
analysis of the metrics that were calculated (see Table
2), will be addressed to complement the preliminary
Therefore, we can preliminarily claim that
nosApp positively fosters the educational (i.e.,
teaching and learning) processes. The platform ben-
efits both the teaching and learning processes of pro-
gramming in CS. Moreover, unlike other available ed-
ucational tools, Reto
nosApp has the advantage that it
can nurture the teaching and learning processes since
it incorporates a conversational bot (i.e., virtual tutor)
and a recommendation system (i.e., providing a cus-
tomizable “educational roadmap” and frequent feed-
back). Further research on the tool will be conducted
to support and complement all claims in this paper.
The authors thank all the participants who voluntarily
and actively collaborated in evaluating Reto
Also, the authors thank the Undergraduate Program
of Systems Engineering instructors at Universidad El
Bosque, Colombia, who willingly permitted this pre-
liminary experimentation in their introductory pro-
gramming courses in the early academic semesters.
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CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications