Status and Trends in Transboundary Carbon Management
Ruslan Batashev, Amir Bisultanov and Iman Pedayeva
Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Keywords: Transboundary carbon regulation, European Union, challenges, consequences, Russian Federation.
Abstract: Currently, the human environment associated with the consumption of energy, carbon-intensive products, is
one of the most pressing problems in the implementation of climate programs in various countries. The
introduction of a carbon pricing mechanism is the most fundamental tool for solving the problem of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. The plan announced by the Union to introduce a mechanism to address the issue
of carbon pricing of an international nature, while avoiding additional risks and challenges for the cross-
border energy-intensive economy. The purpose of the article is to study trends in the field of cross-border
carbon regulation, to identify possible negative consequences for Russian producers of carbon-intensive
The main trend in the implementation of the program
aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the
atmosphere is set by the European Union. The data
published by some independent international research
companies show negative trends in the impact of
industrial production on the ecosystems of various
countries and regions. Thus, in mid-2021, the
contribution of the European Union economy to the
volume of carbon dioxide emissions into the
atmosphere amounted to 881 million tons. This is
slightly lower than the volumes recorded before the
start of the COVID-19 crisis. These data were
published by Eurostat at the beginning of 2022.
If we consider the structural composition of
greenhouse emissions by sectors of the economy in
the countries of the European Union, it can be seen
that the manufacturing industry accounts for up to
23% of emissions, electricity supply - 21%.
Households and agriculture in European countries
together account for up to 28%. The positive
dynamics observed in recent years in terms of
emissions in some European countries is associated
with recovery economic trends. At the same time, the
researchers agree that, despite the recovery effects of
the economies of individual countries, the trend of
greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union
shows a steady decline in the direction of the EU
Studies within the framework of international
projects conducted in 2021 indicate the continuing
negative trend in atmospheric pollution with
greenhouse gases. Thus, according to a research
project, the growth rate of greenhouse gas pollution
worldwide in 2021 was 4.9%.
The methodological basis of the study is such
methods of general scientific knowledge as
classification, definition, axiomatic method,
graphical, statistical, comparative legal analysis,
synthesis and analogy, generalization and
justification, system method, extrapolation, methods
of induction and deduction. The information base was
the publications of domestic and foreign researchers
in the field of cross-border regulation. To substantiate
certain provisions of the study, data from the
statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat) and
the Russian Federal Statistics Service (Rosstat) were
used (Cross-border carbon tax in the EU: a challenge
to the Russian economy,
At the end of 2021, the countries of the European
Union proposed measures to reduce greenhouse gas
Batashev, R., Bisultanov, A. and Pedayeva, I.
Status and Trends in Transboundary Carbon Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0011569900003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
emissions with targets up to 2030. By 2050, according
to the developed package of proposals, the European
Union should become a carbon-free territory. To
achieve carbon neutrality in the EU by 2030, it is
necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55%
compared to 1990 levels.
The implementation of grandiose plans to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions will definitely lead to
transformational changes in the economies of
countries based on carbon-intensive industries
(decrease in GDP, job cuts, etc.). For example,
energy-intensive products traditionally remain the
basis of Russian exports: fuel and energy products,
which accounted for 54.3% of total exports in 2021.
At the same time, machinery and equipment account
for the largest share of imports (49.2% in 2021).
Thus, some countries, including the Russian
Federation, will face the problem of the lack of
technologies and equipment to reduce the
concentration of greenhouse gases. The existing risks
and threats of the mechanisms proposed by the
European Union to combat greenhouse gas emissions
are the main argument, due to which individual
countries are in no hurry to assume obligations under
international climate agreements (Bazhan, 2020).
