The Effect of Work Supervision and Implementation of 5S Work
Attitudes on Employee Work Productivity
Stevany Jean and Onan Marakali Siregar
Department of Business Administration Science, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. Dr. A. Sofyan No. 1 Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: 5S work attitudes, work supervision, work productivity
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of work supervision and 5S work attitudes on employee work
productivity at PT Rata Makmur Oil Palm Plantation. This study used quantitative methods involving 35
employees as research samples. The sampling technique was saturated sampling. The data collection used
was a Likert-scale questionnaire. The data analysis technique used an instrument test of reliability validity
and a hypothesis test using multiple linear regression analysis. This study indicates that work supervision and
5S work attitudes have a significant effect either partially or simultaneously on the employee work
productivity at PT Rata Makmur Oil Palm Plantation at 59%. This means that work supervision and the 5S
work attitudes are sufficient to explain their work productivity; the higher work supervision behavior and the
better implementation of 5S work attitudes will increase productivity.
Oil palm plantations are one of many promising
business sectors individuals manage in Indonesia,
whether the government or the private sector owns it.
The role of the palm oil industry has a significant
contribution to increasing national economic growth,
reducing poverty, and distributing income for
Indonesians. Based on Dirjen Perkebunan (2014), in
Indonesia, it is known that the ownership percentage
of oil palm plantations is privately-owned (51.86%),
personal-owned (41.42%), and state-owned (6.72%).
Over the last ten years, oil palm plantations have
increased from 6.59 million ha to 11.33 million ha in
Indonesia (PAPSI, 2016). The increasing
development of oil palm plantations shows that
companies must pay attention to aspects of
productivity to have good business competitiveness.
In terms of running the business, the oil palm
plantation companies need reliable human resources
to succeed in many activities in the company. HR is
an essential factor among several other things for a
company, especially in the free trade era, where the
competition is very tight. This condition forces every
company to be able to work effectively, productively,
and efficiently. The high competition also requires
every company to focus its resources, especially on
its people. This makes individuals who can innovate
and realize it to achieve common goals.
To obtain the expected human resources,
especially in oil palm plantation companies, the
business orientation is strongly influenced by
productivity to manage the existing land correctly and
efficiently. Work productivity is the ratio of the
results obtained and workers' participation per unit of
time (Ramadon, Pasmawati, & Kusmindari, 2013).
Work productivity is a form of economic motive to
get maximum results from a certain amount of
financing; in the process, productivity is often placed
as the executor of the company's activities, such as
employees or members. Consequently, humans have
an essential role in achieving results according to the
targets of specific companies, so however good the
equipment used in work is, if it is not balanced, the
production of these goods and services will not work.
To reach the companys target, it is necessary to
increase the work productivity of its members. This
work productivity includes an open-minded attitude
and view that the current method must be better than
yesterday at work. Work productivity is generally
defined as individual and group skills in acquiring
goods and services. A productive member is
responsive and can make goods and services
according to standard provisions even with a faster
time to achieve high work productivity levels. Based
Jean, S. and Siregar, O.
The Effect of Work Supervision and Implementation of 5S Work Attitudes on Employee Work Productivity.
DOI: 10.5220/0011566700003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 312-320
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
on this, a manager must try to increase the
productivity of its members so that the company can
maintain its business and even develop it to be more
PT Rata Makmur is a plantation company that
produces palm oil and plantation products. The
location is in Bekulap Village, Selesai District,
Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, which owns
388.86 hectares. Technically, this company engaged
in oil palm plantations involves a lot of workforce and
resources. So that the achievement of the company's
targets is in line with employee productivity, this is
what underlies the importance of paying attention to
increasing productivity. In the company, work
productivity is the result obtained from the
competence of its employees. High productivity is
closely related to the human resources owned
(Abdussamad, 2013).
The first phenomenon that becomes a problem at
PT Rata Makmur is employee productivity, which
consists of targets and realization measurement. The
better the realization achievement, the better
employees' productivity at PT Rata Makmur. The
given data regarding the marks and realization of
employees or five years describes below:
Table 1: Target and Realization of Work Production of PT
Rata Makmur Employees in 2016 – 2020.
2016 6.000 4.607 76,78%
2017 7.500 5.322 70,96%
2018 7.600 5.901 77,64%
2019 7.600 5.027 66,14%
2020 7.600 4.268 56,16%
Based on the table, it can be seen that from 2016 to
2020, the percentage of work achievement fluctuated
(up and down) with the achievement of targets that
were had in optimal conditions. The lowest
realization of production at PT Rata Makmur was in
2020, which was 4,268 (56.16%). Meanwhile, the
highest realization at PT Rata Makmur was in 2018 at
5,901, and the achievement rate was 77.64%. This
shows that the trend of employment production data
tends to decrease from year to year even though there
was an uplift in 2019. Based on interviews with PT
Rata Makmur management, it is known that the
company increased production targets based on the
previous year's production achievements; if it grew,
the company would increase targets from 2016 to
2017. The level of production achievement was
closely related to employee productivity. Realization
of production is essential for a company, even in
small quantities, because if employee productivity
does not reach the target, the quality of employee
productivity is indicated to be problematic.
Various factors influence low productivity,
including knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and
behaviors (Sulistiyani, 2009). One form of behavior
is work attitude, which results from evaluating the
individual and the state of the work environment,
which can be satisfying, profitable, and enjoyable
results or vice versa (Panggabean, 2014). A positive
attitude also causes good things to be reflected in a
person's perception of the surrounding situation and
conditions. One of the many things that can make a
good work environment is the application of 5S work
attitudes (Seiton, Seiri, Shitsuke, Seiso, and
The 5S work attitude is a work attitude originating
from Japan that applies structuring to work situations.
The implementation of 5S is good for improving and
maintaining the work situation; it can also be an
improvement in the method of thinking about the
behavior of applying 5S employees to their work. So
that it can improve work performance, increase work
productivity, reduce time wastage, reduce work
accidents, create a healthy work environment,
minimize work-related diseases and minimize fatigue
(Wingjosoebroto, 2003). 5S is a stage of changing
attitudes by sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and
sustain to get better results in the workplace.
Various companies around the world have widely
applied the 5S work attitude. This 5S work attitude is
inspired by the success of a company in Japan that
focuses on work efficiency to avoid waste. The
application of the 5S work attitude aims to form a
behavioral basis to prevent wasteful attitudes. The
application of the 5S philosophy in Japan is
visualized in the form of an attitude of Sort (seiri), Set
in Order (seiton), Shine (seiso), Standardize
(seiketsu), and Sustain (shitsuke).
Applying the 5S attitude in selecting goods, tools,
or materials that cannot be used should ideally be kept
away from the work area (seiri). This is followed by
arranging and placing the tools and materials used in
the work area (seiton). It is maintaining working
environment conditions to keep it shine (seiso). Then,
to sustain the clean tools, materials, goods, and
objects that last in good condition, Shinsuke is done
(Pasale & Bagi, 2014).
An unhealthy company shows the implementation
of 5S poorly in their workplace. So, no matter how
sophisticated the company's system uses, no matter
how fast the technological advances are used and how
perfect the operating instructions are. The company
will have problems if the work area is full of dirt and
dust in the factory. The work area is filled with
The Effect of Work Supervision and Implementation of 5S Work Attitudes on Employee Work Productivity
garbage scattered in such conditions. The company
will not be able to maintain product quality and
reduce productivity (Osada, 2014).
Several previous studies have examined work
attitudes toward work productivity (Istikomah, 2016;
Sewucipto, 2017). However, the research explicitly
examines the 5S attitudes of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, and Shitsuke has not been widely studied.
5S comes from a Japanese word that means sorting,
set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain.
According to Osada (2014), 5S work attitudes can
achieve success when carrying out their duties and
work. They can also influence situations and
conditions to become better, comfortable, healthy,
and conducive, which will ultimately maintain the
stability of the company's resources.
In implementing the 5S, the company must
execute excellent and optimal supervision.
Supervision is needed to enlarge a business; proper
management can indirectly maintain the quality of
goods and services produced in a company. Good
care can be measured by the presence or absence of
problems or obstacles in the process, and the product
obtained reaches the target and is by the
qualifications. Work supervision is very much needed
in a business of any size because good work
supervision will be able to run effectively and
efficiently and obtain optimal results (Lubis, 1985).
Smoother work and good care can result in increased
sound production. According to Siagian (2013),
supervision can also be said to be a process in which
the management reviews the suitability of the goals
and targets set with what is already running; this
conformity will be a benchmark for what steps or
methods need to be taken in managing it, this can be
done if have supervised. Rambe, Rafika, Lubis,
Hasibuan, & Amsal, (2021) stated that work
supervision is making overall observations in
carrying out company activities that are being carried
out according to predetermined provisions.
The organization or management of the company
in carrying out a job requires supervision to ensure
that the implementation of production activities is by
the standard operating procedures (SOP) that have
been set within a company, especially in carrying out
the 5S implementation program so that the program
runs smoothly as expected.
According to Summarjaya (2013), decreased
work productivity can be increased by supervision
from superiors to subordinates in carrying out tasks.
Maintenance carried out by bosses aims to be able to
review and compare the plans made with the
implementation. This supervision is carried out by
superiors so that efforts in achieving the performance
of work results are to company expectations.
According to Siagian (2013), supervision activity is
observing rather than carrying out all organizational
activities to ensure that all work being carried out is
by a predetermined plan. Management aims to find
out weaknesses, difficulties, and the course of
instructions so that changes can be made to improve
and prevent a repetition of wrong activities so that
everything runs efficiently.
A preliminary study conducted at PT Rata
Makmur found that the supervision had been going
smoothly; based on the results of interviews with the
management of PT Rata Makmur, it was found that
the company had carried out supervision of all
employees towards their duties, for example by
setting standards in the process of care, harvesting,
and distribution of oil palm plantation products.
Although the supervision has been carried out
properly, the fact is that productivity has not reached
the target from 2016 to 2020. This phenomenon refers
to previous research conducted by (Marwanto, 2010;
Sinollah, 2018; Summarjaya, 2013), who found an
effect of supervision on employee productivity.
Besides that, Marpaung (2013) found that supervision
is the most dominant factor in increasing employee
productivity on plantations. With these problems, it is
necessary to re-identify the effect of supervision on
employee work productivity.
PT Rata Makmur is an oil palm plantation
company that uses production equipment employees
carry out to manage the plantation. The 5S attitude
has been implemented by the company, for example,
by establishing a selection procedure (Seiri) that
employees need to understand and execute properly.
Furthermore, the work attitude of Seiton is also
applied by PT Rata Makmur by storing items required
in the process of maintaining oil palm plantations,
storing goods properly if needed under certain
conditions, so that if employees have implemented
Seiton properly, the process of finding interests -
goods or tools will not last long. Seiso's attitude
adopted by PT Rata Makmur is to require employees
to clean between the oil palm bunches and their fruit.
The fruit is sorted and cleaned; it is also carried out
by inspecting the harvested palm fruit. The attitude of
Seiketsu applied by PT Rata Makmur is that
employees are continuously involved in the sorting,
arrangement, and cleaning process. Shinsuke's
philosophy used by PT Rata Makmur is to conduct
training to improve abilities, even though there are
things that are difficult to implement. This attitude is
embedded in employees to have the ability to work in
the right way or strategy.
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
Supriyanto (2014) revealed that 5S attitudes
(Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke) affect
employee productivity. There has been no previous
research gap on the 5S factor (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, and Shitsuke), so further identification of
this factor is needed to increase employee
productivity. This study aims to determine the effect
of work supervision and the 5S work attitudes (Seiri,
Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) on employee
productivity at PT Rata Makmur's oil palm
2.1 Work Supervision
According to Siagian (2013), work supervision is a
step-in work that aims to guarantee and ensure that
the work carried out is required to comply with the
planned rules. The rules and policies set in their
implementation are adjusted to the plan.
Supervision must make adjustments that are
deemed necessary and take corrective actions,
measure achievements and evaluate what has been
implemented. According to Handoko (2016), work
supervision (controlling) is the application and
discovery of methods and equipment to ensure that
work implementation has been adjusted to the
existing plan. This can be negative or positive.
Negative supervision is used so that unnecessary
activities do not occur again. Supervision to be
positive is used to find out the goals achieved by the
company can be carried out effectively and
efficiently. From the above opinion, it can be
concluded that work supervision is a step-in work that
aims to achieve efficient and effective performance,
which can support the realization of the company's
vision and mission to the fullest.
Handoko (2016) stated that work supervision
consists of four indicators: placement of
implementation or planning standards, work
measurement, work appraisal, and corrective action.
2.2 5S Work Attitudes (Seiri, Seiton,
Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke)
5S work attitude can be interpreted as a method
carried out in carrying out maintenance and sequence
of work areas. This method comes from Japan,
wherein Japanese 5S has the meaning of sort (seiri),
set in order (seiton), shine (seiso), standardize
(seiketsu), and sustain (shitsuke). In its application,
the 5S method can maintain order and discipline at
worksites and increase work time efficiency while
improving overall company performance (Prayogo &
Sutapa, 2015). Another opinion states that applying
the 5S work attitude is considered to increase
motivation and enhance the ability of employees to
complete the work given by the company to the
employee (Sari, 2019). At the same time, Laswitarni
and Lestari (2019) describe that the 5S work attitudes
are a value that becomes a habit or behavior that can
be seen from an attitude into action and behavior
when working or facing external problems so that
every employee of the company can understand the
existing values and how they can act or behave.
2.3 Work Productivity
Sinungan (2014) argues that productivity is the proper
use of resources in producing goods. Siagian (2013)
argues that employee work productivity is the
employee's ability to utilize all available facilities
optimally. According to Sutrisno (2013), employee
work productivity is related to the mental attitude of
workers, with the sense that there is a sense of
wanting to correct all mistakes that have occurred and
believe that work can be completed as a whole better
than the previous days.
Sutrisno (2013) defines work productivity as
something of value for employees in a company.
Work productivity is considered capable of making
the company achieve its goals effectively and
efficiently. According to Mangkunegara (2016),
employee performance productivity is an individual's
understanding of being able to carry out work whose
processes will be better in the future. Productivity is
not just science, technology, and technique; employee
work productivity contains mental attitudes and
philosophical patterns based on a desire to change
lives with better quality.
Based on the results of several definitions
presented by previous experts, it can be concluded
that employee work productivity is the mental attitude
of someone who wants to always be better than before
in doing or doing something by utilizing the
availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as
possible to get maximum output.
Sutrisno (2013) describes indicators of employee
work productivity, ability to improve the results
achieved, morale, self-development, quality, and
The Effect of Work Supervision and Implementation of 5S Work Attitudes on Employee Work Productivity
2.4 Research Hypothesis
Figure 1: Thinking Framework.
H1 : There is an effect of Work Supervision on
Employee Work Productivity at PT Rata
Makmur Oil Palm Plantation.
H2 : There is an effect of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, and Shitsuke's Work Attitudes on
Employee Work Productivity at PT Rata
Makmur Oil Palm Plantation
H3 : There is an effect of Work Supervision and 5S
Work Attitudes simultaneously on Employee
Work Productivity at PT Rata Makmur Oil
Palm Plantation.
This research method used associative quantitative
methods to examine how a variable has a relationship
and effect on other variables. This study aims to
determine the impact of work supervision and the
application of 5S work attitudes (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, Shitsuke) on employee productivity at PT
Rata Makmur Palm Oil Plantation. This research was
conducted at the Office of PT. Rata Makmur whose
address is at Jl. Protocol of Bekulap Village, Selesai
District. Langkat, North Sumatra Province, and the
study were completed in December 2021-January
The population in this study were employees at
the PT Rata Makmur Palm Oil Plantation, totaling 35
people. This study uses a sampling technique with the
census method or saturated sampling. Therefore, the
author took all 35 employees as samples in this case.
In this study, primary data was obtained by
distributing the questionnaire directly to employees
of PT. Prosperous Average. In contrast, the secondary
data in this study were obtained from expert opinions,
books, and scientific works relevant to the problem
under study.
To test the research hypothesis using the
following linear regression equation:
Y = + b1X1 + b2X2 + e
Y = work productivity
= constant
b = The value of the regression coefficient
of each variable (b1 – b5)
X1 = Supervision
X2 = 5S work attitudes
e = Error term.
4.1 Validity Test
The validity test is calculated using the product-
moment, which can be seen from the Pearson
correlation; if rcount < rtable, the item number is
invalid. On the other hand, if rcount > rtable, then the
item is valid. The validity was tested using the
Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS).
After the rcount is obtained, it is compared to the
rtable with a 95% confidence level or =0.05. The
rtable for df (n-2) = 33 (35-2) is 0.3338. If rcount >
rtable, then the item is declared valid, and if rcount <
rtable, the item is declared invalid. The results of the
validity of each variable are as follows:
Table 2: Validity Test.
No Items r
1 Superv_1 0,633 0,3338 Valid
2 Superv_2 0,740 0,3338 Valid
3 Superv_3 0,737 0,3338 Valid
4 Superv_4 0,771 0,3338 Valid
5 Superv_5 0,818 0,3338 Valid
6 Superv_6 0,656 0,3338 Valid
7 Superv_7 0,845 0,3338 Valid
8 Superv_8 0,517 0,3338 Valid
9 Superv_9 0,737 0,3338 Valid
10 5S_1 0,542 0,3338 Valid
11 5S_2 0,434 0,3338 Valid
12 5S_3 0,559 0,3338 Valid
13 5S_4 0,574 0,3338 Valid
14 5S_5 0,554 0,3338 Valid
15 5S_6 0,470 0,3338 Valid
16 5S_7 0,514 0,3338 Valid
17 5S_8 0,485 0,3338 Valid
18 5S_9 0,489 0,3338 Valid
19 5S_10 0,668 0,3338 Valid
20 5S_11 0,705 0,3338 Valid
21 5S_12 0,713 0,3338 Valid
22 5S_13 0,551 0,3338 Valid
23 5S_14 0,399 0,3338 Valid
5S work
attitudes (X
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
No Items r
24 5S_15 0,553 0,3338 Valid
25 Produc_1 0,697 0,3338 Valid
26 Produc_2 0,728 0,3338 Valid
27 Produc_3 0,891 0,3338 Valid
28 Produc_4 0,740 0,3338 Valid
29 Produc_5 0,849 0,3338 Valid
30 Produc_6 0,754 0,3338 Valid
4.2 Reliability Test
A reliability test is needed to measure the consistency
of the measurement results from the questionnaire on
repeated use. Cronbach Alpha is the method used in
this study. Cronbach's Alpha is a measure of
reliability that has a value from zero (0) to one. If the
Cronbach Alpha result is greater than the significant
level of 60% or 0.6, the variable is reliable. However,
if the results of Cronbach Alpha are less than the
considerable level of 60% or 0.6, then the variable is
considered unreliable.
Table 3: Reliability Test.
