Green Technologies in Production and Construction
Madina Isaeva
1 a
, Tamerlan Magomaev
1 b
and Elman Akhyadov
2 c
Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Grozny, Russian Federation
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, environmentally sustainable architecture, people's safety, "green" construction, projects.
Abstract: It is believed that the main cause of global warming is technological progress. Technospheric human activity
leads to an increase in the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to the increasing combustion of
fuel, which is a factor that increases the temperature. Climatic anomalies provoke social cataclysms. The most
important task at the present stage is to reduce global risks and improve people's safety. An effective tool to
improve the sustainability of the environment is the construction of "green" buildings. This article provides
an analytical review of the current focus of work in the field of "green" construction in Russia and in foreign
countries. The basic principles of "green" construction, the conceptual foundations of buildings with low
energy consumption are considered. It is shown that "green" roofs and "green" facades are important elements
in the formation of an environmentally sustainable architecture of energy-saving construction. The problems
of increasing energy efficiency during thermal renovation of building facades are considered. The principles
of rating assessment in "green" construction are considered. The results obtained are of great practical
importance. Systematization and generalization of data on "green" construction allow us to outline further
ways to improve the energy efficiency and environmental safety of buildings and structures in solving the
urgent problem of increasing the sustainability of the living environment in urban planning and architecture.
Starting from 1974, after the global energy crisis, a
direction appeared in the world construction practice,
called “construction of energy-efficient buildings”,
and the scientific foundations for the design of such
buildings began to be created quite intensively, which
not only have not lost their relevance to this day, but
are in demand in which is constantly increasing. Since
the 1980s, special attention has been paid to the
environmental safety of the home and the quality of
indoor air. The following pattern is formulated:
among energy-efficient technologies, priority is given
to those that improve the environmental safety of the
home. Since the late 1990s, the requirements for
energy efficiency and environmental friendliness
have been supplemented by requirements that protect
the environment from destruction (Surowiecki,
2021). The development of "green" standards began
in the 90s of the last century. Currently, the number
of "green" standards applied in international practice
to buildings (design, construction and operation) is
several dozen. The choice of assessment criteria, as
well as the actual rating assessment of buildings, is
different. It is worth noting that they were developed
taking into account national characteristics and were
initially used in the country of origin, and then began
to be used around the world. In technically developed
countries, rating systems for assessing the quality of
design and construction solutions for buildings
according to the criteria of energy efficiency,
ecology, comfort, and resource saving have become
widespread. Among the most advanced national
rating systems, it should be noted the American one -
LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design), the English one - BREEAM (Building
Research Establishment Environmental Assessment
Method), the German one - DGNB (Surowiecki,
2021). The relevance of socio-economic and
technological factors in the development of "green
building" in Russia is beyond doubt. As well as the
Isaeva, M., Magomaev, T. and Akhyadov, E.
Green Technologies in Production and Construction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011554100003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
need to create our own national "green standards" and
a rating system that meets our regulatory and
methodological framework, national priorities of the
economy, energy, and the environment, taking into
account the significant climatic and resource
differentiation of the country's regions.
As follows from the data presented, the scale of
the use of digital tools in the framework of the
greening of industry remained relatively small in
these years. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to note
the expansion in all areas of the "green" agenda in the
pandemic period of 2020, which has sharpened the
issue of environmental friendliness in many activities
of manufacturing enterprises. The survey showed that
industrial enterprises were most interested in such
areas as improving energy efficiency (growth from
17% in 2019 to 22% in 2020), improving the
efficiency of water use and raw materials (from 13 to
16%), as well as waste disposal (from 12 to 15%). At
the same time, if the last two areas showed average
growth rates in 2020 (by 3 p.p., respectively), then the
increase in the number of enterprises involved in
improving energy efficiency using digital
technologies (by 5 p.p.) in 2020 was one of the
maximum among all directions. In general, these
results indicate that at the moment, from the point of
view of greening, the resource component and energy
efficiency, along with waste disposal, remain the
main priorities in the industry (Evangelista, 2020;
Surowiecki, 2021).
At the same time, although the areas related to
environmental efficiency were significantly less
represented in the sample, they gradually gained
popularity. Thus, in 2020, compared to the previous
period, the number of enterprises using digital
technologies as part of the development of the electric
transport fleet increased by 5 percentage points (from
2 to 7%), and the number of enterprises implementing
digital technologies increased by 3 percentage points.
technologies for creating clean and safe energy (from
4 to 7%). Relatively little attention was paid to
improving the efficiency of greenhouse gas and
pollutant emissions in 2020 (an increase of only 1
p.p.), however, the scale of development achieved in
2019 (coverage of 6% of enterprises) allows us to
place this area of greening in the middle ranking in
terms of priority. In addition, technological measures
aimed at reducing material consumption (growth
from 5 to 9%) can be included in the same group. The
least developed area among all those presented should
be recognized as the use of digital technologies for
the transition to renewable energy sources. In 2019,
only 1% of enterprises from the entire sample
registered this direction, and in 2020 the number of
such enterprises increased by only 2 percentage
points to 3%.
The Green Deal is also fraught with very
significant challenges for the EU bloc as a whole. On
the one hand, the policy of active decarbonization is
beneficial for the European Union, since it allows
maintaining its international competitiveness in
political and economic aspects in the context of
global instability and the transition to the fourth
technological order. Today, hydrocarbons make up a
significant share of the EU energy mix, while the
share of renewable energy sources does not exceed 20
percent19. The transition to renewable energy in such
conditions will not be possible without a powerful
technological and economic transformation. At the
same time, it should be noted that the Green Deal
implies significant solidarity within the EU and
significant investment in the transformation of
economies that are most in need of restructuring and
cannot afford it. Thus, the states of Eastern Europe
will still receive assistance in the implementation of
the EU Green Deal. Non-EU countries probably won't
have that option. The introduction of a carbon tax
could put many Russians in a difficult position. The
Boston Consulting Group estimates that if a CO₂ tax
is introduced, Russian exporters are likely to lose
between $3 billion and $4.8 billion a year if they don't
decarbonize their production. This will affect the
exporters of rolled metal products, paper and
chemical products - it is expected to reduce profits by
about half. However, oil and gas and metallurgical
companies will have to pay the most in this case,
which is associated with large export volumes.
According to KPMG's forecast, on average, gas
suppliers will incur additional costs of around 1.4-2.3
billion euros per year (Souter, 2019).
The term "green building" in the generally accepted
world practice means such an approach to the design
and construction of buildings, structures, as well as
the architectural environment, which takes into
account the requirements of energy efficiency,
resource saving and environmental safety to the
maximum. Often people who are not specialists in
this field interpret this term literally, and understand
the problems of landscaping and gardening,
landscape design, etc. by them.
Of course, these are very close and interconnected
issues, however, "green building" is a broader
concept, it is a new, dynamically developing area of
architecture and construction, associated with the
Green Technologies in Production and Construction
revision of the priorities of modern society in its
growth.Currently, in foreign countries and in Russia,
the concept of building "green" buildings with zero
energy consumption is actively developing. A zero-
energy building (ZEB) is a highly energy-efficient
building capable of producing energy on site from
renewable sources and consuming it in equal amounts
throughout the year. If the amount of energy produced
is less than the energy consumed, such a building is
called a near zero-energy building (nZEB). The
choice of an indoor thermal comfort model to
establish optimal humidity conditions has a
significant impact on the energy consumption of zero-
energy buildings in hot climates.
In 2013, the first office building with zero energy
consumption was put into operation in Germany
(Souter, 2019; Braverman, 2019). The two-storey
building is located in Berlin and is designed in such a
way that the total annual energy consumption is lower
than the receipts from renewable energy sources. The
actual total annual consumption of electrical energy
is close to the design data. However, monitoring of
the building showed a significant discrepancy
between the expected and measured values of
electricity consumption for individual indicators: for
heating and hot water supply (+172%), ventilation (-
36%), lighting (-33%), engineering equipment and
auxiliary needs (-14 % and -13% respectively)
(Korchagina, 2019). To investigate the causes of
these deviations, as well as to further improve the
energy performance of the building, a numerical
model was developed, calibrated in various ways. The
average systematic error between observed and
simulated energy performance is less than ±2% for all
considered energy uses. According to the results of
observations and modeling, a good agreement was
established, both in terms of the energy needs of the
air conditioning system, and in terms of changes in
the air temperature in the room during the heating and
cooling periods of the year. The identified deviations
in the consumption of electrical energy are mainly
related to the characteristics of the building under
study and the behavior of people. The results obtained
allow us to propose measures aimed at further
reducing the energy consumption of buildings.
An important element of the heat-insulating shell
of a "green" building is the "green" roof (green roof).
This is a multilayer enclosing structure, consisting of
a reinforced concrete roof slab (with a cement-sand
mortar ramp), the main layer of a waterproofing
carpet, thermal insulation from extruded polystyrene
foam boards, a separating layer of geotextiles, a
drainage and filtering layer, a soil layer, a plant layer.
Depending on the type of vegetation layer, roof
gardening can be divided into intensive and
extensive. In intensive landscaping based on the use
of tall plants with a developed root system (roof
garden), a massive soil layer up to 1 m thick may be
required; such a roof requires, as a rule, constant care
by gardeners. Extensively green roofs, on the other
hand, do not require systematic maintenance, and a
minimum layer of soil or compost is required to
accommodate plants. Compared to "intensive" roofs,
"extensive" roofs have a simpler design solution
(Gakaev, 2020).