However, the economic rhetoric of the "green"
transition of the EU countries is not based on the
thesis of the possibility of sustainable development
against the backdrop of a decrease in the carbon
intensity of industries. Thus, since 1990, according to
Eurostat data, the GDP of the European Union has
grown by more than 50%, while the intensity of
greenhouse emissions (the ratio of emissions to GDP)
has halved, to 271 g of CO2-equivalent. According to
EU policymakers, these statistical observations show
that decarbonization and sustainable economic
growth are thus not mutually exclusive (CO2 braucht
einen Preis mit einer wirtschaftspolitischen
Flankierung. Zukunft Soziale Marktwirtschaft Policy
Brief #2021/02).
The European Union is currently in the
implementation phase of the Transboundary Carbon
Management Mechanism (CBAM) (CBR). In
essence, CBAM regulation is a continuation and
extension of the European Emissions Trading System
(EU ETS). Its main idea is to prevent carbon leakage.
Carbon leakage refers to the movement of carbon-
intensive industries to countries or regions that do not
use tools to reduce greenhouse emissions. The carbon
tax on imports is one of the main tools of the EU
climate program "EU Green Deal" (Vaganov, 2021).
The initial stage of the introduction of carbon
regulation assumes an insignificant industry coverage
and includes the following products: ferrous
metallurgy, aluminum (including products from it),
cement, nitrogen fertilizers, and electricity (Makarov,
The key instruments of the transboundary carbon
correction mechanism have not been finally defined.
However, it is clear that the calculation of the cross-
border tax will be based on the volume of carbon
emissions attributable to products imported into the
EU. At present, the European Union has not decided
on the final configuration of the transboundary carbon
correction mechanism: 6 options for introducing
transboundary carbon regulation are being
Table 1: Suggested options for introducing transboundary
carbon regulation.
tion Descri
Option 1
A tax imposed on high carbon-intensity
products imported into the EU. The basis for
calculating the amount of the tax is supposed
to use the average emissions of greenhouse
gases in the EU countries. At the same time,
importers are required to disclose the actual
carbon intensit
of im
Option 2
It involves the sale to importers of certificates,
the cost of which will be calculated based on
the average greenhouse gas emissions of the
ENC countries. At the same time, importers
are required to disclose the actual carbon
of im
Option 3
The cost of importing products into the
territory of the EU countries for producers of
carbon-intensive products will be determined
based on the actual volumes of greenhouse
gas emissions. It is assumed that CBAM
regulation sectors will not have access to free
allowances under the European Emissions
Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
Option 4
It is a variant of Option 3 and involves the
phased introduction of CBAM regulation with
a gradual phasing out of free quotas from
Option 5
The fundamental difference from other
options lies in the depth of impact of the
CBAM mechanism due to the expansion of
the volume of regulated products down the
value chain. This will cover the main
materials as part of the components and
finished products.
Option 6
It involves the establishment of an excise tax
on both carbon-intensive imported products
and products of European manufacturers. At
the same time, the mechanism for distributing
free emission allowances will be preserved.
Status and Trends in Transboundary Carbon Management
Option 4 is considered the most preferred.
According to the forecasts of the European
Commission, this scenario has clear advantages in
terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the EU
and preventing carbon leakage in sectors that fall
within the CBAM zone. The phasing out of free
emissions allowances under the preferred scenario
would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1% in the
EU and 0.4% globally in CBAM-regulated industries
by 2030. leakage up to 29% (Motosova, 2014;
Troyanskaya, 2018).
The transitional option is more preferable for Russia,
given that the first stage includes only a limited
number of carbon-intensive products - the most
vulnerable to carbon leakage. The absence of the oil
and gas sector in the sectors subject to CBAM
regulation is explained by some experts by the fact
that accelerated measures for the transition to
environmentally friendly production, transport and
energy will lead to the fact that the need for products
of the fuel and energy complex in its traditional form
will objectively decrease.
