
Model with only one variable. The logic can be for-
mulated much more in depth with additional variables
and if the best path along the whole model is calcu-
lated it may come to a different result, depending on
the other parameters involved.
If the ADmed Process Model is reconstructed as an
adaptive model, it will provide benefits for users tai-
loring it to their needs. This is especially true for
the targeted audience group of medical device project
managers. The adaptive model supports the individ-
ual configuration of the development process while
ensuring compatibility to the regulatory requirements
which are unavoidable for the development of medi-
cal devices. The combination of plan-based and agile
process models in ADmed facilitates a great degree
of flexibility. ADmed is also suited to guide inexperi-
enced managers through the development process of
medical devices. However, there remain open tasks to
be solved in the future: In order to further implement
the adaptive model, the relation between influencing
parameters and required processes must be examined
and modeled in more detail. This also includes the
acquisition of knowledge about suitable ranges of the
values of the parameters. For this, expert interviews
and observations are planned in order to complete the
model. Additional case studies will, then, help to
evaluate and further refine the model.
The project is financed with funding provided by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the
European Social Fund under the ”Future of work”
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ADmed: An Adaptive Technical Process for the Agile Development of Medical Devices