Decarbonization and its Influence on the Russian Economy
Malika Yusupova
1 a
and Musa Merzho
2 b
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Ingush State University, Magas, Russian Federation
Keywords: Decarbonization green sectors, global transition, global climate change, energy sources consumption, low-
carbon development, morphological features, energy resources.
Abstract: Global decarbonization i.e. The global transition to low-carbon development is a response to global climate
change caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. The goal of
decarbonization is to reduce, and ideally eliminate, these emissions, thereby mitigating (slowing down)
climate change and minimizing the damage it causes. The realization of this goal will have a most serious
impact on the economy of the world and Russia. The changes will affect the energy sector, transport,
construction, industry and agriculture. The requirements for land and forest management will become more
stringent. One of the outcomes of the transition to low-carbon development will be a reduction in the demand
for fossil fuels and an increase in the role of renewable and other green energy sources. In the recently adopted
Strategy for Russia's Economic Security, the change in the structure of world demand for energy resources,
the development of energy-saving and green technologies are classified as the main challenges and threats to
the country's economic security. However, these trends are considered in the strategy without linking to global
actions to mitigate climate change and with the achievement of established goals to limit the increase in
average temperature within limits that exclude catastrophic consequences for nature and humans. This creates
the danger of misinterpreting these trends as harmful or even malicious, directed against the interests of Russia,
while in fact they are objective and reflect the desire for the common good.
The digitalization of various aspects of the
functioning of the economy and human life entails the
transformation of both nature itself and the volume of
data on socio-economic phenomena. The demand for
statistical data is changing and at the same time new
opportunities are emerging due to the development of
digital communications and the emergence of big data
arrays suitable for statistical processing and analysis.
In addition, there is a need for statistical measurement
of the development of the digital economy, while
international standards in this area have not yet been
established (Global Energy and CO2 Status Report
The spread of digital technologies over a long
period determines the trajectories of economic
development and society and more than once led to
cardinal changes in people's lives. The formation of
the digital economy is one of the priority areas for
a 0000-0002-8131-2385
most countries - economic leaders, including the
United States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, etc. As
a rule, they are characterized by a long period of
implementation of the "digital development agenda"
and the continuity of priorities - from building a basic
infrastructure to the formation of a coordinated policy
in this area and programs to support the widespread
introduction of digital technologies (Global Energy
and CO2 Status Report 2017;Global Trends in
Renewable Energy Investment 2018).
In recent years, another wave of transformation of
business and social activity models has been
unfolding, caused by the emergence of new
generation digital technologies, which, due to the
scale and depth of influence, have been called "end-
to-end" - artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet
of Things, wireless communication technologies and
a number of others. Their implementation is
estimated to be able to increase labor productivity in
companies by 40%. In the near future, it is the
Yusupova, M. and Merzho, M.
Decarbonization and its Influence on the Russian Economy.
DOI: 10.5220/0011556600003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
effective use of new digital technologies that will
determine the international competitiveness of both
individual companies and entire countries that form
the infrastructure and legal environment for
digitalization (McKinsey (2017c)).
The Green Agenda was a development of the
instructions that were announced by President Putin
during his State of the Union address, which in turn
are rooted in the growing anxiety of politicians and
the public caused by global climate change, of which
the climate agreement has become an expression. For
ordinary people, the expression of the climate agenda
and the fight against global warming was the
extremely emotional speech of the Swedish
schoolgirl Greta Thunberg with her passage that “we
[people] are all on the verge of extinction (Medium
(2018)). In Russia, the words of the Swedish
schoolgirl were skeptical, but 6 days before that, the
government - by that time after 3.5 years of waiting -
decided to join the Paris climate agreement.
Nevertheless, neither in 2016, nor in subsequent
years, politicians, regardless of their level, treat the
climate agenda with skepticism, which was expressed
in the words of President Putin that climate change
depends not only on human activities, but also on
global processes, but human influence should be
minimized. By the middle of 2021 (Medium (2018);
Sukhinina, 2013), the discussion about whether
global warming is real and what is the contribution of
mankind to warming the Earth's atmosphere through
carbon emissions is irrelevant: the need to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions has been recognized by the
leading politicians of the countries of the world and
framed in a mass of regulatory legal acts. These acts
are aimed not only at reducing the volume of carbon
dioxide emissions into the Earth's atmosphere, but
also at a radical transformation of the economies of
the leading countries of the world, and can also cause
future trade wars under the guise of fighting for the
environment (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995).
