works (Lindsay, 2021). Those two approaches com-
plement the limitations of each other and broaden the
understanding of the phenomenon. We suppose both
the structure of visual system and the function of spa-
tial perception contribute to the appearance of the op-
tical illusions, however we are yet to understand the
interaction of those components while working with
various stimuli. A possible route we can take is to
study the inner states of the model: for example, the
filter weights and the feature maps of a neural model
are much easier to access than the internal states of
living neurons.
We have successfully recreated the M
uller-Lyer illu-
sion in a convolutional neural network that was pre-
trained to estimate heights of the 3D object in a spatial
simulation. Transfer learning was successful and the
model was substantially biased when estimating the
illusion stimuli. We used Bayesian statistics to calcu-
late the impact of the image properties on the estima-
tions of the neural network and tested the model on
unconventional versions of the illusion.
Still, it is necessary to cover additional aspects of
the illusion in the next studies, such as the compar-
ison between the estimations of the neural network
and the mean estimations provided by humans for the
same images. Moreover, convolutional models may
be successfully used with other optical illusions, and
the study of the models’ inner states, as mentioned in
the previous section, can also be fruitful.
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