Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation
Jerzy Demkowicz
, Maciej Rutkowski and Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology,
Narutowicza 11/12, Gdansk, Poland
Keywords: Cryptocurrency Mining, Blockchain Technology, GPU, NVIDIA GTX, P2P, Quality Evaluation.
Abstract: Currently, there is a lot of previous generation NVIDIA GTX graphical processing units (GPUs) available on
the market, which were ousted from by next-gen RTX units. Due to this fact, numerous fully-operational
devices remain underused, which are available at an affordable price. First, this paper presents an analysis of
the cryptocurrency market. Next, in this context, the results of research on the performance of NVIDIA
graphics cards with dedicated software as a cryptocurrency mining platform. The research included three
hardware platforms: GTX 480 x1, GTX 480 x2 and GTX 760 x1, tested under four cryptocurrencies, namely:
Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero and Ethereum. The custom-build test bench included power consumption as well
as the efficiency of mining various digital currencies. Obtained results can aid any investigator interested in
designing his own stand as well as configuring the environment.
Cryptocurrencies are one of the biggest technological
phenomena in recent years. Few of the other
information technologies have spread so quickly and
made similar rapid changes in their field.
Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain
technology, which is an innovative application of
previously existing algorithms and data structures
(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2016; Szostek, 2018).
Blockchain technology opened the way for fast,
cheap and global money transfer between users,
without the need for the participation of the institution
that performs the bank activities. The currency is
completely virtual, but despite this, it cannot be
duplicated in any way, and with a sufficiently large
network size, any attempt to manipulate the data is
practically impossible (Fang et al., 2022; Wątorek et
al., 2021).
Blockchain is a distributed chain of records with a
strictly defined structure, stored by a number of
equivalent nodes and using peer to peer (P2P)
communicating protocols (Di Pierro, 2017; Nofer,
Individual records, called blocks, contain
information about transactions carried out between
network participants with the use of cryptocurrency.
Each network node has a pair of keys: public and
private. They allow network operations, that is
The keys are used to generate unique addresses
(wallets) on which the virtual currency is stored. Each
transaction consists of: input address (or addresses),
output address (or addresses), amount of transferred
currency, and a single block consists of: a certain
number of transactions, the previous block hash and
the so-called nonce, which stands for number only
used once.
The nonce is a very important element of the
system because it uses asymmetric cryptography to
stabilize and systematize the creation of new blocks.
Finding a matching nonce is very complicated
Demkowicz, J., Rutkowski, M. and Falkowski-Gilski, P.
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs.
DOI: 10.5220/0011567400003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 466-474
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
computationally, and it is easy to verify the already
found one.
Due to the fact that the creation of new units
involves real costs, like electronic equipment,
electricity, it is necessary to reward for participation
in the system. The reward is cryptocurrency units
delivered to the node’s wallet when it mines a new
block. They have two sources: one is a completely
new unit introduced into the network in the amount
defined by a given algorithm, and the other is the
so-called transaction fee.
Over time, the use of blockchain by other network
participants causes a constant increase in the length
of the chain, and thus increasing requirements for
both RAM and non-volatile memory. So to record
transactions, Merkle trees (hash trees) are used,
as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Blockchain as a Merkle tree.
Individual blocks with transactions are hashed,
and the resulting values are then paired with each
other and hashed again. This process continues until
the so-called transaction root, a single hash value that
is associated with all transactions in a given block.
So nodes do not have to keep copies of all transactions
that took place in the history of the blockchain and
can limit themselves to the latest transactions related
to a given amount of currency (Nakamoto, 2009).
In such a situation, the node still has the certainty that
there has been no manipulation and that the current
owner of the currency is its rightful owner, thanks to
the fact that the transaction is rooted in the block.
Asymmetry in creating and verifying new blocks
is very important, because one cannot introduce
crafted blocks into the network. Their creation is
associated with the need to sacrifice computing
power, and the algorithms for selecting the right block
in the event of a conflict make it necessary for forgery
to have more computing power than the entire
network (Bastiaan, 2015). Carrying out such an
attack, although demanding, is possible.
There are both similarities and differences between
the characteristics of cryptocurrencies and fiduciary
currency, which are not covered by material goods.
Similar to currencies issued today by governmental
organizations such as the US Dollar or Euro, the value
of cryptocurrencies is not sustained by any real
commodities. In the event of a sudden drop in
demand, as shown in Figure 2, cryptocurrency owners
have no way of using them other than for transactions
with other users.
Figure 2: The price of one Bitcoin (BitInfoCharts, 2020).
This means that the price of cryptocurrencies is
highly volatile and completely depends on the current
demand (Liu, 2021; Gandal and Hałaburda, 2014).
The main difference is how new units of currency
are produced. In traditional currencies, it is the central
bank that takes decisions based on many factors about
reprinting the currency in a certain quantity. In most
cases, this means that they are characterized by
variable, but always present, level of inflation,
i.e., the decline in the value of money associated
with increasing its supply.
Cryptocurrencies do not have a central “emitter”
of the currency, and the number of its units and supply
are strictly defined by the algorithm, without the
possibility of manipulation based on, e.g., market
conditions. Typically, new cryptocurrency units are
delivered to the network nodes involved in the
creation of new blocks, which involves sacrificing
computing power, which in turn requires investments
in equipment and electricity (Li et al., 2019; Náñez
Alonso, 2021).
Due to the fact that the supply of a new
cryptocurrency is associated with a certain cost,
inflation is significantly limited, and it is “profitable”
to store it for users of the currency. The amount of
currency in the blockchain is limited, and the supply
of new units slows down over time, to stop
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs
completely in the rather far future (Xu et al., 2009;
Risius and Spohrer, 2017, Ahram et al., 2017).
4.1 Bitcoin
Bitcoin was the first system to implement blockchain
in cryptocurrency. On October 31, 2008, a person or
group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi
Nakamoto published an article describing his
assumptions. Then, on January 3, 2009, the Bitcoin
network was initiated, mining it for the first time.
The network does not take into account any
central authority, and all decisions regarding the
future of the system (adding more blocks) are made
by consensus among all network users. The lack of a
“bank” prevents institutional manipulation of the
currency, such as its reprint”, it is not possible to
grant loans, and the fragmented nature of the system
in practice prevents from taking control by any
financial organization or political.
4.2 Litecoin
Litecoin was founded in October 2011 by Charles Lee
(Bitcoin Forum, 2011), based on the Bitcoin
blockchain software, with a number of differences.
Its creator has drawn conclusions from the first
cryptocurrency, as well as several alternatives that
have come and gone unnoticed in the meantime.
The most important change was the reduction of
the average extraction time for a new block from
10 to 2.5 minutes. This has greatly increased the
convenience of using cryptocurrency as a payment
method for goods, reducing the need for long waiting
for transaction confirmation. The second advantage
was a significant reduction in transaction fees, thanks
to which Litecoin could have a much higher financial
liquidity than its predecessor. Additionally, this
currency uses the Scrypt hashing algorithm, which
has much higher memory requirements than SHA256.
4.3 Ethereum
Ethereum was created in 2015 by a group of people
led by Vitalik Buterine. It is an innovative
development of the previous blockchain
implementation. Each contract added to the Ethereum
blockchain can be simply treated as a class in the
Speaking program, denoting a given state and
transition points so that this state can be changed,
assigning it using argument methods. One can also
download some blockchain data, such as the current
time block and, above all, information about
incoming payments.
Currently, it is the second cryptocurrency after
Bitcoin, having approx. 12% market share
(Coinmarketcap, 2022). Its additional advantages are
even easier transactional activities and further
activities, namely several seconds instead of
10 minutes, thanks to which various tasks can be
performed in near real-time.
4.4 Monero
Monero was founded in April 2014, and introduced
several new cryptographic solutions. The most
important of which are: stealth addresses and ring
signatures, increasing the privacy of the recipient and
sender, respectively. It is not possible to review the
blockchain for this user’s activity.
New units of individual cryptocurrencies are
automatically delivered to users who provide the
computing power of their devices. The process is
called cryptocurrency mining. There have been many
changes to the way since the first cryptocurrencies
appeared. The most used graphics cards were
constantly being replaced by new models, in many
cases also by devices of a completely different
category. However, over the years the most popular
type of device used for this purpose have been
dedicated graphics cards.
