Carbon Negative Projects: Perspectives and Solutions
Vakha Khadisov
1 a
, Taymaskhanova Zalina
1 b
and Ayna Salamova
2 c
Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Keywords: Carbon negative production, innovative technologies, natural resources, projects, construction.
Abstract: Global development has been heavily dependent on the overexploitation of natural resources since the
Industrial Revolution. Through the widespread use of fossil fuels, deforestation and other forms of land-use
change, human activities have contributed to a steady increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in
the atmosphere, causing global climate change. In response to worsening global climate change, achieving
carbon neutrality by 2050 is the most urgent challenge on the planet. In this regard, it is extremely important
and difficult to reform existing production systems in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help
capture CO2 from the atmosphere. Here we look at innovative technologies that offer solutions for achieving
carbon neutrality and sustainable development, including renewable energy production, transforming food
systems, adding value to waste, preserving carbon sinks, and carbon-negative manufacturing and construction.
The abundance of knowledge presented in this review can inspire the global community and further develop
innovative technologies to mitigate climate change and sustainably support human activities.
Europe's emission reduction commitments under the
2015 Paris Agreement and its long-term goal of a
decarbonized economy by 2050 mean that both the
European Union and its member states will have ever
tighter emissions budgets. Reflecting the long-term
vision of both the EU and the UK (in the Climate
Change Act 2008) (Anshin, 2019). A country's ability
to realize a sustainable low-carbon future is
inextricably linked to its ability to successfully
decouple economic and emissions growth. The
successful emergence of this new climate-driven
economic model must be closely linked to the parallel
development of a carbon-free energy system. For
Russia to achieve its goal of decarbonizing by 2050,
we must ensure that the economy is first on the
appropriate low-carbon transition path. As a starting
point, policy makers should develop their
understanding and vision of what a low carbon
economy in the Russian Federation will look like by
2050 (Surowiecki, 2021). Policy makers must
identify appropriate measures and appropriate
pathways to realize this vision. To minimize the costs
of a low-carbon transition, policy makers need to put
in place measures. Russia's key climate and energy
challenge is to reduce emissions in sectors not
covered by the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) or
non-ETS sectors that cover areas such as agriculture,
transport and residential heating. Price signals will
encourage major energy producers and consumers to
increase their emission reductions through the EU
ETS. For non-ETS sectors, there are no such
guarantees. Therefore, policy makers have a central
role to play in reducing non-PTS releases,
recognizing that policy responses must be shaped in
the context of reducing future emission budgets
(Souter, 2019). A discussion of how Russia can make
an energy transition is most appropriate, given the
need to decouple emissions and economic growth
(Braverman, 2019). The approach to determining the
optimal energy balance was based on the use of the
cheapest technologies that have already been
successfully applied on a large scale. In accordance
with the PwC Roadmap, greenhouse gas emissions
from residential heating are reduced by 80%. This
corresponds to an approximately 71 percent reduction
Khadisov, V., Zalina, T. and Salamova, A.
Carbon Negative Projects: Perspectives and Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0011554000003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in average household heating demand (currently met
mainly by oil and gas) (Murtazova, 2021). This is
achieved through a combination of building codes
that call for emission-free new homes, coupled with
an extensive retrofit program for existing homes that
improves energy efficiency (better insulation and
airtightness) in combination with low-carbon heating
sources. Overall, in the industrial and commercial
sectors, we estimate that emissions reductions of
around 80% could be achieved primarily through
building regulation and the phased introduction of
higher carbon taxes until 2050 (Gakaev, 2020). In the
transport sector, our roadmap sees the mass adoption
of electric vehicles instead of traditional petrol and
diesel vehicles with heavy duty vehicles powered by
biogas in the form of compressed biomethane. This,
combined with the electrification of public transport,
can reduce transport emissions by 94%. Electric
vehicles are emerging as a “winning” technology due
to the expected further reduction in the cost of
lithium-ion batteries, an increase in the supply of
electric vehicle models, and the expectation that
electric vehicles will become cost-competitive with
internal combustion engines (ICE) from 2025. Our
model predicts strong adoption of electric vehicles
from 2025 onwards, and by 2050 all vehicles on the
road will be electric. According to our estimates, the
roadmap can achieve a 92% reduction in electricity
emissions. This will require a power grid built on a
significant portfolio of renewable generation.
Renewable power outages will be addressed by
flexible gas-fired generation used in combination
with carbon capture and storage. Our roadmap also
includes replacing existing coal and peat plants with
biomass-based generation and strengthening the
interconnection of electricity with key markets, which
will allow us to import and export electricity
(Vladimirov, 2019).
Climate change is undoubtedly the greatest
challenge of our time. The 2016 Paris Climate
Agreement sparked renewed optimism that the global
community can and will work together to cut
emissions and limit warming to safe levels. However,
science now shows with frightening clarity how
quickly we are running out of time to avoid
catastrophic and irreversible changes in the world
around us. We need to take urgent action to nearly
halve global emissions by 2030 and eliminate them
completely by mid-century. It is in this context that
the term "net zero carbon" began to come into use.
Businesses, government and civil society are
grappling with what net zero carbon emissions will
mean for them and how this can be achieved in
practice. This report aims to sort that out for the
construction and real estate industries, as well as
reach consensus on the actions needed to achieve zero
carbon emissions. The framework outlined in this
report is conceived as a first step towards the
construction of buildings that meet the goals of the
Paris Agreement, namely zero carbon emissions
throughout the life of the building (Molchanova,
2019). In practice, however, it would be difficult to
realize such ambitions today without better
measurement and emission data. Thus, the framework
presented here refers to two definitions of zero-
carbon buildings one for the work energy used and
one for emissions during the construction process
that should be adopted by any building environment
organization that is serious about climate change
mitigation. . Initially, the framework is meant to be
used as a guide, with more stringent standards and
goals developed over time to encourage further action
and accelerate change. This is a challenging and new
discipline for built environment professionals, so I
encourage everyone involved in the design,
construction, and operation of buildings to become
familiar with the framework and work with us to
develop the details in the coming years.
Industrialization, the engine of economic growth and
urbanization, has accelerated the development of
various sectors due to the growth of the world's
population and wealth. By 2050, the world's
population is expected to grow from 7.8 billion
people in 2020 to 9.9 billion people, requiring 80%
more energy and 70% more food when the
accompanying rise in living standards is factored in.
Over the past two centuries, the world economy has
been heavily dependent on the overexploitation of
natural resources and changes in the life-sustaining
biogeochemical cycles and processes in the
biosphere. The current boom in oil use and
deforestation is a response to pressure to meet
growing demand for energy, food and other
commodities. These environmentally unfriendly
practices are the main reasons for the increase in
emissions from anthropogenic sources in (Egorova,
Industrialization, the engine of economic growth
and urbanization, has accelerated the development of
various sectors due to the growth of the world's
population and wealth. By 2050, the world population
is expected to grow from 7.8 billion people in 2020 to
9.9 billion people, which will require 80% more
energy and 70% more food when taking into account
Carbon Negative Projects: Perspectives and Solutions
the accompanying increase in living standards
(Meckling, 2020). Over the past two centuries, the
world economy has been heavily dependent on the
overexploitation of natural resources and changes in
the life-sustaining biogeochemical cycles and
processes in the biosphere. The current boom in oil
exploitation and deforestation is a response to
pressure to meet growing demand for energy, food
and other commodities. These environmentally
unfriendly practices are the main reasons for
increasing emissions of anthropogenic sources of
global greenhouse gases (GHGs), the main drivers of
climate change. In 2016, energy and food systems
accounted for more than 90% of all global GHG
emissions (mostly as CO2) (Vladimirov, 2019). GHG
emissions are expected to increase by 50% by 2050,
mainly due to the expected 70% increase energy-
related CO2 emissions (Molchanova, 2019). If these
emissions continue to rise at their current rate, it will
throw the carbon (C) cycle out of dynamic
equilibrium, causing irreversible changes to the
climate system. Therefore, a concerted effort needs to
be made to reduce carbon emissions and increase
carbon sequestration through various socio-economic
and technological interventions. In response to the
ever-increasing global greenhouse effect, all
countries signed the landmark United Nations
Climate Agreement in Paris in December 2015 to
jointly tackle greenhouse gas emissions and combat
climate change. Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, all
countries agreed to keep warming below 2.0°C and
make efforts to keep global warming below 1.5°C by
achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 (Egorova, 2020).
The average global temperature in 2020 was 1.2°C
warmer than pre-industrial temperatures, and the
effects of this warming are being felt around the
world. Based on current climate data, there is an
urgent need to step up our efforts to reduce
atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases in
order to reverse global climate change.
To achieve carbon neutrality and sustainably
support human activities, it is essential to reduce
carbon emissions from fossil fuels and food while
promoting carbon sequestration in terrestrial and
marine ecosystems. Different strategic paths have
been mapped out in different countries to achieve
carbon neutrality, but due to the magnitude of the
flows involved, reducing carbon emissions to zero is
a challenging task (Meckling, 2020). According to the
International Energy Agency, if the world becomes
carbon neutral by 2050, the extraction and
development of new deposits of crude oil, natural gas
and coal should cease in 2021. In this regard,
investment in research and implementation of
renewable energy sources from non-carbon sources
(i.e. sunlight, tides, wind, water, waves, rain and
geothermal energy) and biomass (i.e. organic
materials from plants or animals) are the key to
bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality about
zero CO2 emissions.
Renewable resources can provide more than 3,000
times more than current global energy demand. The
global demand for renewable energy sources (in the
form of electricity, heat and biofuels) has grown
significantly over the past decade, with the share of
renewable energy sources in global electricity
production rising from 27% in 2019 to 29% in 2020.
Despite this progress in the use of renewable energy
sources, the pace of transition from traditional to
renewable energy sources is not high enough, and the
world is not on track to achieve carbon neutrality and
sustainable development by 2050 (Gakaev, 2020).
Therefore, additional efforts are needed to convert
energy. sector into a climate-neutral hub. This can be
achieved through the joint work of various
interdisciplinary research groups and the application
of integrated approaches developed as a result of the
latest scientific and technical achievements in the
field of civil engineering and ecology, biotechnology,
nanotechnology and other fields. In addition to the
development of renewable energy sources, there is
also a need to optimize the management of food
systems in order to improve production efficiency and
reduce carbon emissions. This can be achieved
through the development of new technologies for
more efficient fertilizer production and precision
farming, the integration of crop and livestock
systems, and the development of carbon neutral food
production systems. Given that the world is unlikely
to significantly reduce fossil fuel-based CO2
emissions in the short term, harnessing the power of
natural resources and processes to remove CO2 from
the atmosphere represents a viable path to carbon
neutrality. To mitigate climate change, various
potential strategies are being explored to increase
industrial carbon capture from the atmosphere and
carbon sequestration in terrestrial and marine
These include bioenergy with carbon capture and
storage; increased weathering of rocks due to the
spread of crushed minerals, which are naturally able
to absorb CO2 on land or in the ocean; afforestation
and reforestation; carbon sequestration in the soil
with biochar, compost, direct application of biowaste
and conservation tillage, among others; ocean
fertilization through the use of iron and/or other
nutrients to stimulate the growth of photosynthetic
plankton; restoration of coastal wetlands; and direct
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
air capture using chemicals to remove CO2 directly
from the atmosphere. The practicality, cost,
acceptability and usefulness of each of these so-called
negative emissions (NET) technologies for climate
change mitigation and its impact on global
ecosystems and human activities need to be assessed.
There have been many reviews examining pathways
to carbon neutrality, focusing on carbon capture and
storage from renewable energy sources in terrestrial
and marine ecosystems, and transforming food
systems. However, to our knowledge, no review has
compared strengths and challenges. of all available
new technologies towards carbon neutrality or
identified uncertainties associated with these new
technologies in climate change mitigation. This
overview focuses on new technologies to accelerate
our race to carbon neutrality in a variety of areas,
including for renewable energy, sustainable food
systems (increasing soil carbon sequestration and
reducing carbon emissions), maintaining the health of
Earth's largest carbon stocks (restoration and
protection). marine and forest ecosystems) and
carbon-neutral chemical industry. The dissemination
of information is expected to inspire the global
scientific community and generate interest in further
research into new ways to achieve carbon neutrality.
The World Green Building Council is catalyzing the
construction and real estate industries to lead the
transition to a zero-carbon environment through its
Advancing Net Zero campaign. buildings account for
about 30 percent of emissions, mainly from heating,
cooling and electricity use (Murtazova, 2021).
Whereas for new buildings, the embodied emissions
from construction can account for up to half of the
carbon impacts associated with a building during its
life cycle. The term "zero carbon" has a special
meaning in recent years of government climate
policy. However, this report is intended to introduce
an entirely new chapter. While the historical "zero
carbon" policy has only focused on operating energy
and simulated performance in new buildings, this
report very clearly expands the scope to operational
performance and covers the lifetime impact of carbon
emissions both new and, especially important,
existing houses and buildings. . Moreover, it is not
exclusively or even primarily a public policy report.
This report sets out a comprehensive framework of
coherent principles and indicators that can be
integrated into policy but primarily used by
businesses as a tool to move towards a zero-carbon
environment (Gakaev, 2020). The framework was
developed by an industry task force of enterprises,
trade associations and non-profit organizations in a
collaborative and consensus-building spirit. It
provides guidance on how to define carbon zero
buildings, both residential and non-residential, and a
way to demonstrate how a building has achieved
carbon zero status. It focuses on a carbon footprint
that can be easily measured and mitigated today
operating energy and the embodied building impact.
However, a framework cannot be static, and this
iteration is just the first step. The scope and minimum
requirements of the concept will require periodic
improvements and upgrades over the next decade to
improve reliability and provide enough flexibility for
the industry to lead the transition to zero-carbon
buildings throughout their lifespan (Molchanova,
The Carbon Zero Building Framework sets out the
definitions and principles of two approaches to
achieving zero carbon that are equally important: Net
Carbon Zero Building (1.1) (Vladimirov, 2019):
“When the amount of carbon emissions associated
with the building product and construction phases to
practical completion is zero or negative, through the
use of offsets or net renewable energy exports on
Net zero carbon - work energy (1.2):
“When the annualized amount of carbon
emissions associated with a building’s operational
energy is zero or negative. A zero-carbon building is
highly energy efficient and is powered by on-site
and/or off-site renewable energy sources, with any
remaining carbon balance offset.
Developers aiming for zero carbon building
construction must design the building in a way that
ensures zero release of carbon for energy production
and, if possible, this should be achieved annually
during operation. Net zero carbon for both
construction and industrial energy represents the
highest level of commitment to this framework
(Gakaev, 2020). A third approach to net zero carbon
- whole life is also offered at a high level, but further
work will be needed to determine the scope and
requirements for this approach. The summary table
on the next page shows which principles to follow to
demonstrate compliance with zero carbon emissions
in construction and energy production. The detailed
framework in the full report includes the background
rationale for the principle, associated technical
requirements, and, where appropriate, any areas for
future development of the framework.
Excessive consumption of energy from non-
renewable resources increases energy scarcity,
Carbon Negative Projects: Perspectives and Solutions
greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and
environmental degradation, all of which endanger
humanity. As a result, humanity's environmental
consciousness and the transition to low-carbon or no-
carbon energy is now more of a concern than at any
time in the past. A number of global policies have
been developed to address these issues. Among clean
energy sources, renewable energy sources such as
solar, wind and ocean power are considered to be
among the most important and efficient means of
achieving carbon neutrality (Hibbard, 2019). In
addition to nuclear energy and hydrogen energy,
which have the advantage of low resource
consumption and low risk of pollution and are
identified as a strategic approach to national energy
security and the goal of carbon neutrality, bioenergy
is also the key to reorganization. structure of energy
supply and consumption. Key technologies for
renewable energy and the impact of these
technologies on achieving carbon neutrality are
discussed below. In particular, the future
development and possible progress of these
technologies are also presented.
In all cases, a developer, owner or tenant of a building
seeking to achieve zero carbon emissions must do so
in the largest area of the building over which they
have influence or direct control. In all examples, the
boundaries and corresponding floor area must be
clearly indicated to allow the market to judge the
extent to which the developer, owner or tenant of the
building has achieved zero carbon emissions. For a
carbon zero building, the boundary is defined as all
areas included in the lifetime carbon estimate that
have been reported and adjusted at near completion.
In the case of multiple buildings, the goal should be
to achieve zero carbon emissions for the entire
development. For net zero-carbon energy, the
operating energy frontier (or energy volume) is
defined as the sum of all areas under operational
control or influence that achieve net carbon zero on
an annual basis. The energy sector should be as
accessible as possible to allow comparison between
buildings. We have developed three principles that
can motivate developers to use zero emission
technologies (Meckling, 2020).
1. The polluter pays a fine (Egorova, 2020).
1. The costs of eliminating emissions should be
borne by the entities responsible for their
creation. To the extent possible, any emissions
should be measured and offset as they occur to
encourage reduction and mitigation as first
steps before any form of offset is considered.
Where appropriate, the operational use of
energy should be delineated between entities
that are responsible for and/or have the ability
to influence the use of energy.
2. Easy to measure net carbon balance. To the
extent possible, emissions from buildings
should be based on measurements rather than
estimates, and using the best available data.
Public disclosure of emissions should also
provide transparency on how this information
was collected and the approach taken by the
building to achieve net zero carbon emissions.
Operational energy performance should be
based on measured energy consumption and
energy production in use, while lifetime carbon
emission estimates should be verified and
updated at the time of completion.
3. Additional preferences for carbon-neutral
A zero-carbon building environment will require
a lifelong carbon approach to zero-carbon buildings,
but the framework outlined here is limited to areas
where measurement and mitigation is possible today
operational energy use and embodied carbon from
construction. High-level principles and indicators
have been established for these areas to guide action
and encourage public disclosure. The future
development of the framework will introduce clearer
requirements and targets, such as minimum energy
efficiency targets, and expand the scope of a zero
carbon lifelong approach.
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Carbon Negative Projects: Perspectives and Solutions