Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through
Automatic Labeling
Danny Suarez Vargas
, Lucas R. C. Pessutto
and Viviane Pereira Moreira
Institute of Informatics, UFRGS, Brazil
Sentiment Analysis, Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction, Topic Models, Word-embeddings.
In sentiment analysis, there has been growing interest in performing finer granularity analysis focusing on
entities and their aspects. This is the goal of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis which commonly involves the
following tasks: Opinion Target Extraction (OTE), Aspect term extraction (ATE), and polarity Classification
(PC). This work focuses on the second task, which is the more challenging and least explored in the unsuper-
vised context. The difficulty arises mainly due to the nature of the data (user-generated contents or product
reviews) and the inconsistent annotation of the evaluation datasets. Existing approaches for ATE and OTE
either depend on annotated data or are limited by the availability of domain- or language-specific resources.
To overcome these limitations, we propose UNsupervised Aspect Term Extractor (UNATE), an end-to-end
unsupervised ATE solution. Our solution relies on a combination of topic models, word embeddings, and a
BERT-based classifier to extract aspects even in the absence of annotated data. Experimental results on datasets
from different domains have shown that UNATE achieves precision and F-measure scores comparable to the
semi-supervised and unsupervised state-of-the-art ATE solutions.
Currently, more than half of the world population has
access to the Internet (International Telecommunica-
tion Union, 2018). In this scenario, the large amount
of information freely available on the Web is a natural
consequence. More specifically, in the e-commerce
scenario, interactions between consumers that aim at
sharing useful information are frequent. There are dif-
ferent ways of conveying information and customer
reviews are one of them. Customer reviews have been
gaining more attention throughout the years because
of their usefulness when people wish to purchase a
product or service. Thus, it is not a surprise that on-
line reviews are listed among the top-four factors that
help people make purchase decisions (Jorij, 2017).
In this context, sentiment analysis (SA) (or opin-
ion mining) aims to help deal with the large amount
of data that one needs to process to make informed
decisions (e.g., the selection of products/services in
the e-commerce scenario). Since the earlier works
published on SA, and over the years, researchers in-
troduced contributions that resulted in a continuously
growing set of terminologies, definitions, sub-tasks,
and approaches. SA can be addressed at three lev-
els of granularity: document-level, sentence-level, or
aspect-level, where the latter is the most fine-grained
and challenging of the three.
Regarding the granularity of the analysis, while
earlier works focused on document and sentence lev-
els, more recently, the aspect-level gained attention.
Such solutions, known as Aspect-Based Sentiment
Analysis (ABSA) (Zhang and Liu, 2014) deal basically
with the tasks of extracting and scoring the opinion
expressed towards entities and their aspects. The en-
tities are the main topic mentioned in the text, and the
aspects are their attributes or features. For example, in
the sentence The decor of the restaurant is amazing
and the food was incredible”. The words “decor” and
food” are the aspects of the entity restaurant”. The
words amazing and incredible are the opinion
words with respect to the two aspects, and the polarity
label for the two aspects and for the entity is positive.
Typically, ABSA is divided into two steps: Informa-
tion Extraction and Polarity Classification (PC). The
first step comprises two subproblems, Opinion Target
Extraction (OTE) and Aspect Term Extraction (ATE).
Our focus is on the second subproblem, i.e., ATE. Re-
Vargas, D., Pessutto, L. and Moreira, V.
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0011549100003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 344-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
view texts can be ambiguous and contain acronyms,
slang, and misspellings. Thus, extracting fine-grained
information from reviews is challenging. The level
of difficulty of this task can be illustrated by the
fact that the best performing semi-supervised meth-
ods achieved an F1 of 0.76 (Wu et al., 2018) at the
SemEval 2014 dataset on the Restaurant domain. Un-
supervised methods achieve even lower scores, with
the best result for the same Restaurant dataset being
F1 = 0.64 (Venugopalan and Gupta, 2020).
Another issue that contributes to the difficulty is
that aspects could be multiword expressions. The task
asks for the exact matching of start and end bound-
aries of an extracted aspect. For example, consider the
input sentence (1) The fried rice is amazing here”.
The ATE solution could extract only the word rice
and ignore the adjectival modifier fried”. However,
if the annotated aspect for the sentence considers the
two-word expression fried rice as the correct as-
pect, the word “rice” will be considered an erroneous
aspect even when it represents a desired aspect.
Existing solutions suffer from two main draw-
backs: supervised and semi-supervised approaches
depend on annotated data and unsupervised ap-
proaches are limited by the availability of domain-
or language-specific resources. Relying on annotated
data is problematic because it requires significant
manual effort to build. Domain- or language-specific
resources (large set of rules, lexicons, and error-prone
tools such as dependency tree algorithms) are not al-
ways available, or even they report poor performance
in languages other than English. An unsupervised ap-
proach that relies on a few sets of rules, exploits the
availability of large non-annotated data on the Web,
and uses the best established Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) tools is a desirable solution. The unsu-
pervised approach and the low dependency on domain
and language-specific resources enable adapting the
ATE solution across domains. Our main contribution
is the proposal of UNsupervised Aspect Term Extrac-
tor (UNATE), a simple end-to-end unsupervised so-
lution for ATE. For a given domain, UNATE returns
their aspects. UNATE does not require annotated data
as it can automatically label aspects. We ran an ex-
perimental evaluation on datasets from different do-
mains with the goal of answering the following re-
search questions:
RQ1. Can our unsupervised approach achieve re-
sults that are comparable to the state-of-the-art un-
supervised ATE methods?
RQ2. Is it possible to replace the manual annota-
tion of entities and their aspects by an automatic
method and achieve comparable performance in
Our evaluation showed that UNATE (i) achieves
the best F1 among all unsupervised baselines for the
restaurant domain and the second-best result for the
laptop domain; (ii) results for precision and recall in
both domains are close to the best scoring unsuper-
vised baseline in both domains despite using fewer
resources; and (iii) outperforms the supervised base-
lines from SemEval.
This section introduces the terminology, tasks, and
methods that are used in this work.
2.1 Terminology and Tasks
A review represents the main input to SA solutions.
This input conveys one or more opinions about a
given product or service (Liu, 2012). For a given re-
view, it is possible to identify the concepts of Domain,
Entity, and Aspect which are used to refer to different
levels of granularity (Pontiki et al., 2014; Liu, 2015).
The domain is used to label an entire dataset with the
broader subject that it refers to (e.g., restaurant, elec-
tronic products, etc.). A domain is identified by a do-
main word, i.e., its name. An entity is used to label
an individual review text or sentence. The entity can
be considered as the broader topic of a given sentence
(e.g., food, service, and price are topics of the restau-
rant domain). The third concept aspect is used to de-
scribe features of a given entity (e.g., pizza and sushi
are aspects of the food entity). Finally, these three
concepts can be Implicit (i.e., not present in the text)
or Explicit (i.e., present in the text).
Aspect Term Extraction (ATE) and Opinion Tar-
get Extraction (OTE) are defined as the extraction
of entities and their aspects (attributes and features).
Specifically, for a given text, OTE extracts entities and
their aspects while ATE only extracts the aspects of a
given entity (Pontiki et al., 2014, 2015). For exam-
ple, in the sentence s =“Great Laptop, I love the op-
erating system and the preloaded software., the de-
sired OTE output is a set of entities and aspect terms
at = {Laptop”, operating system”, preloaded soft-
ware}, while the desired ATE output for the entity
Laptop is the set of aspect terms {operating sys-
tem”, “preloaded software}.
2.2 Supporting Techniques
Topic Models. Topic models or probabilistic topics
models are a suite of machine learning/ NLP algo-
rithms. Their goal is to find latent semantic structures
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling
from raw text data by using the relation between three
components: documents, words, and topics. The first
and second components represent the observed data,
while the third component is the desired information
to be extracted. Topic models work over a genera-
tive assumption: the model assumes that the topics are
generated first, before the documents (Blei, 2012).
Word Embeddings. For a given corpus of raw data,
word embeddings learn the distributional representa-
tion of words by exploiting word co-occurrences. As
a result, the embeddings model the semantic and syn-
tactic similarities between words. Thus, it is possi-
ble to measure the probability of a word in a sentence
even when this sentence was not seen before during
training. Several word embeddings algorithms were
proposed, including Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013),
Glove (Pennington et al., 2014), and FastText (Bo-
janowski et al., 2016).
Clustering and Silhouette Score. For a given set of
data items, clustering is an unsupervised process that
aims at creating k groups of items concerning a par-
ticular property. We can compare clusters obtained
for different k values by evaluating two measures: co-
hesion and separation. Cohesion measures how sim-
ilar items of a given group are, and separation mea-
sures how different the items of different groups are.
The desired characteristics clustering are high cohe-
sion and separation. The silhouette score aggregates
cohesion and separation and can be used as a single
measure to assess the clustering quality.
Anomaly detection. This task aims to find instances
of a dataset that do not follow an expected behav-
ior. These discordant instances are often referred to
as anomalies or outliers. The anomaly detection task
is particularly relevant when we want to perform data
exploration to exploit the knowledge embedded in
these instances (Chandola et al., 2009).
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers. BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) is the
best-known transformer-based model which helps the
research community to outperform state-of-the-art
in several NLP tasks. The transformer model can
be described as a stack of layers where each layer
processes information through multiple self-attention
mechanisms to obtain an encoded representation of
texts. In other words, BERT encodes information
through its stack of layers capturing linguistic and
world knowledge information for a large amount
of text data (Rogers et al., 2020). The workflow
of BERT consists of two steps (Pre-training and
This section surveys related work in ATE. We start by
introducing the seminal approaches and then move on
to recent methods.
There are ve basic approaches for ATE, namely:
frequency-based, rule-based, sequential models, topic
models, and deep learning.
The main advantage of the frequency-based ap-
proach (Hu and Liu, 2004) is that it is a simple and
unsupervised solution which only relies on the co-
occurrence of words such as nouns or adjectives. Its
disadvantage is that these words do not always rep-
resent aspects (leading to false positives). The topic
model approach (Brody and Elhadad, 2010) also has
the advantage of being unsupervised but, unlike the
frequency-based approach, it does not take into ac-
count word order or co-occurrence information. In-
stead, it considers that each word in a corpus is gener-
ated independently – this is the main disadvantage of
this category of approaches which is responsible for
the poor quality of the extracted aspects. The rule-
based approach (Qiu et al., 2011) has the advantage
of being more discriminative than the topic model ap-
proach. The goal is to reduce the number of false
positives, but it has the disadvantage of being semi-
supervised and requiring a computationally expensive
linguistic resource to generate the dependency tree
of texts. The sequential model approach (Jakob and
Gurevych, 2010) has the advantage of exploring the
fact that the input data (text) is sequential. For years,
solutions based on sequential model algorithms like
Conditional Random Fields (CRF), represented the
state-of-the-art. However, they are a supervised and
laborious option that relies on feature-engineering.
Finally, deep learning solutions (Liu et al., 2015; Luo
et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2018) represent the current
state-of-the-art. Their main advantage is that they can
automatically infer features from large amounts of an-
notated data. Their main disadvantage is that they re-
quire significant computational power.
The works that are more closely related to ours are
either unsupervised or semi-supervised (i.e., methods
that use a few annotated instances). There are four
methods that fit into these categories and that we use
as baselines. Next, we briefly describe them.
Garcıa-Pablos et al. (2014) proposed an adapta-
tion of the double propagation algorithm Qiu et al.
(2011). The proposed approach used a set of propa-
gation rules, a part-of-speech (POS) tagger, and a de-
pendency parser over domain-related non-annotated
data to expand an initial set of seed words (aspects
and opinions).
Giannakopoulos et al. (2017) organized their work
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Comparative Table of Resource Usage of Baseline works and UNATE.
Methods Lexicon Seed Words External data Dep. Parser
Garcıa-Pablos et al. (2014) No Yes Yes Yes
Giannakopoulos et al. (2017) Yes No Yes No
Wu et al. (2018) Yes No Yes Yes
Venugopalan and Gupta (2020) Yes Yes Yes No
UNATE No No Yes No
into three steps. In the first step, it performs phrase
extraction by selecting the high-quality ones using
their frequency on a given corpus. In the second step,
aspect candidates are obtained by pruning the high-
quality phrases. The pruning process uses a combina-
tion of sentiment lexicons and syntactic rules. Finally,
in the third step, the aspect candidates are used to per-
form aspect-level annotation of sentences to train a
bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory classifier, in
conjunction with CRF (Bi-LSTM-CRF).
Wu et al. (2018) proposed an automatic data an-
notation method to train a recurrent neural network
classifier. This work follows three steps. In the first
step, It extracts noun phrases as aspect candidates. In
the second step, domain-correlation and opinion lex-
icon filter out undesired candidates. Finally, in the
third step, the aspect candidates are used to perform
aspect-level annotation of sentences to train a recur-
rent neural network classifier.
Venugopalan and Gupta (2020) proposed a three-
module solution. In the first module, they use Named-
Entity Recognition (NER), Part-of-speech Tagging
(POS), and Dependency Parsing to perform data pre-
processing. In the second module, they perform the
aspect candidate extraction using a predefined set of
rules and a domain-specific sentiment lexicon. Fi-
nally, in the third module, they prune the aspect can-
didates by calculating their similarities w.r.t a prede-
fined seed aspect terms.
The baselines share similarities. Two steps are
common in all solutions: aspect term candidate gen-
eration and the subsequent pruning of the undesired
aspects. External data (i.e., unannotated data that are
not part of the dataset) is always considered to per-
form at least one of the two steps, and the POS tag-
ger is the principal resource used to find multiword
aspect terms. Table 1 summarizes compares the base-
lines and UNATE in terms of resource usage. We can
see that all baselines use at least two out of the four
resources while UNATE uses only one.
This section describes UNATE, a simple unsuper-
vised similarity-based solution for ATE. The intuition
behind UNATE is to use different strategies to gen-
erate aspect term candidates (i.e., to enhance recall)
and then prune to select the best candidates (improv-
ing precision). UNATE is composed of five tasks de-
picted in Figure 1. The first three steps in UNATE aim
at ensuring high recall while the last two steps focus
on precision. The next subsections describe each step.
4.1 Topic Extraction and Selection
The goal of this task is to automatically extract a set
of representative topics (i.e., the vocabulary that char-
acterizes the domain of interest) from the raw data in
a given domain. In order to achieve that, we rely on
topic models and word-embeddings. The intuition is
to combine the unsupervised capabilities of the for-
mer and the ability to capture semantics of the latter.
Topic Extraction and Selection (Step 1) receives three
inputs the raw domain data (Input D), domain em-
beddings (Input E
), and a parameter value θ, which
tells the number of topics to be considered. The pro-
cess is as follows. First, the raw data is pre-processed
through sentence splitting and tokenization. Then, the
pre-processed raw data is used to extract and select a
set of representative topic words (through topic ex-
traction, clustering, and selection). Topic extraction
extracts the θ words with the highest probability of
being topics. This is achieved by applying a topic
modeling algorithm and directly extracting the top-θ
words. Topic clustering, for a given θ-value, is re-
sponsible for finding the best clustering configuration
(the best number of clusters to group the θ topics).
First, the vector representation of each topic t
(i =
1, 2, ..., θ) is obtained. Then, θ 2 executions of a
clustering algorithm are performed and their silhou-
ette scores are measured. Finally, the cluster config-
uration with the closest silhouette score in relation to
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling
Extraction and
(Step 1)
Rule-based Aspect
Term Candidate
(Step 3)
Aspect Term
Candidate Extraction
(Step 2)
Sentence 1
Sentence 2
. . .
Sentence n
( )
Automatic Data
(Step 4)
Sentence-labeled 1
Sentence-labeled 2
. . .
Sentence-labeled n
( I )
(Step 5)
( B )
( B )
Figure 1: UNATE framework.
the mean is selected. Selection is responsible for iden-
tifying the cluster that contains the words that better
represent the given domain. To do that, we propose a
similarity-based algorithm, described as follows. The
algorithm assigns a real value r to each cluster. For
each cluster, its r-value is calculated by averaging the
similarity values of all two-word combinations of the
topics. Finally, the cluster with the highest r value is
selected. This way, we consider each word in the se-
lected cluster as a representative topic for a given do-
main. At the end of this process, we obtain Output C,
which consists of k topic words.
4.2 Similarity-based Aspect Term
Candidate Extraction
The goal of this step is to generate aspect term can-
didates relying on the similarity with the desired do-
main. We start by identifying single words and then
search for multiwords. The inputs here are: the topics
that were generated in Step 1 (C), generic embeddings
), and a parameter λ, which controls the number
of candidates to be generated.
The tasks in this step are detailed in Figure 2
through an example. Let E
be a word embeddings
model on the generic domain G, B
is a matrix of
n sentences and m words, and C = w
, w
, .., w
is a
list of k topic words. We start by obtaining two ma-
trices, B
, which represent the pre-
processed and the POS-tagged versions of B, respec-
tively. Next, we define the extraction process as the
composition of three functions h( j( f )): measuring
Similarity ( f ), selecting single word candidates ( j),
and multiword searching (h).
Measuring similarity ( f ). Function ( f ), for measur-
ing similarity, takes three inputs: (i) the pre-processed
version of the test sentences B
, (ii) the list of
topic words C , and (iii) the generic embeddings E
The output of f is the similarity matrix S
where each real value s
represents the similarity be-
tween each word b
w.r.t. each topic word c
C by using their vector representations in E
For a given sentence b B
which consists of
m words, our goal here is analogous to the attention
mechanism in neural networks. The difference is that
while the attention mechanism assigns real values (at-
tention) to each word in b concerning its neighbor-
hood (context), our similarity function assigns real
values (similarity) to each word in b in relation to a
fixed set of topic words C . For example, for the topic
word w
=“ f ood C, a word b
=“pizza B
, and
a word embeddings model in the Generic domain E
f calculates the real value s
which rep-
resents the importance of b
(i.e., the word p
ızza) in
relation to w
(i.e., the topic word food).
The cosine is used to quantify the similarity of a
given word w
in relation another word w
, or a group
of words W . In this function, we use two types of
similarity values. The first one is the direct similarity
(DSim), which is obtained by the direct comparison
of two words. The second one is the contextual simi-
larity (CSim), which is obtained by the comparison of
two words in relation to contextual words, i.e., neigh-
boring words that are used as cues to find the similar-
ity value. Finally, the similarity values are obtained
by averaging the direct and contextual similarities of
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
n x m)
1)The organic dog is
2)Unfriendly waiters but
beautiful decor.
n)Always good fresh
1) food
2) service
k) ambiance
n x m)
1) _ organic dog is
awesome _
2)Unfriendly waiters but
beautiful decor _
n) Always good fresh
ingredients _
n x m)
(k x n x m)
(z, y, x)
Selecting Single Word
(n x m)
Part-of-speech tagging
(y, x)
n x m)
1) The organic dog is
2) Unfriendly waiters
but beautiful decor.
n) Always good fresh
Figure 2: Example the process for similarity-based aspect term candidate extraction (step 2 in Fig. 1) .
each word B
w.r.t. a list of topic words C . For
example, if we consider the laptop domain, the topic
word display”, and the sentence “The notebook is
beautiful, I love the clear resolution” which is a row
of m words B
, the similarity function should as-
sign a higher score to the word resolution and lower
scores to the other words. However, if an adjective
such as “clear” always appears near our target (i.e.,
resolution), direct similarity may inappropriately as-
sign a high score to it. To avoid assigning high scores
to words that are unlikely to be aspects in the domain
of interest, we rely on contextual similarity. Contex-
tual similarity solves this problem by using a set of
words that represents the words that we do not want
as output. These words guide the similarity algorithm
into the correct direction. For contextual similarity,
we use a set of positive and negative words, i.e., posi-
tive words are related to the topic of interest, while the
negative words belong to the remaining topics. For
example, for a given topic word w
from a list of topic
words C, and a word b
from input B
, we obtain the
contextual similarity of b
w.r.t. w
by considering
as the unitary set of positive words W
, and W
C - w
as the set of negative words.
DSim b
= max
, w
) (1)
CSim b
, w
, w
) (2)
where cos is the cosine similarity between two vec-
tors. For a given word b
, a set of positive words
, and a set of negative words W
, we use Equa-
tion 1 to measure the direct similarity and Equation 2
to measure the contextual similarity.
Selecting Single Word Candidates ( j). The second
function ( j), for identifying single word aspect can-
didates, takes three inputs, the pre-processed n sen-
tences of m words B
, its similarity values w.r.t.
k topics S
, and anomaly detection parameter
λ, and returns a matrix U
which allows us to
know whether a word in B represents an single word
aspect candidate. Function j can be described as a
sequence of two sub-functions, j
and j
, where j
works at word level and j
works at sentence level.
First, sub-function j
takes the three dimensional ma-
trix S
and transforms it into a two dimensional
matrix S
, where each s
S is obtained by ag-
gregating the k similarity values of b
in S. Next,
the second sub-function j
, builds our desired single
word aspect candidate matrix U
by initializing
all cells with False. Then, for each row s
S which
consists of m cells, j
finds the best similarity rated
ones and labels them with True. We define the first
sub-function j
as the simple average aggregation of k
values, and the second sub-function j
as an anomaly
detection task. We hypothesize that the average ag-
gregation captures the relevance of a given word in
relation to k topics, and the anomaly detection algo-
rithm extracts the most salient words in a sentence.
Furthermore, we use the parameter λ in function j
to define the desired proportion of outliers we want to
obtain as single word aspect candidates.
Multiword searching (h). Finally, the third function
(h) is designed to determine whether a single word
aspect u
U is part of a multiword. This function
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling
takes three inputs: (i) the input sentences B
, (ii)
its pre-processed version
, and (iii) the matrix
of single words U
. Our goal here is to use the
single word aspects found by function j jointly with
the POS-tag information of
B. In greater detail, for
each cell u
U of a given row u
which has the a
True value, function h verifies whether u
is part of
a multiword. This verification process relies on the
POS-tag information of the surroundings cells, i.e.,
cells on the left and right are checked in order to la-
bel them as aspect or not. In this function, we use the
higher probability of nouns being aspects to extend an
aspect single word to a multiword only when its sur-
rounding cells are nouns. In summary, for each sin-
gle word aspect in B, function h checks the surround-
ing words and uses the POS-tag information to decide
whether to extend an aspect to a multiword. Finally, h
returns the similarity-based aspect term candidates as
our output B
4.3 Rule-based Aspect Term Candidate
The subject-verb-object form is the predominant
sentential form in English and many other lan-
guages (Han, 2009). Thus, one could use a small
set of rules to identify aspect term candidates. This
sentential form is represented in our context by the
sequential rule that contains the following POS tags
Noun, Verb, and Adjective/Adverb. We name this
rule the fundamental rule. For example, the sen-
tence The food was incredible follows the funda-
mental rule. The word food is the noun, was is
the verb, and “incredible” is the adjective modifier of
the noun. To increase the utility of the fundamental
rule, we model it as a triplet (Target, Link, Opinion),
where target is the entity or aspect being evaluated,
opinion is the modifier of the target, and link repre-
sents the co-dependency of opinions and targets. This
model helps us consider single-word and multiword
occurrences as valid components. For example, the
single word screen and the multiword resolution
screen are valid target components. The link and
opinion components follow the same logic to consider
single-word and multiword occurrences. In summary,
targets could be nouns or noun phrases, links could
be verbs or compound verbs, and opinions could be
adjectives/adverbs or compound adjectives/adverbs.
This task takes the pre-processed and the POS-tagged
versions of B. For each sentence in B, the output B
consists of the original sentence along with the corre-
sponding triplets.
4.4 Automatic Data Annotation
In any domain, it is important to distinguish aspects
that indeed belong to the domain (i.e., target) from
aspects that belong to a generic domain. For exam-
ple, in the sentences The food was incredible and
The weather was incredible”, food is a target from
the restaurant domain while weather is not. Our as-
sumption is that If we have enough domain-specific
data, domain-generic data, a set of domain-specific
topics, and our fundamental rule, we can build a
classifier capable of distinguishing between domain-
specific and domain-generic aspects. In order to train
this classifier, this step automatically generates the
training data. Positive (in-domain) and negative (out-
of-domain) instances are required. Positive instances
come from the domain data (D) and the negative in-
stances come from the generic data (G). The triplets
are obtained for both D and G using the fundamental
rule. Using the entire set of sentence-triplets is not
ideal since rules can generate false positives and false
negatives that would lower the classifier performance.
Thus, we only select sentence-triplets for which there
is a high confidence as to which class they belong to.
This selection is based on two similarity thresholds
α and β, which controls the quality of the in-domain
and out-of-domain instances, respectively. Instances
with similarity α w.r.t. the k topics are kept as pos-
itive training instances (remove false positives). For
the negative instances, the idea is to discard the ones
that may be aspects in the domain (remove false neg-
atives). Thus, if their similarity with the k topics β
are discarded from the negative instances. Intuitively,
α should have a lower value than β.
4.5 Candidate Pruning
Once the training instances were generated in step 4,
here they are used to fine-tune a BERT-based classi-
fier. This classifier is used to prune the aspect term
candidates generated in steps 2 and 3.
4.6 Parameters
UNATE has four parameters λ, α, and β (which range
from 0 to 1) and θ N. The behavior of Steps 1 and 2
is controlled by θ and λ. We observe that larger values
for these two parameters result in a greater number of
aspect term candidates and vice-versa.
Steps 4 and 5 are affected by α and β. α works
over the domain data and represents the minimum
similarity value of aspect term candidates w.r.t the
topics selected in Step 1. The β value works over
the generic data and represents the maximum simi-
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Dataset Statistics.
Dataset Name Domain # sentences Description
Sem2014-Rest Restaurant
3041 Train Data
800 Test Data
Sem2014-Lapt Laptop
3045 Train Data
800 Test Data
Table 3: External Raw Data Statistics.
Raw Data Name Domain # sentences
TripRawData Restaurant 0,73 M
AmazonRawData Software & Celphones 1,48 M
WikiRawData Generic 1,12 M
larity value of aspect term candidates w.r.t the topics
selected Step 1. The combination of a high α and a
low β yields a better filtering of aspect term candi-
dates. Large α values mean that a given aspect term
candidate should be very similar to one or more topics
(to be considered as desired aspect). A lower β means
that a given aspect term candidate should not be sim-
ilar to any topic extracted in Step 1 (to be considered
as a undesired aspect).
In summary, large values for θ and λ increase the
number of aspect term candidates; large values for α
increase accuracy in the selection of domain-related
aspect terms; and low values for β guarantee good
performance in distinguishing between desired and
non-desired aspect terms.
In this section, we describe the experiments per-
formed to test UNATE in different contexts.
5.1 Materials and Methods
Datasets. The source of data is the SemEval eval-
uation campaign (2014
. This event released two
datasets for the ATE task in 2014. We use these
datasets in their original form to further comparison
with our ATE baseline works. Each dataset contains
sentences from which aspects will be extracted and it
has ground truth annotations (i.e., the expected out-
puts) to allow the calculation of the evaluation met-
rics. Datasets are summarized in Table 2.
External Data. For the restaurant domain, we col-
lected raw text data from TripAdvisor
. For the lap-
top domain, we collected raw text data from a pub-
licly available Amazon dataset
. For the generic do-
main, we collected raw text data from a publicly
available Wikipedia dump
. The statistics of the ex-
ternal data are summarized in Table 3.
Evaluation Metrics. The three typical metrics used
in classification tasks are Precision, Recall, and F1.
Precision quantifies, among the instances that were
classified as belonging to a class c
what proportion
indeed belongs to c
, according to the ground truth.
Recall measures the proportion of instances that be-
long to class c
, according to the ground truth, that
were classified as such. The F1, is the weighted har-
monic between precision and recall. When both pre-
cision and recall receive the same weight, the metric
is called F1 and it is the standard metric for ATE.
Baselines. We compared UNATE with the following
the supervised baseline used in SemEval 2014 pro-
vided by the task organizers (Pontiki et al., 2014),
which belongs to the frequency-based approach;
a semi-supervised baseline (Wu et al., 2018), de-
scribed in Section 3; and
three unsupervised methods (Garcıa-Pablos et al.,
2014; Giannakopoulos et al., 2017; Venugopalan and
Gupta, 2020) also described in Section 3.
5.2 Experimental Setup
Experimental results for all methods were calculated
for the test data (Table 2). As external data (Input D),
UNATE used TripRawData for the restaurant domain
and AmazonRawData for the laptop domain. Wiki-
RawData was used as generic data (Input G) in both
We followed the same pre-processing steps for
our three inputs (i.e., sentence splitting, word tok-
enization, and POS tagging) using the default con-
figurations from NLTK
and Stanford CoreNLP
was used to create domain embeddings
) and (E
) with the skipgram model, window size
= 5, and 200 dimensions. Pre-trained embeddings
were used as generic
embeddings (E
) in all cases. For topic extraction,
the Mallet
implementation of Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA) was applied on the domain data using
θ values ranging from 6 to 12. Topic clustering and
selection were performed using E
and the default
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling
configurations of k-means and Silhouette Score
Similarity-based aspect term candidates (Step 2)
were generated for ten λ values. Rule-based aspect
term candidate extraction (Step 3) does not have pa-
For automatic data annotation (Step 4), we exper-
imented with α values ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 and
with β values ranging from 0.45 to 0.55. We used the
resulting annotated data to build instances for fine-
tuning a pre-trained BERT model
. Each instance
consists of a value-label pair. The value is in the form:
[CLS] Target [SEP] Link [SEP] Opinion”, where the
label is 0 or 1. We tested with the number of epochs
ranging for 1 to 4. The best accuracy-loss relation was
achieved with 2 epochs. We built 240k and 218k au-
tomatically annotated instances for the restaurant and
laptop domains, respectively. The parameters were
θ = 12, α = 0.25, β = 0.55, and λ = 1.0.
5.3 Results
The results for UNATE and the baselines are shown
in Table 4. In comparison with the unsupervised base-
lines, UNATE has the best F1 results in the restau-
rant domain and second best in the laptop domain.
UNATE outperforms the supervised baseline by a
wide margin in terms of recall and F1. The best
scoring method for precision (Giannakopoulos et al.,
2017) relies on a lexicon and yet its recall results are
lower than UNATEs. The best scoring method for
recall Venugopalan and Gupta (2020) also requires a
lexicon and seed words and its precision is lower than
UNATE’s. The semi-supervised baseline (Wu et al.,
2018) outperformed UNATE. However, it requires a
sample of annotated data, a lexicon, and a dependency
parser. Based on these results, the answer to RQ1 -
Can our unsupervised approach achieve results that
are comparable to the state-of-the-art unsupervised
ATE methods? is yes.
To answer our second research question Is it pos-
sible to replace the manual annotation of entities and
their aspects by an automatic method and achieve
comparable performance in ATE?, we used our ap-
proach in conjunction with a supervised method – the
baseline used in SemEval 2014 (Pontiki et al., 2014).
The baseline run (SemEval
) was the same provided
by the SemEval organizers. It takes the aspects that
are provided in the training set and uses them to ex-
tract aspects on the test set. The unsupervised run
) uses the training instances as Input B for
UNATE, but ignores the aspect labels. The entire pro-
cess depicted in Figure 1) is performed. We obtain
Output B
, i.e., sentences labeled with aspect infor-
mation. In other words, we are automatically anno-
tating the training instances without supervision. Fi-
nally, Output B
is fed to the baseline which performs
ATE. The results are in Table 5. For the restaurant do-
main, our automatic method for data annotation im-
proves the performance of SemEval
in all metrics.
Recall was substantially enhanced by 15 percentage
points. This happens because UNATE provides the
classifier with a greater variety of aspects in differ-
ent contexts that come from the external data. On
the other hand, in the laptop domain, SemEval
lower scores in all metrics compared to SemEval
This can be attributed to the fact that the external data
(i.e., Amazon reviews) has important differences in
relation to the test data. Amazon reviews tend to be
longer, more descriptive and less opinionated than re-
views in the test dataset. In fact, the scores of all
methods are lower in the laptop dataset. This is due
to characteristics of the domain aspects tend to be
longer e.g., performance and feature set of the hard-
ware and less frequent. Although UNATE did not
improve the results of the supervised method in the
laptop domain, it can still be considered as an alterna-
tive when there is no training data available.
The limitations of UNATE are the need for exter-
nal data and a POS tagger. External data can be au-
tomatically collected without human intervention and
POS taggers are more widely available than depen-
dency parsers that are required by some approaches.
This paper proposed UNATE, an unsupervised ap-
proach for aspect term extraction that aims at circum-
venting two limitations existing approaches, namely
the dependency on annotated data or the need for
language, and specific resources. UNATE relies on
topic models, word embeddings, and external (un-
labeled) data to automatically annotate review sen-
tences. Then, a fine-tuned BERT classifier identifies
aspect terms in a given domain.
We experimented with UNATE in two standard
datasets for aspect term extraction in different do-
mains restaurants and laptops. Our results showed
that UNATE outperforms the baselines in the restau-
rant domain and comes in second place in the laptop
domain. We also tested whether UNATE can be used
to automatically label instances to train a supervised
method. We found that in the restaurant domain the
results of the baseline improved with UNATEs au-
tomatic labeling but the same did not happen in the
laptop domain. Still, our approach can represent a vi-
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: ATE results. Best unsupervised results in bold.
Method Type
Sem2014-Rest Sem2014-Laptop
P R F1 P R F1
SemEval (Pontiki et al., 2014) Supervised 0.52 0.43 0.47 0.44 0.30 0.36
Wu et al. (2018) Semi-Supervised 0.73 0.79 0.76 0.56 0.67 0.61
Garcıa-Pablos et al. (2014) Unsupervised 0.56 0.65 0.61 0.32 0.43 0.37
Giannakopoulos et al. (2017) Unsupervised 0.74 0.42 0.54 0.67 0.31 0.42
Venugopalan and Gupta (2020) Unsupervised 0.53 0.82 0.64 0.45 0.69 0.55
UNATE Unsupervised 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.51 0.43 0.47
Table 5: ATE with an automatically annotated dataset.
Sem2014-Rest Sem2014-Laptop
P R F1 P R F1
0.52 0.43 0.47 0.44 0.30 0.36
0.56 0.58 0.57 0.33 0.19 0.24
able alternative when no annotation is available.
As future work, we plan to use UNATE to auto-
matically generate a domain lexicon that can be used
in tasks such as aspect classification, clustering, and
visualization. Finally, like Tubishat et al. (2021), we
could explore a larger set of rules.
Acknowledgments: This work has been financed in
part by CAPES Finance Code 001 and CNPq/Brazil.
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