There are three categories of devices capable of
mining cryptocurrencies (Ghimire and Selvaraj,
CPUs (Central Processing Units),
GPUs (Graphics Processing Units),
ASICs (Application Specific Integrated
CPUs are rarely used for this purpose, due to the
specificity of calculations performed in most
blockchain algorithms. The search for a nonce in
order to obtain a specific checksum is an action to
promote the maximum possible number of threads,
with the simultaneous relative simplicity of the
actions performed. This works definitely to the
advantage of the second type of chips mentioned,
because graphics rendering has similar requirements
to the GPU as cryptocurrency mining. There are cases
where the use of CPUs can be profitable, but they
QQSS 2022 - Special Session on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in Systems and Services
make up a very small percentage of the overall
cryptocurrency market. In the case of ASIC
installations, they are completely self-contained when
mining cryptocurrencies.
Tests were carried out using graphic cards from older
generations of NVIDIA GTX, and included two
models, that is: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 and MSI
GeForce GTX 760. The technical specifications of
these GPUs is described in Table 1.
Table 1: Technical specification of tested GPUs.
480 700 1848 1536 177.4
1152 1150 6008 2048 192.3
Particular attention is paid to the power supply
and its quality. It must be able to deliver the
maximum amount of power that a single or multiple
GPUs can draw from the mains. Of course, a stable
Internet connection is also required.
The main criterion for selecting a cryptocurrency
was its popularity, assessed on the basis of their
market cap, provided by price tracking services.
In addition, the technologies, on which the
blockchains of individual currencies were built, were
taken into account. They have a very large impact on
the efficiency of mining, and in combination with the
price of a given cryptocurrency, on the profitability of
the entire process (Bouri et al., 2019; Caporale et al.,
One of the most important parts of the blockchain
is the hashing algorithm. While Bitcoin uses
SHA256, the next emerging cryptocurrencies have
often made significant changes in this area,
introducing their own solutions. Newer algorithms
are most often aimed at preventing or at least
hindering the creation of ASIC devices specializing
in mining a given cryptocurrency. Such activities had
a large impact on the frequency of finding new blocks
by blockchain participants, which makes the
profitability of mining individual cryptocurrencies on
different devices unalike. For this reason,
the cryptocurrency mining process had to be tested
with various hashing algorithms (or families of
algorithms), so that in the future, when new
cryptocurrencies using these algorithms are released,
it will be possible to assess the profitability of using
older GPUs from the NVIDIA GTX family.
6.1 Operating System
Kubuntu 20.04 LTS was selected as the operating
system (OS) for cryptocurrency mining. This was the
latest version of this system at the time of our studies,
additionally having long time support (LTS).
The configuration is described in Table 2.
Table 2: Mining software used during tests.
software Version
Bitcoin CGMine
Litecoin CGMine
Monero XMRig 5.11.4
Kubuntu is a variation of Ubuntu, one of the most
popular desktop Linux distributions. This OS offers
good support from cryptocurrency mining programs
and easy ability to execute all necessary commands
as well as monitoring via the terminal, using the
Secure Shell Protocol (SSH).
6.2 Mining Pool Payout Model
There are several payout models offered by
cryptocurrencies. PayPerShare (PPS) is a model that
accrues a reward for pool share upon receipt of each
properly completed user unit of work (share).
However, there are more favorable variants where,
in addition to the block mining rewards, they also
receive some transaction fees (Farell, 2015; Liu et al.,
Full Pay Per Share (FPPS) profit from
transaction fees is calculated on the same basis
as the block reward.
Payer Share Plus (PPS+) – transaction fees are
distributed to users on the basis of the Pay Per
Last N Shares (PPLNS). Receiving a portion of
the transaction fees is especially important with
Bitcoin, where the rewards per block are
relatively small.
Pay Per Last N Shares (PPLNS) the pool
operator shifts the risk to the users. Instead of
rewarding them on receipt of each unit of work,
payment is made only after the pool has
actually extracted the block.
When selecting a pool, the PPS payout models
were preferred, because they better meet the
requirements of this study. High randomness,
characteristic to PPLNS, may adversely affect the
reliability of research results, and in order to
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs
minimize its impact, very long tests should be run,
which, with the expected low performance of the
cards used, could result in unnecessary losses. Then,
attempts were made to select the best offers among
the available ones, i.e., those with low fees to the pool
and those requiring no additional verification, such as
providing a telephone number. The list of utilized
model pools is described in Table 3.
Table 3: Cryptocurrency pools used during test.
Mining pool Model
Bitcoin SlushPool.com FPPS
Litecoin LitecoinPool.or
Ethereum S
arkPool.com PPS+
Monero MinerGate.com PPS
6.3 Test Bench
The test stand could consist of a maximum of
13 GPUs. First, it was planned to start with a version
of a single graphics card. The implementation of any
of the other variants depended entirely on the results
of the profitability tests, due to the additional costs of
purchasing other necessary components, including:
power supplies, motherboard, CPU, etc.).
At an early stage of work, 3D models of the test
environment were made using SketchUp for Web,
as shown in Figure 3. Each model assumed the use of
the number of cards being a power of 2, except for the
last one, reaching the limit of 13.
The miner platform used for the tests, apart from
one of the above-mentioned GPUs, consisted of:
Intel i5-750 CPU,
Hynix DDR3 16 GB RAM,
Asus P7P55D Deluxe motherboard,
Hitachi 500 GB hard drive,
XFX 750W power supply.
Each research scenario lasted 12 hours. This
length was chosen because it allows easy
extrapolation of results to larger time units (days,
months, etc.), while remaining long enough to
observe any fluctuations.
Figure 3: Test bench used during test.
The research was carried out for several sites,
described as no. 1, no. 2, etc. After finding the optimal
parameters for all stations, the main research
scenarios were started. The configuration for Bitcoin
is described in Table 4, where the number of treads
was equal to 2.
Table 4: Optimal parameters for Bitcoin.
GPU Intensity Hash
1 GTX 480
16 132.7
2 GTX 480
16 266.5
3 GTX 760
14 162.5
Whereas, the configuration for Litecoin is
described in Table 5. In case of all suits, the number
of threads was equal to 1, and the intensity was set to
Table 5: Optimal parameters for Litecoin.
GPU Shaders Hash
1 GTX 480
530 60.1
2 GTX 480
1060 121.3
3 GTX 760
1266 70.1
The following parameters were measured: GPU
hash rate, total network hash rate, number of shares
accepted, number of shares rejected, number of
hardware errors, GPU memory allocated, GPU load,
QQSS 2022 - Special Session on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in Systems and Services
GPU temperature, fan speed, cryptocurrency units
generated and power consumption.
The above data, with the exception of power
consumption, was read from individual miner
programs or from utilities supplied with the graphics
card drivers. Whereas, power consumption
measurements were carried out using the GreenBlue
GB202 power meter, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: GreenBlue GB202 power meter.
Each research scenario lasted 12 hours, because it
allows easy extrapolation of results to larger time
units. After collecting all the data, calculations were
started to check the overall profitability of the
Using data on cryptocurrency prices as well as
online exchanges and equipment on auction websites,
a summary of the following data was prepared:
The value of the generated cryptocurrency
units in PLN.
Value of the equipment used in the research.
Cost of consumed electricity.
Total profit or loss.
Quite surprisingly, only in case of the Litecoin it
was possible to obtain a non-zero amount of
cryptocurrency from all assembled suits. As it turned
out, the Ethereum was not compatible with the tested
equipment, due to insufficient size of the GPUs
memory, therefore eventually it was omitted from the
study. Obtained results are shown in Figure 5-8,
where respective lines represent:
Red – Bitcoin currency suite no. 1,
Black – Litecoin currency suite no. 1,
Yellow – Monreo currency suite no. 1,
Green – Bitcoin currency suite no. 2,
Blue – Litecoin currency suite no. 2,
Magenta – Bitoin currency suite no. 3,
Cyan – Liteoin currency suite no. 3,
Dotted Red – Monero currency suite no. 3.
Figure 5: Power consumption for different suites.
Figure 6: Memory usage for different suites.
Suite no. 2 gives slightly different results as
compared to suite no. 1, but the most important
parameter, i.e., the amount of cryptocurrency, is still
equal to zero (except for Litecoin). This suite had
additional minor custom software modifications,
e.g., changing the version of XMRig Miner to 5.11.0
from version 4.6.2. Suite no. 3 obtained slightly
different results, but the amount of cryptocurrency
was still equal to zero (except for Litecoin once
again). In this case, a software update was necessary
in order to test the Monero cryptocurrency
(GPU driver 440.33.01, CUDA 10.2, XMRig v6.3.2,
xmrig-cuda v6.3.2).
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs
Figure 7: Shares for different suites.
Figure 8: Mined cryptocurrency for different suites.
Table 6 summarizes the cryptocurrency price per
unit at the time of performing the tests. Whereas,
Table 7 and 8 sums up the earnings and profitability
(loss) in Polish Zloty [PLN].
Table 6: Cryptocurrency price per unit.
Unit Price
Bitcoin 1 BTC 38875.72 PLN
Litecoin 1 LTC 183.78 PLN
Monero 1 MXR 324.88 PLN
Table 7: Cryptocurrency mining earnings.
1 0 0.000206 0
2 0 0.000358 0
3 0 0.000152 0.012865
As shown, there is a great disproportion between
respective cryptocurrencies, ranging even up to a
couple of hundreds of percent, with Bitcoin being the
priciest one.
Table 8: Cryptocurrency mining profitability.
1 0.000206 9.6 6.43
2 0.000358 12.2 8.19
3 0.013017 7.5 5.05
From all the cryptocurrencies tested during the
study, only Litecoin enabled to obtain a non-zero
amount of cryptocurrency from all 3 assembled
suites. Therefore, further calculations will focus
mostly on it.
Figure 9 and 10 shows the annual increase in the
amount of currency in the mining process and the
time required to withdraw the first income from the
pool. In in the case, the minimal pool is equal to
0.1 LTC, which currently corresponds to approx.
20 PLN.
Figure 9: Litecoin cryptocurrency mining performance.
Figure 10: Litecoin mining time to first payout.
Also for Litecoin, measurements of the hash index
and the amount of obtained cryptocurrency were
QQSS 2022 - Special Session on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in Systems and Services
averaged in order to know the hash rate value at which
the process of mining this currency becomes
profitable. Linear dependence of both values was
assumed, because all fluctuations have already been
taken into account thanks to averaging. The result of
this analysis is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Hashrate vs profit in PLN for Litecoin.
Figure 12 shows the rate of return on investment
for a Monero cryptocurrency miner, expressed as the
number of years needed to fully cover the costs,
including electricity (250W power consumption).
Figure 12: Number of years required to cover the costs of
the miner platform.
The aim of this work was to analyze the
cryptocurrency market and perform a series of tests
concerning the performance of previous generations
of NVIDIA GTX graphics cards used as miners.
After the software installation, tests were carried out
to find the optimal configuration for 3 hardware
configurations, including: NVIDIA GeForce GTX
480 x1, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 x2 and NVIDIA
GeForce GTX 760 x1. Initially, the investigation was
intended for 4 cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin,
Monero and Ethereum.
For the first three (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero),
a negligibly low or zero amount of cryptocurrency
was obtained, while the fourth one (Ethereum) could
not be evaluated due to insufficient graphics memory.
The collected data shows that older models of
graphics cards do not give any chance of profit in case
of any cryptocurrency.
In the optimal scenario (Monero), and the most
efficient platform (no. 3), the mining process would
have to last about 2 years to obtain the equivalent of
PLN 20, with electricity costs of approx. 1880 PLN.
Such bad results of the GPUs used in the tests are due
to the rapid development on the chip market and the
dominance of dedicated ASIC devices for the most
popular cryptocurrencies, which offer several times
better performance.
It should be also pointed out that owners of
cryptocurrency miners tend to operate in countries
with cheapest electricity, which provides a significant
advantage. As shown, previous generation GPUs
would surely prove to be still feasible when
processing rich multimedia content, i.e., audio-visual
content or 3D graphics editing, etc. Further source of
inspiration for future studies may be found in
(Jacob et al., 2021; Goodkind et al., 2020; Kumar,
2021; Fadeyi, 2019; Gundaboina et al., 2022;
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QQSS 2022 - Special Session on Quality of Service and Quality of Experience in Systems and Services