Prospects for the Development of Organic Agriculture: Regenerative
Animal Husbandry and Agriculture
, Milana Gazieva
and Tamilla Magomadova
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Grozny, Russian Federation
Keywords: Global changes, agricultural, fundamental changes, regenerative cultural adaptation, developing countries,
sustainable development environment, technical progress, national economy, climate change.
Abstract: For farm animals to be productive (milk, eggs, meat, etc.), it is important that they receive suitable food in
sufficient quantities. If farm feed production is limited (as is usually the case), it may be economically feasible
to keep fewer animals but provide them with enough food. The appropriate amount and composition of feed
will, of course, depend on the type of animal as well as its primary use (eg chicken for meat or eggs, cattle
for milk, meat or draft power, etc.). For example, in milk production, milk producing cows should be given
fresh grass and possibly other feeds with adequate protein content. On the same diet, draft animals were
rapidly depleted. A balanced diet will allow the animal to remain healthy and productive. Whether a farm
animal is receiving the proper amount and type of food can usually be seen by the sheen of its coat or feathers.
For ruminants, most of the feed should be roughage (grass, leaves, etc.). If concentrates or additives are used
(eg agricultural by-products and waste), they must not contain growth promoters or other synthetic substances.
Instead of buying expensive concentrates, there are plenty of protein-rich legumes that can be grown on the
farm as cover crops, hedges, or trees. If the mineral content of the available feed is insufficient to meet the
needs of the animal, mineral salt bricks or similar feed additives may be used, as long as they do not contain
synthetic additives.
Claims that the global food system is “in crisis” or
“not working” are becoming more common
(Aksyutik, 2020; Surowiecki, 2021). Such statements
point to a wide range of illnesses, from hunger,
poverty and obesity; through industrial agriculture,
over-reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides,
substandard (if not unsafe) food, environmental
degradation, biodiversity loss, exploitative labor
relations and animal welfare; to corporate dominance
and lack of sustainability. It is in this context, when
every aspect of agriculture and food production,
distribution and consumption is questioned, that the
current interest in "Regenerative Agriculture" and
"Regenerative Agriculture"3 has taken root. While
the use of the adjective "regenerative" is on the rise
among activists, civil society groups and corporations
as they call for the renewal, transformation and
revitalization of the global food system, in this article
we examine the calls for regenerative agriculture
from an agronomic perspective. By this we mean a
perspective based on the use of plant, soil, ecological
and systems sciences to support the production of
food, feed and fiber in a sustainable manner. In
particular, we address two questions (Souter, 2019):
1) What is the analysis of agronomic issues that
motivates the movement for regenerative
agriculture, and what is the evidence base for
this analysis?
2) What agronomic solutions are being proposed
and how well are they supported by the facts?
Our frankly agronomic approach to
regenerative agriculture means that some
important aspects of describing a "food system
in crisis" are beyond the scope of this article,
Murtazova, K., Gazieva, M. and Magomadova, T.
Prospects for the Development of Organic Agriculture: Regenerative Animal Husbandry and Agriculture.
DOI: 10.5220/0011554700003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
such as nutritional inequalities and labor
relations. However, apart from agronomic
science, our analysis is based on historical and
political economy perspectives. This suggests
that the food system is best seen as an integral
part of a much wider network of economic,
social and political relationships. It follows that
many of the deficiencies attributed to the food
system, including hunger, food poverty, poor
labor relations, corporate dominance, will not
be successfully addressed by action within the
food system, but only through political and
economic change at a higher level. The article
continues as follows. The following section
explores the origins of regenerative agriculture
and the different ways in which it can be
defined. It then explores two crises that are
central to the rationale for regenerative
agriculture soils and biodiversity. The next
section looks at the practices most commonly
associated with regenerative agriculture and
assesses their potential to address the
aforementioned crises. The final section of the
discussion presents a number of questions that
may be useful to research agronomists involved
in regenerative agriculture (Braverman, 2019).
In many areas of the tropics, favorable periods
with abundant food alternate with less favorable
periods when the animals have little to feed.
However, keeping animals means providing food
throughout the year. Forage can be produced on the
farm in the form of pastures or in the form of grass or
woody crops used for cutting.
Although grazing requires less labor than barn
feeding, more land is required and appropriate
measures must be taken to keep animals away from
other crops (Korchagina, 2019). Grazing can reduce
productivity (dairy, beef, etc.) but is usually a better
option in terms of animal health and welfare.
