Thus, the national environmental development
project is being implemented in five areas: "Waste",
"Water", "Air", "Biodiversity", "Technologies".
The national project "Ecology" has six main
⎯ efficient management of production and
consumption waste, including the elimination
of all identified unauthorized dumps within the
boundaries of cities;
⎯ reduction of atmospheric air pollution in large
industrial centers;
⎯ improving the quality of drinking water for the
⎯ environmental rehabilitation of water bodies,
including the Volga River, and the preservation
of unique water systems, including lakes Baikal
and Teletskoye;
⎯ conservation of biological diversity, including
through the creation of at least 24 new specially
protected natural areas;
⎯ ensuring the balance of disposal and
reproduction of forests in the ratio of 100%
(Gakaev, 2020).
The total funding is 4,041,000,000,000 rubles. Of
these, about 700 billion rubles are expected to be
attracted from the federal budget, 133 billion rubles
from regional budgets and the rest from
extrabudgetary sources. More than half of these funds
are expected to be used to finance the federal project
"Introduction of the best available technologies"
(Souter, 2019).
The second project in terms of funding is the
Clean Air project, the third is a project related to
improving the municipal waste management system.
The implementation of the national project "Ecology"
is closely connected with the development of "green"
technologies in Russia. The development of such
technologies has significant prospects: the country is
actively developing nuclear power, nano- and
biotechnologies, the production of laser equipment,
and information technologies. The growth of
investments in environmental innovations, the
creation of sustainable development institutions, and
the support of the innovation infrastructure in general
contribute to the introduction of "green" technologies
in Russian production.
During the coronavirus pandemic, technologies
related to air disinfection and biological safety were
noted among the new trends. Green technologies have
been extremely successful in the construction
industry. Thus, as part of the implementation of the
Skolkovo project, an exclusively “green” building
planning and design code is being implemented, the
LEED Silver level (that is, a certificate of leadership
in energy and environmental design) is mandatory for
all industrial and technological facilities being built.
Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg is also a modern
LEED-certified skyscraper. All the newest and
reconstructed MEGA-IKEA facilities comply with
the BREEAM environmental standard. Residential
quarter "European" in the city of Tyumen was
awarded the highest rating "excellent" according to
the BREEAM standard (RBC).
Gradually, environmentally friendly technologies
are being introduced in all sectors of the Russian
industry, however, for a full-fledged "green
transition" can only be implemented under conditions
of comprehensive interaction between the state and
The article is written as part of the RFFI grant 20-310-
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