A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat
Regency Based on System Thinking Approach
Aryanto Tinambunan, R. Hamdani Harahap
, Subhilhar and Heri Kusmanto
Doctoral Program of Development Studies, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: System Thinking, Causal Loop Diagram, Model, Gambier Farming
Abstract: Gambier farming is the main plantation business in Pakpak Bharat Regency. From a macro perspective,
gambier is a national strategic commodity that is widely exported to India and Europe. At the farmer
(producer) level, the problem of gambier farming is a farming itself where there are still many problems such
as quality of gambier, trade chains, commodity prices, and management strategies in addition to policies. The
development of gambier farming is a complex, dynamic, and stochastic problem. Therefore, a systems
thinking approach that is cybernetic, holistic, and effective in character is needed in order to obtain a
comprehensive and sustainable solution. The demand for gambier continues to increase and the potential of
the region promises a prospect for a farming business that can provide income to the community so that
welfare can be achieved. However, the low productivity of gambier farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency has
not been able to keep up with demand by managing the existing potential. The gambier farming business that
is carried out should aim to improve long-term welfare, so that its development efforts must towards the
economy and business sustainability orientation. This research was conducted to understand the phenomenon
of gambier farming developed in Pakpak Bharat Regency, which aims to build a gambier farming model with
a systems thinking approach. The systems thinking approach is used as a research methodology because it
can provide an understanding of the relationship between structure and behavior in a system. With this
understanding, effective strategy and policy designs can be made for the development of gambier farming.
The results showed that the development of gambier farming was oriented to economic aspects, social aspects,
and environmental aspects. Gambier farming development system thinking is based on existing market
opportunities, farmers have limitations in providing dry latex production continuously. Limited production
capacity is the main constraint due to cash availability problems for farmers. Based on these things, the model
developed is a generic model of gambier farming. The causal loop diagram can be seen in the existing
phenomena, namely (a) gambier land and trees; (b) production capacity; (c) production; and (d) household
economy. Increasing community income can be pursued through development initiatives in gambier farming,
including: land conversion, technology improvements to increase production capacity, and increase in other
incomes that are still based on gambier farming.
Gambir is one of Indonesia's plantation commodities
whose main market is exports. According to BPS
(2019), Indonesia's gambier exports in 2018 reached
around 18,000 tons with a value of US$ 50 million.
As the most important exporting country, Indonesia
controls more than 80 percent of the gambier market
share in the world (Evalia et al., 2012; Sidik &
Apriani, 2019). India is the main export destination in
addition to Bangladesh, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan,
Singapore and several other countries.
The volume of gambier exports to India reaches
90% of the total export volume of Indonesian
gambier. This condition causes a very high
dependence on one market which weakens
Indonesia's bargaining position in global gambier
marketing and on the contrary greatly strengthens
India's dominance in the world gambier trade
Tinambunan, A., Harahap, R., Subhilhar, . and Kusmanto, H.
A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0011565000003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 233-243
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Manalu & Tri, 2019). India's strong bargaining
position does not only apply to the trading of gambir
derivative products in the global market, but also in
purchasing and determining the price of gambir at
random from the community.
In Indonesia, the main producer of gambier is
West Sumatra, which supplies about 90 percent of
Indonesia's total production. From the publication of
BPS (2019), gambir is also cultivated in several other
provinces, namely North Sumatra, Riau and South
Sumatra. The gambier producing center in North
Sumatra is Pakpak Bharat Regency which is spread
out in Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe District, Salak District,
Kingdom District and Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut
District (Sebayang, 2019).
According to Ermiati (2004), although gambier
farming is profitable, it does not necessarily improve
the welfare of farmers' lives when viewed from the
analysis of the feasibility of gambier farming. Several
studies illustrate that there are several problems
related to gambier farming, causing the gambir
commodity business to not develop either in terms of
increasing farmers or regionally. According to Asben
(2008), the problems faced in the exploitation of
gambier commodities are 1) the quality of gambier is
low and the amount of loss in processing that requires
quality improvement, 2) the long trading chain and
dominated by outsiders (Singapore and India), 3)
bargaining position low farmers where there is no
guarantee of a stable price at a level that benefits
farmers, 4) lack of international market information
regarding the real price of gambier, 5) the habit of
mixing gambier with other ingredients so that the
selling price is lower, and 6) the role of local
government limited.
The main problem of gambier today is the low
productivity and quality of the product, as a result of
the cultivation method and postharvest/processing
processes that are not optimal and the lack of
technological support (Sa'id et al., 2010). The closing
of price information, the position of gambier farmers
who are forced to sell gambier because they are in
debt to traders, and the dominance of collector traders
who are extensions of gambier exporters have
resulted in the low bargaining position of farmers
(Dhalimi, 2006).
Besides that, the authority of exporters in
determining the domestic price of gambir, which
tends to consider the demand quota of export
destination countries compared to international prices
of gambier (Dhalimi, 2006) also strengthens the
notion that the gambier market is inefficient,
especially with the variety of quality and quality of
gambir products produced by farmers due to
problems. in the processing of gambier, also
contributes to the pricing system carried out by
Evalia et al. (2012) stated that the main weakness
in the development of gambier commodities is the
absence of local government strategies and policies
contained in regional laws and regulations to support
the development of gambier agroindustry. Capital
problems also have an impact on people's
technological capabilities which affect the quality of
their gambier products. The conditions and areas of
the extraction (compression) process to produce
gambier to traditional handling have caused the
quality of gambier products to not be controlled
properly (Atman & Misran, 2015).
The complexity of the gambir problem based on
the study also occurs in the development of gambir
farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency so it needs to be
solved comprehensively with a systems approach not
with partial or reductionism solutions with reasons or
considerations that the cause of the problem is not
single and not simple, but complex and complicated.
because it deals with many factors that influence each
other and many actors are involved in the system
(Trauger, 2009; Verzijl & Dominguez, 2015). The
system approach in question is an approach with
regular stages starting from problem identification,
problem formulation, system identification, system
modeling, computer program creation, model
verification, and implementation, to the evaluation
stage (Avianto, 2017; Sterman, 2000; Suryani
et al., 2020).
The modeling is carried out on the premise that
whether or not the development of gambir farming in
Pakpak Bharat Regency is closely related to
community readiness factors, natural and
environmental resource factors, government policy
factors, marketing factors, and other factors
(Andhika, 2019).
2.1 Gambir Commodity and Its
Development in Pakpak Bharat
Gambir is one of the Indonesian people's plantation
commodities that has high economic value and has
commercial prospects in the future considering its
various uses. The term gambier is not only used as a
plant name, it is also a trading name for products
produced by plants, leaf extracts, and young branches
of the gambier plant. In Indonesia, gambier has lived
in a golden age and has become a leading commodity.
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
At the beginning of the 19th century, gambier had
become one of the commodities traded in Europe
(Putri, 2013). After World War II, gambier is no
longer an important export product traded on the
international market.
Furthermore, the information on the development
of gambier plantations in Indonesia is not very clear.
Currently in Indonesia, West Sumatra is the center of
gambier production, moreover gambier is also known
as a typical plant of West Sumatra. Most of the
gambier is produced by small cottage industries with
traditional tools and uses more manpower. Gambier
is cultivated and processed unique, so the
development of gambier plants is complicated.
However, the development of gambier in
Indonesia, especially in Pakpak Bharat Regency,
North Sumatra in the future is still quite promising,
considering its various uses and Indonesia's role as a
major world producer (Atman & Misran, 2015;
Banurea, 2012). Along with all these supporting
factors, there are many challenges and obstacles in the
development of various aspects of this commodity.
Furthermore, intense participation of stakeholders;
government, farmers, researchers, investors, and
traders in the management of cultivation, processing,
trading, and institutional techniques are needed (Sidik
& Apriani, 2019). Thus, it is hoped that gambier will
turn into a leading commodity in the future (Fauza,
Aswardi et al. (2010) found that the gambier agro-
industry process using the traditional system through
chopping before boiling resulted in a higher yield of
gambier sap than without chopped but had a lower-
catechin content. Traditional processing activities and
lack of attention to hygiene and purity aspects make
improvements and development of the gambier agro-
industry very necessary so that the content of
important compounds in gambier is not lost in the
extraction process.
This can be done through the development of an
integrated gambier refining industry so that the
quality produced is uniform and a wafer block
gambier is obtained that meets SNI standards or
gambier products that are by the needs of the export
market (Gumbira- Sa'id et al., 2010). On the other
hand, the use of gambier as an industrial raw material
can be seen through the utilization of all parts of
gambier as an economic source. The utilization of
gambier as a source of income for farmers will be
more profitable if processing activities are not only
limited to semi- finished gambier production or
processed into other derivative products that have a
higher economic value.
Gambir as one of the people's plantation
commodities is the leading commodity of Pakpak
Bharat Regency which supplies 80% to 90% of North
Sumatra's gambier production (Sebayang, 2019).
Indonesia has positioned itself as the largest supplier
for dozens of export destination countries (India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia,
Vietnam, South Korea, Nepal, Turkey, Sri Lanka,
China, Saudi Arabia, Taipei, United Arab Emirates,
Thailand, and America). Union). However, farmers
who depend on gambier cultivation and agro-industry
have not yet obtained maximum results. In gambier
development activities, several problems often arise,
namely those related to problems of capital,
marketing, cultivation, and processing (Asben, 2008;
Dhalimi, 2006; Evalia et al., 2012).
The problem of capital is related to the position of
farmers who have not formed an institutionalized
group and the absence of a capital institution that can
guarantee gambir farmers so that farmers tend to rely
on their capital. Marketing problems are related to the
low bargaining position of farmers where there is no
guaranteed stable price at a level that benefits
farmers, the attachment of farmers to traders due to
debt, and the gambir market structure which causes a
long marketing chain and is dominated by outsiders
(Singapore and India) and lack of information.
international market regarding the real price of
gambier. Cultivation problems are related to the low
knowledge of farmers, the presence of superior seeds
that have not been identified so that the seeds used are
hereditary seeds, and the absence of maintenance and
fertilization activities in gambier cultivation.
Processing problems are related to traditional
processing and the habit of mixing gambier with other
ingredients so that the quality of gambier is low and
the selling price is lower.
The low quality of gambier and the habit of
mixing gambier with other ingredients are closely
related to aspects of technological limitations in the
development of gambier processing agroindustry.
The quality of gambier which is an absolute
requirement to compete in the international market
requires special attention through technological
improvements in the gambier production process in
gambir agroindustry SMEs (Sa'id et al., 2010). The
development of industrial-oriented gambier products
(catechins and tannins) must be supported by
institutions so that the gambir produced is by the SNI
issued by the government (Nasution, 2015).
Apart from improving technology for the
production process, improving the quality of gambier
is also closely related to raw materials and is
supported by a good evaluation and reporting system
A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach
(Sa'id et al., 2010). On the other hand, it is also hoped
that the implementation of various strategies from the
results of studies on gambir development, such as
expanding the gambier market and increasing the
added value of gambier to increase local government
income and farmers' income from gambir export
trading activities (Sa'id et al., 2010).
Another important aspect that needs to be
improved in developing gambier as a leading
commodity is the aspect of institutional development
for the sake of improving marketing development
(domestic and export), product development,
improving the quality of human resources, and
handling capital problems (Nasrul, 2017; Nasution,
2015). Institutional support is expected to be able to
solve the problems of gambier farmers with good
coordination and equitable distribution of
information to increase the bargaining power of
gambier farmers.
2.2 Basic Concepts of System Thinking
The system is a collection of several elements or
components that are interrelated and organized with
each other to achieve a goal in a complex
environment (Suryani et al., 2020). This
understanding reflects the existence of several parts
and the relationship between parts and shows the
complexity of the system which includes cooperation
between parts that are interdependent with each other
(Marimin, 2005). While the systems approach is
defined as a problem-solving methodology that
begins by tentatively defining or formulating goals
and the result is an operating system that can
effectively be used to solve problems (Bala et al.,
2017). According to Sterman (2000) a systems
approach will work well if the following conditions
are met: 1) The purpose of the system is well defined
and can be recognized if it cannot be quantified; 2)
The decision-making procedure in this system is
decentralized or has fairly clear boundaries; and 3) In
the long term planning is possible.
Maani & Cavana (2000) mention: System
Thinking (ST) is an emerging discipline for
understanding complexity and change. This
complexity underlies business, economic, scientific,
and social systems. ST has three dimensions:
paradigm, language, and methodology. So according
to Muhammadi et al., (2001) the conclusion is that
systems thinking is an approach to thinking that looks
at the problem as a whole where the events in it
interact with each other. Paradigm is a way of
thinking about describing dynamic relationships that
affect behavioral systems; the language used in
systems thinking: as a language, systems thinking is
equipped with tools to understand the complexity and
dynamic decision-making, while the methodology, in
this case, is a set of modeling and learning
technologies used in System Thinking. Modeling will
be used to understand the structure of a system, the
interconnections between components, and show how
changes in one area will affect the entire system and
all of its constituents over time.
