to the list of unassignable decisions
. The process of conflict resolution is applied to all
conflicts until the matching list is conflict-free.
The criteria to decide which conflicting matching
to keep and which one to refuse is determined ac-
cording to the level of assumed obviousness of the
decisions involved in the matching. A defined deci-
sion having a higher value is considered more obvi-
ous and thus more likely to be correctly spotted by
the player while assessing the video scene. For con-
flicts involving defined decisions of equal score val-
ues, the matching involving an earlier defined deci-
sion is kept. Equation 6 and Equation 7 showcase the
hierarchy of priorities for kickboxing disciplines and
karate kumite respectively. While the numbers in the
expressions correspond to the score values of a de-
fined decisions, C1 (category 1), C2 (category 2), and
Warning/Exit represent penalty classes of the respec-
tive sport.
3 > Warning/Exit > 2 > 1 (6)
3 > C2 > C1 > 2 > 1 (7)
4. Outcome: The main outcome of the matching
algorithm is the set of matched decisions M , where
each player decision is correlated to a defined deci-
sion, according to the defined time and order mainte-
nance constraints. In addition, the sets of missed de-
cisions D
and unassignable decisions P
is emerging
from this algorithm. While all decisions in D
and P
have no reaction time and are incorrect by default, the
elements in M contain information about their cor-
rectness and reaction time.
3.8 Proposed Effectiveness Evaluation
The serious game is proposed to be scrutinized in
terms of efficacy and motivation. To achieve this, a
two-tiered approach consisting of a field experiment
and a questionnaire is suggested.
3.8.1 Performance Evaluation
To evaluate the effectiveness of the serious game with
regard to its ability to improve the decision-making
processes of martial arts referees, the conduction of a
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
field experiment in form of a pretest-posttest control
group design (Crano et al., 2014) is proposed. To test
the development of the training effects over time, a re-
tention test conducted three weeks after the interven-
tion is suggested. To allow participants to familiarize
themselves with the mechanics of the serious game, a
short familiarization phase for both the control and in-
tervention group before the conduction of the pre-test
is recommended.
The recommendations of All et al. (2021) con-
cerning group assignment and test design should be
considered in order to increase internal validity and
avoid pre-test effects. Accordingly, the assignment
of participants into intervention and control groups
should be performed by blocked randomization with
respect to experience. Pre-, post-, and retention tests
should be created in parallel versions, whereas the
comparability is enabled by the same average diffi-
culty of the tests. The average difficulty is determined
by expert referees, not participating in the experiment,
based on the rating of each video scene on a ve-point
scale covering values from very low to very high.
All phases of the field experiment can be exclu-
sively performed in the serious game by compiling
separate playlists. While pre-, post- and retention-
tests are performed without feedback (i.e. playlist
mode Exam), the intervention period is proposed to be
conducted with immediate, non-repetitive feedback
(i.e. playlist mode Lab). It is proposed to perform
all phases of the experiment on a 10-inch tablet with
a touch screen.
3.8.2 Motivation Evaluation
The quality of a serious game is also determined
by its ability to intrinsically motivate players as a
prerequisite to achieve the desired learning outcome
(All et al., 2014). Therefore, the conduction of a
post-experimental questionnaire is proposed by utiliz-
ing questions from the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
3.9 Summary of Outcomes
The presented training platform comprises a serious
game module to train referees’ decision-making skills
as well as a content and administration module to pre-
pare and organize training sessions. After providing
a method to precisely capture the player decisions in
accordance with the progress of the streaming video,
a procedure to determine the accuracy and reaction
time of decisions was introduced. To evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of the serious game in future studies, an
evaluation setup was proposed by taking both perfor-
mance and motivational aspects into account.
3.10 Limitations
The video scenes used in the serious game only partly
reflect the constraints occurring in real-life competi-
tions such as perspective, crowd noise, and sources of
stress. The utilization of first-person videos or the ap-
plication of virtual reality might contribute to a more
representative training approach leading to a higher
ecological validity by better incorporating perceptual
information appearing in real-life competitions (Kit-
tel et al., 2021).
The serious game relies on a sufficiently high in-
ternet bandwidth to stream the video scenes to be
judged. Deviating internet quality might affect the
rendering of videos and thus decrease the compara-
bility of performance data among referees.
As evidenced by referee training programs in other
sports (Schweizer et al., 2011; Mascarenhas et al.,
2005; Larkin et al., 2018), the complementary ap-
plication of a video-based training approach has the
potential to accumulate practical experience, which
would hardly be possible by solely participating in
competitive events. By designing a novel train-
ing platform for martial arts refereeing according to
conclusions from theoretically grounded frameworks,
training with the serious game is expected to have
the potential to improve the intuitive decision-making
processes of martial arts referees in terms of deci-
sion accuracy and reaction time. Future studies need
to be conducted to evaluate the acceptance, effec-
tiveness, and ability to transfer the gained decision-
making skills to real-world competitions.
Apart from its application in scientific studies, the
serious game might be used to complement classical
educational settings. Due to the integrated adminis-
trative functionality to define video scenes and make
them available for certain users, training supervisors
can selectively tailor the training content and provide
the serious game as a practical intervention in sem-
inars and referee education. Especially in pandemic
times, the possibility of practically training decision-
making skills locally independent might be beneficial.
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