The construction industry has great potential to
protect the environment and improve the comfort and
well-being of people. The concept of sustainable
development meets the three main challenges of our
time - improving the quality of human life, saving the
planet and generating profits. As a response to these
challenges, one of the tools is a special approach - life
cycle analysis. According to the concept of
sustainable development, at each stage of the
existence of a building: design - construction -
renovation, the comfort and well-being of people
should be improved, the consumption of natural
resources, including electricity, should be minimized,
damage to the environment should be reduced, and
economic efficiency should be increased.
The nature of the project. Buildings and their
construction are the activities that worldwide account
for the largest share of the use of natural resources
and the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. It
is known that in developed countries, the construction
and operation of buildings are responsible for 25-40%
of the use of the total amount of energy consumed, up
to 30% of the use of raw materials, up to 40% of
global greenhouse gas emissions and up to 40% of
solid waste production. The demand for green
buildings is on the rise, and this is especially evident
in the growing number of eco-labeled materials in
building construction around the world. The number
of certified square meters under green building
programs has increased markedly over the past 10
years. Standards, policies and regulations are
developed using a building life cycle analysis, from
the extraction of raw materials to the demolition of a
building and its recycling of its components. The
construction industry as a whole is restructuring
towards increasingly sustainable building methods.
At the moment, Russia is facing not only such
traditional challenges as the need to diversify the
economy and reduce dependence on the commodity
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
sector, but also the downturn in global business
activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the
accompanying fall in demand and prices for fossil
fuels, which may become long term. Also, some of
the world's major economies, including neighboring
countries, are beginning a large-scale transformation
of their economic systems in response to the global
climate and environmental crises. In the absence of a
timely and appropriate response to these events,
Russia risks increasing its economic and
technological gap with the world's leading economies
(Vladimirov, 2019). How Russia will emerge from
the COVID-19 crisis will largely determine the
trajectory of its economic development in the coming
years or even decades. Since the start of the
pandemic, dozens of civil society organizations,
corporations, and even ministers from the world's
leading countries have presented their vision of a way
out of the COVID-19 crisis. The vast majority of
these statements contain a call to stimulate the
economy through the development of green sectors.
The European Union remained committed to the
European Green Deal announced before the
pandemic and continued to develop it, and also
decided to support green sectors as part of its anti-
crisis policy. China, Japan and South Korea have
pledged to set official targets for carbon neutrality by
mid-century soon. Elected in November 2020, US
President Joe Biden plans to push for a 100% clean
energy transition and zero net emissions in the US by
2050.It is known that the effect of "heat islands" in an
urbanized environment is due to higher temperatures
of the outer surfaces of buildings, in particular roofs.
The installation of "green" roofs contributes to the
equalization of the temperature on the outer surface
and a significant reduction in energy consumption.
The authors of the article (Molchanova, 2019) Y.-Y.
Huang, C.-T. Chen, Y.-C. Tsai assessed the effect of
hydroponic coatings of "green" roofs on the
amplitude of temperature fluctuations and heat flow.
(Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in
artificial media without soil.) Factors such as the
thickness of the water layer, types of plants and
nutrient medium were studied. The experiments were
carried out in Taichung, the third largest city in
Taiwan, in a subtropical climate. The results showed
that to ensure efficient operation of the hydroponic
cover, it is sufficient to have a layer of water about 10
cm thick. The combination of vegetation and
hydroponic cover leads to a decrease in temperature
on the roof surface by 35 K, while the amplitude of
the heat flux fluctuation decreases by 16% compared
to roof without vegetation. The type of plants does not
affect the amplitude of temperature fluctuations and
heat flow. It is shown that the application of a solid
hydroponic cover is more difficult in terms of
installation and maintenance of the roof system.
"Green" roofs are an effective way to increase the
green area in the urban environment and improve the
microclimate of buildings. The article (Egorova,
2020) (authors Y. He, H. Yu, N. Dong et al.) studied
the thermal and energy characteristics of an
extensively green roof in an unconditioned and air-
conditioned building in Shanghai, a coastal city with
hot and humid summers. The experiment was carried
out on two full-scale models of the building premises.
One room had a green roof covering, the other a
standard covering. The results show that when
exposed to solar radiation, the green roof has the
greatest cooling effect. Soil moisture content has a
significant impact on the energy balance of a
building. In recent years, "green" building coatings
have become increasingly popular due to the clear
environmental benefits. The authors of the article
(Meckling, 2020) X. Tang and M. Qu, based on
experimental studies and numerical simulation,
assessed the energy characteristics of "green" roofs in
cold climates. The test bench was located on the
rooftop of Schleman Hall on the campus of Purdue
University in West Lafayette, Indiana. The stand was
equipped with a recording device and sensors for
measuring soil temperature, moisture content, etc.
The experiment consisted in determining the thermal
characteristics of a "green" roof in a cold climate and
assessing the effect of phase transitions of moisture in
the nutrient medium of the coating on thermal
characteristics. This article provides new insights into
the process of moisture phase transition in green roofs
and its impact on the thermal performance of the
structure (Molchanova, 2019; Egorova, 2020).
Green roof structures are widely used for energy
saving purposes in many countries with different
climatic conditions. The scope of their application in
heated and cooled buildings is highly dependent on
the design features and the outdoor climate. In
particular, an increase in the thermal storage capacity
of "green" roofs compared to traditional roofs is
shown. The authors P. La Roche, U. Berardi in the
article (Korchagina, 2019) explore the energy saving
potential of "green" roofs with "variable insulation
strategy". Four examples of insulated traditional
roofs, non-insulated green roofs, insulated green
roofs, and variable insulation green roofs were
studied over the course of several years in hot, dry
climates with mild winters. The results of the study
showed that the use of "variable thermal insulation"
is more effective. The color of the coating has a great
influence on the thermal regime of roofs. Recently,
Green Technologies in Production and Construction
"white" (whites) and "green" roofs began to replace
the usual "black" roofs (black roofs) in order to
mitigate their negative impact on the urban
environment. It is shown that in comparison with
"black" "white" and "green" roofs provide a
significant economic effect. The choice of coating
color is based on the preferences of the customer
(Mauritzen, 2016). To address global warming, light-
colored roofs should be used, which are three times
more efficient than green roofs. If local
environmental factors are at the forefront, "green"
roofs should be used to provide a "natural" urban
landscape. Recommendations are given for the
gradual reduction of the area of roofs with a dark
coating in a warm climate.
In 2020, Russia faced critical economic challenges
that jeopardize its further development while
maintaining a modern economic model: the limitation
of economic activity due to the coronavirus pandemic
and the resulting drop in global demand for fossil
fuels; a sharp drop in prices for energy resources on
world markets, followed by a recovery to lower levels
than at the beginning of 2020. According to the
forecasts of the International Energy Agency (IEA),
the demand for energy in 2020 will decrease by 5%.
At the same time, oil consumption will decrease by
8%, coal - by 7%, natural gas - by 3%, and electricity
consumption from renewable energy sources will
increase by 1%. The main reasons for the positive
trends in renewable energy during the general
downturn are the low operating costs of RES and the
priority access of RES-based power plants to the grid.
According to World Bank estimates, oil prices fell by
30% in the first three quarters of 2020. In 2019, a
barrel of oil cost an average of $61 (Meckling, 2020;
Hibbard, 2019). At the end of 2020, it is expected that
its average cost will be $41, and in 2021 - $44. Gas
prices recovered after the spring decline, especially in
Europe. At the end of October, they were only 5%
below the pre-pandemic level. Coal prices remain low
- 25% lower than before the introduction of the self-
isolation regime. According to World Bank
expectations, gas prices will recover in 2021, while
coal prices will remain at current levels. Despite
attempts to diversify the Russian economy over the
past decade, the fuel and energy complex still plays a
crucial role in Russia's development. The World Bank
estimates that the fossil fuel sector generated about
14% of Russia's GDP in 2018, and fuel provided 52%
of the country's total merchandise exports. The share
of oil and gas revenues in the federal budget for 2018
was 46%, for 2019 - 39%. For comparison, in 2006
this figure was 47%. The coronavirus pandemic has
had a sharply negative impact on the Russian energy
sector. In April-May 2020, Russian oil and gas
revenues decreased by 43% compared to the same
period in 2019; in the period from January to May,
the decrease was 30.1%. In the second quarter of
2020, the federal budget had a deficit of 823 billion
rubles, for the first time since 2017 (Monasterolo,
2018). The corporate "green" standard was launched
in May 2010 after a year of active discussions among
industry participants in the preparation process for the
Games. This event marks the first attempt at an
integrated approach to understanding the
sustainability of the construction industry in Russia.
All green building advocates and the most influential
non-profit environmental organizations such as
WWF, Greenpeace, FSC and RuGBC eagerly
awaited the release of the standard and also
participated in its development. The corporate
standard has become innovative due to the fact that it
is the first such standard in Russia, and also due to the
fact that it covers not only free-standing buildings, but
also infrastructure facilities such as roads and
railways. The preparation of the standard was carried
out with the participation of representatives of
environmental and architectural organizations. The
working groups developed criteria, analyzed their
relevance, and also described the procedure for
passing the assessment. The standard, which is
currently voluntary, has all the prerequisites to
become mandatory. For successful implementation
and development, the standard needs to be tested and
constantly improved. International environmental
standards such as BREEAM have been tested and
refined over more than 20 years. Such results in
Russia can only be achieved through extensive
investment and a long period of time allotted for the
process of “running in” the standard.
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Green Technologies in Production and Construction