The system thinking methodology uses a set of
modeling and learning technology modeling tools
consisting of Causal Loop Diagram (CLD); computer
simulation, stock & flow diagrams (S & F Diagrams),
and Learning Laboratory (Lab.) The analytical
methods used are CLD and computer simulation with
VENSIM software, wherewith these two instruments
it is possible to produce key variables, key variables
behavior, relationships between variables, dynamic
behavior in CLD, identification of the main cause
pattern, identification of leverage points and
developing intervention strategies. VENSIM model
simulation software is a visual modeling tool that
allows to conceptualizing, documenting, simulating,
analyze, and modelling expectations of dynamic
systems (Avianto, 2017).
2.3 Causal Loop Modelling
2.3.1 What is Causal Loop Diagram?
Cavana & Maani, (2000), states that: A causal loop
diagram (CLD) is a tool for revealing the causal
relationships among a set of variables (or factors)
operating in a system. The basic elements of CLDs
are variables (factors) and arrows (links). A 'variable'
is a condition, situation, action, or decision which can
influence, and can be influenced by other variables. A
variable can be quantitative (measurable) such as
profit, productivity, or absenteeism, or it can be
quantitative (soft).
According to Muhammadi et al., 2001, CLD or
feedback diagram is the disclosure of causal
relationship events into certain picture language. The
figure is arrows that intertwine, thus forming a
feedback diagram (causal loop), where the head of the
arrow reveals the cause and the tip of the arrow
reveals the effect. Both elements of cause and effect,
or one of them (only cause or effect) must refer to a
measurable situation, both qualitatively for the
perceived state and quantitatively for the real
situation (actual). It must be remembered that logic is
a process (rate) as a cause that produces a state (level)
as an effect, or vice versa, information about a state
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
as a cause produces an influence on the process as a
2.3.2 CLD Basic Elements
The basic elements of a CLD consist of:
a. Variabels (factors)
A Variable is a condition, situation, action, or
decision that will affect, and can be influenced by
other variables. A variable can be quantitative data,
such as profit, productivity, or worker absenteeism;
or it can be in the form of qualitative variables, such
as motivation, public trust, reputation, and so on.
Quantitative variables are variables that can be
calculated and measured, while qualitative variables
are variables that are generally difficult to measure
directly. In more detail, Ward & Audrey grouped
variables into the following three types of variables,
namely: (1) hard variables; (2) soft variables, and (3)
performance measure variables. Hard variables and
soft variables relate to quantitative and qualitative
variables, while performance measure variables relate
to performance, such as average population growth,
cost and performance ratios, market share, and
financial and operational ratios.
b. Arrow
The arrows indicate a direct causal effect (causal
relationship) between the two variables. Each causal
relationship is marked with the polarity of the
relationship, positive (+) or negative (-) to indicate the
nature of the influence that strengthens the
relationship or shows a sign of balancing between a
relationship (Cavana & Maani, 2000).
2.3.3 How to Compile CLD
Sherwood (2011) states that there are 12 rules in
drawing a good CLD, namely: 1) Know your
boundaries: One of the benefits of systems thinking is
that encourages a holistic view, taking everything of
relevance into account; 2) Start somewhere
interesting; 3) Ask “What does this drive?” and “what
is this driven by?”; 4) Don't get cluttered, don't fall in
to analysis trap of burrowing down to ever deeper
levels of details; 5) Use nouns, not verbs; 6) Don't use
terms such as “increse in” or “Decrease in”; 7) Don't
be afraid of unusual items; 8) Do the SS and the OS
as you go along; 9) Keep Going; 10) A good diagram
must be recognized as real; 11) Don't fall in love with
your diagrams; and 12) No diagram is ever “finished.
2.3.4 Archetype Diagrams
Archetype can be interpreted as the most important
empowerment, and the potential in systemic thinking
is due to a certain pattern of systemic structure that
appears repeatedly in the lives of individuals and
organizations. This generic archetype aims to
recondition our perceptions to be better able to see the
structures at play and see the levers in them.
Archetypes are formed from the basic building blocks
of the system, namely the strengthening process,
balancing process, and delaying process. Maani &
Cavana, 2000 mentions that System Archetypes are
generic systems models or templates that represent a
wide range of situations. Systems archetypes provide
a high-level map of dynamic processes. Using the
analogy of language to illustrate systems thinking, we
can say that while variables are 'words' (building
blocks) and pairs of variables (and the connecting
arrows) are sentences, causal loop are stories, and
systems archetypes are common phrases.
So it can be concluded that the basic pattern of the
system is a simple model that is very effective in
understanding the structures or patterns of behavior
that exist in the system, making it easier to find the
leverage or leverage needed.
2.4 Modelling Concept
The model is a representation of the system. In
developing a model, it is necessary to have
knowledge of the basic concepts of modeling which
learns how to make the model as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Model development process.
It can be seen in Figure 1 that the first thing
observed in the modeling process is the system. There
is a problem in the system. Then the problems that
exist in the system will be observed by a model maker
and will form an image. Everyone who views a
system will have a different image depending on
knowledge, values that will be formalized using a
A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach
very structured language, can be in the form of
mathematical equations and can also be in the form of
diagrams, so that a model is created. According to
(Andhika, 2019; Saeed, 2014; Suryani et al., 2020),
the model made by the model designer needs to be
tested to see the level of model validity. The model is
tested using sample data taken from the actual system.
This study uses a descriptive method with a
qualitative approach because it requires an
understanding of the phenomena that occur in the
development of gambir farming in Pakpak Bharat
Regency, especially in Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut
District in February 2022. In addition, it is necessary
to understand the extent of the management of gambir
farming for traders and policymakers. The scope of
this research is the phenomenon that exists around
gambier farmers directly.
Data collection techniques using interviews and
observation. Interviews were conducted with
unstructured personal interviews with gambier
farmers. Observations were made on every behavior
and activity of the gambir farmer business actors,
seeing the daily activities carried out by the
informants at a certain time during the research,
listening to what was said, and inviting informants to
provide information as it was. Document studies are
carried out by studying literature, applicable laws and
regulations, Strategic Plans, and various documents
from relevant agencies such as the Department of
Agriculture and the Planning, Development,
Research, and Regional Development Agency.
Data analysis using causal loop diagram (CLD) by
following the process as follows:
a. Problem identification is done by observing
environmental factors that influence directly or
indirectly in the management of gambier farming;
b. Determining the choice of the basic system
pattern or Archetype, namely the Limit to Success
(Growth) Archetype pattern, considering that gambir
farming activities at a certain point will experience
growth inhibition due to various reasons;
c. Designing CLDs. After obtaining the
relationship between various variables with gambir
farming, a Loop diagram was drawn up using the
Vensim application program, based on the guidelines
put forward by Sherwood (2011) as explained in the
description of the literature review used in this study.
Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb) is one of the leading
commodities specifically for North Sumatra,
especially the Pakpak Bharat Regency to export
markets. As an export commodity, gambier
contributes to the GRDP of North Sumatra through
the contribution of the plantation sub-sector. Gambir
is a people's commodity and is the main source of
income for farmers at the production center, namely
the Pakpak Bharat Regency. To increase the income
of gambier farmers, the attention and guidance of the
government are mainly directed at the subsystem of
production and processing of products by facilitating
various production facilities. The aim is to increase
production so that the value of exports increases.
Gambier exports are mainly to India, Pakistan,
Singapore, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Germany, Japan,
and others (Dhalimi, 2006; Sa'id et al., 2010).
The prospect of developing gambier plants on a
large scale and agribusiness-oriented is still very
open. Several factors that support this are: (1)
Indonesia is the world's main exporter of gambier and
most of it comes from North Sumatra; (2) Indonesian
gambier farmers have experience in cultivating
gambier; (3) Return on business investment is not so
long; (4) Plants are tolerant of marginal land and
slopes; (5) Gambier products are not easily damaged
even though they are stored for a long time; (6) This
plant can be harvested sustainably and has a long life;
(7) The need for gambier is always increasing, and (8)
There is a tendency for people to use natural
ingredients (herbs) in industrial products.
The gambier plantation business and the
processing of its products are an inseparable series of
activities, and are not like other smallholder
plantation businesses. In general, gambier farmers
carry out activities ranging from land clearing,
nurseries, planting, maintenance, and harvesting, as
well as acting as product processors to produce
gambier products that are ready to be sold. The main
problems are: (i) Low productivity and product
quality; and (ii) The gambier market is dependent on
exporters (Asben, 2008). This is partly due to the
absence of conventional cultivation techniques and
the absence of micro and small-scale processed
product industries. The usefulness of gambier content
is needed in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, paint,
leather, traditional food and other industries. This
shows the prospect of Gambir is very good.
Gambier plant is a plant that grows well in the
fields that spread in Pakpak Bharat Regency. At first,
people used the gambier plant as medicine. In the last
twenty years or so, the community has processed
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
gambier leaves into dry sap as an ingredient for
mixing betel nut (betel nut is a habit of several tribes
in North Sumatra, including the Karo and Pakpak
tribes). The use of gambier in that era was still limited
to local where most were sold to the Karo area.
Gambier farming business is growing in line with the
increasing demand for gambier both for domestic and
foreign use. The use of gambier is increasing, such as
the need for raw materials for the pharmaceutical
industry, tanneries, the confectionery industry and
others (Suharman, 2018). The expansion of the
gambier concession area is increasing from year to
Gambier business in Pakpak Bharat Regency is
mostly found in three sub-districts, namely Sitellu
Tari Urang Jehe District, Kingdom District, and
PGGS District. For some residents, gambier farming
is the main source of household income (Sebayang,
Hosen (2017) mentions that the cultivation
techniques carried out by farmers ranging from
nurseries to the processing of gambier sap are
generally simple. Seeds are used carelessly without
selection from several varieties of parent trees that are
not well maintained. The mother tree is in the gambier
area. Some farmers have implemented nurseries for
commercial purposes only to meet their own
environmental needs.
In general, the managed agricultural land is own
land, with average ownership of 0.5 1 ha per
household. Generally, agriculture is multicultural
where there are plants other than gambier on the same
land. On average 70-80% are planted with gambier
and the rest are forest plants such as durian, rubber,
petai, jengkol, and others. This is because the land
was originally a forest that was cultivated into
agricultural land (Banurea, 2012).
Although farmers have ownership rights to
gambir land, generally the land does not have a land
certificate so land boundaries are often unclear
between cultivated land and forest. The absence of a
land certificate also causes land assets cannot to be
used as a source of capital because they do not have
legal force. The majority of gambier farmers in
Pakpak Bharat Regency have low education and are
at the age of 30 years and over. Gambier farming is
managed by the nuclear family, especially the father
and mother. Farmer's children help after school
activities are over. Families who try to farm gambier
generally pass the business on to their children.
For the farming community, the origin of gambier
farming is less known. However, gambier farming
was inherited and developed because of the ease of
planting, maintenance, and the suitability of the
topography of the soil. Gambier cultivation is still
relatively traditional where there is no system of
seedling, fertilization, and irrigation. The seeds used
by farmers come from cuttings, namely branches of
existing gambier trees, taken and then planted directly
on land that has been processed. Maintenance of
plants is enough to gogo or clear the land of
weeds/nuisance plants, which is usually done twice a
year where the use of fertilizers or compost is rarely
Gambier plants which are classified as shrubs
mean that these plants can grow well in steep or hilly
areas. This is an advantage for farmers in Pakpak
Bharat because the type of area that is steep, steep and
hilly does not become an obstacle in developing
gambier. Gambier plants also do not require high
water content so that even though the area is hilly,
plants can develop well without watering.
Gambier plant products are marketed in 3 forms,
namely leaves, wet latex, and dry latex (Tinambunan,
2008). Furthermore, the results of Tinambunan's
research stated that the form that has the most
profitable economic value is dry latex. The decision
to sell or process the leaves into sap is still very much
dependent on the market situation. When there is a
demand for leaves, farmers prefer to sell the leaves
rather than processing them. This is because there is
a long process until the leaves become sap. By selling
leaves, farmers are faster to earn money. In addition
to economic and market factors, farmers also have
other considerations, when selling leaves, farmers
have the opportunity to do other jobs. In this case,
processing leaves into sap is considered a tedious and
time- consuming job and the income earned is lower
when compared to doing other jobs. In this context,
cultural factors are one of the reasons why farmers
prefer to sell leaves rather than processing them into
Gambier sap is produced with the aim of being
exported and a small portion (5%) is marketed
domestically. Gambir marketing is quite smooth,
there is no unsold gambier. Gambier exports fluctuate
from year to year, this depends on the availability of
production. The gambier plant is quite prospective
because of its many benefits and the development of
various industries such as the cosmetic, medical, and
other industries that require chemical content from
gambier as auxiliary materials such as leather
tanning, batik dyes and others. The prospect of
gambier commodity marketing is quite bright, it is
necessary to strive for improvements in cultivation,
processing, quality and marketing strategies. Besides
that, there is still wide open research on the
diversification of the use of gambier. This is very
A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach
important so that this commodity has a comparative
and competitive advantage in international trade
(Sa'id et al., 2010).
Gambir prices fluctuate from month to month.
There are times when the price of gambier is quite
profitable for farmers at a price level above Rp.
25,000/kg which usually occurs in July and August.
In certain months, usually in January-March the price
of gambier falls below Rp. 20,000/kg and at such a
price level is not profitable for farmers. Many farmers
are trapped in the 'bondage' system in gambier
marketing. These farmers are tied to collecting traders
in the Nagari/village to make ends meet, where
farmers have borrowed money before harvesting.
They were forced to sell their produce to the
merchant. This makes the bargaining position of
farmers weak and the price received by farmers is
relatively low compared to the price it should be.
Other farmers who can afford it, they can sell freely
to collectors at a price and quality according to the
trader's request (whether mixed 50% or 30%).
Wet sap is accommodated by farmers or local
agents which is then processed into dry sap. The dry
sap that the agent can accommodate is an average of
100 tons per month. The dried sap is then sold to
wholesalers in Medan for export abroad. Gambier
farmers in Pakpak Bharat Regency who are
productive, earn income from gambier farming >Rp
20 million/year. The income is used mainly for
household needs and generally has not been allocated
for farming development. From observations in the
field, productive gambier farmers can have a decent
life and are able to compete with farmers who
cultivate other crops. Some of the farmers
interviewed were even able to send their three
children to college with income derived from gambier
farming (Banurea, 2012).
4.1 CLD Analysis
CLD modeling is done using VENSIM software as a
tool to describe CLD. The process is as below:
a. Identification of CLD variabel variables
Based on environmental scrutiny described above
and various literature studies, it can be concluded that
several variables are very influential on the
management of gambir farming. These
environmental factors are transformed into value-free
variables but have a certain behavior pattern, namely
if the variable changes it will affect other variables
according to the behavior pattern.
The selected variables in the CLD modeling of
gambir farming are at least 21 variables, namely:
gambier land, gambier trees, leaf production, income
from selling leaves, gambir farming income, income,
income from gambier land, non-gambir land, land
conversion, income from sales of wet sap, production
of wet sap, production of dry sap, income from sales
of dry sap, plant maintenance, production capacity of
wet sap, production capacity of dry sap, other income,
planting of seeds, production expenses, household
expenses and cash.
b. Application archetype limit success (growth)
From the variables mentioned above, one
reinforcing feedback and one balancing feedback can
be drawn, as can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: 3rd Archetype Pattern, limit to grow.
Figure 2 shows that the higher the income of
farmers, the higher the production of gambier, where
this becomes a reinforcing feedback, namely higher
the income of farmers, of course, the expenditure will
also be greater, but it will reduce the income of
farmers so that the higher the expenditure will reduce
the income of farmers, which can be caused by many
things. This situation becomes a balancing feedback,
namely feedback that limits the growth process. This
condition will cause a behavior graph / Behavior Over
Time (BOT).
4.2 CLD Modelling
The following problems were found based on aspects
of cultivation, processing, and marketing of gambier
farming (Banurea, 2012), namely:
1. Cultivation aspects include: a) relatively
scattered cultivation locations, in the hills,
transportation accessibility is relatively difficult;
and b) relatively low crop productivity (rarely or
even no fertilization or other maintenance).
2. Processing aspect includes processing
technology that is still traditional, resulting in low
quality and yield of dry extracts and high time
required, especially in the processes of deposition,
draining, and drying which still depend on the
sun's heat.
3. Marketing aspects include: a) a relatively long
marketing chain resulting in depressed selling
prices at the farmer level; b) farmers sell their
produce for immediate funding needs for
household expenses/living needs; c) the absence
of institutions at the farmer level that
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
accommodates farmers' products, causing the
bargaining position of farmers to be low (farmers
are in the position of "price takers"); and d)
accessibility to price information and a low level
of price certainty.
From these various problems, the main focus in
the model is how to develop gambir farming properly.
While market opportunities exist, farmers have
limitations in providing continuous production of dry
latex. Limited production capacity is the main
constraint due to cash availability problems for
farmers. Based on these things, the model developed
is a generic model of gambir farming
Based on the above variables and the
interrelationships between variables, the following is
the CLD model for gambir farming in Pakpak Bharat
Regency, especially in Pergetteng-getteng Sengkut
Figure 3: Modeling of Gambier Farm CLD.
The interaction of the various variables resulted in
five feedback loops, of which there were 4 positive
feedback and 1 negative feedback. The explanation of
the five feedback loops is as follows.
Loop 1 is a positive loop and has reinforcing
properties (reinforcing=R1). Loop 1 connects the
land and trees sub- model, production sub-model, and
economic sub-model. Land conversion in the sense of
land expansion for gambier farming causes the
availability of land for the addition of gambier trees.
However, the addition of trees is affected by the
availability of funds for seedlings. The more funds
available for seedlings, the more trees may be added,
resulting in land conversion. However, if seed funds
are not available, land conversion is not possible.
Land conversion causes expenses to increase due to
funds allocated for the purchase of seeds and reduced
income from other plants that were previously on the
Loop 2 is a positive loop that connects the
production sub-model and the economic sub-model.
In increasing crop productivity, maintenance in the
form of fertilization, composting, and land clearing is
necessary. The more sufficient maintenance, the
higher the level of productivity. However, the level of
maintenance is strongly influenced by the
availability/allocation of funds to purchase fertilizers,
composts, herbicides, pesticides and land clearing
costs. The more maintenance funds are available, the
productivity increases, which in turn will have an
impact on increasing income. On the other hand, the
greater the income, the higher the effect on expenses.
Costs allocated for maintenance will add to expenses.
Loop 3 is a positive loop that connects the wet
rubber production capacity sub-model with the
economic sub-model. The higher the wet sap
production capacity, the higher the production.
Increasing the capacity of wet sap requires funds so
there must be investment in its addition.
Loop 4 is a positive loop that connects the dry
latex production capacity sub-model with the
economic sub-model. The higher the production
capacity of dry latex, the higher the production.
Increasing the production capacity of dry latex
requires funds so there must be an investment in its
addition. The funds allocated for the addition of dry
latex production capacity will increase spending.
Loop 5 is a negative loop contained in the sub-
economic model. This loop connects income and
expenses. In this loop, it can be seen that the greater
the income obtained from the sale of gambier, the
allocation for expenditure can also be greater.
However, the greater the costs required for expenses,
the more the income that has been obtained will be
reduced. Thus, this loop has the property of balancing
(balancing=B1) in achieving goals (goal-seeking).
5.1 Conclusions
The results showed that the development of gambir
farming was oriented to the economic, social, and
environmental aspects. Gambier farming
development system thinking is based on existing
market opportunities, farmers have limitations in
providing dry latex production continuously. Limited
production capacity is the main obstacle due to cash
availability problems for farmers.
Based on these things, the model developed is a
generic model of gambir farming. The feedback loop
diagram (causal loop diagram) can be seen in the
existing phenomena, namely (a) gambier land and
trees; (b) production capacity; (c) production; and (d)
household economy. Increasing community income
can be pursued through development initiatives in
A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach
gambier farming, including: land conversion,
technology improvements to increase production
capacity, and increase in other incomes that are still
based on gambier farming.
5.2 Suggestions
Some suggestions for further research are (1) the need
for additional variables obtained in observing
phenomena such as price fluctuations, farmers'
capacity in farming, markets, farmers' finances, the
economics of gambier plants, and other forms of
gambier derivatives that can be traded at the farmer
level. ; (2) it is hoped that further research related to
the validity of the data from farmer interviews, such
as production data, is assumptive; and (3) so that the
resulting model can resemble the existing
phenomena, the results of this system thinking need
to be continued with model simulations with a system
dynamics approach.
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A Model of Development Gambier Farming in Pakpak Bharat Regency Based on System Thinking Approach