The calculation of the absorptive capacity of
Russian forests for providing data to the UN is carried
out using “Regional Forest Carbon Budget
Estimation System” (ROBUL) based on scientific
research 6090s last century. For a long time, starting
from the preparatory measures for Russia's accession
to the Paris climate agreement, business fought
against this method, criticizing it for underestimating
the absorption capacity of forests, which turns out to
be many times lower than in the developed countries
of the world. The Ministry of Natural Resources, in
turn, tried not to notice this struggle, and officials did
not pay much attention to the criticism of ROBUL.
The methodology for determining what should be
considered a forest is also of great importance: in
Russia, for example, there are 2.4 times more forests
than in the United States, but their specific absorption
of carbon dioxide is 2.5 times less due to the
peculiarities of the accounting methodology. Critics
of the ROBUL methodology noted that ROBUL
reduces the predicted absorption of carbon by Russian
forests to almost zero over the next 2025 years,
which makes it impossible for economic growth in
Russia without violating obligations under the Paris
Agreement. According to ROBOUL, the absorbing
capacity of Russian forests from 1990 to 2030 will
increase from 370 million tons to 400-650 million
tons of carbon, depending on the dynamics of
logging. An alternative methodology from the All-
Russian Research Institute of Forestry and Forestry
Mechanization (VNIILM) predicts that carbon
absorption by Russian forests will increase from
1.945 billion tons to 2.4 billion tons in the same
period (Sukhinina, 2013). However, in mid-February
2021, the Ministry of Natural Resources still
adjusted32 ROBUL in order to “clarify the initial data
of calculated indicators to increase the accuracy and
reliability of calculations of the absorptive capacity of
Russian ecosystems (Federal Law No. 174-FZ,
For the first time, the Kyoto Protocol defined
quantitative goals (obligations) to limit and reduce
GHG emissions for industrialized countries and
countries with economies in transition from Annex 1
of the UNFCCC, as well as flexibility mechanisms
that allow these countries to interact with each other
(mechanisms for international emissions trading and
joint implementation of projects) and with developing
countries (Clean Development Mechanism) and
through this achieve reduction of GHG emissions in
the most economically viable way, i.e. reducing
emissions, first of all, in those countries and in such a
way, where and in what way it is cheaper. At the first
stage (2008-2012) (Medium (2018)), the task was to
test the proposed approaches and mechanisms for
reducing GHG emissions in order to gain the
necessary practical experience and then move on to
more decisive actions. Hence the relatively modest
goal of reducing GHG emissions from industrialized
countries and countries with economies in transition
by an average of 5% relative to 1990. However,
already at this stage, difficulties arose. First, it turned
out that UNFCCC Annex countries are no longer the
main source of GHG emissions, as they were in the
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
early 1990s (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995). The
bulk of emissions (over 60%) come from developing
countries (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995).
Accordingly, reducing GHG emissions in
developed countries and countries with economies in
transition alone does not solve the problem. Secondly,
in terms of economic development (GDP per capita),
some developing countries, such as, for example,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea and a number
of others, surpass many countries with economies in
transition. To demand emission reductions from some
and not demand from others is at least unfair. Finally,
thirdly, by the end of the first period, the flexibility
mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol stopped working.
There were shortcomings in the methodology for
preparing carbon projects adopted for
implementation under the protocol, weak control over
their assessment, selection, approval and
implementation, as well as insufficiently strong
commitments to reduce GHG emissions established
by a number of countries of Annex 1 of the UNFCCC
(in particular, Russia and Ukraine). With this in mind,
at the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in
Doha (Qatar) in 2012, it was decided to extend the
Kyoto Protocol until the end of 2020 (Kadner, 2021),
and then replace it with a new, better and more
comprehensive agreement. At the same time, in the
second period of the Kyoto Protocol, it was planned
to tighten the targets for reducing GHG emissions for
the countries of the UNFCCC, namely, to set them at
a level not exceeding the average level of GHG
emissions in the respective countries for 2008-2010.
However, the corresponding amendment was ratified
by less than half of the countries participating in the
protocol. At the same time, three countries - New
Zealand, Russia and Japan - chose not to take on any
quantitative obligations to limit and reduce GHG
emissions for the second period of the Kyoto
Protocol, and Canada withdrew from the protocol.
Nevertheless, the Kyoto Protocol as a whole fulfilled
its task. Developed countries have introduced various
GHG emission control schemes and implemented
measures aimed at their reduction, which allowed
these countries to achieve an absolute reduction in
GHG emissions while increasing GDP and thus create
prerequisites for the transition to low-carbon
development (Maliene, 2010).
The largest developing countries - China, India,
Brazil - also assessed the benefits and benefits of
switching to a low-carbon development path and took
a number of measures in this direction, which led, if
not to an absolute reduction in GHG emissions in
these countries, then at least to a significant
slowdown in their growth. Despite the fact that the
United States is not a party to the Kyoto Protocol,
President Barack
Obama held in 2009-2016. climate policy, which
generally met the goals and objectives of the Kyoto
Protocol. In particular, in 2013, The President's
Climate Action Plan was adopted, and in 2015, The
Clean Power Plan. In 2016, GHG emissions in the
United States decreased compared to 2005 by 11%
excluding LULUCF and by 12% with despite the fact
that US GDP grew over the same period by 17.4%.
This was facilitated by the initiatives of individual
states. Thus, since 2009, nine states - Connecticut,
Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont -
have been operating a single quota and emissions
trading scheme RGGI, which regulates CO2
emissions in the electric power industry
(Shakhgiraev, 2019).
In 2012, a cap-and-trade scheme covering all
sectors of the economy, including energy and out-of-
state products, was launched by the authorities in
California. In Canada, despite the withdrawal from
the Kyoto Protocol, much is also being done to reduce
GHG emissions. The country's current prime
minister, Justin Trudeau, is active on the climate
agenda and has consistently advocated for the
regulation of GHG emissions. This is already
happening in many Canadian provinces. For example,
British Columbia and Alberta levy taxes on GHG
emissions, while Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba have
introduced cap-and-trade schemes.
In Russia, ensuring the accelerated introduction of
digital technologies in the economy and the social
sphere is one of the national development goals
(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On the national goals and
strategic objectives of the development of the Russian
Federation for the period up to 2024", hereinafter -
Decree No. 204). For this, Decree No. 204 defines the
following tasks (Eurostat, 2021):
increase in domestic costs for the development
of the digital economy from all sources (in
terms of share in gross domestic product) by at
least 3 times compared to 2017;
creation of a sustainable and secure
information and telecommunications
infrastructure for high-speed transmission,
processing and storage of large amounts of
data, accessible to all organizations and
Decarbonization and its Influence on the Russian Economy
the use of predominantly domestic software by
state bodies, bodies local government.
Accelerated introduction of digital technologies in
the economy and in the social sphere is an ambitious
goal, which is successfully realized only in a very few
leading countries. It is achievable only if a number of
essential conditions are met. Firstly, business and the
social sphere must be ready for digital transformation,
development strategies must mature and take shape,
involving a fundamental change in the way of
organizing and doing business through the planned
intensive introduction of digital technologies,
demanded by organizations and promising
stakeholders a return on investing their own funds.
Secondly, the country should develop a relatively
mature technology supply sector, which, if not
claiming to be an international leader, is at least
capable of quickly transferring and adapting foreign
technological solutions and rapidly increasing the
scale of its own activities. Thirdly, the demand of the
population for digital technologies should constantly
grow, since it is the needs and capabilities of
consumers that ultimately determine the adequate
demand for digital technologies from organizations,
primarily in the field of B2C (Shakhgiraev, 2019;
Kadner, 2021).
For the successful solution of these tasks,
moderately favorable conditions have developed in
terms of the technological proposal. Thus, the ICT2
sector is one of the most dynamically developing
segments of the Russian economy. For the period
20102017 it grew by 17%, almost doubling GDP
growth. The share of the sector in GDP is 2.7% [NRU
HSE, 2018]. However, in most developed countries,
the ICT sector plays a more important role - its share
in the value added of the business sector in OECD
countries is 1.6 times higher than in Russia (5.4 and
3.4%, respectively). According to the HSE ISSEK,
our country is 2-3 times behind the leaders of the
technological proposal - Korea, Sweden, Finland - in
this indicator (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995).
Russian business is extremely alarmed by EU
plans for the introduction of a cross-border tax on
carbon, therefore, it acts in several directions at once:
Actively negotiates with the EU to clarify the details
of the upcoming tax, methods for accounting for
greenhouse gas emissions, on which further actions
of capital will depend. Carries out restructuring to
turn non-environmentally friendly enterprises into
separate structures. Prepares for the implementation
of environmental projects. Modernizes production
and masters the production of new products. Vygon
Consulting estimates direct and indirect emissions, as
well as emissions from the use of products in Russia,
at 3.1 billion tons of CO2 equivalent, of which 54%
is accounted for by exported products. One of the
ways to reduce the losses from the introduction of the
TUE is to launch its own system of trading in quotas,
copying the EU ETS. But, according to Vygon
Consulting, the total burden on the business from the
introduction of such a system will not be comparable
with the savings on TOUR payments. Thus, the total
payment from the fuel and energy sectors will amount
to 14.6-18 billion euros per year, of which 74-90%
will fall on the electric power industry. Based on
export parameters to the EU in 2015-2020 at the level
of 6-13 billion kWh per year, companies can pay 80-
180 million euros per year. In the case of launching
your own system at a price of 40 euros per tonne of
CO2 equivalent, the total payment will increase by
13.3 billion euros, increasing the average electricity
prices for businesses by 30-40% (Sukhinina, 2013).
Moreover, the estimate includes only emissions from
electricity generation in the price zones of the
wholesale market. In case of inclusion in the base of
emissions from the production of electricity outside
the price zones and heat (now in the EU ETS, most of
the heat produced is either excluded from the
perimeter or exempt from payment), payments can
increase by 1.52 times (Shakhgiraev, 2019).
Enterprises of the Russian fuel and energy
complex, realizing their own vulnerability in
connection with the desire of the EU to abandon the
use of oil and gas, they resorted to a dual strategy,
which is based on criticism of the rapid energy
transition and preparation for a new, hydrogen,
reality. Since 2019, PJSC TATNEFT has been taking
active steps to reduce emissions; in February of this
year, the company strengthened its positions by
joining the international initiative Science Based
Targetsinitiativ. PJSC TATNEFT plans to achieve
carbon neutrality by 2050 with a gradual reduction in
emissions: by 10% by 2025, by 20% by 2030. PJSC
Gazprom follows sustainability trends by pursuing a
policy of energy saving and energy efficiency within
the framework of the environmental management
system. Domestic fuel and energy complex
represented by the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin,
criticizes supporters of an aggressive energy
transition, including even the International Energy
Agency, which advocates curtailing all new oil and
gas projects after 2021, emphasizing two points
(Sukhinina, 2013):
1. Obvious economic advantages of fossil fuels,
in particular, its large reserves, well-established
extraction technologies and high calorific value
(Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995).
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
2. Environmental friendliness of hydrocarbons in
comparison with coals (black and brown) and
even shale oil production through hydraulic
fracturing. In addition, due to the lack of
technologies for the mass production of
hydrogen, companies note the threat of
underinvestment in the oil and gas industry. In
particular, this is exactly what the head of
Rosneft, Igor Sechin, spoke about when he
warned during SPIEF-21 about a possible
shortage of energy resources.
In the coming years, TUR will become as much a
reality as global warming. It is already too late to talk
about what humanity's contribution to warming is,
and it is useless to protest against TUR. TOUR will
become as much a part of economic activity as
tagging and traceability systems. What is more in the
desire of the European bureaucracy - the struggle for
the environment or pragmatic calculation to increase
competitiveness and reduce dependence on
hydrocarbon fuel supplies, is also no longer
important. Other aspects are important for Russia,
among which it is worth highlighting both negative
and positive ones. Negative (Shakhgiraev, 2019;
Kadner, 2021):
1. The losses of each individual industry subject
to the TIP, as well as the costs that will be
incurred by the business to adapt to the new
reality with strict regulation, and the reduction
in the volume of dividends.
