8. Secretary is the Secretary of the Taxes & Levies
Management Board of Urban Terrain (BPPRD)
of Medan city.
9. State Civil Apparatus, herein after abbreviated
as ASN employees is the profession for the Civil
Servant and the government staff with work
agreements working for government agencies.
10. State Civil Apparatus Employees, herein after
abbreviated as ASN is the profession for the
Civil Servant and the government staff with
work agreements by the service supervisor and
assigned tasks in government position or
entrusted with other state duties and paid
according to the laws and regulations.
11. Civil Servant, herein after abbreviated as PNS
are Indonesian citizens who fulfill certain
requirements, are appointed as the ASN
employees on a permanent basis by staffing
officials to occupy government positions.
12. Government Affairs is the power of government
as the President obligation which its
implementation managed by the state ministry
and Regional Government administrators to
protect, serve, empower, and prosper the
13. Regional Apparatus Work Unit, herein
abbreviated as SKPD is the regional apparatus
in the regional government as the budget or
goods user.
14. Regional Apparatus is the supporting element of
Mayor and DPRD in the administration of
government affairs as the region authority.
4.3 Data Presentation
In obtaining the necessary data to answer the research
problem, there are some steps that carried out by the
author, involve: First, the research begins with the
collection of various written documents. Second, the
author conducts the interview with some selected
informants to obtain the information with
comprehensive facts regarding to the problem
research. Informants in this research were four
peoples as the employees or staff in the Taxes &
Levies Management Board of Urban Terrain
(BPPRD) of Medan city.
The type of interview that chosen by the author is
systematic interview type, where before the interview
is starting, the first step is the author compiles the
asked questions list. The compiled questions clearly
related with the Effect of Pandemic Covid-19 Virus
on Restaurant Tax revenues in Medan city. However,
within the process itself, the author does not rule out
the emergence of new questions that can learn in-
depth the information from the informant.
In this interview, there are some question which
asked to the informants about the problem of
Pandemic Impact of Covid-19 towards Restaurant
Tax revenues in Medan city. The author only sorts
some informant as the main informants according to
their relevant field and position with the result that the
entire raised problems in this research could be
According to the research and observation results
that was conducted by the author, can be concluded
that: The impacts that occur because of pandemic
virus towards Restaurant Tax revenues in Medan city
is decrease because decreased restaurant’s income
and the restriction of visitors amount that cause the
absence of consumers at certain hours and the
decrease of consumers amount. Taxes & Levies
Management Board of Urban Terrain (BPPRD) of
Medan city has the annual tax target with different
nominal in every year. However, during the pandemic
Covid-19 era, Taxes & Levies Management Board of
Urban Terrain (BPPRD) of Medan city provide the
dispensation for restaurant because the decline of
public consumption so that causes many restaurants
are permanently close. Taxes & Levies Management
Board of Urban Terrain (BPPRD) of Medan city
provide the dispensation for many restaurants that
affected by pandemic era such as the tax delays for
several months.
From 2015-2019, the number of realizations
always exceeds the biggest target, especially in 2019.
From the year before pandemic era, taxpayers always
increase and during the pandemic era in 2021,
taxpayers continued to increase than 2020. There is
no difference in calculation of tax payment in
restaurant and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
(UMKM). The criteria of restaurant and UMKM that
must be taxed are if that restaurant has gross income
of IDR 9,000,000 each month. However, there is no
specific policy for UMKM to pay the tax before
pandemic era.
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