
future date, thus indirectly predicting the community
structure in a significant subnetwork. This significant
subnetwork retains only the nodes with a strong com-
munity forming tendency over time, determined using
our novel entropy rate metric. Overall, our results in
the case study of the international refugee migration
network demonstrate that the effectiveness of our pro-
posed method depends strongly on the completeness
of the time series data.
There are limitations in our work stemming from
the data quality and availability, concerning the mi-
gration flow datasets. Finding datasets outside of mi-
gration flow is non-trivial, given the nuanced proper-
ties expected of the dataset, i.e., directed networks,
sparse, and with time series. Further research can be
pursued for migration flow data analysis itself in im-
proving the data quality using imputation and other
methods appropriate for the data.
The authors acknowledge the support of the IIIT Ban-
galore and the IIT Kharagpur summer internship pro-
gram for conducting this work. The authors are
grateful to the anonymous reviewers whose sugges-
tions have improved this paper. This publication
is supported by the grant by the Science and Engi-
neering Research Board (SERB), Government of In-
dia, under the Mathematical Research Impact Sup-
port (MATRICS). The authors are thankful to the help
provided by members of the Graphics-Visualization-
Computing Lab.
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CAP-DSDN: Node Co-association Prediction in Communities in Dynamic Sparse Directed Networks and a Case Study of Migration Flow