This research investigation has shown that even
a typical mid-range smartphone is able to provide
stable VR image rendering. It is also possible to
relieve the mobile device from the rendering process,
as the whole handling of complex image sequences
may be realized with the aid of VRidge. Thanks to
this we were able to show any virtual reality
composition on the smartphone. Streaming delays
were practically imperceptible.
Recently, cloud gaming technologies are also
being developed, where computers bear the burden of
rendering the image. In this case, the mobile device
becomes only the stream recipient. In such a scenario,
delay plays an even more important role (Soliman,
et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2014; Laghari et al., 2019).
As shown, VR technology is very capable of
enhancing the user experience, even with a portable
mobile device. With the aid of appropriate goggles,
even a mid-range device becomes a good replacement
for expensive dedicated accessories. Undeniably,
a broader range of consumer application could speed
up the whole process and make VR even more
popular among people.
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