2. State losses due to reduced exports and lower
taxes collected, as well as increased costs
associated with the threat of deterioration of the
socio-economic situation in single-industry
3. The transition to a "green" economy will
spur60 global inflation - as a result, the final
consumer of industrial products will pay for the
modernization of enterprises.
Positive (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995):
1. The implementation of climate and
environmental projects by businesses will
increase the attractiveness of domestic forests:
And allow completion of forest inventory work
by pushing the bureaucracy to perceive the
forest not as a source of problems due to forest
fires, but as an economic asset; And also
increase the area of forest plantations due to the
implementation of climate change by business
projects (Shakhgiraev, 2019; Kadner, 2021).
2. Together with the tightening environmental
responsibility for environmental crimes,
TOUR will launch a cycle of industrial
infrastructure modernization across Russia,
which will have a positive impact both on
reducing the overall accident rate and on the
environmental situation in single-industry
towns (Mednogorsk, Norilsk) and million-plus
cities (Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, etc.). as well as in
entire regions61 (Kemerovo Oblast and the
Komi Republic), which will contribute to an
increase in the life expectancy of Russians.
3. R&D will reduce dependence on foreign
equipment and (possibly) make scientific
discoveries and technological breakthroughs
(inert anode).
Also, the positive factors include a high margin of
financial strength, which allows both to carry out the
modernization of production, and to compensate for
the shortfall in income due to TOUR. It is worth
noting that domestic business, together with the state,
managed to avoid a number of unpleasant excesses of
the “green” agenda that European companies go
through, in particular lawsuits obliging businesses to
reduce CO2 emissions at any cost. The key risk of the
TOUR - drawing the Russian Federation and other
countries into a trade war with the EU - has not yet
been removed. It is worth considering that Russia, as
a major exporter of mineral raw materials, low-
processed goods and energy carriers, will not be able
to get out of this confrontation without losses, so the
state and business have chosen a line to minimize
potential losses, as well as adapt to new realities.
Nevertheless, trade confrontations will not be
avoided, as evidenced by the history of the adoption
in the EU of the aviation emissions directive
2008/101 / EC, aimed at extending the European
emissions trading system to foreign airlines flying to
/ from the EU through the introduction of TOURs in
the civil sector. Aviation (Maliene, 2010; Eurostat,
2021). Practice has shown that through the collective
efforts of 23 countries, it was possible to postpone the
implementation of the European environmental
initiative for an indefinite period. Approximately the
same thing happened with the TOUR - its final
version turned out to be much softer than expected.
Nevertheless, the European bureaucracy does not stop
trying to force the airlines to "greening", the proof of
which are the plans to introduce a tax on jet fuel.
Consequently, trade disputes caused by
disagreements in environmental and climate
regulation will be inevitable, which (together with the
slide of the great powers into the state of Cold War
2.0) makes it extremely necessary, in addition to
Decarbonization and its Influence on the Russian Economy
climate regulation, to develop the domestic market
(gasification program at the expense of Gazprom is
just such an example). A separate risk is the growth
in requests from eco-activists and the falling under
the TUR of new sectors of the economy, for example,
telecom operators that already emit 64 CO2 twice as
many airlines. Compared to other developing
countries (not to mention the developed countries that
initiated tougher environmental regulation), Russia
has lagged behind in the creation of a regulatory
framework and the creation of a national system for
accounting for CO2 emissions. At the same time, this
lag is not critical, as it allows not to run ahead of the
European steam locomotive (Kadner, 2021).
Global Energy and CO2 Status Report 2017. March 2018.
International Energy Agency (IEA), 2018.
Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2018.
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Sukhinina, E. A., 2013. Basic provisions and comparison of
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Shakhgiraev, I. U., 2019. Green structures in the concept of
sustainable development of modern cities. Regional
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implementation of PPP: materials of the All-Russian
scientific and practical conference. pp. 376-383.
Kadner, S., Kobus, J., Hansen, E., 2021. Circular Economy
Initiative Deutschland: Circular Economy Roadmap
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Maliene, V., Deveikis, S., Kirsten, L., Malys, N., 2010.
Commercial Leisure Property Valuation. International
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Sustainable development in the European Union:
Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an
EU context, 2021. Eurostat, p. 412.
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher