community in a sustainable manner. Community
empowerment programs are divided into three
general characters, namely; (1) the main actors,
namely the community in the planning and
implementation of the program; (2) the main actors
then create activities by looking at the potential of
natural resources and human resources, and (3) the
sustainability of the program implemented as an
initial driving force and development. The main focus
of community empowerment is to help people who
have the same interest in getting a job by looking at
common needs and then being able to carry out a
common agenda to be able to meet those needs.
Figure 5: Three Main Characters of Community
The next focus is on empowering communities as
social workers to manage waste by using locality
development as part of the process to gain economic
and social progress for active communities and their
members (Nations, 2022). Social workers are said to
be community workers in waste management. Waste
management can be successfully managed if there is
community participation as an effort to overcome the
limitations and shortcomings of the government.
Social work has a role in environmental health as: (1)
facilitator; (2) as an educator; and (3) representational
(Ife & Fiske, 2003).
Conclusion of this study, that the problem of waste
management in the archipelago, is not only a
government monopoly but also requires community
cooperation and participation. Therefore, in
managing waste on a small island such as Simeulue
Island, apart from an environmental approach, it is
necessary to develop an approach that touches the
community personally through various coaching that
is able to increase participation and empowerment for
the community. The conclusion obtained is, to
overcome the shortcomings and limitations of the
government, a participation-based waste
management model based on community
empowerment is needed to solve the complexities of
waste management in Simeuleue Regency.
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