of Kalisari Batang Hospital. The causes include the
lack of a theraupeutic relationship between nurses and
patients, causing patients to feel less motivated to
recover from their disease immediately. This study
aims to find out the relationship between nurses'
therapeutic communication and healing motivation in
inpatients. This research is a correlational quantitative
study. The study included 127 patients. The sampling
technique used is accidental sampling. The results
showed that the theraupeutic communication of
nurses was higher as well as the motivation to recover
inpatients as well as the motivation to recover
inpatients. (Hardhiyani, 2013).
Further research, conducted by Andi Hasan Al
Husain Journal of Communication Science in 2020.
This study is titled Doctor and Patient Health
Communication Based on Local Wisdom during the
Pandemic. The pandemic period raised concerns for
medical personnel to contract the Covid-19 virus due
to the unopenedness of patients in extracting
information on the disease suffered. This research
aims to find interperative communication strategies
by using Dramaturgy and Goffman theory and using
the Sipakatau concept in its analysis. The selection
of informants in this study is a health worker who
works as a doctor who does not handle Covid-19
patients, for the determination of researchers using
snowball sampling techniques. As for data collection
techniques by using in-depth interviews through
Whatsapp videocalls, literature studies, internet
searching. The results of this study showed that self-
presentation in the back stage is not too different from
the front stage. Self-presentation highlights the
identity as a doctor should be. This is done to support
the attitude of equality with patients and to support
the success of doctors in digging for information in
anamnesis, doctors use sipakatau communication
strategies. The substance of this study found a new
concept of health communication between doctors
and patients based on sipakatau local wisdom and
gave recommendations to hospitals and doctors to
apply the concept of health communication based on
local wisdom. The thing that distinguishes from the
research that will be carried out is on the object and
location of the research carried out. (Husain, 2020).
According to the results of Azizah Des Derivanti's
research entitled The Role of Therapeutic
Communication in Government Policy and Covid-19
Coverage in the Media Perspective of health
communication, commonly called therapeutic
communication, has principles that are contrary to the
media principle of "bad news is good news".
Therapeutic communication looking at the Covid-19
pandemic, there are three systems, namely
personalistic systems, naturalistic systems and
biomedical systems. In dealing with Covid-19, the
Government refers to at least two regulations, namely
Law No. 4 of 1984 and Pp No.40 of 1991 discussing
the Prevention of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in this
paper is the Covid-19 virus. Media reported the
Covid-19 case in detail as a symbol to make it easier
to describe the chronology and development of
Covid-19 virus cases. On the other hand, the personal
data of patients affected by covid19 is not displayed.
(Derivanti, 2020).
2.1 Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is not just a series of
response stimuli, stimulus-responses but a series of
processes of mutual acceptance and delivery of
responses that have been processed by each party.
Interpersonal communication also plays a role in
changing and developing each other, these changes
through interaction in communication, parties
involved to inspire, encourage and encourage in order
to change thoughts, feelings and attitudes in
accordance with the topic studied together.
Interpersonal communication is the process of
exchanging information and transferring
understanding between two or more people in a small
human group with various effects and feedback. In
conducting communication between individuals there
are also characteristics in conveying the message.
According to Devito in the book there are
characteristics in effective interpersonal
communication, namely; Openness, Empathy;
Supportiveness; Positiveness; Equality (Liliweri,
2.2 Self Disclosure
Effective communication one of them will occur if a
person is able to express his thoughts and feelings
openly, which is called self-disclosure. Self-
disclosure is the way individuals express feelings,
thoughts, aspirations and more about oneself to others
that are beneficial to self-development and effective
communication. Self disclosure is the process of
sharing information that a person does to others in a
communication message. In interpersonal
communication, Joseph Luft emphasizes that
everyone can know and not know about himself, nor
others (Liliweri, 2015). This is described in the Johari