An analysis of the proposed approaches to cross-
border carbon regulation in any of the proposed
options allows us to draw objective conclusions about
the presence of serious challenges and threats to
Russian exports, in the structure of which the main
share traditionally remains with the fuel and energy
complex (54% in 2021) (The structure of exports and
imports, The export of metals
and products from them also occupies significant
volumes in exports (10.4% in 2021). The chemical
industry accounts for 7.7% of exported products. The
total revenue of exporters in 2021 amounted to $492
billion (Estimation of the economic consequences of
the introduction of the EU cross-border carbon tax., Russia's Climate Agenda:
Responding to International Challenges,
Serious transformational consequences for the
Russian industry and exporters are predicted by
authoritative international independent research
groups. Thus, according to Boston Consulting Group
experts, the volume of carbon-intensive products that
fall into the CBAM-regulation zone will amount to
100-160 million tons. At the same time, experts
emphasize that at the first stage, CBAM regulation is
introduced only in relation to a limited range of
products. However, it is noted that this will lead to an
additional financial burden on Russian exporters in
the amount of $3-4.8 billion, provided that the entire
volume of greenhouse gas emissions is taxed.
When analyzing the implications of a cross-border
tax, different research groups approach the issue from
different methodological platforms. Thus, the KPMG
research group analyzes three scenarios for the
introduction of cross-border carbon regulation, each
of which has its own specific impact on Russian
producers: optimistic (the tax will be introduced only
in 2028); basic (CAR will be introduced in 2025);
negative (CAR will be introduced in 2022). An
optimistic approach to forecasting the introduction of
CAR is based on the notion that it will be charged as
the difference between the actual greenhouse gas
emissions of domestic producers and the benchmark
in the EU sectors of the economy. In this case, the
exporters of natural gas, nickel, copper will become
the most vulnerable, since the energy intensity of
these products is much higher than European
indicators. The fiscal burden is expected by experts in
the amount of 6 billion euros for the period 2028-
2030). The baseline scenario for the introduction of
CAR assumes that this will happen in 2025. Only
direct greenhouse gas emissions will fall within the
CBAM regulation zone. The fiscal burden is expected
in the period 2025-2030. in the amount of 33.3 billion
euros. The introduction of a cross-border tax this year
characterizes the most negative scenario for Russia
and will provide for CBAM regulation not only of
direct emissions, but also of indirect ones. By indirect
means emissions of greenhouse gases in the sectors of
production that are directly related to exporters. The
fiscal burden under this scenario is expected in the
period 2022-2030. in the amount of 50.6 billion euros,
which is approximately 10% of the revenue of
Russian exporters in 2021.
Representatives of the Institute for Economic
Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
assessing the economic consequences of the
introduction of the EU cross-border carbon tax,
identify the following key goals for the introduction
of CBAM regulation: structural changes to stimulate
the intensification of economic growth; increasing the
competitiveness of European manufacturers;
reducing the negative impact on the environment. The
following threats to Russia stand out. First, the
introduction of cross-border carbon regulation will
lead to a reduction in demand for traditional Russian
exports (carbon-intensive). Secondly, the growth of
export costs and the cost of using borrowed capital.
Thirdly, the ratification of commitments to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions that are incommensurable
with the economic damage.
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
Considering that the mechanism of the cross-
border carbon tax has not been fully developed, it is
very difficult to make forecasts regarding the
formation of the fiscal burden on domestic producers.
The contours of future prices for greenhouse gas
emissions are not yet clear. Currently, the cost of
buying emissions allowances on the European trading
floor varies from 45 to 100 euros per tonne of CO2
In our opinion, when integrating the Russian
Federation into international mechanisms for carbon
regulation, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that
the TUR and the prospect of a phased increase in
prices for greenhouse gas emissions have a number of
negative institutional consequences for Russia:
increased social tension. The economic
condition of the Russian population is currently
characterized by a decline in real disposable
income over the past years. Socially
disadvantaged groups of the population and
low-income households will lose purchasing
power as a result of a sharp increase in the prices
of energy and carbon-intensive consumer
goods. If the negative scenario (accounting for
indirect CO2 emissions) of the introduction of
CAR is implemented, the decline in the
consumer ability of the population will deepen
further down the value added chain;
for the corporate sector, the introduction of
CAR sectoral difficulties are associated with a
decrease in profitability and job cuts. First of all,
we are talking about the capital-intensive
sectors of the Russian economy, since high
capital costs are also characterized by large
volumes of energy consumption, which results
in an increase in greenhouse emissions;
the introduction by the European Union of a
unilateral transboundary carbon regulation with
the prospect of higher prices for emissions will
lead to a decrease in the international
competitiveness of Russian producers.
Countries that already have national
mechanisms for carbon regulation (for example,
China) can become more competitive and force
Russian suppliers out of international markets;
the absence of a national system of carbon
regulation in the Russian Federation may in the
future lead to a “carbon leak” from countries
falling under the CBAM regulation and having
or starting to implement carbon regulation
mechanisms, which will lead to a further
increase in the carbon intensity of the sectors of
the Russian economy and increase the intensity
of greenhouse gas emissions;
lack or limited access to technologies that allow
reducing, capturing and using carbon emissions.
It should be noted that the promotion of non-
energy exports in Russia is included in the
roadmap of national priorities. The
development and implementation of high-tech
and low-carbon technologies for the supply of
products to international markets and the
domestic market, according to experts, should
become one of the significant growth points for
the domestic economy. Companies should
become the driver of technological progress, as
the increase in carbon prices creates objective
prerequisites for taking measures to reduce
carbon emissions technologically. Companies'
technology incentives are fueled by the desire of
consumers to use products with a lower carbon
footprint, as this reduces their consumer costs.
Thus, market competition allows significant
technological advances to be made to reduce the
carbon intensity of products. However, it is
obvious that the development of basic
technological innovations in the field of carbon
regulation is impossible without state
participation. Many sectors of the economy
cannot be imagined without basic technologies.
For example, these are aviation, Internet
technologies, nuclear energy, etc. Due to the
great economic uncertainty and limited
financial resources, private enterprises are not
interested in investing in such sectors of the
economy. Market maturity and the required
level of profit when investing in basic
technologies is achieved over an extended
period of time. Government support for
investments in basic technologies to reduce the
carbon intensity of products has a high
multiplier potential, as they extend to other
sectors of the economy or longer along the value
chain (Dorsey-Palmateer, 2020).
Conclusion and conclusions. Given the negative
expectations, in our opinion, the Russian Federation
needs to provide response measures in the following
development and implementation of a domestic
system for reporting and monitoring of
emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. It
is believed that the current accounting
mechanism for carbon emissions and removals
does not fully reflect the actual picture. This
Status and Trends in Transboundary Carbon Management
problem is especially relevant for developing
countries. The development of a national
emission accounting system for the Russian
Federation is necessary in order to ensure the
comparability of international data;
creation and development of domestic carbon
markets in order to ensure the receipt of carbon
fees in the country's budget system, which will
make it possible to subsequently compensate
domestic producers for payments made through
various government programs (subsidizing the
industry, concessional lending, tax preferences
(the most preferable, in our opinion, option
Cross-border carbon tax in the EU: a challenge to the
Russian economy.
Russia's Climate Agenda: Responding to International
Challenges. The report was prepared by the CSR
Foundation together with the Analytical Center for the
Fuel and Energy Complex of the REA of the Ministry
of Energy of Russia and Situation Center LLC,
Estimation of the economic consequences of the
introduction of the EU cross-border carbon tax. Institute
of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of
The structure of exports and imports. Collection of the
Federal Customs Service, (
CO2 braucht einen Preis mit einer wirtschaftspolitischen
Flankierung. Zukunft Soziale Marktwirtschaft Policy
Brief #2021/02.
Bazhan, A. I., Roginko, S. A., 2020. EU Border Adjustment
Carbon Mechanism: Status, Risks and Possible
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Vaganov, E. A., Porfirev, B. N., Shirov, A. A., Kolpakov,
A. Yu., Pyzhev, A. I., 2021. Assessment of the
contribution of Russian forests to reducing the risks of
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Dorsey-Palmateer, R., Niu, B., 2020. The effect of carbon
taxation on cross-border competition and energy
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options and challenges for Russia. Bulletin of Moscow
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MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher