Analysis of the Role and Position of Women in Gampong
Government Structures
Ilka Sandela and Nila Trisna
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Teuku Umar University,Meureubo, Aceh Barat, 23615, Indonesia
Keywords: Roles and positions, women, gampong structure.
Abstract: Balance in a government structure, including gampong government will be created when women are also
involved in the structure of government. There are certain things and problems that require the role of women
and cannot be replaced by men. Based on this, it is necessary to study further about what positions women
can occupy in gampong government structures and how the role and position of women in the gampong
system of government. This research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. The results showed
that the position in the gampong structure that can be occupied by women included keuchik, tuha peut, tuha
lapan, staff elements, regional elements and some implementing elements such as keujruen blang. The role
that can be done by women in gampong government structures is to occupy the position of gampong
government structure, participate in solving problems customarily at the gampong level, bridging women's
ideas and aspirations, advising and input in the preparation of gampong reusam, engaging in decision making
/ deliberation in gampong, and participating in sparking gampong development ideas according to needs. As
for position, women have the same position as men, both in filling certain positions in gampong structures,
and in the process of undergoing gampong government.
In a system of government both high and low levels,
it requires a structure in order to run properly. With
the structure, the goals of the association can be easily
achieved. Aceh is one of the areas that has privileges
in the field of organizing religious life and indigenous
life. This is as stated in Article 16 paragraph (2) of
Law No. 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of
Aceh, that the implementation of Aceh's privileges
includes: a) the implementation of religious life in the
form of the implementation of Islamic sharia for its
adherents in Aceh while maintaining harmony of
interfaith life; b) the implementation of customary life
that is based on islam; c) the implementation of
quality education and adding local content materials
in accordance with Islamic sharia; d) the role of
scholars in the determination of Aceh policy; and e)
the implementation and management of hajj in
accordance with the laws and regulations.
Aceh as an area that has privileges in the
implementation of customary life, of course,
increasingly provides opportunities for the people of
Aceh to implement various customary provisions
including in the resolution of disputes in gampong.
The word gampong is a term in Acehnese which
means Village. Gampong in acehnese community is a
unity of customary territory consisting of several
jurong or hamlet. Jurong or hamlet is a term for
gampong parts that are separated from each other by
a jurong or hamlet.
Provisions relating to the gampong government in
Aceh, regulated in Qanun Aceh Number 5 of 2003
concerning gampong government. In the gampong
government system in Aceh there are several
structures including, keuchik, imuem meunasah, tuha
peut, tuha lapan, and other village devices. Keuchik
is the head of the gampong indigenous peoples'
alliance in charge of organizing gampong
government, preserving customs and customary law,
and maintaining security, harmony, peace and order
of the community. Imeum Meunasah is a person who
leads community activities in gampong related to the
field of Islamic religion, implementation and
enforcement of Islamic shari'a. As for tuha peut
gampong or other names are elements of gampong
government that function as gampong consultative
bodies. While tuha eightan or other names are
customary institutions at the mukim and gampong
levels that serve to help the mukim and keuchik
Sandela, I. and Trisna, N.
Analysis of the Role and Position of Women in Gampong Government Structures.
DOI: 10.5220/0011510100003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 53-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
imeum or other names. Other gampong devices
consist of staff elements, executing elements and
region elements.
A good gampong government structure is a
government structure in which there is a balance of
positions between men and women. This means that
in the structure is not only dominated by men, but also
there are positions of women who help run gampong
In community life in the gampong government
can not be separated from various problems, both
household problems, disputes, shared property,
disputes and others. Various problems within the
scope of gampong are recommended to be solved at
the Gampong level first. This is in accordance with
the provisions in Article 13 Qanun Aceh Number 9 of
2008 concerning the Development of Customary
Life, that there are 18 cases that can be solved first
customarily in gampong. The 18 cases consist of
disputes in the household; disputes between families
relating to faraidh; disputes between citizens;
perverted khalwat; disputes over property rights; theft
in the family (minor theft); disputes of property
worthwhile; minor theft; theft of pet livestock;
violations of customs concerning livestock,
agriculture, and forests; disputes at sea; disputes in
the market; mild persecution; forest burning (on a
small scale that harms indigenous communities);
harassment, slander, hasut, and defamation;
environmental pollution (light scale); threaten to
threaten (depending on the type of threat); and other
disputes that violate customs and customs.
From this it can be known that many problems can
be solved at the gampong level. Of course, in this case
it requires the ability of keuchik and gampong
devices. Not only the ability of keuchik, in solving
problems in gampong also requires the role of
women, especially problems related to children,
women's problems, and households. Balance in the
gampong government system is created when women
are also involved in their activities. There are things
and problems that in their solution cannot be replaced
by men.
Based on the description above, it can be known
that women have an important position in the process
of government in gampong. Therefore, it is necessary
to study further about what positions women can
occupy in gampong government structures and how
the role and position of women in the gampong
system of government.
2.1 Wowem’s Roles and Positions
In the social system position and role are standard
elements and have significance in the layer system.
The social system referred to here is the patterns that
regulate mutual relations between individuals in
society and between individuals with society, and the
behavior of the individual itself. Based on the
Dictionary of The Great Indonesian (KBBI) position
is interpreted as, place of residence, where the
employee (association manager) lives to do his work
or position, the location or place of an object, level or
dignity, actual condition (about matters), status
(condition or level of person, body or State).
According to Shanty Delyana, position (status) is
a collection of certain rights and obligations
possessed by a person in facing or interacting with
others, while what is meant by role (role) is behavior
that is realized in accordance with the rights and
obligations of a certain position. Meanwhile,
according to Soerjono Soekanto, position (status) is
the place or position of a person in a social group or
it can be said that the position is a person's place in
general in society with respect to others, in the sense
of his social environment, and his rights and
With regard to women, the position of women
greatly affects the role that a woman can perform as
well as that the position of women is influenced by
her role in an effort to improve her position. In
general, the position and role of women can be
divided as follows.
a. women as wives and housewives and
families, which are referred to as internal
b. women as citizens and members of society
engaged in socio-economic and political life,
which can be referred to as extern functions.
The term role tends to be associated with a
person's status or position or position. According to
Soekanto, the role or role (role) is a dynamic aspect
of position (status). When a person exercises his
rights and obligations in accordance with his position
then he performs a role. Everyone has various roles
that come from the patterns of his life association.
The role determines what he does for the community
and what opportunities the community provides to
him. The importance of the role is because it regulates
a person's behavior. The role of causing a person to
be at certain limits one can analyze the deeds of
others. The person concerned will be able to adjust
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
his own behavior to the behavior of the people of his
group. Social relationships that exist in society are
relationships between the roles of individuals in
society. Roles are governed by applicable norms. A
person occupies a position in society and performs a
Women have the same opportunities as men to be
involved in the social world. Women become an
element of society that should not be ignored for their
involvement. Women's literacy in social structures
is the right of women's human rights to be able to take
part in customary social structures.
2.2 Gampong Governance Structure
Gampong government is the embodiment or unity of
geography, social, economic, political, and culture
that exists in an area, in relation and influence
reciprocally with other regions. The main purpose of
organizing gampong government is to increase
development in public services and advance the
gampong economy. Basically, there are three main
missions for the implementation of gampong
government, namely: improving the quality and
quantity of public service development and
community welfare, creating efficiency and
effectiveness of Human Resource management, and
empowering and creating space for communities to
participate in the development process.
In the Indonesian constitutional system, gampong
is a subsystem of local government under the
subsystem of national government, gampong is the
lowest government administrative unit with the right
of autonomy based on origin and customs, to maintain
the implementation of gampong government then it is
necessary to foster and supervise gampong
Badruzzaman Ismail, et al (In Puteh, 2012) said
that "gampong is an area that has people with their
own government. He also added that a gampong also
has an order of rules, wealth and territorial
boundaries. Gampong has full authority to develop its
customs and customs, even functioning to organize
customary justice in accordance with the customary
order they have."
Gampong governance structure is an activity
related to the functions of a group body that
establishes the relationship between groups that
perform tasks and is designed in accordance with the
development of existing group organizations.
Gampong government will not succeed if it is not
managed by gampong leaders who are highly
dedicated, skilled, responsible, and have a far-sighted
view in realizing a prosperous, safe and peaceful
gampong society so that the economy is well and the
community can feel the positive impact.
This research is qualitative research with descriptive
methods. Narbuko and Achmadi, provide descriptive
research as research that seeks to explain the current
problem solving based on data, analyzing, and
interpreting; It can also be complementary and
The data used in this study is secondary data.
According to Hasan (2002) secondary data is data
obtained by people who conduct research from
existing sources. Secondary data is data obtained
from literature studies, documents, newspapers, the
internet related to the study of this article. To analyze
the data in this study, steps or flows that occur
simultaneously, namely data collection, data
reduction, data presentation and conclusions.
4.1 Gampong Government Structures
That Can Be Occupied by Women
Gampong is a unitary legal society that has the lowest
government organization directly under Mukim or
other names that occupy a certain territory, led by
keuchik or other names and has the right to conduct
its own household affairs. Based on Article 4 Qanun
Aceh Number 5 of 2003 concerning gampong
government states that gampong has a function in the
implementation of government, both based on the
principle of decentralization, deconcentration and
affairs of assistance duties and all other government
affairs located in gampong; implementation of
development, both physical development and
environmental preservation and spiritual mental
development in Gampong; community development
in the fields of education, tinsel, socio-culture, peace
and order of the community in gampong; increased
implementation of Islamic Shari'ah; increase the
acceleration of service to the community; settlement
of legal disputes in the event of disputes or customary
matters and customs in gampong.
gampong has structures in managing the
government, including keuchik, tuha peut, imum
meunasah and gampong devices. Gampong devices
consist of staff elements, implementing elements and
territory elements. The staff element is the gampong
Analysis of the Role and Position of Women in Gampong Government Structures
secretariat, which is headed by a gampong secretary
who in the implementation of his duties, assisted by
several staff, such as: 1) Head of Government Affairs;
2) Head of Planning and Development Affairs; 3)
Head of Aceh Speciality and Social Welfare; 4) Head
of Public Order and Tranquility; 5) Head of Women
Empowerment Affairs; 6) Head of Youth Affairs; 7)
Head of Public Affairs; 8) Head of Financial Affairs.
As for the implementing element, it is a functional
technical implementer who carries out certain tasks in
accordance with the needs, abilities and socio-
economic and socio-cultural conditions of the
community, such as: tuha adat, keujruen blang,
seuneubok peutua, pawang laot, haria peukan,
syahbanda and other technical elements in
accordance with gampong needs. While the elements
of the keuchik auxiliary area in the Gampong area,
namely the head of the Hamlet / Head of Jurong or
other names in accordance with local customs.
The various gampong structures mentioned
above, the positions that can be occupied by women
1. Keuchik
Keuchik is one of the positions in the gampong
structure that can be occupied by women. This can be
seen from the requirements to become a keuchik as
stated in Article 17 Qanun Aceh Number 5 of 2003
concerning Gampong Government. A person can
become a keuchik is an Indonesian Citizen who meets
the following requirements.
a. obey in practicing the Islamic Shari'ah
correctly and earnestly;
b. loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia or the legitimate Government;
c. have lived in Gampong for at least five years
d. have been at least 25 (twenty-five) years old
and as high as 60 (sixty) years old at the time
of nomination;
e. educated at least First Level Advanced School
or knowledgeable equivalent;
f. physically and spiritually healthy;
g. manifestly not being disturbed soul / memory;
h. behaving well, honest and fair and being firm,
wise and wise;
i. never be deprived of the right to vote based on
a Court Decision that has had permanent legal
j. never in prison, probationary confinement for
committing a criminal offense;
k. know the geographical conditions,
socioeconomic conditions and socio-cultural
conditions of gampong and are widely known
by the local community;
l. understand well Qanun, reusam and customs
and never commit acts that violate these
customs and customs;
m. willing to run or be nominated by another
From the above requirements there is no provision
that must be male to become a keuchik. Thus it can
be understood that women have the opportunity and
can occupy a position as a keuchik in gampong.
