imeum or other names. Other gampong devices
consist of staff elements, executing elements and
region elements.
A good gampong government structure is a
government structure in which there is a balance of
positions between men and women. This means that
in the structure is not only dominated by men, but also
there are positions of women who help run gampong
In community life in the gampong government
can not be separated from various problems, both
household problems, disputes, shared property,
disputes and others. Various problems within the
scope of gampong are recommended to be solved at
the Gampong level first. This is in accordance with
the provisions in Article 13 Qanun Aceh Number 9 of
2008 concerning the Development of Customary
Life, that there are 18 cases that can be solved first
customarily in gampong. The 18 cases consist of
disputes in the household; disputes between families
relating to faraidh; disputes between citizens;
perverted khalwat; disputes over property rights; theft
in the family (minor theft); disputes of property
worthwhile; minor theft; theft of pet livestock;
violations of customs concerning livestock,
agriculture, and forests; disputes at sea; disputes in
the market; mild persecution; forest burning (on a
small scale that harms indigenous communities);
harassment, slander, hasut, and defamation;
environmental pollution (light scale); threaten to
threaten (depending on the type of threat); and other
disputes that violate customs and customs.
From this it can be known that many problems can
be solved at the gampong level. Of course, in this case
it requires the ability of keuchik and gampong
devices. Not only the ability of keuchik, in solving
problems in gampong also requires the role of
women, especially problems related to children,
women's problems, and households. Balance in the
gampong government system is created when women
are also involved in their activities. There are things
and problems that in their solution cannot be replaced
by men.
Based on the description above, it can be known
that women have an important position in the process
of government in gampong. Therefore, it is necessary
to study further about what positions women can
occupy in gampong government structures and how
the role and position of women in the gampong
system of government.
2.1 Wowem’s Roles and Positions
In the social system position and role are standard
elements and have significance in the layer system.
The social system referred to here is the patterns that
regulate mutual relations between individuals in
society and between individuals with society, and the
behavior of the individual itself. Based on the
Dictionary of The Great Indonesian (KBBI) position
is interpreted as, place of residence, where the
employee (association manager) lives to do his work
or position, the location or place of an object, level or
dignity, actual condition (about matters), status
(condition or level of person, body or State).
According to Shanty Delyana, position (status) is
a collection of certain rights and obligations
possessed by a person in facing or interacting with
others, while what is meant by role (role) is behavior
that is realized in accordance with the rights and
obligations of a certain position. Meanwhile,
according to Soerjono Soekanto, position (status) is
the place or position of a person in a social group or
it can be said that the position is a person's place in
general in society with respect to others, in the sense
of his social environment, and his rights and
With regard to women, the position of women
greatly affects the role that a woman can perform as
well as that the position of women is influenced by
her role in an effort to improve her position. In
general, the position and role of women can be
divided as follows.
a. women as wives and housewives and
families, which are referred to as internal
b. women as citizens and members of society
engaged in socio-economic and political life,
which can be referred to as extern functions.
The term role tends to be associated with a
person's status or position or position. According to
Soekanto, the role or role (role) is a dynamic aspect
of position (status). When a person exercises his
rights and obligations in accordance with his position
then he performs a role. Everyone has various roles
that come from the patterns of his life association.
The role determines what he does for the community
and what opportunities the community provides to
him. The importance of the role is because it regulates
a person's behavior. The role of causing a person to
be at certain limits one can analyze the deeds of
others. The person concerned will be able to adjust