However, barn storage has the advantage that manure
can be easily collected, stored or composted and
applied to crops. The choice of pasture or surface
feeding will mainly depend on agro-climatic
conditions, cropping system and land availability. A
combination of hanging feeding and grazing in a
fenced area can be the perfect combination of high
productivity and animal welfare. However, in large
pastures in semi-arid areas, grazing may be the only
viable option.
The adjective “regenerative” has been associated with
the nouns “agriculture” and “farming” since the late
1970s (Gakaev, 2020), but the terms “regenerative
agriculture” and “regenerative agriculture” became
more common in the early 1980s when they were
picked up American Institute of Rodale. Through its
research and publications (including the journal
Organic Horticulture and Agriculture), the Rodale
Institute has been at the forefront of the organic
farming movement for decades. Robert Rodale
defined regenerative agriculture as “one that, while
increasing levels of productivity, increases our
biological production base of land and soil. It has a
high level of inherent economic and biological
stability. The environmental impact outside the farm
or field is minimal or non-existent. It produces
biocide-free food products. It provides for the
productive contribution of an increasing number of
people in the transition to minimal dependence on
non-renewable resources.” Richard Harwood, an
agronomist who made his name in the international
farming systems research movement, was the director
of the Rodale Research Center when he published the
"international review" of regenerative agriculture.
The review goes to great lengths to contextualize
regenerative agriculture in relation to the historical
evolution of the various schools of organic and
biodynamic farming, but it also highlights Rodale's
suggestion that regenerative agriculture goes beyond
organic as it involves changes in "macrostructure"
and "social value". ', and seeks to increase rather than
decrease productive resources. Harwood summarizes
the "Philosophy of Regenerative Agriculture" in 10
points. He further states that this philosophy
emphasizes (Vladimirov, 2019):
1) the relationship of all parts of the farming
system, including the farmer and his family; 2) the
importance of countless biological balances in the
system; and 3) the need to maximize the desired
biological relationships in the system and minimize
the use of materials and methods that violate these
relationships” (Vladimirov, 2019; Molchanova,
The points summarizing the philosophy of
regenerative agriculture are presented in the
following form (Molchanova, 2019):
1. Agriculture must produce highly nutritious,
biocide-free food with high yields.
2. Agriculture should increase, not decrease, soil
productivity by increasing the depth, fertility,
and physical characteristics of the topsoil.
Prospects for the Development of Organic Agriculture: Regenerative Animal Husbandry and Agriculture
3. Nutrient flow systems that fully integrate soil
flora and fauna into the structure, are more
efficient and less damaging to the environment,
and provide better crop nutrition. Such systems
introduce a new upward flow of nutrients into
the soil profile, reducing or eliminating adverse
environmental impacts. Such a process is, by
definition, a process of soil formation.
4. Crop production should be based on biological
interactions to ensure stability, eliminating the
need for synthetic biocides.
5. Substances that disrupt the biological structure
of the farming system (eg modern synthetic
fertilizers) should not be used.
6. Regenerative agriculture requires in its
biological structure a close relationship
between the manager/participants of the system
and the system itself.
7. Integrated systems should be used that are
largely self-sufficient in nitrogen through
biological nitrogen fixation.
8. Animals in agriculture should be fed and
managed in such a way as to avoid the use of
hormones and the prophylactic use of
antibiotics, which are then present in human
9. Agricultural production should contribute to
increasing the level of employment.
10. Regenerative agriculture requires planning at
the national level, but a high degree of self-
sufficiency at the local and regional levels to
close nutrient flow loops.
In most small farms, forage growing will compete
for space with crop growing. Whether growing feed
(and hence livestock) is more economical than crop
production needs to be assessed on a case-by-case
basis. However, there are several options for
integrating forage crops into farms without damaging
the land. Below are some examples (Molchanova,
grass or legume cover crops on plantation trees;
hedges of suitable shrubs;
shade or support trees;
grass on embankments against soil erosion;
grass fallow or green manure in crop rotation;
crops with by-products such as paddy straw
leaves or peas.
Pasture management is critical to good herd
management. It is also important to practice
appropriate management throughout the year. There
are many different types of grasses, and in each
climatic region there are grasses specially adapted to
the conditions (Vladimirov, 2019).
In some cases, it may be worth considering tilling
the pasture and planting grass that is more suited to
the needs of the animal. Overgrazing is perhaps the
most serious threat to pastures. After the destruction
of the protective grass cover, the topsoil is subject to
erosion. Degraded pastures or lands with little
vegetation cover are difficult to reclaim. Therefore, it
is important that the use and intensity of grazing on a
particular piece of land correspond to its productivity.
The pasture should be allowed enough time to recover
from heavy grazing (Reynard, 2020).
Pathogenic microbes and parasites are present
almost everywhere. Just like humans, animals have
immune systems that are usually able to deal with
these microbes. As with humans, the effectiveness of
the immune system will be compromised if the
animals are not properly nourished, unable to practice
their natural behaviors, or are under social stress.
Health is a balance between the pressure of disease
(i.e., the presence of germs and parasites) and the
resistance (i.e., the immune system and self-healing
powers) of the animal. The farmer can influence both
sides of this balance by reducing germs, maintaining
good hygiene, and increasing the ability of animals to
cope with germs. Organic animal husbandry aims to
improve the living conditions of animals and
strengthen their immune systems. Of course: if the
animal is sick, it must be treated. However, the farmer
should also consider why the animal's immune
system was unable to fight off a disease or parasite
attack. Also, the farmer should think about how to
improve animal welfare and hygiene in order to
strengthen it (
Mauritzen, 2016).
As with crop health, organic farming focuses on
preventive measures to keep animals healthy, rather
than curative methods. This starts with the
preservation of robust, rather than high performing,
but highly susceptible breeds. Further, the conditions
for keeping animals should be optimal, providing
sufficient space, light and air, dry and clean bedding,
frequent walks, i.e. grazing and proper hygiene. The
quality and quantity of feed are crucial for animal
health (Gakaev, 2020). Instead of feeding on
commercial concentrates that make animals grow
faster and produce more, a natural diet that meets the
needs of the animal should be achieved. With all these
preventive measures, animals rarely get sick. Thus,
veterinary treatment should play only a minor role in
organic farming (Vladimirov, 2019). If treatment is
needed, alternative medicine based on herbs and folk
remedies should be used. Only when these therapies
are ineffective or insufficient should synthetic drugs
be used (eg antibiotics, parasiticides, anesthetics,
etc.); in these cases, the treated animals must be
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
separated from the untreated organic stock and
excluded for a certain period of time, eg. at least 3
weeks from the date of organic certification. The
main reason for veterinary treatment in organic
animal husbandry is to study the causes (or
contributing factors) of diseases in order to enhance
the animal's natural defense mechanisms (and prevent
their occurrence in the future). Unlike crop
production, synthetics are allowed to treat sick
animals if alternative treatments are not enough.
Here, reducing the suffering of the animal is
prioritized over the elimination of chemicals.
Soil health is a particular focus of narratives related
to regenerative agriculture. Indeed, the idea that soil
and soil life in particular is under threat is at the heart
of most, if not all, calls for regenerative agriculture.
However, the term "soil health" is inherently
problematic. Just like soil quality, soil health is a
container concept that needs to be disaggregated to
make sense. While this can be seen as something
positive to strive for, the basic soil functions need
meaningful indicators that can be measured and
tracked over a long period of time. Moreover, cultural
practices that benefit one aspect of soil health (eg, soil
life) often have a negative impact on other functions;
there is usually not one direction in soil health, but
several trade-offs (Reynard, 2020). Many websites
and testimonials about regenerative agriculture
emphasize the importance of soil biodiversity and in
particular the macro- and micro-organisms that are
responsible for the biological cycling of nutrients.
Reports of reduced soil biodiversity with intensive
farming and the simplification of soil food webs have
raised widespread concerns about soil health. For
example, a recent advisory body report to the Dutch
government was ambiguously titled, as the word
"bodem" means both bottom and soil. The report
argues that the quality of the soil has declined to a
critical point - at least in part due to the loss of soil
biodiversity. While research clearly identifies
differences in soil food webs between cultivated
fields, pastures, and (semi-)natural vegetation, the
relationship with soil function is largely established
through correlation—there is little evidence of any
direct causal relationship between soil biodiversity
and soil biodiversity. any loss of function. . The
mantra "feed the soil, not the crop" has long been
central to organic agriculture, while the importance of
creating soil organic matter has been emphasized by
proponents of organic or biodynamic agriculture, as
well as in more traditional agricultural discourses in
the US and elsewhere (Meckling, 2020). Soil takes
centuries to form, and significant loss of soil through
erosion is unsustainable. The dust bowl of the 1930s
in the United States became a seminal experience for
both scientific and public acceptance of the soil. It is
commonly stated that a quarter or more of the earth's
soils are degraded, although exact numbers are
disputed. Commonly cited estimates of soil loss by
erosion are made using runoff plots, which tend to
overestimate the rate of loss because they do not
account for the deposition and transport of soil across
the landscape. However, assume that the rate of soil
loss exceeds the rate of soil formation by an order of
magnitude, assuming that a third of the soils for
which data were available have a lifespan of less than
200 years. A related long-term trend drawing
attention to soils is the decline in the global soil
carbon pool and its contribution to global warming.
Recent modeling estimates the historical loss of soil
carbon due to human land use at about 116 pg of
carbon, comparable to about one-fifth of industry's
total greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these losses
are due to changes in land use. Conversion of natural
vegetation, especially forests, almost always results
in a decrease in SOM content due to non-permanent
vegetation, removal of biomass and, consequently, a
decrease in organic matter input. However, the loss of
soil carbon from land-use conversion is different from
the losses or benefits that can be achieved by
changing management practices on existing
agricultural land (Hibbard, 2019).
Supporters of regenerative agriculture attribute
the biodiversity crisis to the widespread use of
monocultures along with heavy dependence on
external resources and the absence of "biological
cyclicity". Undoubtedly, large areas of genetically
homogeneous crops can be subject to the rapid spread
of pests and diseases and do little to improve the
quality of rural landscapes. If we consider
biodiversity in a broader sense, there is little doubt
that the Earth has entered its sixth mass extinction.
The increase in population, the clearing of primordial
habitat and the expansion of agriculture over the last
century are clearly the root causes. How best to halt
this loss of biodiversity is less clear. Optimistic
projections suggest that the world's population will
peak at 9.8 billion in 2060, while the United Nations
Population Program predicts a population of 11.4
billion by the end of the century. In any case,
population growth will undoubtedly require the
production of additional nutritious foods. Moderate
consumption patterns and dietary change can reduce
this demand, as can food loss and waste, but the most
Prospects for the Development of Organic Agriculture: Regenerative Animal Husbandry and Agriculture
conservative estimate is that overall global food
production should increase by at least 25%
(Molchanova, 2019; Reynard, 2020;
3.1 Figures
Figure 1: A variety of forage grasses, both for fattening and
for grazing.
Figure 2: Leaves and twigs of legume trees, rich in protein
and widely available during the dry season.
The article presented lists of practices associated with
various regenerative agriculture options, which we
order based on agronomic principles. It should be
noted that chemical fertilizers or synthetic pesticides
cannot be used to define regenerative organic
agriculture, and soilless cultivation methods are also
prohibited. Many practices associated with
regenerative agriculture such as crop rotations, cover
crops, livestock integration are generally considered
(or in some cases have been considered) "good
agricultural practice" and remain an integral part of
traditional farming. Some of them are more
problematic: conservation agriculture, for example,
can be carried out within an organic structure or on
the basis of GMOs, with intensive use of herbicides
and fertilizers (Meckling, 2020; Hibbard, 2019).
Others, such as permaculture, have a rather limited
use for the production of many agricultural
commodities. Still others, such as holistic grazing, are
highly controversial in terms of claims of broad
applicability and environmental benefits in terms of
soil carbon storage and reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions. The potential of perennial cereals has
generated considerable interest in relation to
regenerative agriculture. Deep-rooted perennial
grasses such as wheatgrass (Thinopyrum
intermedium), cereals (such as sorghum), or legumes
(such as pigeonpea) have the advantage of providing
multiple products such as forage as well as grain, and
provide continuous soil cover that can stop soil
erosion and reduce nitrate leaching. On the other
hand, perennial cereals tend to yield less than annual
varieties and share limitations with monocultures in
terms of the spread of pests and diseases. They may
also have difficulty controlling weeds. Snapp et al.
conduct a detailed analysis of the potential of
perennial crops.
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Prospects for the Development of Organic Agriculture: Regenerative Animal Husbandry and Agriculture