The Use of Anhydrous Ammonia as a Mineral Fertilizer and Its
Reaction and Behavior in Soil
Musa Shavanov
and Ilyas Shigapov
Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Technological Institute, Branch of Ulyanovsk State Agricultural University, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
Keywords: Nitrogen fertiliser, anhydrous ammonia, agriculture.
Abstract: Anhydrous ammonia (NH3) is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer containing 80-82% nitrogen and is
widely used in many countries of the world as mineral fertilizer for agricultural crops. It is the third most
abundantly produced toxic chemical in the world, which is extensively used as a fertilizer in agriculture. At
present, the use of anhydrous ammonia in Russia is not so widely practiсed, but demand is gradually
increasing among farmers. There are several reasons why NH3 is used so widely in the world: firstly, because
of its relatively easy application and ready availability; secondly, it is a starting material for the production of
ammonia and thirdly, it is the least expensive source of nitrogen fertilizer. However, there are also
disadvantages of applying anhydrous ammonia as fertilizer that limit its complete dominance in the market.
It is a gas that is stored as a liquid under high pressure, requiring special equipment for its application and
adequately educated workers. If handled wrong, it can cause rapid dehydration and severe burns as it combines
with the moisture of the body. This article is a compilation of scientific data that has been evaluated from
several perspectives of NH3 after it is applied to soil.
The Anhydrous ammonia is one of the most common
sources of nitrogen fertilizer, containing about 80-
82% nitrogen. Usually, it has two states of
aggregation: liquid and gas. The latter prevails under
normal environmental conditions. For storage in large
quantities, it is either liquefies under pressure (about
10 bar at 250C) or cooled (boiling point -330C),
resulting in the formation of liquid ammonia. In this
form, it is relatively easier to handle, of course, with
special equipment designed to work with ammonia.
Although anhydrous ammonia is extremely important
for industry (it is widely used in medicine and the
production of explosives), most of its production is
used in agriculture. Ammonia is directly used as a
fertilizer for crops, and it is also the starting material
for the production of fertilizers such as ammonium
nitrate, ammonium sulfate and others. When it enters
the soil, it turns into a gas and forms ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH), the ions of which are absorbed
by the soil (Pasman, 2015; Bityutsky, 2014).
It should be noted that ammonia is toxic. It is
lighter than air, flammable and forms explosive
mixtures with chlorine and sulfur dioxide gases, so
untrained people should not be allowed to work with
this substance. NH3 contains low water, therefore it
aggressively absorbs moisture, whether from the soil,
eyes, throat, lungs, or skin. Any contact with
anhydrous ammonia with our body can cause tissue
dehydration, caustic burns, and frostbite. The danger
of ammonia spills is often underestimated, but they
have resulted in a significant number of deaths. For
example, despite all safety measures, in 1973 in
Potchefstroom (South Africa) at a fertilizer plant, a
tank filled with anhydrous ammonia cracked and a
hole was formed from which 38 metric tons of
anhydrous ammonia were released into the
atmosphere as a gas and partly in the form of a boiling
liquid. A massive cloud formed and dissipated into
the air. As a result, 18 people died, 4 of whom lived
in the village within a radius of 200 meters, and 65
workers required medical care (Pasman, 2015). In
April 2013, a fire and explosion of ammonium nitrate
at a West Fertilizer Company plant in Texas killed 15
people and injured 260. The 2014 annual report from
the American Association of Poison Control Centers
(AAPCC) reported 2,083 single cases of exposure to
ammonia (Waheed, 2017).
Shavanov, M. and Shigapov, I.
The Use of Anhydrous Ammonia as a Mineral Fer tilizer and Its Reaction and Behavior in Soil.
DOI: 10.5220/0011555000003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Anhydrous ammonia should be applied to an
appropriate depth to avoid losses due to volatilization
of ammonia. It is retained in the soil by various
chemical and physical reactions, the most common of
which are reactions with free hydrogen ions (pH
function) and with water. Anhydrous ammonia
dissolves well in water and, when applied to the soil,
reacts with soil moisture. The following reaction
occurs with the formation of ammonium ions:
+ H
+ OH
NH3 in the form of gas is highly reactive and
ionizes to ammonium ions (NH4+) in the presence of
water. Ammonium ions are positively charged and
are attracted to negatively charged surfaces such as
clay particles and organic matter that leads to the
reduction of ammonium loss from the soil. The
leaching of nitrogen from the soil occurs after
ammonium is converted to nitrate (NO3-) by the
nitrification process, which allows it to move with
soil moisture. Anhydrous ammonia is considered
physiologically alkaline, the application of which
causes temporary alkalization of the soil. In the first
few days after the introduction of anhydrous
ammonia, the pH level in the soil rises (may
temporarily rise above nine at the point of maximum
concentration), but later the acidity of the soil solution
stabilizes and increases. This acidification is caused
by the conversion of NH4+ to NO3- by the action of
nitrifying bacteria and the displacement of exchange-
absorbed cations by the released hydrogen ion. The
following reactions of biological nitrification of
ammonium in the soil:
+ 3O
+ 2H
O + 4H
+ O
Eventually, such a reaction leads to a decline of
the soil pH to the initial level or below. The
application of anhydrous ammonia results in the
formation of inorganic nitrogen under the soil
surface, because most of it dissipates upward rather
than downward after application. Anhydrous
ammonia spreads in a diameter of approximately 5 to
13 cm depending on soil texture, cation exchange
capacity and soil moisture. The loss of gaseous
ammonia depends on the depth of its application and
the soil moisture. The lack and excess of moisture
contribute to the volatilization of ammonia into the
atmosphere. In such cases, to minimize nitrogen
losses, anhydrous ammonia is applied to a depth of at
least 15 cm with additional equipment that covers the
slot made by the knife of the equipment. The level of
soil moisture directly affects the depth of anhydrous
ammonia application. So, for example, soil with a
moisture content of about 16% leads to minimal loss
of ammonia, regardless of the depth of application,
while on wetter or drier soils, a deeper application of
gaseous ammonia is practiced. Studies have shown
that soil with a moisture level of 2% leads to an
immediate (less than 2 hours) loss of gas, while soil
with a moisture content of about 23% has a gradual
loss of soil nitrogen during the first 1-2 days (Harber,
2016; Sawyer, 2019; Vitosh, M. L.).
Scalar Food crops are necessary nowadays to quell
the famine of the increasing population. The demand
for food crops has been increasing substantially with
the increasing human population pressure. Thus,
there is an increase in the production of food crops
globally, which naturally depletes soil nutrients.
Farmers rely on fertilizers to keep their soils
productive and produce quality crops (Zhichkin,
2021; Zhichkin, 2021a). Ammonia is an important
source for the production of mineral fertilizers, as
well as the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer,
which is applied to the soil with special equipment.
About 80-90% percent of the world's ammonia
production is used in agriculture for fertilizer
production and also as a direct application. The
concentration of mineral nitrogen in the places where
anhydrous ammonia is applied can reach 250 mg/kg
on loam granulometric composition soils
(Miroshnichenko, 2015). The global NH3 market has
shown stable growth in recent years, with the Asia-
Pacific region (China and India), as well as Russia
and America, being the largest production countries
(Table 1). Over the next 4 years, a 4% increase in
world production of ammonia is expected. Such an
increase is mainly expected in Africa, Eastern Europe
and South Asia, while in East Asia, on the contrary,
the amount of ammonia produced will decrease due
to factories closures. One of the factors that keep the
constant demand for nitrogen fertilizers is the huge
cultivated areas of corn, which accounts for about
10% of all cultivated areas in the world. For example,
according to the US Department of Agriculture, 37.1
million hectares of corn were planted in America
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
alone in 2019, which is 3% more compared to 2018
(USGS 2020).
Table 1: World production of ammonia (million tones)
(USGS 2020).
