have different objectives. For example, in an
industrial environment, generally, the aim is to
maximize the quality of a product while the cost must
be minimized.
Currently, there are several techniques and
computational algorithms developed for application
in multi-objective optimization (MOP) problems
motivated by the vast area of application (Coello
Coello, 2013). Many researches show good results
obtained over the years in this field for example
(Fonseca et al., 1995) (Altinoz et al., 2015) (Jiang et
al., 2016). The most used methodologies include the
use of genetic algorithms and are based on the Pareto
optimality concept. Such an approach comprises a
border with several solutions considered optimal in
relation to the analyzed objectives. This methodology
is characterized by having an a-posteriori articulation,
that is, the search process is performed autonomously,
and after obtaining the solutions, an expert must make
a choice to decide which is the best solution to be used
for the problem. The process of choosing the solution
considered acceptable, with a large number of
possibilities and variables involved, is not a trivial
task and requires experience and expert knowledge.
In this way, the articulation of the designer's
preferences made a-priori, that is, before the
execution of the algorithm, and the use of a technique
capable of translating the preferences in a simpler and
more understandable way are essential.
This article deals with the design of analog
electronic circuits to generate fuzzy membership
functions, in order to modify the traditional
evaluation form of a genetic algorithm to enable the
evaluation of multiple objectives. To this end, it was
chosen to use a fuzzy system that aggregates the
various objectives (Reiser at al., 2013), (Mardani et
al., 2015). The use of fuzzy systems makes it possible
to simultaneously evaluate all objectives, integrating
user preferences in relation to each objective and each
situation. This feature is an advantage over multi-
objective methods based on Pareto optimality, as this
type of model does not require user interference to
choose the best solution at the end of the process,
since preferences are entered before evolution, in a
more efficient way, simple and interpretable, through
fuzzy logic. Thus, the evolution process is guided
towards pre-established preferences or specifications.
The purpose of this work is to study the application
of an evolutionary model, which uses genetic
algorithms with the ability to evaluate multiple
objectives based on a fuzzy system, to optimize the
values of components of analog electronic circuits to
generate fuzzy membership functions. The technique
is evaluated in a purely simulation-based
environment that is used for the design of electronic
From the recent literature, articles dealing with the
subject stand out (Marlen et. al, 2018) and (Rojec et.
al., 2022). The first deals with the implementation of
fuzzy membership function (MF), realized as an
analog electronic hardware with memristor. The other
one proposes an evolution of analog circuits,
including their topology, for general purposes,
considering the synthesis of robust and failure-
resilient electronics.
This paper is organized in four sections. The
second section describes the basic structure of the
evolutionary environment for generating the
membership functions. Section three discusses
examples and results in connection with the
evolutionary analog circuits. Finally, section four
ends the paper with the conclusions.
2.1 Basic Foundations
An electronic project can be developed in an intrinsic
or extrinsic way.
In the so-called intrinsic applications, the
evaluation is performed based on the behavior of the
circuits when loaded on programmable integrated
circuits or reconfigurable platforms. In this way the
real circuit is developed, although flexibility and
experimentation possibilities are more limited.
On the other hand, extrinsic applications are those
in which circuits are evaluated through their
equivalent models. For example, a linear analog filter
can be developed using its transfer function. It is also
possible to use circuit simulators, such as Spice, in
which case the evolutions tend to become very slow.
In this paper, we opted for the extrinsic evolution
based on models of analog electronic circuits to make
the experimentation of the multi-objective evaluation
method more flexible.
Evolutionary algorithms are efficient in solving
multicriteria optimization problems. A variety of
techniques using genetic algorithms have been
developed in recent decades.
The great advantage obtained in the use of genetic
algorithms is the fact that they simultaneously
evaluate a set of possible solutions that allows finding
the total set of solutions of the Pareto frontier in a
single round of the algorithm without the need to