University Governance, increasing protection for
stakeholders works better as an independent part of
the university structure (Muljo, Wicaksono &
Riantono, 2016).
In this section, good university governance at the
University of North Sumatra in the future will be a
reflection of success in producing quality alumni and
ready to compete not only nationally but USU alumni
are also ready to be used in the wider industry in the
global world.
It is undeniable that achieving Good University
Governance at USU requires hard work and high
discipline in educating, conducting research and
building public trust in the form of community
service by maintaining local cultural values and
international publications.
In the end, the University of North Sumatra must
improve the quality of the qualifications of lecturers
who have superior competence and high research
productivity. In addition, the University of North
Sumatra must also be able to raise funds by
collaborating with business partners in developing
business units that are managed independently with
Furthermore, higher education management
mechanisms and organizations if you want to
implement Good University Governance must adjust
the Higher Education Statute policy, which is
recorded in Law no. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher
Education, Government Regulation no. 4 of 2014
concerning the Implementation of Higher Education
and Management of Higher Education, Regulation of
the Minister of Education and Culture No. 49 of 2014
concerning National Standards for Higher Education
(Kompas, 2017).
The University of North Sumatra was able to
evaluate and complete the entire Strategic Plan
process, the results of which were included in the
2015-2039 Long Term Plan (RJP) and the 2020-2024
USU Strategic Plan. The document describes all the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges
that have been faced by USU accompanied by
analysis to formulate further policies. The 2015-2039
Long Term Plan (RJP) document outlines the work
program in five stages of the Strategic Plan. At the
end of the RJP stage, it is hoped that the University of
North Sumatra can further establish itself as a
university that has advantages and becomes a global
barometer in the field of competitive advantage
TALENTA which covers seven fields, namely
Tropical Science and Medicine, Agroindustry, Local
Wisdom, Energy (sustainable), Natural Resources
(biodiversity, forest, marine, mine, tourism),
Technology (appropriate) and Arts (ethnic).
The 2020-2024 Strategic Plan contains the vision,
mission, goals and objectives and outlines the second
five-year work program which will serve as a guide
for University leaders and administrators in
implementing all plans that have been prepared based
on input from the stakeholders of the University of
North Sumatra to become a leading national
university. with the highest accreditation and
pioneering international recognition.
Discussions about strategy implementation have
become increasingly popular in the last decade as
there is a growing awareness that strategy
implementation is far more important than strategy
formulation. (Kaplan & Norton, 2008) shows the
awareness of top management, practitioners and
researchers that it is easier for organizations to
formulate strategies, but it is still difficult to ensure
strategies become real actions. According to
(Okumus, 2003) this is because the literature has
placed too much emphasis on the importance of
formulating strategies and paid less attention to the
problems of strategy implementation. (Nohria, N.,
Joyce, W. and Roberson, B. & Waberson, 2019)
further proves that no single management concept can
be considered the most successful method of
improving organizational performance. It does not
matter if the choice of organizational strategy, which
is far more important is the effectiveness of strategy
implementation as a more decisive factor. Practical
gaps arise due to the lack of understanding of
improving the quality of strategy implementation by
practitioners and company management.
According to, Pella et al (2013) to analyze the
implementation of the strategy can be done with an
approach that is analyzing the stages of strategy
implementation and analysis of the capabilities of
supporting the implementation of the strategy (Pella,
Sumarwan, Daryanto, & Kirbrandoko, 2013). The
latest strategic management model emphasizes the
relationship between performance measurement and
strategy development (strategy development),
strategy deployment (strategy deployment), and
strategic control (strategy control) as a dynamic
unitary model (Simon, 2000).
The success of strategy implementation is defined
as the success of implementing the process to
implement certain policies, programs, and actions
that have been decided by management throughout
the organization (Kendal & Harrington, 2006).
Measurement uses indicators of the extent to which
all parties contribute to the success of strategy
implementation and the impact of strategy
implementation on achieving organizational targets
(Mittelman, 2018).