Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business
Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry
Petri Kannisto
and David H
P.O. Box 553, 33014 Tampere University, Finland
Plant Lifecycle Information, Asset Information, Digital Business Ecosystem, Industry 4.0.
Interoperability between industrial organizations is a persistent challenge, particularly as the goal is to enable
digitalized communications between information and communications technology (ICT) systems operated by
different parties. This paper studies how the current interoperability tools and models support the foundations
of digitalized business-to-business communication. While the focus area is plant lifecycle information in pro-
cess industry, covering investment projects as well as operations and maintenance (O&M), the problems can
be generalized to all manufacturing. The results of this study suggest that the current interoperability mod-
els and standards offer little support for building cross-organizational interoperability with digitalized tools.
Thus, there should be consortia that span the enterprises in process industry, aiming to develop the architec-
ture of collaborative business networks that fulfil sustainable interoperability and the related governance. To
accomplish this goal, this paper shows what elements exist and what are lacking, mapping these to European
Interoperability Framework (EIF).
The everyday operation of industrial enterprises
should improve in sustainability, but this progress is
hindered by interoperability issues between organi-
zations and their systems of information and com-
munications technology (ICT). In their operation,
the enterprises execute collaborative business pro-
cesses with multiple business partners involved. The
processes are often complex, but they also evolve
and change over time, which necessitates adaptation
(Agostinho et al., 2016). The processes should exploit
ICT in information exchange to improve efficiency,
reliability, and automation. From the functional view-
point, the information exchange could occur via direct
ICT system integrations in the point-to-point manner,
but this is economical only if the number of business
partners is low and the data volumes are high (Kan-
nisto et al., 2020). Such integrations are rigid and
expensive. Instead, the integration should be loosely
coupled, which is what interoperability refers to (Ver-
nadat, 2010). In general, interoperability issues and
other technical factors were identified as an obstacle
to data sharing by 73 % of respondents in a recent
study (Scaria et al., 2018, p. 75).
Interoperability has been a goal in both generic
ICT and industrial production for long, resulting in
interoperability models and technologies, but the goal
remains unreachable. Despite accomplishments to a
certain extent, such as communication protocols and
some information models, industrial enterprises still
communicate largely manually. It can be argued that
the low-hanging fruits have been collected, i.e., the
easiest problems have been solved especially if these
are generalizable enough to provide a solid return of
investment. For example, invoicing is a relevant activ-
ity for any enterprise, and as invoices share a general
format regardless of the industry, e-invoicing has ex-
panded rapidly (Koch, 2019). However, the narrower
the field of application and the greater the heterogene-
ity, the less tempting it is to seek for a solution.
Regarding interoperability, process industry pro-
vides an example about a great potential in business-
to-business ICT interoperability but modest results
this far. Process industry is asset intensive, and the
business processes that require the exchange of plant
lifecycle information necessitate masses of data to
be communicated regarding engineering and equip-
ment. Concretely, such lifecycle processes are related
to investment projects or operations and maintenance
(O&M). Unfortunately, the practitioners still rely on
data exchange with manual tools, such as spread-
Kannisto, P. and Hästbacka, D.
Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0011543900003329
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics (IN4PL 2022), pages 233-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-612-5; ISSN: 2184-9285
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sheets, in the absence of a digitalized medium. This
study considers that ”digitalized” refers to machine
readable rather than digitally accessible as defined by
(Hendler and Pardo, 2012).
To contribute to the development of ICT interoper-
ability between organizations, this paper outlines the
current obstacles, tools, and models, and discusses
what is still lacking. The research question is:
How do interoperability models and existing
standards support digital interoperability in
the exchange of lifecycle information in the
business ecosystems of process industry, and
what are the future directions?
Although the viewpoint is lifecycle information in
process industry, the problems are analogous with
manufacturing and the related business.
The research method is constructive, starting with
a background survey in Section 2. For the basis of
the construct, Section 3 considers the practical busi-
ness needs of the exchange of lifecycle information.
Then, Section 4 outlines interoperability models and
standards that could and should contribute to digi-
tal ecosystems regarding lifecycle information in pro-
cess industry. These provide the components to show
which aspects of interoperability already exist and
which are still missing, indicating a research gap. Fi-
nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.
The ecosystem view of lifecycle information has
rarely been studied. The closest related research fields
are organizational interoperability in general and the
technical view of lifecycle information.
Enterprise modeling is a potential approach for
organizational interoperability. Model-driven meth-
ods would enable enterprises that adapt to changes in
a dynamic way, leading to sustainable interoperabil-
ity (Agostinho et al., 2016). Organizations should
constantly manage their enterprise models, making
these models a top priority and enabling the sens-
ing, smart, and sustainable (Sˆ3) enterprise (Weich-
hart et al., 2016). Furthermore, enterprise modeling
can, combined with knowledge representation, con-
tribute to organizational interoperability by enabling
reusable enterprise models (Weichhart et al., 2018).
Regarding the interaction of enterprises, the con-
cept ”digital business ecosystem” refers to a commu-
nity of business actors with digital information ex-
change. The concept is analogous to the biological
ecosystem, including the ”co-evolution” of the busi-
ness and the digital representations (Nachira et al.,
2007, p. 5). A business ecosystem involves a high
modularity and necessitates coordination, which is
more demanding than an open market or hierarchi-
cal supply chain (Pidun et al., 2019). The forma-
tion of the ecosystem can contain both bottom-up and
top-down elements, as the former contributes to co-
evolution and the latter to interoperability (Lenken-
hoff et al., 2018). To transform the production equip-
ment business from an open market to an ecosystem,
an ecosystem architecture has been proposed, but this
remains abstract and focuses on technology rather
than interoperability models (Kannisto et al., 2020).
Another study argues that systematically applied on-
tologies can lead to an ecosystem, but this requires
coordination (Ameri et al., 2022). The ecosystem can
even span multiple domains. These can, as assumed
in Industry Commons Ecosystem (ICE), co-operate in
a cross-domain manner by exploiting ”breakthrough
innovations”, which is enabled by seven layers that
include factors, such as societal values, ethics, envi-
ronment, contracts and legislation, intellectual prop-
erty, finance and payment systems, and data interop-
erability (Magas and Kiritsis, 2022).
Data-driven solutions have arisen in industrial sys-
tems recently, leading to goals for data sovereignty
and data autonomy. Data sovereignty refers to acting
according to the laws of the data origin, whereas data
autonomy means that the owner can determine who
can access its data and how to use it. Europe is lead-
ing this development, as European Commission has
announced ”a European strategy for data” that cov-
ers multiple data spaces, including industrial manu-
facturing, agriculture, green deal, and health, among
others (COM(2020) 66, 2020). The development has
resulted in a pursuit for platforms that aim to facili-
tate data sharing. In this effort, the initiative Gaia-X
aims to provide an appropriate infrastructure, whereas
International Data Spaces (IDS) target at controlling
data usage (Braud et al., 2021). Software is already
being developed for IDS, such as (Nast et al., 2020).
Multiple authors have studied semantic interoper-
ability. In data exchange, standardized properties for
the items can form the basis (Epple et al., 2017). Re-
garding the exchange of engineering data, there is a
need for consortia to reach and govern interoperabil-
ity (Fillinger et al., 2019). The application of the stan-
dard ISO 15926 has been studied for semantic inter-
operability (Kim et al., 2020). One study showed that
a fast data exchange solution may be tempting over a
slower standards-based one (Papakonstantinou et al.,
2019). The standards related to semantic interoper-
ability are referred to in Section 4.2.
To summarize, it appears that there is a research
gap between the domain-specific technology and gen-
EI2N 2022 - 16th IFAC/IFIP International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking
eral interoperability research. This leaves the organi-
zational aspects of process industry neglected.
3.1 Information Exchange
The lifecycle-related collaboration of process indus-
try has multiple challenges, resulting from the need
for interoperability. Earlier, these have been discussed
in (H
astbacka and M
asniemi, 2009) and (Kannisto
et al., 2020). Furthermore, this outline has been con-
tributed to by discussions with practitioners in Finnish
process industry although the issues are generally
similar all over the world.
The lifecycle processes in process industry, in-
cluding investment projects and O&M, are charac-
terized by a large number of heterogeneous business
actors. This complexity has led to a situation where
many aspects remain insufficiently covered by stan-
dardization despite a number of standards and the
large capital investment. Figure 1 illustrates the ac-
tors involved in the lifecycle of a plant, including
plant operators, equipment suppliers and manufactur-
ers, engineering agencies (investment projects only),
and maintance service providers (maintenance only).
For each actor but the operator, the figure presents the
most important types of lifecycle information deliv-
ered. The operator, on the other hand, needs data of
all of these types. Each actor and their tasks regarding
data delivery are explained in the following sections.
Plant operators
Maintenance service
Engineering agencies
Equipment suppliers
projects only
Product data and
Product data and
Product data and
Figure 1: The stakeholders generally involved in investment
projects and maintenance service as well as the data and
documents exchanged with plant operators.
The information exchanged between the actors is
inherently complex. This results from the complexity
of the processes and equipment. There are standards
for the data, but these have a modest rate of adoption
and often require customization. The following sub-
sections explain the role of each actor, whereas Sec-
tion 3.2 explains the issues of data handover.
Plant Operators. Plant operators utilize the pro-
duction equipment to make the end product. Regard-
less of the end product (e.g., food, chemicals, or met-
als), the industries process materials and must there-
fore measures, such as temperature, chemical concen-
tration, pressure, and mass. The processing requires
equipment, such as storages, pipes, valves, pumps,
and measurement equipment. For operation, the oper-
ators need to manage various types of information that
should become available during the lifecycle of the
plant. The operators must manage the requirements
of their production processes so that appropriate sys-
tems can be designed and built. During operation, the
operator needs information about the products so that
appropriate spare parts can be found and any updates
in the engineering design can be performed.
Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers.
Equipment manufacturers and suppliers provide
the production devices. The manufacturers build
the equipment, providing a selection with varying
characteristics and capabilities. Respectively, the
suppliers sell the equipment, but even the manufac-
turer can sell directly without a dedicated supplier.
The supplier provides a catalog to potential buyers
about the selection.
Upon selling equipment, the manufacturer or sup-
plier should provide the related data and documents.
The operator needs these for the subsequent main-
tenance and engineering activities. Unfortunately,
the structure of the equipment data is heterogeneous
and specific to each equipment type, such as pumps,
valves, and measurement devices. Furthermore, a set
of attachment documents must follow, including but
not limited to bills of materials and certificates.
Engineering Agencies. Engineering agencies sell
services to the operator as the operator has specialized
in process control rather engineering. The agency
must receive process requirements from the operator.
Based on these, the engineers design an implementa-
tion, choosing equipment from a supplier. Once the
design is complete, the agency should hand over its
design data to the operator. The complexity of this
data is similar to the equipment data as engineering
determines the equipment properties.
Maintenance Service Provider. Maintenance ser-
vice providers take care of equipment replacements
Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry
Receiving organizationSending organization
Generation of
Storage into
Export into format
agreed with recipient
Inspection; storage
into backend
Spreadsheet, PDF
Email, physical media, non-
standard cloud storages
Figure 2: Within the scope of lifecycle information, the stages required to deliver data between organizations, along with the
current delivery with a low automation degree. The stages are loosely based on (CFIHOS, 2021).
and the installation of spare parts as appropriate. The
service provider can have a storage to provide the
most commonly used products. The data delivery dif-
fers from an investment project due to its low volume
as the maintenance usally applies only to one piece
of equipment. Thus, to reduce the burden of data ex-
change, the service provider typically collects a data
batch to be delivered only every few months.
3.2 Issues in Data Delivery
Figure 2 illustrates the various stages required to de-
liver information from one organization to another
along with the manual delivery media. These stages
involve the generation of information, its storage lo-
cally, its export to a format suitable for communi-
cation, the actual delivery, inspection and storage in
the receiving end, and exploitation. These stages are
loosely based on (CFIHOS, 2021).
The state-of-art delivery occurs with tools that are
digitally accessible (spreadsheets and Portable Docu-
ment Format PDF) and use a medium with a low au-
tomation degree, i.e., email, cloud storages with no
support for standard data structures, or even physical
media (Kannisto et al., 2020). This is because there
are no tools to deliver the data in a format agreed by
all parties in the ecosystem. There are standards, but
their adoption rate is low and local customizations are
often necessary. Usually, the plant operator requests
to receive the technical data, such as equipment prop-
erties and engineering design, in its preferred spread-
sheet format. PDFs are applied for human-readable
documents, such as certificates and bills of material.
The manual spreadsheet-based process causes is-
sues in data quality and availability. Although spread-
sheets enable some automation, they are error-prone
and inefficient by leaving too much freedom to the
user. The actual content of the data fields often varies
after the preferences of the creator. Besides, the man-
ual process can cause a delay of months before the
equipment supplier or maintenance service provider
delivers the up-to-date equipment data after collecting
a batch after one-by-one replacements. Meanwhile,
the updates remain inaccessible to the operator.
The manual practices persist because there is no
ecosystem-wide governance. The plant operators,
as the ultimate customer, have the power regarding
which data formats are used, but these are operator-
specific. Even these processes could use a machine-
readable format, but the volume of data delivery has
been too low for a proper incentive. Besides, the op-
erators lack knowledge about ICT solutions and stan-
dards. A sufficient governance could change this.
4.1 Interoperability Models
Interoperability models enable practitioners to form
common concepts and structures to facilitate discus-
sion and the development of concrete solutions. This
section outlines models relevant in ICT and produc-
tion systems, the selection criteria being: either in-
volved in industrial research (1), designed for pro-
duction systems (2), or stems from a technological
background (3). Thus, the selected models are Euro-
pean Interoperability Framework (EIF), the data fed-
eration pyramid, and Reference Architectural Model
Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0). EIF is domain agnostic but
included as there are studies for production systems
(criterion 1), e.g., (Panetto et al., 2019). The data fed-
eration pyramid is domain agnostic as well but stems
from a technical motivation similar to this study (cri-
terion 3). Finally, RAMI 4.0 was created explicitly
for industrial systems (criteria 1–3). It remains future
work to include more of interoperability models espe-
cially from other domains for more of material.
4.1.1 EIF
EIF is a conceptual model about the elements of inter-
operability, published by European Commission (EIF,
2017). Figure 3 illustrates the elements. In the core,
there are interoperability layers called technical, se-
mantic, organizational, and legal. The element inter-
operability governance spans over each layer, refer-
ring to the decisions, structures, and arrangements re-
EI2N 2022 - 16th IFAC/IFIP International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking
quired to reach and maintain interoperability. Another
governance element, integrated public service gover-
nance, refers to involving or introducing the public
services necessary for persistent interoperability. This
covers security and privacy, information services, and
catalogs. Although EIF has been meant for public ser-
vices, its abstract, generic nature provides an analogy
with the industrial production operated by enterprises.
Interoperability governance
Integrated public
service governance
Figure 3: The elements of EIF. Modified, re-drawn based
on (EIF, 2017).
EIF is domain agnostic, but there is an extension
modeled for cyber-physical manufacturing systems.
This extends the layers of EIF with related elements.
The two lowest levels, technical and semantic inter-
operability, form the cyber world, whereas organiza-
tional and legal interoperability are the physical world
including people. The cyber world must enable the in-
teroperability of models, whereas the physical world
must enable knowledge transfer, resilience, and sus-
tainability. (Panetto et al., 2019)
4.1.2 Data Federation Pyramid
The data federation pyramid provides a layered inter-
operability model that builds upon a technical view-
point but places business needs as well as trust on
top of technology (see Figure 4). It shows how the
ICT domain initially struggled with interoperability
problems even regarding hardware and operating sys-
tems. Later however, the interoperability of software,
networks, and data representation has been accom-
plished. In the present days, the community works
on semantics and pragmatics. Pragmatics refers to
understanding what kind of requirements arise from
the interoperability effort, whereas trust refers to the
reliability of the data. (Bergman, 2018, pp. 69-71)
Software and database;
operating system; hardware
Data representation
Figure 4: The data federation pyramid. Modified, re-drawn
based on (Bergman, 2018, p. 71).
In the data federation pyramid, the two topmost
layers, pragmatics and trust, involve organizational
complexity whereas the others have a clear techni-
cal emphasis. Pragmatics is not to be confused with
pragmatic interoperability, which has no commonly
agreed definition (Asuncion and van Sinderen, 2010).
However, the concept resembles what is called or-
ganizational interoperability in EIF, although organi-
zational interoperability must be wider as it includes
more of aspects than only the pragmatic consequences
of aiming at interoperability. In the context of cross-
organizational interactions, pragmatics will result in
all of the collaborative effort required to reach inter-
operability. Bergman’s definition of trust is restricted
as it considers only reliability and thus lacks trust in
the data usage of collaborators in the spirit of data au-
4.1.3 RAMI 4.0
RAMI 4.0 provides a three-dimensional model for in-
teroperability as shown in Figure 5. The three di-
mensions are layers, hierarchy levels, and lifecycle
and value stream. From interoperability viewpoint,
the layers are most relevant, covering the physical as-
set, its connectivity with a communication protocol,
the information, functionality, and business. Com-
pared to EIF, this focuses more on devices and less
on business, containing no explicit element for gov-
ernance. The lifecycle dimension focuses on devices
and is therefore more restricted than the lifecycle of
entire plants. (Adolphs et al., 2015)
Life cycle and
value stream
Figure 5: RAMI 4.0 reference architecture. Modified, re-
drawn from (Kannisto et al., 2022), based on (Adolphs
et al., 2015).
RAMI 4.0 appears to be inspired by Smart Grid
Reference Architecture (SGAM). SGAM provides a
three-dimensional reference architecture for power
systems (SGAM, 2012). The most remarkable differ-
ence is that RAMI 4.0 replaced the power distribution
hierarchy with the lifecycle dimension.
Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry
4.1.4 Models Compared
Interoperability models are often layered and vary in
the level of detail depending on the domain. Com-
monly, the layers include technology or infrastructure
on the bottom, followed by semantics, business, and
legal, although not all models cover these aspects, as
indicated by a comparison of EIF, SGAM, and two
other interoperability models GridWise and eHealth
(Reif and Meeus, 2020). Still, some models intro-
duce more of aspects, as RAMI 4.0 has two additional
domain-specific dimensions and EIF provides an ab-
stract model for governance.
Although RAMI 4.0 stems from industrial do-
main, EIF appears best from the viewpoint of orga-
nizational coverage. EIF stresses the importance of
governance, whereas RAMI 4.0 focuses on what ap-
pears solely technical from EIF viewpoint. The data
federation pyramid is even more technical, providing
little elaboration about the two topmost layers that
cover organizational issues.
4.2 Standards
Several standards contribute to exchanging lifecycle
information in process industry. ISO 15926 con-
sists of multiple parts that aim for interoperability
for lifecycle information (ISO 15926, 2004). The
parts include, for instance, a data model and refer-
ence data library, providing generic concepts that en-
able application-specific extensions. From this foun-
dation, Data Exchange in Process Industry (DEXPI,
nd) has been created for the exchange of piping and
instrumentation diagrams. Capital Facilities Informa-
tion Handover Specification (CFIHOS, 2021) aims to
provide a ”common language” for the delivery of life-
cycle information. CFIHOS specifies properties and
equipment classes as the basis of common data in-
formation modeling. IEC 61987 series, such as (IEC
61987-10, 2009) for valve data, specifies structures to
deliver both equipment and engineering information,
among others. This list of standards is not exhaustive
but provides an overview with examples.
Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is an initiative
and standard to provide interoperability within the
value chain. AAS provides abstract information mod-
els, associating these to data models and communi-
cation protocols. Introduced along with RAMI 4.0,
AAS enables a standardized interface for assets to
provide their data (Adolphs et al., 2015). AAS is be-
ing standardized (AAS Pt. 1, 2022). Regarding AAS,
Digital Twin is a related concept, referring to the digi-
tal representation of a concrete object or process. One
aim of the concept is to facilitate the exchange of en-
gineering information (Sierla et al., 2020). Still, this
communication requires a concrete medium, which is
lacking from process industry at least. This study re-
gards Digital Twin as a container of data and models
that still requires concrete standards for the interfaces
that enable interoperability, thus providing no actual
interoperability tools.
Additionally, there is a group of competing
domain-agnostic standards to deliver business docu-
ments or messages in a standardized format as re-
viewed by (Chituc, 2017). This field is, therefore,
covered better than most of process-industry-specific
communication. Such business documents include,
for example, request for quotation, order, and in-
voice. The standards reviewed by Chituc include,
e.g., Universal Business Language (UBL), Open Ap-
plication Group Integration Specification (OAGIS),
RosettaNet, and Electronic Business using Extensible
Markup Language (ebXML). However, the standards
provide no help in exchanging lifecycle information.
Open Platform Communications Unified Archi-
tecture (OPC UA, 2017) provides standards for com-
munication in industrial plants but lacks a focus
on both cross-organizational communication schemes
and lifecycle information. Although the newer OPC
UA ”PubSub” specification (part 14) introduces data
models enabling cloud storage, there is no standard
medium for multi-actor schemes. Besides, OPC UA
lacks an information model for process requirements,
product and engineering data, and catalogs.
Despite a number of existing standards, their
adoption and influence on plant-lifecycle-related
business processes is limited. The reasons not to
adopt standards stem from the business environ-
ment, the organizations, and the standards themselves
(Braaksma et al., 2011). Clearly, the complexity
of the environment and information structures ham-
per digital interoperability efforts. Consequently, the
business practices remain heterogeneous, and there
are neither common information models nor appro-
priate data platforms.
4.3 Future Directions
Despite the challenges, there are initiatives to change
the situation. In Sweden and Finland, research in-
stitutes and companies organized an initiative called
Nordic Interoperability Cooperation (NIC) to recog-
nize new potential business models, Norway has been
involved in the discussions, and there are Europe-
wide efforts as well (SEIIA, 2022).
AAS aims to enable interoperability within the
value chain. It has gained the attention of scholars,
inspiring an entire workshop in 2022, e.g., (Jacoby
EI2N 2022 - 16th IFAC/IFIP International Workshop on Enterprise Integration, Interoperability and Networking
et al., 2022). Currently, AAS has a scope differ-
ent from lifecycle information where information and
data models as well as semantics are essential. To be
applicable for lifecycle data, AAS still necessitates a
related information model as well as some medium
and organization to maintain interoperability. It re-
mains to be seen if AAS will either extend its appli-
cability or at least inspire the development of lifecycle
information processing.
The themes data sovereignty and data autonomy
have gained interest, which can contribute to lifecycle
information as well. As these are domain-agnostic
topics, they again lack a direct contribution to se-
mantic interoperability and the related governance for
lifecycle information. However, the dataspaces Gaia-
X and IDS are penetrating even to industrial setups,
contributing to communication and data autonomy
ander et al., 2022).
Inspired from existing standards and frameworks,
Figure 6 illustrates how the current and future contri-
butions can enable interoperability for lifecycle infor-
mation. EIF is was chosen for the foundation due to
its emphasis on interoperability governance. The fig-
ure illustrates the four layers as well as the pervasive
governance. Each layer is explained in the following
organizations and
Commonly agreed
information models
Data mapping with
Commonly agreed
business processes
Clouds with Gaia-X
and IDS
ISO 15926
IEC 61987
RAMI 4.0
Organizational interoperability
Semantic interoperability
Technical interoperability
Legal interoperability
New contributions
from consortia
Figure 6: Standards and contributions regarding lifecycle
information in process industry; built upon (EIF, 2017).
The bottom layer covers technology, including
platforms, that enables data exchange in an au-
tonomous manner. Gaia-X and IDS provide the in-
frastructure and dataspaces. Furthermore, RAMI 4.0
and AAS provide communication interfaces.
The second layer is semantics, which is a per-
sistently challenging issue in lifecycle information.
Multiple standards contribute to this layer, at least
RAMI 4.0, AAS, ISO 15926, IEC 61987, CFIHOS,
and DEXPI. Of these, some provide static informa-
tion models, whereas others map these into ontolo-
gies. Ontologies help in various production-system-
related information management tasks (Batres, 2017).
The third layer refers to business processes, in-
cluding any common agreements for business-to-
business interaction. This is where new consortia are
necessary as there is currently no sufficient coordina-
tion regarding the application of information models
and the required technical platforms. Although RAMI
4.0 covers this area, it provides no concrete tools to
manage organizational interoperability. The consor-
tia can arise from existing national organizations or
the ones already developing the standards. In forming
such consortia, a rulebook from Sitra helps to create
a fair ecosystem (Rulebook for a Fair Data Economy,
The topmost layer, legal interoperability, is im-
plemented with Gaia-X that has data sovereignty as
a core goal. The layer still requires more of consid-
eration in an open consortium to guarantee suitability
for the specifics of process industry. The earlier men-
tioned Sitra rulebook helps here as well (Rulebook for
a Fair Data Economy, 2021).
4.4 Discussion
The proposed model, mapping standards and activi-
ties to EIF, is a potential approach for interoperabil-
ity regarding lifecycle information exchange in pro-
cess industry. Because the business is currently an
open market, the way for an interoperable ecosystem
is to increase coordination (Pidun et al., 2019). For
the concrete data exchange platform, there is no guar-
antee if Gaia-X is the solution, but at least its ideas
should be followed to reach data autonomy, which is
desirable to industrial actors to protect their property.
The model could still be more concrete requiring
the organizations of process industry. It could map
the concrete consortia of process industry into the fig-
ure and show their relationships with the non-domain-
specific items, such as Gaia-X and AAS. Clearly, suit-
ability to process industry can realize only if the do-
main demands a recognition for its requirements. Ad-
ditionally, the model could be seek for acceptance
within the business actors, such as operators and
equipment suppliers. This would increase credibil-
ity and potentially introduce new elements as well as
encourage discussion within the domain.
As a limitation, this study only considers lifecy-
cle information in process industry, excluding the ex-
plicit needs of other domains and activities. Still, en-
gineering, equipment, and maintenance are equally
important in manufacturing, and the respective in-
teroperability governance is necessary in any cross-
Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry
organizational communication that faces evolution re-
gardless of the domain.
This paper studied the support from models and stan-
dards for organizational interoperability in process in-
dustry, finally suggesting future directions. The au-
thors argue that the complex, heterogeneous nature of
enterprises and collaborative tasks effectively slows
down the progress towards common practices. Al-
though such practices would increase efficiency, it
will take a considerable effort from any enterprise.
Regarding interoperability models, it was discovered
that while some models mention organizational is-
sues, there is little concrete support, and others ex-
clude organizational factors altogether. Of the exam-
ined interoperability models, EIF provides the best
foundation by stressing interoperability governance,
a core element in sustainable interoperability. EIF
is, however, abstract and oriented to public services
rather than industrial production, lacking any con-
crete concepts for an ecosystem. Fortunately, ongoing
projects and proposal can relieve the interoperability
problems but only if the enterprises are ready to col-
laborate and participate in the bodies that govern stan-
dardization. Additionally, more work is necessary for
the data infrastructures, such as Gaia-X and IDS.
Considering the data federation pyramid sug-
gested by (Bergman, 2018, pp. 69-71), the challenges
of semantics and pragmatics still dominate the field
of interoperability. Semantic interoperability is cur-
rently partially reached as some information mod-
els are available and others not. Pragmatics is what
causes the most tangible interoperability issues as this
covers the actual realization of interoperability in the
everyday tasks.
For future work, there are multiple topics. First,
there could be contributions towards a concrete
ecosystem for lifecycle information, along with the
required coordination and governance, with both
bottom-up and top-down elements for both co-
evolution and interoperability (Lenkenhoff et al.,
2018). Second, the scope of the study could be ex-
tended to cross-domain scenarios. This could in-
clude, e.g., energy management and building infor-
mation modeling (BIM) as these should be consid-
ered in daily industrial operation to reach the green
transition. Third, the application of platforms, such
as Gaia-X, could be studied for interoperability and
data autonomy.
This work was supported by Business Finland [deci-
sion ID 45392/31/2020] via the project Nordic Inter-
operability Cooperation Finland (NIC FI). The funder
had no role in the actual research. The authors want
to express their sincere gratitude.
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Digitalized Cross-organizational Interoperability in Industrial Business Ecosystems: Implications and Models for Process Industry