No Variable
Standard Conclusion
1 Supervision 0,878 0,6 Reliable
5S work
0,835 0,6
0,860 0,6
4.3 Hypothesis Test
In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was
used to determine the effect of two independent
variables (X1 and X2) on the dependent variable (Y).
The multiple linear regression could perform if the
classical assumptions were sufficient, such as
normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity.
The results of multiple linear regression between
work supervision variables (X1) and the application
of 5S work attitudes (X2) on work productivity (Y)
are described below in table 4.
Table 4: Partial Test (T-test).
t Si
.B Std. Erro
,276 3,912 ,071 ,944
ervision ,412 ,072 5,756 ,000
5S work
,177 ,061 2,900 ,007
a. De
endent Variable: Work
Based on the results of the multiple linear regression
analysis in table 3, the resulting equation model is as
1. Work supervision significantly affects work
productivity by showing a considerable value of
0.000 <0.05; this proves that H1 is accepted.
2. The application of 5S work attitudes
significantly affects work productivity by showing a
considerable value of 0.007 < 0.05; this proves that
H2 is accepted.
Table 5: Simultaneous Test (F test).
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 409,781 2 204,890 23,008 ,000
Residual 284,962 32 8,905
Total 694,743 34
a. De
endent Variable: work
. Predictors: (Constant), 5S work attitudes, supervision
The given table shows that in this study, the
calculated value is greater than the ftable value, which
is 23.008 (23.008>3.290), while the significant value
of 0.000 is smaller than the 0.05 alpha level. This
shows that H3 is accepted and H0 is rejected. It means
that there is a positive effect significantly of
supervision (X1) and 5S work attitudes (X2)
simultaneously on work productivity at PT Rata
Makmur oil palm plantation employees (Y).
Table 6: Coefficient of Determination Test (R2).
Model Summar
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 ,768
,590 ,564 2,98414
a. Predictors: (Constant), 5S work attitudes, supervision
Based on the table, shows that the result of the r
value is 0.768; this means that the relationship
between work supervision (X1) and 5S work attitudes
(X2) to the work productivity at PT Rata Makmur oil
palm plantation employees (Y) is quite close. The
value of the coefficient of determination (R2)
obtained is 0.590, which indicates the significant
effect of supervision (X1) and 5S work attitudes (X2)
toward work productivity (Y) is 59%. In comparison,
41% of the rest is influenced by other variables not
examined in this study.
4.4 Discussions
Work supervision is an understanding of individuals
who can carry out work whose processes will be
The Effect of Work Supervision and Implementation of 5S Work Attitudes on Employee Work Productivity
better in the future. Productivity is not only taking up
over science, technology, and technique but also
mental attitudes and philosophical patterns that could
change lives with better quality by a strong desire of
the employee. Since the work process requires
supervision, that aims to keep the work done
according to the standards and rules that have been
adjusted and set.
Based on the analysis of each indicator of work
supervision, the supervision indicators that have been
carried out well are actions (4.29) and then work
measurement (3.61). Nevertheless, the lowest
indicator of work supervision is work appraisal
(3.21). The results of this study indicate a tendency
for lack of evaluation activities on employee
performance related to motivation and supporting
employee satisfaction carried out by superiors or
leaders. Busy activities in oil palm plantations can
cause these. The leadership is engaged in achieving
targets and even participates in production activities.
If the production target is not enough, the opportunity
to encourage and motivate employees is impossible.
This is evidenced by the high score on the action
indicator, where the leadership will be directly
involved if there is work that does not match the
initial target.
This study measured work supervision by the
placement of implementation or planning standards,
work measurement, work appraisal, and corrective
action. Based on the results of the study, it was found
that work supervision (X1) affected employee work
productivity (Y), as evidenced by the count value
more significant than the ttable value, namely 5.756
(5.576> 2.037). In contrast, the significant value
obtained was 0.000, smaller than the alpha of 0.05;
this indicates that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Legawati (2014); Muslimin (2016);
Yuliani (2011), who found that work supervision
affected employee productivity. This is because the
supervision carried out creates feelings in employees
not to make mistakes at work to increase their
accuracy and discipline in doing work. However, this
will apply otherwise if the supervision of the
employee is not carried out.
Supervision carried out is carried out thoroughly
to avoid deviations from the work steps by employees
and instill discipline in employees. A person's work
productivity is generally assessed based on the
employee's ability to utilize the available resources to
increase optimal results and profits in carrying out
assigned tasks and achieving predetermined work
results (Yuliani, 2011).
The 5S work attitude is the application of a work
attitude that instills aspects of the workplace
correctly, maintains and keeps the workplace neat,
clean, and orderly so that ease of work can be created
(Rinandiyana & Sumaryana, 2015). The 5S attitudes
in this study consisted of seiri (sort), seiton (set in
order), seiso (shine), seiketsu (standardize), and
shitsuke (sustain). Based on the analysis of each
indicator, the 5S work attitudes that have been well
implemented are shitsuke or sustain (3.79), followed
by seiri or sort attitudes (3.76) as well as seiton or set
in order (3.76). At the same time, the least applied
attitude is seiso or shine (3,48).
The results of this study indicate the application
of the 5S attitude, which is quite good at PT. Rata
Makmur, although there are still shortcomings in the
attitude of cleaning work, it can still be said to be
reasonable because of the heaviness of the work
carried out in oil palm plantations, causing fatigue
which will eventually make workers take a break after
completing their work. Even though 20 people work
for land clearing, there is still not enough for a clean
Based on the results of the study, there is a
significant effect between the 5S work attitudes (X2)
on employee work productivity (Y) by showing that
the tcount value is greater than the ttable value, which
is 2.900 (2.900>2.037). Furthermore, the significant
value obtained is 0.007, smaller than the alpha level
of 0.05. This shows that H2 is accepted and H0 is
The results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Rinandiyana & Sumaryana (2015);
Supriyanto (2014); Yudhanto & Purwanto, (2020),
which state that the 5S work attitudes have a
significant positive effect on employee work
productivity. This can be interpreted that applying 5S
work attitudes can increase productivity in a
company. Since the work attitudes provide
understanding to employees to sort in the workplace,
organize, clean, maintain working environmental
conditions and maintain the habits needed to obtain
optimal results (Supriyanto, 2014).
Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is
known that work supervision (X1) and the 5S work
attitudes (X2) simultaneously affect employee work
productivity (Y) by showing the calculated value is
greater than the ftable value, which is 23.008
(23.008>3.290). In addition, the significant value of
0.000 is smaller than the 0.05 alpha level. This shows
that H3 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
Productivity is a measure or ratio that measures
how productive an employee is, which generally
leads to the results issued (Panjaitan, 2018).
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
Employee productivity refers to the ability of
employees to take advantage of all conditions and
facilities to achieve optimal results (Supriyanto,
2014; Yuliani, 2011). This concept shows that
productivity can be increased by increasing the
individual's ability to take advantage of various
conditions and environments to achieve optimal
Based on the results and discussion of the effect of
work supervision and the 5S work attitudes on work
productivity of Oil Palm Plantation at PT. Rata
Makmur, it can be concluded that work supervision
has a positive and significant effect on work
productivity. The better work supervision will
increase employees' work productivity at PT Rata
Makmur's oil palm plantation.
Applying the 5S work attitudes positively and
significantly affects employee work productivity. The
higher the 5S work attitudes will increase employees'
work productivity at PT Rata Makmur's oil palm
The work supervision and the 5S work attitudes
simultaneously affect employees' work productivity
at PT Rata Makmur's oil palm plantations. The
coefficient of the determination indicates that the
relationship formed is reasonably close. Thus, work
supervision and the 5S work attitudes can explain
employees' work productivity at PT Rata Makmur's
oil palm plantations.
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