analysis is the quantification of risk factors. Taking
into account both the probability and the severity of
accidents, the risk measure can accumulate the risks
of all components, which constitutes the overall risk
signal of the electrical system. At the same time, the
risk signal is time sensitive and can accumulate over
a period of time to provide system operators with
information for decision making. From a risk
management perspective, qualitative and quantitative
analysis methods are used to systematically analyze
the vulnerabilities of information systems and the risk
factors they face. Then propose adjusted risk
management to minimize negative impacts and
economic losses. The measurement of information
system risk should contain 4 main factors, including
information assets.
System, vulnerability of information resources,
threats to information resources and implemented
security measures (Egorova, 2015). The vulnerability
level represents the severity of the vulnerability of an
asset, and the threat level is represented by the object
threatened by the threat, the subject of the threat, the
frequency of the threat, etc. Based on the risk
management model, the measurement of the risk of
an information system can quantify the risk signal
through the analysis of potential accidents. With the
development of information and communication
technologies and automatic control technologies, the
traditional power system has turned into a complex
interactive large system consisting of three parts: a
global physical system, a modern information and
communication system, and a developed monitoring
system. However, the introduction and widespread
use of advanced information technologies can also
adversely affect the reliability and safety of the
electrical system. In this large system, the failure of
one component of the information system can affect
the entire power system. Therefore, it is important to
monitor the information system in real time and
ensure fast and accurate delivery of information about
the power system to the system operator. In a highly
coupled physical information system, risks in both the
physical system and the information system can lead
to disasters (Porfiriev, 2010).
The risk factors of information systems can be
divided into three aspects, namely: human attacks,
communication quality problems and natural
disasters. The risks of the GEI information system
have increased significantly due to the
interconnection of physical systems and information
systems. Attacks against GEI information systems
can not only damage information systems, but also
cause failures of physical systems beyond the
physical boundaries of the information systems. In
addition to human attacks, communication quality
issues and natural disasters also cause problems for
the GEI. In order to realize the properties of high
efficiency, self-healing, high reliability and security
in the smart grid, the amount of information that
needs to be transmitted and processed will be much
larger than the current one. Due to the high
connectivity of physical-information systems,
information security is becoming increasingly
important, and human attacks can be dangerous.
Information intruders can attack one or more
communication nodes in an information network,
which can lead to a failure to download and transfer
information. Human attacks most often target
important nodes (Nikoláeva, 2018). Attackers try to
inflict as much damage as possible with minimal cost.
By evaluating the risk of an information system, it is
possible to refine the security status of an information
system. Information systems risk assessment is the
basis for the optimal distribution of information
systems protection tools. Based on the results of the
risk assessment, information system security policies
and security problem solving strategies can be
proposed to control the operation of the information
system. At present, the main power lines of China's
regional power systems are made of optical fiber.
When sudden natural disasters occur, such as
hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, or landslides, the
communication network may be destroyed, resulting
in reduced or even paralyzed communication network
capacity. The probability that a natural disaster will
damage all communications in the area of the event
can be obtained from historical data statistics
(Porfiriev, 2010). Power system risk assessment has
been focused since the 1980s, but most research is
focused on the primary system. Currently, the
primary systemic risk assessment of the power system
is being systematically studied. There are relatively
advanced methods of analysis and evaluation, and
they have been applied to the operation of electrical
networks. But from the point of view of information
systems, studies on the overall risk assessment of the
system are still lacking. And there is still little
research on the role of information system risk in the
primary power supply system.
In accordance with various risk factors, a model
of the probability of failure of an information system
node is created. From the point of view of the human
attack factor, information intruders, as a rule, attack
the most important communication nodes. From the
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher