garbage scattered in such conditions. The company
will not be able to maintain product quality and
reduce productivity (Osada, 2014).
Several previous studies have examined work
attitudes toward work productivity (Istikomah, 2016;
Sewucipto, 2017). However, the research explicitly
examines the 5S attitudes of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, and Shitsuke has not been widely studied.
5S comes from a Japanese word that means sorting,
set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain.
According to Osada (2014), 5S work attitudes can
achieve success when carrying out their duties and
work. They can also influence situations and
conditions to become better, comfortable, healthy,
and conducive, which will ultimately maintain the
stability of the company's resources.
In implementing the 5S, the company must
execute excellent and optimal supervision.
Supervision is needed to enlarge a business; proper
management can indirectly maintain the quality of
goods and services produced in a company. Good
care can be measured by the presence or absence of
problems or obstacles in the process, and the product
obtained reaches the target and is by the
qualifications. Work supervision is very much needed
in a business of any size because good work
supervision will be able to run effectively and
efficiently and obtain optimal results (Lubis, 1985).
Smoother work and good care can result in increased
sound production. According to Siagian (2013),
supervision can also be said to be a process in which
the management reviews the suitability of the goals
and targets set with what is already running; this
conformity will be a benchmark for what steps or
methods need to be taken in managing it, this can be
done if have supervised. Rambe, Rafika, Lubis,
Hasibuan, & Amsal, (2021) stated that work
supervision is making overall observations in
carrying out company activities that are being carried
out according to predetermined provisions.
The organization or management of the company
in carrying out a job requires supervision to ensure
that the implementation of production activities is by
the standard operating procedures (SOP) that have
been set within a company, especially in carrying out
the 5S implementation program so that the program
runs smoothly as expected.
According to Summarjaya (2013), decreased
work productivity can be increased by supervision
from superiors to subordinates in carrying out tasks.
Maintenance carried out by bosses aims to be able to
review and compare the plans made with the
implementation. This supervision is carried out by
superiors so that efforts in achieving the performance
of work results are to company expectations.
According to Siagian (2013), supervision activity is
observing rather than carrying out all organizational
activities to ensure that all work being carried out is
by a predetermined plan. Management aims to find
out weaknesses, difficulties, and the course of
instructions so that changes can be made to improve
and prevent a repetition of wrong activities so that
everything runs efficiently.
A preliminary study conducted at PT Rata
Makmur found that the supervision had been going
smoothly; based on the results of interviews with the
management of PT Rata Makmur, it was found that
the company had carried out supervision of all
employees towards their duties, for example by
setting standards in the process of care, harvesting,
and distribution of oil palm plantation products.
Although the supervision has been carried out
properly, the fact is that productivity has not reached
the target from 2016 to 2020. This phenomenon refers
to previous research conducted by (Marwanto, 2010;
Sinollah, 2018; Summarjaya, 2013), who found an
effect of supervision on employee productivity.
Besides that, Marpaung (2013) found that supervision
is the most dominant factor in increasing employee
productivity on plantations. With these problems, it is
necessary to re-identify the effect of supervision on
employee work productivity.
PT Rata Makmur is an oil palm plantation
company that uses production equipment employees
carry out to manage the plantation. The 5S attitude
has been implemented by the company, for example,
by establishing a selection procedure (Seiri) that
employees need to understand and execute properly.
Furthermore, the work attitude of Seiton is also
applied by PT Rata Makmur by storing items required
in the process of maintaining oil palm plantations,
storing goods properly if needed under certain
conditions, so that if employees have implemented
Seiton properly, the process of finding interests -
goods or tools will not last long. Seiso's attitude
adopted by PT Rata Makmur is to require employees
to clean between the oil palm bunches and their fruit.
The fruit is sorted and cleaned; it is also carried out
by inspecting the harvested palm fruit. The attitude of
Seiketsu applied by PT Rata Makmur is that
employees are continuously involved in the sorting,
arrangement, and cleaning process. Shinsuke's
philosophy used by PT Rata Makmur is to conduct
training to improve abilities, even though there are
things that are difficult to implement. This attitude is
embedded in employees to have the ability to work in
the right way or strategy.