2018 2019
USA 13,1 14
Algeria 1,6 2,4
Australia 1,3 1,3
Belarus 1,05 1,1
Brazil 1 1
Canada 3,83 3,8
China 41 40
Egypt 3,7 4,1
Germany 2,6 2,6
India 11,4 12
Indonesia 5 5
Iran 3,4 3,4
Holland 2,4 2,4
Oman 1,7 1,7
Pakistan 3,1 3,1
Poland 2,17 2,2
Qatar 3,1 3,1
Russia 14,9 15
Saudi Arabia 4 4,3
Trinidad and
Tobago 4 4
Ukraine 1,62 1,6
Uzbekistan 1,2 1,2
Vietnam 1,1 1,1
Other countries 15,8 15
Total 144 150
In the second half of the XX century, some authors
expressed concerns about the deterioration of a
number of soil indicators such as humus content, soil
structure and microbial cenosis when anhydrous
ammonia is applied (Papendick, 1966; Parr, 1969).
According to other authors, the quality of crop yield
did not differ when this fertilizer was applied, but, on
the contrary, even improved. However, it must
always be taken into account that the use of mineral
fertilizers in excessive quantities can reduce the
quality of agricultural products, as well as negatively
affect the environment. Цюпка (1989) for 4 years
studied the effect of the regular use of liquid ammonia
and ammonium nitrate on the fertility of the
chernozem soil and the production of agricultural
crops in the Belgorod region. In areas with liquid
ammonia, the content of ammonia nitrogen increased
by 1.4 times, and nitrate nitrogen sometimes up to 4.3
times compared with the application of ammonium
nitrate, which led to a slight decrease in the quality of
crop yield and soil fertility. Also, the reproduction of
some groups of microorganisms was observed while
other microorganisms decreased in number.
Microorganisms involved in the transformation of
ammonia nitrogen and in the decomposition of
organic matter are bred more intensively. These are
nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria, actinomycetes,
spore-forming bacteria, cellulose decomposers and
oligotrophs (Tsyupka, 1989).
Conducted studies in the late 90s and early 2000s
showed that the use of anhydrous ammonia can
favorably affect soil microorganisms and nitrifying
bacteria, and also result in nitrogen retention in the
soil, reduced nitrate leaching and increased yields of
various crops (Biederbeck, 1996; Motavalli, 2008).
This can be proved by the applied horticultural
studies by Harber A. (2016), in which the positive
effect of anhydrous ammonia on soil microorganisms
is observed, as well as the reduction of leaching into
groundwater through interaction with clay particles
and soil moisture. Мирошниченко (2015), in turn,
argue that the use of anhydrous ammonia did not
cause significant changes in the microstructure and
microflora of the soil. This study mentions that during
the first days after fertilization, microorganisms that
assimilate mineral and organic forms of nitrogen are
depressed, as a result of which their number is halved.
However, after three weeks the activity of
microorganisms recommences.
Today, ammonia is widely used in leading
countries of the world, some of which prefer
anhydrous ammonia as a fertilizer. For example, the
USA is the largest producer and consumer. In 2008
anhydrous ammonia accounted for 35% of all
nitrogen fertilizers applied in the USA (Fujinuma,
2011) and during 2019, 16 companies were producing
ammonia at 35 plants in 16 US states. About 60% of
the total ammonia production is concentrated in the
states of Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas due to their
large gas reserves, which is the main raw material for
the synthesis of ammonia. About 88% of domestic
ammonia consumption is used as fertilizer, including
direct-applied anhydrous ammonia, and for the
production of urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium
phosphate and other nitrogen compounds (Apodaca,
Since the end of the 20th - the beginning of the
21st century, in some post-Soviet countries (Ukraine,
The Use of Anhydrous Ammonia as a Mineral Fertilizer and Its Reaction and Behavior in Soil
Russia, Belarus) this form of nitrogen fertilizer has
not been widely used. For example, Ukrainian
agricultural producers use only 12% of the total
produced 200-250 thousand tons of anhydrous
ammonia. In the USSR anhydrous ammonia was used
as the main nitrogen fertilizer, but in the 21st century,
its use in the post-Soviet countries has become
problematic. On the one hand, it can be explained by
the high toxicity of anhydrous ammonia, which, if not
handled correctly, can lead to a fatal outcome. On the
other hand, it is due to the need for trained personnel
to work with NH3 and special equipment for both
transport and storage, and for its application to the
soil (Miroshnichenko, 2015). Today, the application
of anhydrous ammonia in agriculture is steadily
expanding. In Russia, NH3 is still used in small
quantities, but the increasing application in Belarus
and Ukraine leads to high interest among Russian
farmers (Kuguchina, 2020).
Anhydrous ammonia as a fertilizer is suitable for
various crops. It is applied for cereals, industrial
crops, vegetables, sugar beets. It is applied either in
late autumn or in early spring three weeks before
sowing, to avoid seed burns and weak shoots. Since
anhydrous ammonia is applied to moist soil, the
optimal application time for dry regions is spring.
Usually, it is recommended to apply at a distance of
10-12 mm from the plants or in the middle of the row.
Otherwise, the plants may get burned. According to
Steen T.N. (1979), anhydrous ammonia is effective
for growing potatoes, sugar beet and cabbage (Steen,
1979). Thus, the application of 200 kg/ha of
anhydrous ammonia contributed to a higher yield of
the first-grade cabbage compared to 200 kg/ha of
calcium nitrate. In New Zealand, for example, field
experiments were conducted to evaluate the yield of
lettuce, radish and spinach using fertilizers such as
urea, ammonia sulfate and anhydrous ammonia. The
latter produced a higher dry weight of radish
compared to urea and control. Due to the application
of fertilizers in the low-temperature months of June
and July, the plot with anhydrous ammonia received
a higher yield, since anhydrous ammonia stimulated
plant growth and accelerated the recovery of nitrogen
from the soil (Thomas, 1973). Чекаев Н.П. 2020 in
his studies in the Penza region showed that the
application of anhydrous ammonia at a rate of 100 to
200 kg/ha to a depth of 10-20 cm increases the grain
yield of spring wheat cultivars Granny and Triso by
0.48-1.72 t/ha or by 24.4-86.3% compared to the
control. The yield of corn increased by 3.55 t/ha when
anhydrous ammonia was applied in autumn at a rate
of 150 kg/ha alongside the use of diammofoska at a
rate of 300 kg/ha compared with the "control" option
and by 1.53 t/ha when applied (NH3) in the spring at
a rate of 80 kg/ha before sowing corn compared to the
"control". The yield of sugar from sugar beet root
crops increased by 35.5% compared to the variant
without the use of ammonia. Also, field studies in the
Bryansk region on the Lady Clair potato cultivar
showed an increase in yield compared to the
experimental options where ammonium nitrate and
azophos fertilizers were applied (Chekaev, 2020;
Torikov, 2020).
Anhydrous ammonia is the most concentrated
nitrogen fertilizer containing 80-82% nitrogen and is
widely used in many countries of the world as mineral
fertilizer. Despite significant limitations in the use of
this product and many statements about the
deterioration of a number of soil indicators after its
application, today it is mandatory used for high-tech
agriculture in the developed countries of Europe, as
well as in the USA and Canada. Based on the analysis
of various scientific data on the evaluation of the
effectiveness of the use of anhydrous ammonia, no
significant changes were found in the stability of the
soil microstructure as a result of the use of this
product. The only limiting factor to the spread of NH3
application is the significant requirements for
handling NH3 and the associated limitations.
Agricultural producers need to hire companies that
professionally provide a range of services for
transportation and fertilization, or create their own
service of professionals within the company, which is
quite difficult.
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The Use of Anhydrous Ammonia as a Mineral Fertilizer and Its Reaction and Behavior in Soil