Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter
Daniel Pereira, Wladmir Brand
ao and Mark Song
Programa de P
ao em Inform
atica, Instituto de Ci
encias Exatas e Inform
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Topic Evolution, Twitter, Formal Concept Analysis, Social Network Analysis.
Social networks became an environment where users express their feeling and share news in real-time. But
analyzing the content produced by the users is not simple, considering the number of posts. It is worthy to
understand what is being expressed by users to get insights about companies, public figures, and news. To the
best of our knowledge, the state-of-the-art lacks proposing studies about how the topics discussed by social
network users change over time. In this context, this work measure how topics discussed on Twitter vary
over time. We used Formal Concept Analysis to measure how these topics were varying, considering the
support and confidence metrics. We tested our solution on two case studies, first using the RepLab 2013 and
second creating a database with tweets that discuss vaccines in Brazil. The result confirms that is possible to
understand what Twitter users were discussing and how these topics changed over time. Our work benefits
companies who want to analyze what users are discussing about them.
The Internet is no longer just a repository for docu-
ments to be shared, it is now a hybrid space for differ-
ent media and applications that reach a large audience
(Zhang et al., 2012). Some of these applications are
social networks, which allow their users to generate a
large amount of content that exemplifies their impres-
sions and experiences. A specific social network that
stands out for forcing its users to express themselves
concisely is Twitter. On Twitter, users express them-
selves through tweets, which consist of a text content
with a maximum length of 280 characters.
The fact that the tweet is a short textual model
allows users to quickly report what they are experi-
encing at the time the post is posted, unlike a jour-
nalist, for example, who, to generate a story, needs
to ensure its excellence. Since Twitter users report
their experiences without worrying about their writ-
ing or who will read their text, Twitter is probably
the fastest means of disseminating information in the
world (Cataldi et al., 2010).
With this large amount of information provided, it
is hard to extract knowledge from a group of tweets.
This task is relevant for companies, for example, to
check the opinion that users are expressing about
them. Therefore, the RepLab 2013 database was cre-
ated, which groups tweets according to the subject
addressed, grouping these tweets into entities, which
can be companies, celebrities, or organizations. How-
ever, the entities are defined manually to ensure the
assertiveness of the database (Amig
o et al., 2013).
An alternative to solve this challenge is through
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Formal Con-
cept Analysis (FCA). The objective of our work is
to use NLP to find recurrent groups of words from
tweets and then analyze how these groups of words
relate to each other. The relation between these terms
is measured using FCA, using the metrics of support
and confidence. Also, how these terms change over
time is another metric analyzed.
We worked on two case studies to solve the prob-
lem. The first case study used RepLab 2013 to ana-
lyze the BMW entity and then create a new database
using Twitter API with the term BMW as a query. The
second case study consists of analyzing tweets that
discuss vaccines in Brazil in January 2021, check-
ing which terms are related to vaccines and how they
evolve over time.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: the background is outlined in Section 2. The
Literature Review is described in Section 3. Section
4 presents the defined Methodology. Results are dis-
cussed in Section 5. The conclusion and further re-
search are in Section 6.
Pereira, D., Brandão, W. and Song, M.
Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter.
DOI: 10.5220/0011524500003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 113-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Formal Concept Analysis
FCA is a technique based on formalizing the notion
of concept and structuring concepts in a conceptual
hierarchy. FCA relies on lattice theory to structure
formal concepts and enable data analysis. The ca-
pability to hierarchize concepts extracted from data
turns FCA an interesting tool for dependency analy-
sis. With the increase of social networks and due to
the large amount of data generated by users, the study
and improvement of techniques to extract knowledge
are becoming increasingly justified. Also, it permits
the data analysis through associations and dependen-
cies attributes and objects, formally described, from a
2.1.1 Formal Context
Formally, a formal context is formed by a triple
(G, M, I), where G is a set of objects (rows), M is a
set of attributes (columns) and I is defined as the bi-
nary relationship (incidence relation) between objects
and their attributes where I G × M.
Table 1 exemplifies a formal context. In this ex-
ample, objects correspond to tweets, attributes are the
characteristics (terms), and the relationship of inci-
dence represents whether or not the tweet has that
characteristic. A tweet has that characteristic if and
only if there is an
at the intersection between the
row and the respective column.
Table 1: Formal Context Example.
