ered, it is shown that using (C2) coverage rates of over
95% can be achieved while the false positive rate is
significantly reduced compared to the FPR
of the
role concept. These methods could therefore be used,
for example, by consultants when optimizing existing
role concepts and permission-to-user assignments.
In this paper, different methods were presented, which
aim at enhancing the assignment of permissions to
users based on trace data available in enterprise re-
source planning systems. These are based on the clus-
tering of users and the subsequent exchange of per-
missions within the users of the resulting clusters.
A special feature of the presented methods is that,
even though additional permissions are assigned to
users, the emergence of SoD conflicts can be avoided.
In order to be able to use the presented methods in
the framework of SAP ERP, the corresponding au-
thorization management data model was explained
in detail. Furthermore, trace and role concept data
derived from real-world use cases were analyzed as
basis for the evaluation of the presented methods.
The strengths and weaknesses of the various methods
could be shown and the potential of trace data for the
enhancement of permission-to-user assignment could
be demonstrated. In addition, it was shown that ex-
ploiting the knowledge about the relationship between
transactions and components or the pre-processing of
trace data, significantly improved the results of the
methods. Due to permission exchange, the structure
of the UPA is changed as users become more simi-
lar. It seems plausible that this facilitates the process
of finding good role concepts using EAs and needs to
be investigated in more detail in the future. Another
promising approach which could further improve the
quality of the presented methods could be the integra-
tion of user attributes into the clustering procedures.
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ECTA 2022 - 14th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications