QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and
Answers into RDF Triples
e Gomes Regino
1 a
, Rodrigo Oliveira Caus
, Victor Hochgreb
1 b
and Julio Cesar Dos Reis
2 c
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Campinas, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
GoBots, Campinas, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing, Text-to-Triples, E-Commerce.
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) model real-world things and their interactions. Several software systems have re-
cently adopted the use of KGs to improve their data handling. E-commerce platforms are examples of software
exploring the power of KGs in diversified tasks, such as advertisement and product recommendation. In this
context, generating trustful, meaningful and scalable RDF triples for populating KGs remains an arduous and
error-prone task. The automatic insertion of new knowledge in e-commerce KGs is highly dependent on data
quality, which is often not available. In this article, we propose a framework for generating RDF triple knowl-
edge from natural language texts. The QART framework is suited to extract knowledge from Q&A regarding
e-commerce products and generate triples associated with it. QART produces KG triples reliable to answer
similar questions in an e-commerce context. We evaluate one of the key steps in QART to generate sum-
mary sentences and identify product Q&A intents and entities using templates. Our research results reveal
the major challenges faced in building and deploying our framework. Our contribution paves the way for the
development of automatic mechanisms for text-to-triple transformation in e-commerce systems.
Recently, there has been digitalization of services pre-
viously performed exclusively in a physical way, such
as retail commerce. E-commerces have become pro-
tagonists in sales. This change resulted in challenges
to manage the massive amount of data related to the
count of visits per product, purchases, abandonment
of carts, among others. User experience improve-
ments have been the subject of several researches
ranging from techniques such as eye-tracking (Wong
et al., 2014), recommendation systems (Shaikh et al.,
2017), and chatbots (Vegesna et al., 2018). Within
this context, Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have been
adopted as means for knowledge representation.
KGs require constant updates due to their evolu-
tionary characteristics because usually the knowledge
they represent evolves over time. In biomedicine-
related KGs, for instance, new mutations are added,
and existing drugs are modified, following the evolu-
tionary character of the domain. In the e-commerce
context, the target of this investigation, significant
changes occur over time. For example, products
change their availability, as well as how they are com-
patible one with the other, among other factors. On
this basis, the current scenario claims for solutions
that provide KGs as credible as possible within e-
commerce platforms.
In this context, populating KGs with reliable and
error-free information is an arduous task. Domain ex-
perts’ performing it manually generates inconsisten-
cies and takes a long time. Available solutions to
address this challenge are for instance methods for
knowledge base completion, knowledge base popula-
tion, and ontology learning (Asgari-Bidhendi et al.,
2021) (Ao et al., 2021) (Gangemi et al., 2017).
Knowledge base completion aims to create facts in
KGs from knowledge already present in it (Kadlec
et al., 2017) (Shi and Weninger, 2018). Knowledge
base population and ontology learning from texts are
methods that aim to assimilate knowledge from natu-
ral language texts to add to existing KGs. This tech-
nique is valid to identify the components that are pre-
sented in a text to transform it into triples, such as
entities, actions, and stopwords.
For this purpose, numerous Natural Language
Regino, A., Caus, R., Hochgreb, V. and Reis, J.
QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples.
DOI: 10.5220/0011529200003335
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2022) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 55-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-614-9; ISSN: 2184-3228
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Processing (NLP) techniques were used and com-
bined to generate text-to-triple transformations as
similar as possible to the text author’s intention (Liu
et al., 2018). In e-commerce, such a transformation
can be used in the context of helping decision-making
by the customer, influencing him to buy the product
or not. The problem of automatically transforming
users’ NL text from e-commerce platforms into legit-
imate RDF (Resource Description Framework) triple
knowledge is a challenge.
In this article, we propose the development and
evaluation of the QART (Question and Answer to
RDF Triples Framework), a framework to produce
structured representations (RDF triples) from NL
texts that express facts in an e-commerce context.
More specifically, our goal is to build RDF triples
and populate a KG based on NL written user texts.
In our approach, the construction of the RDF triples
is based on previous answered NL questions made
by e-commerce customers about sold products. New
coming questions from users explore the knowledge
stored in our KG to answer facts about the product,
such as compatibility and product specification.
The framework is organized in three steps, com-
posed of 1) Automatic extraction of intents and en-
tities relevant to the e-commerce context; 2) Trans-
formation of the original text into a summarized text,
without abbreviations, with shorter and direct sen-
tences. They must be suitable to be transformed into
triples in the next step; 3) Generating the triples from
the summarized text and adding them to an existing
KG in place. In step 2 we explored the concept of
templates for the text summarization. We found that
the templates can be very useful for our context. They
can also be relevant as input examples for the refine-
ment of language models to be useful and application
to the step 2.
The remaining of this article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses the related work. Section
3 presents our proposed framework, its formalization
and an application scenario with a practical example.
Section 4 reports on the evaluation performed to as-
sess a key step of the framework. Section 5 discusses
the open challenges to still advance in the develop-
ment of QART by pointing out open research direc-
tions. Section 6 draws conclusion remarks.
The act of reading, understanding, and formally struc-
turing knowledge from texts written in natural lan-
guage has been a recurring challenge at the intersec-
tion between computing and linguistics. The advent
of formal structures to represent this knowledge with
semantic rigor, such as ontologies, triggered the de-
velopment of numerous tools for constructing ontolo-
gies and RDF triples.
The first of these technologies that is worth men-
tioning is called FRED (Gangemi et al., 2017). FRED
uses various NLP tasks to transform multilingual texts
into large graphs composed of OWL (Ontology Web
Language) and RDF specifications. Among these
tasks, we can mention: Named Entity Recognition
(NER), where relevant parts of the text that can be-
come resources of the resulting graph are identified;
Entity Linking (EL) to connect existing resources
of the graph with existing resources in more exten-
sive and more well-known graphs in the community,
such as DBpedia; Discourse Representation Struc-
tures (DRSs), a first-order logic language for the ini-
tial representation of processed text; among other
The Seq2RDF (Liu et al., 2018) proposes a ma-
chine learning model to generate RDF triples from
texts using DBpedia as a training base. This model
learns to form triples using the encoder-decoder archi-
tecture of neural networks. Unlike FRED (Gangemi
et al., 2017), this tool does not add several text pro-
cessing techniques, opting for the approach of train-
ing a sequence-to-sequence model. The model cannot
generate multiple triples per sentence.
Martinez-Rodriguez et al. (Martinez-Rodriguez
et al., 2019) proposed a methodology to generate
triples from any unstructured text, not only natural
language ones. This methodology is composed of
crucial steps, similar to the FRED framework. The
first step, focused on using the renowned Stanford
CoreNLP tool, is feature extraction. Text words are
tokenized and segmented to prevent compound words
from being separated. The challenge encountered in
this step, according to the authors, is the correct iden-
tification of errors in sentences that contain grammat-
ical and spacing errors. This is a challenge that we
deal with when processing e-commerce texts using
QART (our proposal). The second step, called en-
tity extraction, refers to identifying text entities by
associating them in large datasets, such as DBpedia.
At this point, the word “Barack Obama” from a text
on international politics is associated with the Barack
Obama resource from DBpedia. After the entity ex-
traction action, the tool goes through the relation ex-
traction step, identifying predicates of triples through
a tool called OpenIE. The challenge encountered in
this step is that not all types of rules and standards are
registered. Finally, the representation step generates
the triple RDF. The limitation of the tool proposed by
Martinez-Rodriguez et al. is related to the fact that
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
it only addresses named entities in the object, which
excludes the creation of RDF triples that have literals
in the object.
Rossanez and dos Reis (Rossanez and dos Reis,
2019) created a semi-automatic tool that builds
Knowledge Graphs from texts of a specific domain:
Alzheimer’s disease. The texts contain scientific
knowledge about the disease. Each sentence is sim-
plified, removing repetition, redundancy, and abbrevi-
ations. The tool extracts all triples from the sentences
using the Semantic Role Labeling (SRE) technique.
The concepts of the generated triples are linked to a
public domain ontology of the Alzheimer’s Disease
domain. The QART framework also builds a KG and
maps it with an existing ontology. The QART frame-
work also generates triples using SRE in the triplify-
ing process. However, we combine the templates and
transformers instead of SRE in the process of summa-
rizing the text.
Our framework also builds a KG and maps it with
an existing ontology, such as Rossanez and dos Reis
(Rossanez and dos Reis, 2019). It also creates multi-
ple triples from the text, like FRED (Gangemi et al.,
2017) and Rossanez and dos Reis (Rossanez and dos
Reis, 2019). Seq2RDF (Liu et al., 2018) also served
as inspiration by using neural network models, as well
as our framework. However, we could not find in the
literature another methodology that focuses on the e-
commerce domain and trains the neural network us-
ing templates. Our solution combines the templates
and transformers instead of Semantic Role Labeling
to generate the triples from the text. To the best of
our knowledge, there is no evidence of a proposal to
transform natural language text into RDF triples in a
Q&A e-commerce context.
This section presents QART, a framework for trans-
formating a set of natural language written texts
into RDF triples. Our framework receives as in-
put a set of e-commerce questions and answers D =
, d
, ..., d
} and outputs a set T = {t
, t
, ..., t
} of
triples related to D. Triples from T are added to
an existing Knowledge Graph (KG). A KG is a di-
rected graph with nodes representing real-world enti-
ties such as “Statue of Liberty”; and edges represent-
ing relations between entities. A RDF triple (t) refers
to a data entity composed of subject (s), predicate (p)
and object (o) defined as t = (s, p, o).
Figure 1 presents our methodology responsible for
turning natural language texts into RDF triples. Our
proposal is organized into three parts: the main flow
with the steps, represented by the boxes with the let-
ters from A to C, at the middle of the Figure. In
the following, we present details of each step in the
subsequent Subsections. Subsection 3.1 presents how
the processing and field selection occurs; Subsection
3.2 demonstrates how we employ text-text transfor-
mations; Subsection 3.3 stands for our RDF triply-
ing method from the summarized text. All steps ex-
pressed in our framework are encoded in Algorithm
1. Along with the presentation of the specific steps,
we link it with the corresponding lines in Algorithm
For presentation purposes and clarification of our
methods, we provide a running example of a triple
created by processing the text in natural language re-
trieved from an e-commerce Q&A. In particular, the
used NL text relates to a user question about the com-
patibility between a product sold by a store (p
) and
an item possessed by the consumer (ci). From now
on, we name it the “consumer item”. Figure 2 shows
an instantiated version of Figure 1, describing how
QART generates a triple from the questions and the
answers asked about a product (in the example, we
explore the product “Motorcycle Battery 5 ah”).
3.1 Step A: Feature Selection and
We consider as input a dataset (v
) containing all
stored actions made in an e-commerce environment
by the customers, such as purchases, account cre-
ations, product evaluation, questions, answers (blue
rectangle of Figure 2). Due to space limitation, Fig-
ure 2 only presents part of the whole v
dataset. We
consider here, for instance, a pair of question and an-
swering in NL text such as question: “Does this mo-
torcycle battery fit on my CG 150 Titan KS?” along
with the answer “Yes, the products are compatible”
and the purchase of the motorcycle battery made by
the customer (original text translated to English lan-
guage by the authors).
Using the content of dataset v
as input, Algorithm
1 asks the user for the dataset fields to be used to con-
struct the triples (line 2 of Algorithm 1). The fields
and their contents are pre-processed (line 3 of Algo-
rithm 1). The pre-processing procedure changes or
removes noisy data from the input text. The noisy
data are words that do not add meaning to the text or
the triple construction in further steps. Examples of
noisy data are stop-words, abbreviations, greetings,
and punctuation.
The algorithm 1 identifies entities and intents from
fields of v
. Intents are the types of action described
in one or more sentences. In an e-commerce context,
QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples
Figure 1: QART Framework composed of three steps (rectangles in the middle of figure), a description of each step (rectangles
in the bottom of figure) and the content of each input/output dataset (rectangles in the top of figure).
there are user sentences that refer to purchase intent
(”I would like to buy two units of this shoe”), prod-
uct availability intent (”Do you have it in blue?”), and
shipping intent (”What is the shipping value to Rio de
Janeiro?”). Identifying intents is relevant to determine
which type of triples t are generated and stored in the
KG in step C of QART (e.g., purchase, availability).
Entities are information in the sentences on which in-
tents act. In an e-commerce context, it is possible to
identify entities related to product specifications, such
as voltage, size, model, weight, and year of manufac-
ture, among others. The QART framework uses en-
tities as resources of the triples in step C (s and o of
each t). The set of all chosen fields F = { f
, f
, ... f
their respective entities F
= { f
, f
, ..., f
} and in-
tents F
= { f
, f
, ..., f
} forms the dataset v
Figure 2 shows a running example used through-
out this section. Among all fields of the v
the user - an ontology maintainer, for instance - de-
fines that the fields containing the title, the question,
and the answer are essential for the triple generation
task (F = {ProductName, Question, Answer})
(line 2 of Algorithm 1). Figure 2 (green rectangle)
shows these three attributes related to the Motorcy-
cle Battery 5 ah product (p
). From these three at-
tributes, the framework proceeds to the task of find-
ing important parts in the text: the entities and in-
tents. Figure 2 presents that the identified intent of the
text is “compatibility” and the entities are “car name”,
“model”, and “year”. Together with the three origi-
nal fields (“Product Name”, “Question”, Answer”),
these fields form the v
dataset (green rectangle).
Among the types of intents found in the questions
asked by the client, we grouped them into two distinct
classes: stable and mutable. Answers from questions
with stable intents tend not to vary or vary little over
time. As an example, in the e-commerce domain, we
have the intent of product specification and compat-
ibility. Both can undergo some modifications. Re-
sponses with changing intents vary more frequently,
ranging from minutes to months. As an example,
we have the intents of product availability and ship-
ping options. A particular product may be available
now, but it may no longer be available within minutes.
Such categorization is essential to better define the
scope of intents in which the resulting KG will keep
knowledge. Questions with stable intent result in sta-
ble triples in the resulting KG. Questions with chang-
ing intentions result in triples and KGs that vary over
time and require a different approach to study and im-
plementation, based mainly on Temporal Knowledge
Graphs (Rossanez et al., 2020).
The QART deals with triples arising from stable
intents, and this categorization is performed in Step A
of the framework.
3.2 Step B: Text2Text Conversion
The dataset v
serves as an input for Step B (second
rectangle in the center of Figure 1). QART summa-
rizes the most suitable fields (v
), generating a short
and meaningful text that expresses the semantics of
the questions and answers (v
). The rationale is that
generating triples from summarized, condensed, and
factual texts can be something positive, facilitating
the generation of triples in Step C.
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Example of QART functioning examplified with the use of one product and one related question and answer. The
blue rectangle illustrates the v
dataset; the green, red and pink illustrates v
to v
, respectively. The yellow rectangle indicates
the resulting triple t that is added to the existing KG.
To perform this text-to-text conversion, line 7 of
Algorithm 1 uses the selected fields from dataset v
and transforms them into a single condensed field
summ. The v
dataset has two fields: the full text that
contains questions, answers, intents, and entities col-
lected in the v
dataset and the second field, which is
a summarized text summ (line 8 of Algorithm 1).
To summarize the text, the QART framework uses
templates. The use of templates is based on filling the
summarized texts summ with entities F
. Choosing
the appropriate template for each summ is based on
the F
intent found in the question/answer pair.
Using the example from Figure 2, the summarized
column contains text capable of briefly expressing the
content of the columns referring to the title, question,
and answer of the motorcycle battery product (field
”Summarized Text”, red rectangle of Figure 2). For
this text-to-text transformation, the framework gener-
ates summ ”The Motorcycle Battery 5 ah is compat-
ible with CG 150 Titan KS 2004/2005”, summariz-
ing that the product p
entitled ”Motorcycle Battery
5 ah” is compatible with the customer item ci ”CG”
model ”Titan KS” with the year ”2004/2005”. The v
dataset is filled with all these fields (and their intents)
and summ.
In summary, from the v
dataset, we have a v
filled with summarized text suitable to be transformed
into a triple in the next step. Step B is where the orig-
inal text is transformed into a “factual text”, easier to
be added to a KG due to its structure than the natural
language question text without any kind of pretreat-
3.3 Step C: Text Triplifying
The dataset v
serves as an input to Step C, which
is the dataset triplifying. This transforms the summa-
rized facts summ, into triples t (line 9 of Algorithm 1).
The fact summ must contain statements with intent of
the stable type, described in Section 3.1.
The triplifying task is done using the Seman-
tic Role Labeling technique (M
arquez et al., 2008),
which identifies subject, predicate, and object of the
summarized facts summ. This generates the dataset
. Triples, part of the v
dataset, are returned by the
algorithm to be added in the KG.
QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples
Table 1: List of all templates used in the evaluation. The first column represents the answer intent. The second column shows
the templates, four for each type of answer intent.
Intent Template
The product [PROD] is compatible with [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
This product [PROD] fits in [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
The car [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR] is compatible with [PROD].
The product [PROD] is suitable for use in [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
does not fit
The product [PROD] is incompatible with [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
The product [PROD] does not fit in [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
The car [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR] is incompatible with [PROD].
The product [PROD] is not suitable for use in [BRAND] [MODEL] [MODEL SPEC] [YEAR].
The summ field is key to step C, where QART per-
forms a text-to-triple transformation process, trans-
forming summ ”The Motorcycle Battery 5 ah is com-
patible with CG 150 Titan KS 2004/2005” into an
RDF triple t. Both summ and t are represented in
Figure 2 inside the pink rectangle, with field name
”Summarized Text” and ”RDF Triple”, respectively.
Together they form the v
dataset. Additional discus-
sions on text-to-triples transformation can be found at
Section 5.
In the yellow rectangle of Figure 2, we identify a
representation of an existing Knowledge Graph con-
taining the newly created triple in Step C. It is possi-
ble to identify that the product p
(the battery) is the
subject of the RDF triple (in yellow), the intent f
the predicate (in orange) p and the consumer item ci
(the motorcycle) is the object o.
When a new question is asked about the compat-
ibility between the motorcycle p
and the battery c
the KG is ready to answer it, not requiring any addi-
tional human intervention to answer.
3.4 Implementation Aspects
For Step A, the framework uses RASA (Sharma and
Joshi, 2020), a conversational AI platform to iden-
tify the intents (F
) and entities (F
) of the chosen at-
tributes after pre-processing (green rectangle in Fig-
ure 2). Through the use of a word embeddings model,
RASA identifies the intention expressed by a given
input phrase. In this case, the question asked by the
client. To identify entities, we use models based on
Conditional Random Fields (Lafferty et al., 2001).
For Step B, the generation of summ is achieved
using templates. Table 1 shows some template exam-
ples. All templates use the same entities, and there is
more than one template for each intent. The choice to
create more than one template per intent is motivated
by introducing linguistic variability in step B. We un-
derstand that the more diverse the templates are in lin-
guistic terms, the lower the chance of bias. Templates
can be used to fine-tune text generator templates (such
as GPT 2 (Radford et al., 2019) or T5 (Raffel et al.,
2020)), create a large volume of data, and form ar-
tificial datasets. As seen in Table 1, an intent is ca-
pable of generating numerous summarized texts with
linguistic variability.
For Step C, QART processes sum using Semantic
Role Labeling from IBM Watson (Ferrucci, 2012) and
the resulting triples are in n-triples format
Algorithm 1: Transforming natural language text from a set
of question and answers about products into RDF triples.
Require: D
1: F chooseFields(D)
2: F preprocessFields(F)
3: F
identi f yEntities(F)
4: F
identi f yIntents(F)
5: if F 6=
0 then
6: v
7: summ getSummary(v
8: v
) summ
9: v
tripli f yDataset(v
10: if v
0 then
11: return v
12: end if
13: end if
This section evaluates step B of the QART frame-
work, responsible for transforming a text composed
of the question and answer into a summarized text.
We measure the quality of the sentences generated us-
ing templates based on the number of correctly identi-
fied intents and entities. We compare the entities and
intents identified by a set of evaluators with the enti-
ties and intents found by QART in a set of real com-
patibility questions and answers in the context of a
Brazilian e-commerce platform. The quality of these
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
templates directly affects the quality of the summa-
rized texts and, consequently, the triples generated in
the last step of the framework. The summarized texts
present stable facts (section 3.1) that are triplified in
the following steps of the framework. In this evalu-
ation, we investigate compatibility Q&A, one of the
stable type examples.
4.1 Setup and Procedures
As our first step, we created a dataset that contains
questions asked about the products by the customer
and answers from the attendant. Through step 2 of the
QART framework we generated a set of summarized
texts using templates. The summarized text should
succinctly express the question’s intent, the entities
involved, and the answer’s intent. For example, in a
question with compatibility intent, the answer must
contain an affirmative or negative answer regarding
the connection between the consumer’s item ci and
the product p
, thus revealing its intent.
We retrieved 3737 questions of different types of
intent from the ten largest stores from the market-
place platform with the highest flow of questions and
answers. These questions were asked between Jan-
uary and February 2022. Of the 3737, we randomly
chose 20 questions and answers from each of the
ten stores, totaling 200 real and random examples of
questions asked in e-commerces that are GoBots cus-
tomers. The dataset containing these 200 examples
should contain examples whose question intent was
of the compatibility type, which is the focus of this
experimental evaluation. We further discuss implica-
tions of addressing other types of intents in Section
Parallel to the population of this dataset, we cre-
ated a dataset of templates (cf. Table 1). Each of the
200 sentences from the evaluation dataset, combined
with one of the randomly chosen templates described
in Table 1, generated a summarized sentence. Each
template has a type of response intent (column 1 in
Table 1) and its respective content (column 2 in Table
1). The content in square brackets illustrates where
each entity is inserted in the template to generate the
summarized text.
There are four templates for each response intent
type, resulting in a total of eight templates. The inten-
tion “fits” refers to affirmative responses regarding the
compatibility between the consumer’s item and the
product; and “does not fit” refers to products and con-
sumer items that are not compatible. After identifying
the response intent, one of the four templates avail-
able for that intent is randomly chosen to generate
the summarized phrase. The dataset with 200 sum-
marized texts is generated by processing the dataset
used in this evaluation containing 200 compatibility
questions and answers with the dataset containing the
eight templates.
Figure 3 shows two examples of summarized texts
and fields used for the evaluation. The example (A in
Figure 3) states that the consumer item fits the prod-
uct (intent). Each entity of the consumer item is iden-
tified by different colors. The example (B in Figure
3) presents a “does not fit” intent, two entities from
the consumer item (model and year) and two miss-
ing entities in the summarized text. The v2 evalua-
tion dataset generated by QART contains the follow-
ing data:
200 rows of summarized texts, based on the com-
bination of product title, question and answer with
200 rows of response intents (red tag in Figure 3),
which is automatically filled with “fits” and “does
not fit” values;
41 filled rows of automobile brands (yellow tag in
Figure 3) found in the summarized text;
187 rows filled with automobile models (pink tag
in Figure 3) found in the summarized text;
162 filled rows of the car’s manufacture year (pur-
ple tag in Figure 3) found in the summarized text;
Each of the entities has values less than 200 due to
the QART framework not being able to find such en-
tities in the summarized text; observe the missing en-
tities from the example B in Figure 3. It is part of this
assessment to determine how many of these missing
fields were erroneously unidentified; and fields that
were identified as a particular entity but belonged to a
different entity classification.
Gold Standard. This evaluation was only possible
due to the comparison against a gold standard dataset
created a priori. The gold standard was composed of
200 sets of questions and answers, 200 intent clas-
sification (“fits”, “does not fit”, “not a compatibil-
ity question”) and 508 annotated entities (“brand”,
“model”, and “year”). We asked a total of six inde-
pendent evaluators to identify the intent of the answer
and the four different entities in each pair. All of the
evaluators had background experience in Artificial In-
telligence and each of them analysed a random num-
ber of intents and entities.
4.2 Results
We present the results of the QART’s accuracy, preci-
sion, and recall compared to the gold standard. Table
QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples
Figure 3: Two examples of summarized texts and their intents and entities.
Table 2: Results of the comparison between intents in gold standard and predicted values from QART.
Gold Standard
fits does not fit no compatibility Total
fits 135 7 5 147
does not fit 4 44 5 53
Total 139 51 10 200
2 shows the results achieved in the intent classifica-
tion; and Table 3 shows the results achieved in the
entity discovery.
In Table 2, each cell displays the sum of the inter-
section between the results obtained by the QART -
split by the columns “fits” and “does not fit” - and the
annotated results in the formation of the gold stan-
dard - split by the lines “fits”, “does not fit” and “is
not a compatibility question”. We observe that the
framework was correct in case the consumer item fits
the product in 135 cases; and 44 cases in which the
framework correctly detected that ci and p were in-
compatible (i.e., “does not fit”). Such cases, iden-
tified as True Positive and True Negative, show that
our framework obtained 179 out of 200 compatibility
intentions (89.5%).
Among the 10.5% of erroneously categorized
cases, according to Table 2, we have 4 cases (2%) in
which the QART incorrectly categorized the intention
of the response as “does not fit”, classified as False
Negative cases. The opposite situation occurs in an-
other 7 cases (3.5%), erroneously categorizing intent
as “fits”, classified as False Positive cases.
The third column of Table 2 shows the remain-
ing of the cases with classification error by the frame-
work (5%), which erroneously classified ten questions
with other intentions (thanks, shipping, availability)
as compatibility questions. Equation 1 and Equation
2 show the weighted precision and recall based on the
results described in Table 2.
The members of Equation 1 are, respectively, the
precision of “fits” cases (P
), the precision of “does
not fit” (P
) and the precision of “not compatibility
question” (P
). The recall is calculated by Equa-
tion 2 with three weighted recalls (R
, and R
The weighted average is used instead of a simple av-
erage because the three classes (F, NF, and NC) are
not balanced.
= P
+ P
+ P
= 85.00% (1)
= R
+ R
+ R
= 89.5% (2)
Table 3 presents the accuracy results in evaluat-
ing each of the three entities identified by the QART.
Equation 3 shows that 516 entities (86%) out of 600
(200 brands, 200 models, and 200 years) were cor-
rectly identified by QART. Each of the 200 summa-
rized texts generated 0 to 3 entities. Among the 200,
there were 4 cases (2%) in which no entity was cor-
rectly identified; 11 cases (5.5%) in which only one
entity was correctly identified; 50 cases (25%) in
which two entities were correctly identified; and 135
cases (67.5%) where all three entities were correctly
Accuracy =
T P + T N
= 86% (3)
Table 3: Results of the comparison between 3 entities in
gold standard and predicted values from QART.
Brand Model Year Total
Total 183 168 165 516
% 91,5 84,0 82,5 86,0
Figure 4 shows two real-world examples of triples
generated from the summ text of this evaluation.
4.3 Discussion
We understand that high precision and recall in in-
tent results and high accuracy in entity results indi-
cate good quality in the generated templates. The first
observation concerns the correct identification of the
question intent: only 5% of these were erroneously
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 4: Example of two triples created from summ texts. The first triple shows a compatible product and the second triple
an incompatible product.
categorized as compatibility questions. The second
finding concerns the binary classification of the re-
sponse intent, which classifies them as “fits” or “does
not fit”. In addition to finding out that the question is
about compatibility, the framework proves to identify
whether the answer about compatibility is positive or
not in 85% of cases.
The third observation concerns the entities. The
entity with the highest accuracy was brand, with
91.5%, whereas the one with the lowest accuracy was
the year, with 82.5%. We believe that this result was
due to the nature of each of the fields in question:
the brand is a field containing a simple text, often
not mentioned in the question/answer texts; the year
is a field subject to numerous difficulties. The same
year can be represented with different numbers of dig-
its (”1994” and ”94”), separated by different types
of characters (”1994/1995”, ”1994-1995”), contain-
ing ranges (”1994 to 1998”), be confused by other car
features (”1.8”, ”180 horsepower”). Such syntactic
and semantic differences make identification difficult
by the QART.
The fourth finding refers to the positive result of
the accuracy of 86% of correctly identified entities
and 92.5% of cases with two or more correctly iden-
tified entities. Some products and cars have very spe-
cific compatibilities, serving only a particular model,
brand, and year. Thus, the more the proposal can
identify all the entities of a compatibility phrase, the
more assertive its answer can be. Identifying no en-
tity in the question and answer makes the correct an-
swer impossible. There is no way to detect that the
product is compatible with a consumer item without
This section presents the main challenges involved in
building the QART framework.
Text Interpretation in Natural Language. The
first significant challenge refers to the difficulties en-
countered in reading and identifying terms. This chal-
lenge is present in all three stages of the framework
(Figure 1), caused by inherent characteristics of in
natural language texts, such as the presence of abbre-
viations, colloquialisms, and regionalisms.
Step A is negatively impacted mainly by gram-
matical errors because they can interfere in the identi-
fication of subjects and objects of the sentences (enti-
ties) and the identification of the types of actions (in-
tentions). In the example in Section 3, if the model
or year of the motorcycle had been written with some
grammatical error (e.g. “Titan SK” and “204” instead
of “2004”), the following steps would probably be af-
In the following steps of the framework, where
there is text-to-text and text-to-triple transformation,
the difficulty in processing texts with ambiguities,
irony, and sarcasm is worth noting. If the text refer-
ring to the question in Section 3 was related to prod-
uct criticism, instead of a compatibility question using
irony and sarcasm, there would be an adverse effect
on the pipeline.
Application of Language Models For Text-to-text
Transformation. In step B, we have performed
evaluations with templates and machine learning
models to generate the text transformations to build
RDF triples in step C. The ideal NL text transfor-
mation results in a short, synthetic text that can be
easily transformed into a subject-predicate-object for-
mat, unambiguous, and well-defined semantics.
Nowadays, Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017)
are considered the state-of-the-art for several machine
learning-based NLP tasks. We understand that to
transform the text of the questions and answers into a
shorter (summarized) text requires models previously
trained with a dataset related to text summarization or
text-to-text transformation. Among the summariza-
tion models trained with large data, we can mention
QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples
Pegasus (Zhang et al., 2020), BART (Lewis et al.,
2020), and T5 (Raffel et al., 2020). To the best of our
knowledge, there is no investigation exploring trans-
formers that can generate triples from summarized
Q&A sentences. We observe it as a key challenge and
it is in the roadmap of our future investigations.
Portuguese Language. We used NL questions, an-
swers, and product titles registered on large Brazil-
ian e-commerce platforms. Step B (cf. Figure 1) of
our framework requires that the text is converted to a
summarized text. To this end, a future research venue
refers to the use of pre-trained models in Portuguese
language; or an additional transfer learning step to un-
derstand the Portuguese text with a model pre-trained
in English corpora. There are some alternative mul-
tilingual models available for investigation, such as
mT5 (Xue et al., 2021), a multilingual version of T5,
which was trained with datasets that include the Por-
tuguese language. This solution can be explored if we
opt to use pre-trained transformer models.
Structure of Existing KG. Step C generates the v
dataset that contains the summarized text summ and
the triple t associated with it. This triple should be
inserted to an existing KG to add more knowledge
to it. For this purpose, it is necessary to guarantee
that the triple, an instance, is compatible with the pre-
defined ontological elements, the class. Figure 5 il-
lustrates what the existing KG structure should be for
the running example of Section 3. In red, we have the
classes and, in green, the instances of these classes.
A triple with compatibility intent generated by the
QART must be conform to this knowledge represen-
tation. For the example of Section 3, three classes
are required to represent the product p
, the consumer
item ci, and the compatibility between them. Texts
and triples containing intents different from “compat-
ibility” must have another class structure.
Figure 5: Synthetic representation of a KG that is prepared
to store knowledge about compatibility between prod
. The red circles refer to the classes Store, Product and
Consumer Item. The green circles refers to examples of
instances from the 3 classes.
Using natural language texts to automatically dis-
cover meaningful data and fill semantic-enhanced
structures, such as KG, is a promising task. Much
data is lost for not being mined, such as questions and
answers about products in an e-commerce context.
This investigation proposed the QART framework to
generate RDF triples with a pipeline composed of
entity and intent detection, text-to-text transforma-
tion, and text-to-triples generation. We described the
framework and the challenges in its further develop-
ment. Our study provided an illustrative example to
describe the potentialities of our solution to generate
RDF triples. In particular, we evaluated the use of
templates for text summarization as a key step in our
solution. We found that they can be very useful as
training data for machine learning models, given the
high accuracy, precision, and recall achieved. Future
work involves the development of an interactive soft-
ware tool that guides the users throughout the process,
such as a data engineer who fills a KG with relevant
data based on our framework.
This study was financed by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil
(CNPq) process number 140213/2021-0.
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QART: A Framework to Transform Natural Language Questions and Answers into RDF Triples