encoder. We see that the reranking stage also drasti-
cally improves the results up to 61% at Top 1 in auto-
matic evaluation and 85% Top 1 at human evaluation.
This paper presented our method for rapidly creating
LFQA datasets from existing data sources in business
environments. Our method trained a Siamese-BERT
Model with Noise-Added artificial data to retrieve
supporting document passages in order to generate
<<question-answer-document passage>> triplets to
be used as an LFQA training dataset. We proposed a
noise function to obtain altered versions of document
passages and trained a Siamese-BERT encoder using
these altered passages with the original ones. The
model then used this encoder to create the triplets by
using existing help-desk logs consisting of supporting
document links.
We used the proposed method for creating such a
dataset in a real-world business setting together with
some baseline retrieval methods such as BM25 and
base BERT indexing. For evaluating our approaches,
we used the created datasets for training a DPR based
question answering system. Both automatic and hu-
man evaluation results showed that the DPR model
trained with the dataset generated by our methodol-
ogy outperformed others; the proposed Noise-Added
Siamese-BERT model was able to generate better
quality LFQA results using fewer training data sam-
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Long Form Question Answering Dataset Creation for Business Use Cases using Noise-Added Siamese-BERT