Tracking Data Visual Representations for Sports Broadcasting
Murilo Couceiro
1,3 a
, In
es Rito Lima
3 b
, Alexandre Ulisses
3 c
, Tiago Mendes-Neves
1,2 d
and Jo
ao Mendes-Moreira
1,2 e
Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
LIAAD - INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal
MOG Technologies, Department of Innovation, Maia, Portugal
Metadata Enhancement, Player Tracking, Computer Vision, Sports Broadcasting.
The broadcast of audio-video sports content is a field with increasingly larger audiences demanding higher
quality content and involvement. This growth creates the necessity to develop more content to engage the
users and keep this trend. Otherwise, it may stall or even diminish. Therefore, enhancing the user experience,
engagement, and involvement during live sports event broadcasts is of utmost importance. This paper pro-
poses a solution to extract event’s information from video, resorting to Computer Vision techniques and Deep
Learning algorithms. More specifically, the project encompassed the definition and implementation of field
registration, object detection and tracking tasks. Focusing on football sports events, a novel dataset combining
several video sources was created and used for analysis and metadata extraction. In particular, the proposed
solution can detect and track players with acceptable precision using state-of-the-art methods, like YOLOv5
and DeepSORT. Furthermore, resorting to unsupervised learning techniques, the system provides team seg-
mentation based on the colour of the players’ kits. A series of visual representations regarding the players’
movements on the field enables broadcast enrichment and increased user experience. The presented solution
is framed in the H2020 DataCloud project and will be deployed in a cloud environment simplifying its access
and utilisation.
As the most popular sport in our society, with millions
of fans, football has very high market value and has a
growing amount of visual data generated, leading to
a growth in the research of this topic. Football clubs,
coaches and fans demand customised football match
analysis services, creating the need within the broad-
casting industry for automated video annotation and
metadata extraction tools.
The proposed work is framed in the DataCloud
, particularly on the MOGSports business
case. MOGSports focuses on the media and entertain-
ment business and aims to enhance the user experi-
Horizon2020 grant agreement nº 101016835
ence, engagement, and involvement during live sports
event broadcasts.
This paper explores the development of a system
that assesses multi-camera video content and provides
visual representations to enhance the user experience
on live sports broadcasting. Additionally, the pre-
sented system extracts tracking data as a first step
towards event detection. The proposed data acquisi-
tion setup includes two cameras to extract informa-
tion from the entire field at all times. The system
extract metadata by a detection and tracking algo-
rithm for each camera. This uni-camera information
is then fused, creating a final multi-camera global re-
sult. The solution must be deployed in a Cloud en-
vironment along with the project objectives. More-
over, the project relates to complementing a broad-
cast, so real-time or near-real-time extraction is nec-
essary. Thus, the size and velocity of the methods
used are critical aspects.
Football matches video contains prominent and
diverse information that can be extracted to enrich the
Couceiro, M., Rito Lima, I., Ulisses, A., Mendes-Neves, T. and Mendes-Moreira, J.
Tracking Data Visual Representations for Sports Broadcasting Enrichment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011551900003321
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2022), pages 125-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-610-1; ISSN: 2184-3201
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
content of a broadcast. This paper presents a solu-
tion for extracting player position and team informa-
tion, in near real-time, throughout the match, provid-
ing the equivalent positional representations as out-
put. The proposed methodology is crucial to enable
further complex analysis such as goals, passes, player
velocity and other statistics extraction. Furthermore,
the applications of the retrieved positional data are
manifold since it is the basis for most sport-related
Machine Learning work, making it an excellent con-
tribution to the Sports Data Mining Community.
Following the context provided in the current sec-
tion, a literature overview on sports analytics, com-
puter vision and machine learning is given in Section
2. Section 3 presents the pipeline of the project at
hand and detailed information about its modules. Sec-
tion 4 presents the results obtained with the proposed
solution, and Section 5 describes its positive and neg-
atives sides as well as recommendations and ideas for
future work. Finally, Section 6 summarises the work
done for this paper.
Investigation into sports-related areas has been get-
ting much attention. Many studies have been con-
ducted in Computer Vision and Deep Learning to
extract football matches information through video.
This paper covers the areas of Field Registration, Ob-
ject Detection and Object Tracking. All to extract in-
formation from a video of a football match.
The task of sports field registration aims at deter-
mining a homography matrix H for the transforma-
tion of an image into two-dimensional sports field co-
ordinates (Theiner et al., 2022). The homography is
defined by a 3x3 matrix with eight degrees of free-
dom that performs mapping between two images of a
planar surface from different perspectives. There are
two traditional homography estimation approaches,
direct and feature-based methods, which can also be
used together to increase robustness (Nie et al., 2021;
Nguyen et al., 2018). The direct methods use pixel-
to-pixel matching by shifting or warping the images
relative to each other and comparing the pixel inten-
sity values using an error metric. The feature-based
approach first extracts keypoints in each image using
local feature detectors to establish correspondences
between the two sets. Also, inspired by the data-
driven Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) in CV,
approaches for homography estimation have emerged
using supervised methods. For this extent, (Nie et al.,
2021) regresses a set of dense features through a deep
network, to estimate the homography. Another ap-
proach is to use unsupervised methods (Nguyen et al.,
2018). Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and
synthetic data have also been proposed (Chen and Lit-
tle, 2019)
Player detection is a case of object detection but
with additional challenges. When performing player
detection, several associated challenges must be faced
to obtain successful results: the occlusions between
players, the abrupt movements of the camera, the
changes in lighting, the lack of resolution in very
distant players, the blurring of the players that are
moving, or the players remaining long static periods
(Cuevas et al., 2020). When (Sah and Direkoglu,
2021) compares object detection models such as
Faster R-CNN, YOLO and SSD using different back-
bones and other parameters for a field hockey dataset,
it concludes that these complex neural networks fail
to detect occluded players and players with low reso-
lution (far from the camera).
Player Tracking is a Multi-Object-Tracking
(MOT) problem. The MOT methods can be grouped
regarding the initialisation method into two sets:
Detection-Based Tracking (DBT) and Detection-Free
Tracking (DFT). Briefly, DBT, commonly named
tracking-by-detection, happens when objects are first
detected and then linked into trajectories. Thanks to
improvements in the performance of object detectors
and the ability to deal with challenges such as clut-
tered scenes or dynamics of tracked objects, tracking-
by-detection has become a leading paradigm for MOT
(Ivasic-Kos et al., 2021). This approach is followed
by methods like SORT, DeepSORT, TRACKTOR++,
FairMOT, TransMOT, and StrongSORT. These meth-
ods make the tracking step an association step for the
detections received by the detector.
The game analysis applications have a variety of
topics: action spotting or event detection, player and
ball tracking, tactics analysis, statistics collection,
pass feasibility, talent scouting, game phase analysis,
or highlights generation (Cioppa et al., 2021). Fur-
thermore, there is work on the enhancement and ex-
perience area, like (Rematas et al., 2018) that uses
augmented reality to present a match in a 3D model
on a flat surface.
This section describes the MOGSports modular
pipeline shown in Figure 1, focusing on the AI Event
Detection and Metadata Fusion modules.
The pipeline was designed to enable the use of
N cameras, each undertaking an AI Event Detection
module. This module includes three steps: Field De-
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 1: MOGSports pipeline.
tection, Player Tracking and Event Detection. This
paper presents the first two modules.
Field Detection encapsulates the task of Field
Registration. Resorting to a homography matrix,
Field Registration allows the transformation from the
game image to a top view perspective of the field.
With the players’ detection representations, this top
model allows a better understanding of the game.
The Metadata Fusion module combines the infor-
mation retrieved from each camera video processing.
In this sense, the fusion module must adjust accord-
ingly, accompanying the camera scalability.
3.1 Camera Setup
Whilst using more cameras enables detailed field cov-
erage, it also increases the computation effort when
matching the extracted data. Hence, the counterbal-
ance between the number of cameras and the fusion
algorithm complexity must be evaluated.
In this sense, the proposed setup comprises two
static cameras placed along one side-line, as shown in
Figure 2, guaranteeing the coverage of the entire field
with significant detail. Furthermore, this setup allows
the design of innovative strategies to fight occlusion,
one of the problematic aspects of payer detection and
tracking task
This setup was tested at Est
adio Municipal de
Aveiro stadium, and the cameras were around 20 me-
ters high and had around 15
Figure 2: Proposed Camera Setup.
3.2 Field Detection
The Field Detection problem relates to the homogra-
phy matrix computation between the captured image
and a top-view field image.
Since the setup cameras are static, the homogra-
phy computation only needs to happen once at the
match’s beginning. The premise of a constant ho-
mography makes the registration process exponen-
tially cheaper when compared to a moving camera,
where it can change several times per second.
Furthermore, this premise also enables a
lightweight manual registration. Thus, the proposed
solution integrates a manual registration process, re-
quiring the user to select four or more corresponding
points in one video frame and on the top view field
3.3 Player Tracking
Player Tracking allows the identification and re-
identification of the detected players throughout the
frames, as shown in Figure 5. Tracking can create
and represent more valuable information that aug-
ments the user experience, such as other visual repre-
sentation options or individual player statistics. The
chosen tracking algorithm is based on a tracking-by-
detection methodology, so player detection is a fun-
damental step. Without a robust detection model, the
tracking algorithm will perform poorly.
3.3.1 Player Detection
The detection algorithm must be as accurate and fast
as possible, enabling the pipeline to run in real-time.
Also, it must be precise to strengthen the tracking
step. These requirements drove the choice of the one-
stage algorithm YOLOv5 (Jocher et al., 2022). This
object detector is chosen as it has the best speed and
accuracy counterbalance, as well as an easy integra-
tion. As very fast inference is needed, only one-stage
detectors were considered.
Tracking Data Visual Representations for Sports Broadcasting Enrichment
The players’ position in the field is set where they
stand, at their feet. Foreseeing that the player is in
the centre of the retrieved bounding box, its posi-
tion is defined with the bounding box’s bottom centre
coordinates. Once mapped by the homography, this
point is the player’s position in the top-view repre-
sentation. The top-view field image is predetermined,
with known field lines coordinates. Thus, the players
projected coordinates can be easily filtered around the
field area. Hence, the off-field detections are removed
before being forwarded to the tracking algorithm.
3.3.2 DeepSORT
The tracking algorithm integrated with the solution is
DeepSORT (Wojke et al., 2017). Despite sporadic
accuracy issues, it is one of the most suitable track-
ing algorithm for the time-quality balance among the
This algorithm contains a motion and a deep asso-
ciation metric. The proposed solution uses an OSNet,
trained for person re-identification, to extract the fea-
tures needed for the deep association metric.
3.4 Metadata Fusion
This module is responsible for receiving the cameras’
metadata and merging it into a single, complete out-
put. It is also responsible for assigning the tracked
players to their teams, creating visual representations
and storing the information created for other possible
To fuse both cameras’ information, the detections
are filtered after mapping the players’ position into
the top view according to their field side - the left cam-
era detects the players on the left side and right on the
right side. This strategy requires the definition of the
midfield line pixels, in the top view representations,
as a separator of the cameras’ input.
3.4.1 Team Labelling
The players’ positional representations must illustrate
their respective teams, which are recognised through
their outfit’s colour. Thus, the objective is to anal-
yse the bounding boxes’ colours and distribute them
to the teams. For this, a K-means clustering algo-
rithm allows the aggregation of team players based
on their outfit colours. As the field players’ colours
are the most meaningful to differentiate, the number
of clusters is two. Regularly, as the players are in the
centre of the bounding boxes, the value used to rep-
resent them is the average of the pixels’ colour of a
5x5 centred area. The model is built with the colour
values of the bounding boxes from both cameras’ first
frame. After fitting the model, the following frames’
bounding boxes’ colour values are fed to the model to
predict its cluster and, consequently, its team. After
predicted, the colour is the same throughout the track-
ing ID lifetime. The team labelling algorithm oper-
ates within the fusion module as the k-means model
should be the same for both cameras.
3.4.2 Visual Representations
Three types of visual representations are defined for
the proposed solution based on the players’ positional
information, as shown in Figure 3. The first two pro-
vide a spatial-temporal representation of the players’
position at a given moment. However, the second also
represents the past positions of that player, giving it a
notion of direction. The third is a heat map that in-
dicates the field areas with more presence throughout
the game.
These visual representations can be used by the
media companies as screen overlays to enrich the
broadcasting of a football match.
The results of the proposed solution are promising,
while unveiling technical and scientific challenges
that need to be addressed in the future. The pro-
posed solution can perform player detection and ac-
cording representation, namely the positional plot and
heatmap, in real-time. However, due to hardware lim-
itations, the system can not perform online tracking.
To evaluate the overall system behaviour, Figure 4
illustrates the number of tracked players per frame
for the right, left and fused outputs, during a signif-
icant time span video (
5 minutes) using the setup de-
scribed in Figure 2. The setup employed two cam-
eras with different lens exposures, which changes the
image’s brightness. This will prove significant in the
further presented results. The usage of two different
cameras enabled testing the system’s behaviour fac-
ing various image qualities and delimiting a minimum
quality threshold. The cameras used were CANON’s
250D and 700D, where the former presents better im-
age quality leading to better performance. Figure 4
shows many variations in the detection and tracking
models. Overall, the number of tracks is around 22
persons, which is a good indicator. However, when
the left camera (CANON 250D) has fewer detections,
the right camera (CANON 700D) can not cope with
the players on its side, decreasing the total number
players tracked. This is a consequence of a video
quality discrepancy between cameras, since the right
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 3: Visual Representations.
camera quality is significantly lower than the left (see
Figure 5 and 6). In fact, all results are affected by this
limitation, which will be taken into account for future
data acquisition experiments (with CANON’s 250D
image quality as the minimum threshold).
The main consequence of these variations is the
number of ID switches. DeepSORT was selected
based on its ability to fight this problem. In light of
these results, the deep metric used may be less rel-
evant than expected. The auto-encoder used for this
metric is explicitly trained for re-identification, so this
is presumably not the faulty step. The reason may be
the distance between the players and the camera. De-
spite the camera placement advantages relative to the
field coverage, the players become small, leading to
less significant features, which may affect the deep
metric precision. Another aspect affecting the num-
ber of ID switches is the players switching midfields.
Another cause for variations are occlusions, illus-
trated in the top sequence of Figure 6. These are hard
to oppose with a single view. However, as shown in
the bottom sequence of Figure 6, the opposite cam-
era can detect the previously occluded players, which
is an advantage of the proposed setup. Therefore, fu-
ture work may include the usage of both cameras to
overcome this phenomenon.
Regarding the current fusion approach, even
though the detection works suitably, some loss of in-
formation may occur. As Figure 5 shows, if one cam-
era detects the players that the other does not, if on
the opposite midfield, these detections are discarded.
Team labelling has satisfactory results. It assigns
the expected colours for a high number of tracks,
with occasional errors, specially when noise is in the
bounding box.
As previously mentioned, the presented solution is
a work-in-progress in the scope of MOGSports and
DataCloud. In this section are discussed some of the
positive and negative aspects of the implemented so-
lution and of the next steps. The current solution
encompasses modules that perform field registration,
player detection and tracking, team labelling and fu-
sion. Manual registration is a straightforward method
for computing the homography matrix, which bene-
fits from static cameras. Despite being user-friendly
for few cameras, automation is a project goal and
requirement for scalability. Accordingly, an auto-
mated approach is being implemented and tested. The
Two-GAN model (Chen and Little, 2019) is used for
field line segmentation. Then, the solution attempts a
feature-based approach, comparing the top-view and
the segmented image. Along with the tests conducted
until now, the Two-GAN line segmentation is ex-
pected to improve with more training data, primarily
similar to the ones acquired in the proposed setup.
The Player Detection model presents promising
results, still requiring further fine-tuning. Players’ un-
usual positions or fast changing movements increase
the difficulty of accurate detections. Furthermore, the
many occlusions during a match lead to unstable po-
sitional information retrieval and consequent unstable
visual representations.
Future work is expected to improve the used
YOLOv5 model performance to detect the players
and add the capacity to detect the ball resorting to the
acquired dataset.
As for the Player Tracking module, due to hard-
ware constraints, DeepSORT is not yet thoroughly
tested for real-time processing. Nonetheless, an un-
wanted ID switching issue has been identified. Conse-
Tracking Data Visual Representations for Sports Broadcasting Enrichment
Figure 4: Number of tracks per frame, fused tracks (blue), left camera (orange), right camera (green). Results obtained with
reduced sample (around 3 minutes) of a custom dataset with proposed camera setup.
Figure 5: Player tracking example for a frame inside the interval [1400-1600] in each camera (cropped image). Blue: Predicted
tracks. Red: Miss detections manually annotated.
Figure 6: Camera Setup advantages for occlusion handling.
Frame sequences for both cameras representing the same
moment, Top: Left camera sequence. Bottom: Right cam-
era sequence.
quently, the algorithm can suffer some modifications.
As presented in Section 4, the deep metric may have a
lower impact than initially thought in the association
step. Team information could be a valuable metric
for this step, neglecting possible matches with players
from the opposite team. This strategy would require a
very robust team labelling model.
Alternatively, tracking can occur after data fusion,
resorting to algorithms like graph-based tracking, us-
ing the transformed top-view detection coordinates.
This strategy would demand a robust fusion algorithm
as a previous step.
Despite being accurate for numerous players,
team labelling also has limitations. As players move
rapidly, their bounding box may temporarily not fit its
body. Hence, background or other artefacts can influ-
ence the colour value calculation. In this sense, the
method could be improved by assigning each player
to the team associated with the mode of a periodic
check prediction or of the N initial frames predictions.
Furthermore, to counter the cluster issue, as the goal-
keepers have a generally fixed position, their colour
could be assigned by it.
Fusion is critical, and a scalable solution is nec-
essary for this module. The cameras provide a good
overlap area that can be used for occlusion handling
and to complete miss detections from one another.
Incorporating a matching algorithm into this module
could leverage the full potential of the proposed cam-
era setup. One possible strategy would be associat-
ing the players from each camera in each frame. This
method could consider all players, calculate the eu-
clidean distance between the transformed points, and
then associate them optimally. Being a computation-
ally demanding task, other parameters, such as the
team label, could be used to reduce the distances cal-
culations and consecutive matching. The quality dis-
crepancy between cameras used for the data acquisi-
tion affects the results negatively. Consequently, the
debated problems may be softened when considering
a dataset with equally high-quality images.
Event Detection is a comprehensive problem that
MOGSports intends to solve, which reflects the cul-
mination of the developments from the previous mod-
ules and its valuable metadata extracted. It may com-
prise match highlights (e.g. goals), match events (e.g.
passes, offsides), as well as statistic insights.
icSPORTS 2022 - 10th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
In response to audience demand, user experience
enhancement is an imperative action for the sports
broadcasting industry. This paper presented a step
forward to accomplish this enhancement, based on
players’ positional data extraction and representation.
Extracting this data has complex associated problems
and the results reflect this complexity. However, there
are one or more proposed alternatives for each prob-
lem encountered. The proposed solution reflects on-
going work. The current solution can be integrated
into sports broadcasting. Future work includes the
overlay of specific game-related events.The results
achieved so far create good expectations for the up-
coming developments and for the potential of the
MOGSports business case within the media and en-
tertainment industries.
This work has been supported by the H2020 DATA-
CLOUD project, funded by European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 101016835, as well as by the Na-
tional Funds through the Portuguese funding agency,
FCT - Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia, within
project UIDB/50014/2020.
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Tracking Data Visual Representations for Sports Broadcasting Enrichment