the Web that are, somehow, close to this approach.
Contentsquare (Contentsquare n.d.), for example,
provides mechanisms for user interaction tracking,
site search tracking, recording and analyzing user
behavior and getting heat maps of mouse
movements, clicks, scrolls, etc., among other
functionalities. Woorank (WooRank n.d.) is another
similar tool, but more oriented to increase the
usability of the site. It offers a list of tips and
recommendations about the analyzed web sites.
Hotjar (Hotjar n.d.), a very popular one, provides
similar functionalities: heat maps showing the places
on the web where users click or move the mouse,
and which pages of the site are the most visited; user
behavior analysis in forms; recordings of user
navigation and contextual surveys to obtain the level
of user satisfaction, among others. Finally,
Smartlook (Smartlook n.d.) offers similar
alternatives of recording and analysis. These are just
four of the most popular professional tools focused
on the analysis of user interaction. Besides that,
there is of course Google Analytics (Google n.d.),
the very well-known tool provided by Google.
Even though all these tools are powerful
alternatives for the context and scenarios they were
designed for, they are not so suitable when the goal
is to analyze low-level details of user interaction.
Besides, they focus their analysis on group behavior,
and lack the possibility of gathering user specific
data, like, for example, age, gender, laterality, ethnic
group, or any other personal aspect that could be
determining in one or another way of the way the
user interacts with the application. These facts,
among others, are the reason why they do not suit
with projects in which the main goal is not the
evaluation of the improvement of the design from
the usability or marketing point of view. We have an
evidence of these limitations in the experience of
Dragos et al., who reported that Google Analytics is
not suitable to educational web sites due to the
different way users interact with such kind of sites
(Dragoş 2011).
The main difference of this proposal with the
available alternatives described in section 2 comes
from the fact that this is a HCI research-oriented
tool. Any sensitive data that can be potentially
gathered from the client is delivered to the server
and stored in the database for future evaluation. That
involves mouse events (movements, clicks, double
clicks, scrolls, etc.), but also any information
provided by the browser and readable through the
instrumentalization code (screen resolution,
dimensions, etc.). Researchers will simply have to
(i) design the experiment in the platform, (ii)
download the customized instrumentalization code
(Data Tracker subsystem) and (iii) integrate it in the
prototype they want to analyze. The specific
treatment and analysis of these data is subsequently
performed by an extensible set of feature-extractors.
The experiment designer will decide which of these
feature-extractors are convenient for the specific
analysis. Nevertheless, the original data will never
be altered. Thus, there is always the chance to
perform a new and deeper analysis based on new
extractors in the future, or either to extract the raw
data for further post-processing using different
analysis tools.
Figure 1: Architecture of the system.
The application is organized into the following
modules: (a) Experiment manager subsystem, (b)
Data Tracker subsystem and (c) Data gathering
3.1 Experiment Manager Subsystem
This is the front-end of the tool, and allows users to
create researcher accounts and experiments. Each
experiment can be shared with other researchers than
can participate as full-researchers or collaborators
(with limited access to the experiment). During the
creation of the experiment, the researcher must
provide title and description, but also any subject’s
parameters they need to include in the sample. That
is, the researcher can determine that, for a specific
experiment, the system must register parameters like
age, gender, country of residence, or any other
parameter (See Figure 2). The number of parameters
is unlimited, but the type are restricted to number,
String or Date.