Extortion that occurs at the time of admission of new
students is at the time of entering the new school year.
At the time of the new school year, many
unscrupulous educators collect fees, such as when
students wish to enroll in favorite schools, they must
"pay" to be accepted into the school. The amount of
the payment has been determined by the school. As is
known, the admission of new students at SMP Negeri
1 Medan and other favorite junior high schools, they
set a price of around Rp. 7 million per student. The
conditions that must be met beforehand are not only
by providing money but also in the "zone" of the
school. As is known, the zone system has now been
implemented. And for favorite elementary schools,
schools set a price of around Rp. 3 million per student.
This has become an open secret that is no longer
hidden (Parents of students, 2021). In conducting
interviews with lecturers and education consultants.
He mentioned, several forms of illegal levies that
occur at all stages of the education process. Start
acceptance of new students, at the time of graduation.
And, in extra-curricular activities during school. This
is as revealed from the results of the interview:
“The most frequent extortion is at the time of
admission of new students in elementary and junior
high schools. Because, at that time the school usually
set some funding. For example, development
financing, financing related to school attributes.
Then, money dues for several student activities. Then,
in the second stage, at the time of graduation, students
are usually charged fees beyond what should have
been incurred. This usually happens to parents
because they are afraid that their child will not
graduate, so parents do anything related to payments”
(Lecturer and Education Consultant, October 17,
Regarding illegal fees in the process of accepting
new students, he then explained further:
“The process of receiving extortion is still going
on. We get many reports from the public, from up
loading on social media as well as information being
spread, there are still many extortion cases in Medan
for 2017. There are still a lot of admissions for
students who are entrusted with it. We see that there
is a term in Medan called “stealth” students. This
happens not only at the elementary, junior high, but
also at the high school level. Recently there was a big
case, for example in SMA N 9 it still happens often.”
(Lecturer and Education Consultant, 17 October
In another part of the interview, the Lecturer and
Education Consultant tried to make criteria for levies
that could be categorized as extortion in schools. This
can be expressed from the results of the interview:
“Receipts that can be considered extortion exist
when, for example, an increase is made without the
approval of the Education Council. Like,
development money. Then, there is more stealth
money. The biggest extortion was bribe money so that
his son could enter. Because, the current system
already uses the actual zoning system, the greater the
incidence of extortion. Because, parents are having a
bit of trouble sending their children to school outside
of their area. In addition, the quota from elementary
and junior high schools has led to widespread
citations to new students” (Lecturer and Education
Consultant, 17 October 2021).
Meanwhile, a journalist who came from among
journalists, gave a more detailed explanation of the
forms and processes of extortion at the stage of new
student admissions.
“Extortion that occurs when purchasing school
books at the cooperative. Only yesterday there was a
purchase of school supplies/ATK equipment.
Yesterday, there was also a polemic regarding the
purchase of books and stationery at the Cooperative.
However, Kadis provides a middle ground. Because,
this cooperative is definitely looking for profit. And
this cooperative also they are not like in the market.
Looking for profit is not too high from the market
price, and can be paid in installments. And you can't
make unilateral decisions. In other words, the
Cooperative may not sell. And in fact, many
comparisons even support. Like many students'
parents who support the existence of cooperatives."
(Journalists, 16 October 2017).
Even at the 2017 admissions, there were no
outstanding problems. However, in the interview
section, the parents of the students admitted that there
was a quotation of ATK equipment to him amounting
to Rp. 10 thousand per month. However, in another
part of his interview, he mentioned the existence of
students entrusted to several elementary and junior
high schools in Medan City. He said:
"Students who have been entrusted have received
reports. In one school, there was an excess of quotas
in SD and SMP 1. There was chaos at the time of
admitting new students, which were determined
according to the zone. So it seems that such polemics
have been handled by the Education Office. So, it's
not there anymore. The children who have excess
quota are transferred.” (Journalists, October 16,
Regarding the existence of illegal fees in the
process of admitting new students, an employee of the
Education Office who is also a former Principal of a
State Elementary School in the Helvetia Region, said
that illegal fees generally occur in favorite schools.