2. Tuha Peut
Tuha peut is a gampong representative agency
consisting of elements of scholars, indigenous
figures, community leaders including youth and
women, as well as clever in Gampong. Another term
tuha peut gampong, is gampong consultative body,
which serves to protect customs, make gampong rules
and channel people's aspirations.
From this understanding, it can be known that in
tuha peut devices there is a female element, so it can
be known that the position of tuha peut can also be
occupied by women.
3. Tuha Lapan
Tuha lapan is an indigenous institution at the
gampong level and serves to help keuchik. Based on
Article 21 paragraph (3) of Qanun Aceh concerning
Number 10 of 2008 that tuha eight consists of
elements of tuha peut or other names and several
people represent areas of expertise in accordance with
gampong needs. In accordance with the function of
the tuha lapan to help keuchik, the position of the
eight tuha can also be occupied by women.
4. Staff Element
The staff element is the gampong secretariat, and
assisted by staff consisting of heads of affairs of
various fields in gampong can also be filled by
women. Women can fill positions as gampong
secretaries, heads of government affairs, planning and
development, privileges, youth, finance and others.
5. Region elements
The element of territory is the keuchik helper
called the hamlet head / head of jurong. In a gampong,
the territory is further divided in the form of hamlets.
The head of each hamlet is called the head of the
hamlet. For the position of the head of the hamlet can
be occupied by women.
The gampong structure in the form of
implementing elements, consisting of tuha adat,
keujruen blang, seuneubok peutua, panglima laot,
haria peukan, and syahbanda did not mention the
requirements including provisions on whether it
should be male or female, both in Qanun Aceh
Number 5 of 2003 concerning Gampong Government
and Qanun Aceh Number 10 of 2008 concerning
Customary Institutions. Therefore, it can be
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
concluded that because it is not mentioned in the
provisions of the laws and regulations, the position of
the implementing element can be filled by both men
and women. However, in reality the position is more
commonly dominated by men than women. However,
it does not rule out the possibility of women filling it
such as the position of keujruen blang in gampong
Cot Puuk, Gandapura District, Bireun Regency,
Gampong structure in the form of Imuem
meunasah, generally filled by men because imuem
meunasah has the task and carry out the function of
leading religious activities, increasing worship,
increasing religious education for children /
adolescents and the community, leading all activities
related to the prosperity of meunasah / Mushalla and
other activities related to the implementation of
Islamic Shari'a in people's lives.
4.2 The Role and Position of Women in
Gampong Governance Structures
Women have an important role in gampong
governance structures. By involving women,
gampong government becomes balanced and the
development carried out is more equitable. Some of
the roles of women in gampong governance structures
1. Occupying the position of gampong
government structure, such as keuchik, tuha peut,
tuha lapan, staff elements and others.
2. Participate in the resolution of problems
customarily at the gampong level, especially
problems related to women and children.
3. Bridging all the ideas and aspirations of the
women in gampong.
4. Give advice and input in the preparation of
reusam gampong
5. Involved in decision making/deliberation in
6. Participate in sparking gampong development
ideas according to needs.
As for the position, referring to Qanun Aceh
Number 5 of 2003 concerning the Gampong
Government, that women have the same position as
men in gampong structures. Women have the same
opportunity to occupy important positions in
gampong structures such as keuchik, tuha peut, tuha
lapan and others. In addition, women are also
involved in the deliberation and resolution of certain
disputes at the gampong level.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the description in the previous sub-chapter,
it can be concluded that the position in the gampong
structure that can be occupied by women consists of
keuchik, tuha peut, tuha lapan, staff elements,
regional elements and some implementing elements
such as keujruen blang. The role that can be done by
women in gampong government structures is to
occupy the position of gampong government
structure, participate in solving problems customarily
at the gampong level, bridging women's ideas and
aspirations, advising and input in the preparation of
gampong reusam, engaging in decision making /
deliberation in gampong, and participating in
sparking gampong development ideas according to
needs. As for position, women have the same position
as men, both in filling certain positions in gampong
structures, and in the process of undergoing gampong
5.2 Suggestions
From the results of the study, it is recommended that
in the provisions of laws and regulations such as
Qanun Number 5 of 2003 concerning gampong
government, to include more details related to the
positions that women can occupy and list the
requirements of each gampong structure such as
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