Tweet 1 X
Tweet 2 X X
Tweet 3 X X X
Tweet 4 X
2.2 Formal Concepts
Let (G, M, I) be a formal context, A G a subset
of objects and B M a subset of attributes. Formal
concepts are defined by a pair (A, B) where A G is
called extension and B M is called intention. This
pair must follow the conditions where A = B
B = A
(Ganter and Wille, 1999). The relation is de-
fined by the derivation operator (
= { m M| g A, (g, m) I}
= { g G| m B, (g, m) I}
If A G, then A
is a set of attributes common to
the objects of A. The derivation operator (
) can be
reapplied in A
resulting in a set of objects again (A
Intuitively, A
returns the set of all objects that have
in common the attributes of A
; note that A A
. The
operator is similarly defined for the attribute set. If
B M, then B
returns the set of objects that have
the attributes of B in common. Thus, B
returns the
set of attributes common to all objects that have the
attributes of B in common; consequently, B B
As an example, using Table 1, objects
A = {Tweet2, Tweet3}, when submitted
to the operator described above, will re-
sult in A
= {PayOnline, BMW M3}. So
{{Tweet2, Tweet3}, {PayOnline, BMW M3}} is
a concept. All concepts found from Table 1 are
displayed in Table 2.
Table 2: Existing concepts in the formal context of Table 1.
Objects Attributes
{Tweet 1, Tweet 2,
Tweet 3, Tweet 4}
{Tweet 4} {BMW X5}
{Tweet 1, Tweet 3} {Used BMW}
{Tweet 2, Tweet 3} {Pay Online, BMW M3}
{} {Used BMW, Pay Online,
In Table 2 there is a concept with an empty at-
tribute set and a concept with an empty object set.
They are called infimum and supremum, respectively.
2.2.1 Implication Rules
Implications are dependencies between elements of a
set obtained from a formal context. Given the context
(G, M, I) the rules of implication are of the form B
C if and only if B, C M and B
(Ganter et al.,
2005). An implication rule B C is considered valid
if and only if every object that has the attributes of B
will also have the attributes of C.
We can define rules, as follows: r : A B(s, c),
where A, B M and A B = . We can also de-
fine the support of the rules, which is defined by
s = supp(r) =
and the confidence of the rules,
which is defined by c = con f (r) =
and Srikant, 1994).
Table 3 shows two existing rules in the context of
Table 1. The rule Pay Online BMW M3 has 50%
support because this rule happens in 2 tweets, out of
a total of 4 tweets. The confidence is 100%, since
whenever a tweet has Pay Online it also has BMW
M3. When a rule has 100% confidence, such as the
rule Pay Online BMW M3, it is called an implica-
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Example of supported and trusted rules.
Rule Support Confidence
Pay Online BMW M3 50% 100%
Used BMW
Pay Online, BMW M3
25% 50%
2.3 Database Processing
Textual databases, such as RepLab 2013, need to be
pre-processed before being analyzed. The steps per-
formed in this work are the following: N-Gram, stop
word removal and Regular Expression.
N-Gram: is a contiguous sequence of n items from
a given sample of text. The items can be letters or
words that are in sequence on a text sample;
Stop word removal: consists of removing words
such as articles and prepositions, as these words
are not significant for textual analysis;
Regular Expression: a technique to determine a
pattern in a text sample. It is used to find a group
of words that need to be replaced or deleted.
The steps described above were applied through
the Python package Natural Language Toolkit
(NLTK). The NLTK package has a list of stop words,
such as “the”, “a”, “an”, “in”, so those words in
the list are removed from the database being prepro-
cessed, as these words are not meaningful to the anal-
ysis. This allows the database after pre-processing
to have a reduced size and also reduces the analysis
time (Contreras et al., 2018).
An n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items
from a given sample of text. The items can be letters
or words that are in sequence on a text sample. An
n-gram of size 1 is referred to as a unigram and does
not consider other words that are in sequence. Size
2 is a bigram and size 3 is a trigram meaning that a
group of three words are in sequence in a text sample
(Roark et al., 2007). Table 4 shows an example of
bigrams and trigrams found on a text sample.
Several works are relevant to the context of this study.
These are works in the context of topic detection in
social networks, topic evolution, and classification of
textual bodies. These works are described in the next
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2012) detail how the
detection of topics on the Internet is a challenge be-
cause the information produced on the Internet is suc-
cinct and does not adequately describe the real con-
text being addressed. To solve this characteristic of
the information produced on the Internet, the authors
used the technique pseudo-relevance feedback, which
consists of adding information to the data being ana-
With this strategy, the authors were able to im-
prove the information produced on the Internet, im-
proving the context that this information is dealing
with and thus being able to identify within this in-
formation which will become more present on the In-
ternet in the future. This research also seeks to detect
topics of content produced on Twitter but we did not
use the pseudo-relevance feedback technique, since
the RepLab 2013 database already provides us with
the context in which the analyzed content belongs.
Cataldi et al. (Cataldi et al., 2010) used the topic
detection technique to identify emerging topics in the
Twitter community. The authors were able to carry
out the identification considering that if the topic oc-
curs frequently in the present and was rare in the
past, and thus characterized them as emerging. To
enhance the strategy addressed, an analysis of the au-
thors of these emerging topics was carried out through
the Page Rank algorithm, to ensure that the emerging
topic is not present only in some bubble of the Twitter
community. Finally, a graph was created that con-
nects the emerging topic with other topics that are re-
lated to it, and that therefore have a greater chance of
becoming emerging topics as well. Unlike the work
described above, this research aims to use topic detec-
tion to analyze how these topics change over time.
Dragos¸ et al. (SM. et al., 2017) present an ap-
proach that investigates the behavior of users of a
learning platform using FCA. The log generated by
the platform contains information about the actions
that each student is performing on the platform. So
the log allows to identify the profile of students.
The use of FCA by Dragos¸ et al. occurs to con-
sider the instant of time that the actions are performed
by the students. It is relevant to profile students to
understand whether they are performing actions late,
early or on time. Therefore, FCA can be considered
as an alternative to study temporal events.
an et al. (Cigarr
an et al., 2016) used FCA
to group tweets according to the topics found. That’s
why the RepLab 2013 database was used, which al-
ready groups tweets into entities, based on the tex-
tual content of the tweet. By using FCA, the work
still manages to obtain a conceptual grid of the top-
ics found, obtaining a hierarchical view of the topics,
which is a differential in relation to other techniques.
The proposal was among the best results of the Re-
pLab 2013 forum, proving the effectiveness of FCA
for the topic detection challenge.
Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter
Table 4: Example of bigram and trigram.
Text Sample Bigram Trigram
Topics change over time {Topics change}
{change over}
{over time}
{Topics change over}
{change over time}
o et al. (Amig
o et al., 2013) describes the
organization and results of RepLab 2013, which fo-
cuses on monitoring the reputation of companies and
individuals through the opinion of Twitter users. This
is done by dividing the tweets into entities, with each
entity comprising a company or an individual. Within
the entities, it is evaluated whether the tweet presents
positive or negative aspects to the entity. In this work
it will not be observed whether the tweets have a pos-
itive or negative aspect to the entity, the focus will be
on detecting topics present in the tweets and how they
vary over time.
Arca et al. (Arca et al., 2020) propose an ap-
proach to suggest tags (meaningful human-friendly
words) for videos that consider hot trend subjects, so
the video will receive more access since it will be re-
lated to a trending subject. The original tags are in-
serted manually and these tags are the input for the
algorithm, that will match them with a hot trend sub-
ject. Our proposed method also identifies meaningful
words, the difference is that our input are tweets, and
then analyzes how these words vary over time.
This section presents our methodology to achieve the
proposed objectives. For this, the steps presented in
the sections below were performed.
4.1 RepLab 2013
The Replab Evaluation Campaign 2013 is an interna-
tional forum for experimentation and evaluation in the
field of Online Reputation Management. One of the
challenges addressed in the forum is the classification
of tweets into entities, which identify the topics that
the tweet addresses.
The Replab 2013 database consists of a group of
tweets related to 61 entities that were extracted be-
tween June 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. These
entities are divided into four domains, namely: au-
tomobiles, financial entities, universities and mu-
This database was chosen since the works (Amig
et al., 2013; Castellanos et al., 2017; Cigarr
an et al.,
2016) that address topic detection use RepLab 2013
to validate the proposed models and also because Re-
bLab has labeled the tweets into topics, topics that
define the context of a tweet. This process of assign-
ing labels to tweets was done manually and did not
consider when the tweet was posted.
In this work, the proposed methodology is to use
FCA to identify how topics found on tweets vary over
4.1.1 Treatment of RepLab 2013
To obtain all the information necessary to carry out
the work an integration was made with the Twitter
API to retrieve the text body and the publication dates
of the tweets present in Rep Lab 2013. Rep Lab 2013
does not have this information to respect the privacy
of the authors of the tweets, because if they delete the
tweets it will prevent their post from being used by
works that use Rep Lab 2013.
With the integration performed, it was possible to
retrieve 32402 tweets and the posting date. With all
the necessary information obtained, the next step is to
pre-process the database, so that the textual body of
the tweets is transformed into a list of words that will
be analyzed. We chose to pre-process tweets from
BMW entity, that belongs to automobiles domain, to
analyze what authors were saying about BMW and
how this changed over time. BMW entity has 942
To perform the task, the techniques described in
Section 2.3 were used, which were applied to the in-
tegrated database of Rep Lab 2013. Just below is a
pseudo-code describing the process:
N-Gram provided unigrams, bigrams and trigrams
and the ones that described the context of a tweet
were selected to be analyzed. The stop word removal
method was used to remove unigrams that matched
with a stop word. Finally, a regular expression re-
moved the URLs, since a URL do not describe the
context of a tweet.
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
To improve our work we decided to create a new
database with recent tweets about BMW. For that we
chose the 10 most frequent N-Grams found on the
BMW entity from RepLab 2013 to be the query pa-
rameter on Twitter API. The 10 most frequently N-
Grams are the following:
BMW Series;
M6 Gran Coupe;
New BMW;
For Sale;
Youtube Video;
For Free;
For 8 days we used the Twitter API to get these
new tweets. In the end, a different preprocessing
method was used to remove the retweets. Retweets
are tweets that have the same text content so we had
to remove them to avoid implication rules over the
same text context. With unique tweets, we used the
techniques described in Section 2.3. After the prepro-
cessing, the database has 3897 unique tweets.
4.2 Vaccines
In January of 2021, Brazil started to vaccinate against
COVID-19. There was many discussions about this
subject, if the vaccine was safe, government scandals
about denying vaccine offers, and the lack of syringes
to apply the vaccines. For that reason, we collected
tweets over 13 days in January to check which terms
were related to vaccines on Twitter.
Using Twitter API to search for tweets with the
query vaccines, 105 tweets were collected. We
searched for tweets with high engagement since these
tweets represent the opinion of a large group, letting
us extract the most commented terms about vaccines
from a small group of tweets (Miao et al., 2016).
Twitter API defines if a tweet has a high engagement
and provides a parameter to filter these tweets.
4.3 Applying FCA
The selected N-Grams were analyzed by the Lattice
Miner tool (Kwuida et al., 2010). We designed a for-
mal context with the N-Grams and the creation date
of a tweet to be the input of Lattice Miner. The for-
mal context has the tweet identification as an object,
N-Grams as attributes, and the creation date as the
binary relationship, being formalized in a JSON file.
Lattice Miner displays the formal context as a table
and uses an X to relate tweets to N-Grams and the
date. Lattice Miner’s output is a group of implication
rules, showing how N-Grams relate to each other over
We chose the significant rules that bring some in-
sight to the companies or organizations that are being
analyzed, in this case, is BMW. We ordered the rules
by chronological order and then checked if the impli-
cation rules were changing day by day.
5.1 BMW
The first result obtained is the analysis of the topic
“BMW vehicles for sale” from BMW entity. Using
tweets from RepLab 2013 we checked which BMW
car models were being announced for sale on Twitter.
The result is in Table 5.
Table 5: For Sale topic changing over time.
Day Antecedent Consequence Support Confidence
1 BMW Series For Sale 0.65% 50%
1 BMW M3 For Sale 1.3% 50%
2 BMW Series For Sale 0.65% 20%
2 BMW X5 For Sale 0.65% 50%
2 BMW Z4 For Sale 0.65% 100%
3 BMW M3 For Sale 1.3% 33%
3 BMW Z4 For Sale 0.65% 50%
3 BMW X6 For Sale 0.65% 100%
4 BMW Series For Sale 1.95% 50%
These first results show that the models announced
on Twitter to be sold change each day. So the BMW
company can analyze that information to understand
which models are more frequent in the second-hand
market. These results show 4 days of data, but ana-
lyzing a longer period could bring even more relevant
information to the BMW company.
Then we analyzed 942 tweets from the BMW en-
tity, which belongs to RepLab 2013, without specify-
ing any topic. The found implication rules were inside
an interval of 5 days, between 2012-06-01 and 2012-
06-05. The result is in Table 6.
These results confirm that the For Sale topic is rel-
evant even analyzing the whole entity. Another ob-
served pattern is that during 5 days Twitter’s users
talked about BMW and Audi but on days 4 and 5 they
started to publish about Mercedes too. With that in-
formation, BMW company could investigate better to
understand why Twitter users are talking about these
Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter
Table 6: BMW entity implication rules.
Day Antecedent Consequence Support Confidence
1 BMW Audi 0.46% 1.92%
1 BMW Buy 1.39% 5.76%
1 BMW For Sale 0.46% 1.92%
2 BMW Audi 0.93% 3.27%
2 BMW For Sale 0.46% 1.63%
2 BMW Buy 0.93% 3.27%
3 BMW Audi 0.46% 3.99%
4 BMW Audi, Mercedes 0.46% 4.34%
4 BMW Want 0.93% 8.69%
5 BMW Audi 3.72% 22.22%
5 BMW Mercedes 2.79% 16.66%
car brands.
At last, we analyzed 3897 tweets that were col-
lected by us to see the results from recent tweets, since
RepLab 2013 tweets were collected in 2012. The
found implication rules were inside an interval of 5
days. The result is in Table 7.
Table 7: BMW entity implication rules from tweets col-
lected by us.
Day Antecedent Consequence Support Confidence
1 Used BMW Pay Online 0.36% 4.99%
2 BMW M4 CSL Passion and
1.09% 8.33%
4 Used BMW Pay Online 0.36% 16.66%
5 Used BMW Pay Online 0.36% 50%
The results show that used BMW cars are related
to online payment, showing that there is an advance
in this market. We also could identify that BMW M4
CSL, a new BMW car, relates to Passion and Confi-
dence, the slogan of an eSports tournament that BMW
sponsors. That information shows the company which
car model is being affected by their sponsorship of the
tournament, revealing if the target of this marketing
was accomplished.
5.2 Vaccine
Table 8 shows the obtained results from the tweets
that discuss vaccines. Day 1 represents January 5th,
Analyzing the tweets related to vaccines in Brazil
we realized that Brazilian president Bolsonaro was
mentioned in tweets that discuss vaccines almost ev-
ery day we analyzed. This relationship makes sense
since Bolsonaro is against COVID vaccines and did
several public speeches to discourage Brazilians from
getting vaccinated.
Bolsonaro also got related to syringes on the sec-
ond day of our analysis. That happened because
the Brazilian government did not provide enough sy-
ringes to start the vaccination process. This rule only
appeared on day 2, showing how volatile the discus-
sions on Twitter are.
The efficiency of vaccines was discussed through
the days we analyzed since a rule linking vaccines
with efficiency happened on four different days. An
explanation for the continuity of efficiency discussion
is that 4 different COVID vaccines are used in Brazil,
so Twitter users discuss the efficiency of each one on
a specific day.
Another aspect is that the rules Vaccine impli-
cates in Bolsonaro and Vaccine implicates in Effi-
ciency have a relation between each other that if one
appears in one day the other one does not, or has a
low support. An explanation is that Brazilian presi-
dent can not interfere on vaccines’ efficiencies, so the
support of the rule Vaccine implicates on Bolsonaro
is higher on days that problems caused by Brazilian
government happened, like day 10 and 11, when an
oxygen crisis in the Brazilian city Manaus was ne-
glected by Bolsonaro’s government.
These results show that our approach matches
with the news about vaccines from January 2021 and
brings insights like the negative correlation between
the rules of Bolsonaro and efficiency. Using it during
other months and different subjects can also provide
good results.
Table 8: Vacine implication rules.
Day Antecedent Consequence Support Confidence
1 Vaccine Bolsonaro 1% 50%
2 Vaccine Bolsonaro 4% 41%
2 Syringes Bolsonaro 2% 75%
3 Vaccine Efficiency 4% 41%
7 Vaccine China 6% 40%
8 Vaccine Efficiency 5% 50%
8 Vaccine Bolsonaro 1% 16%
9 Vaccine Efficiency 3% 57%
9 Vaccine Bolsonaro 1% 28%
10 Vaccine Manaus 3% 40%
10 Vaccine Efficiency 1% 20%
11 Vaccine Oxygen 6% 38%
11 Vaccine Bolsonaro 6% 38%
13 Vaccine Bolsonaro 1% 14%
In this paper, we have proposed a technique to iden-
tify how topics discussed on Twitter change over time.
To achieve that we used FCA to build contexts with
the analyzed tweets and extract implication rules from
these contexts. The metrics support and confidence
are essential to measuring how these topics vary. To
test the technique we used the RepLab 2013 database
to provide tweets already divided into entities and also
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
a database created for this paper with tweets from
2022. The results show that is possible to identify
relevant topics for companies and how these topics
change over time.
We would like to explore more tweets with a big-
ger time range to have a better view of emerging top-
ics on Twitter and for how long they stay relevant.
Also, a technique that can analyze tweets in real-time
would be interesting to provide information to the
company that is being analyzed at the same moment
that the users are talking about a topic. These could
improve the actions that a company could take about
what is being said about it.
As future work we plan to reproduce the method-
ology during the Brazilian election period to under-
stand what Twitter users are discussing about the can-
didates. It is a great opportunity since elections are a
subject widely discussed, providing us a big quantity
of tweets.
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Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter