Positive and Negative Influence of Invasive Alien Species
Magomed Said-Usmanovich Khaliev
, Artur Mishevich Bagov
and Elena Mukhadinovna Pshukova
Kadyrov Chechen State University, 32 Sheripov Street, Grozny, Russia
Kabardino-Balkarian State University, st. Chernyshevsky 173, Nalchik, Russia
Keywords: Alien species, invasive species, biodiversity, natural habitat, ecosystem, intervention, diversity, Global
Abstract: Everything in this world is interconnected, and one touch of a thread can have a minor or significant impact
on other parts of the whole system. One small change or intervention in a system can destroy an entire system
that has functioned well and flourished. In our environment, these changes happen all the time, intentionally
or unintentionally. For example, an increase in temperature by only one present in recent decades has created
so many problems that a further increase in temperature is fraught with a complete change in the world we
know. Similarly, there are others that are less harmful to the entire system, but dangerous to the smaller
ecosystem of our world. These are invasive alien species. These species are described as being introduced
into the ecosystem either by accident or by design, which does not occur naturally in the region of distribution.
Therefore, the article will be devoted to these species. Mainly explaining the meaning and definition of
invasive alien species. They affect nature both positively and negatively. Global warming and overpopulation
and their role in the systemic whole will also be briefly explained. At the end, possible solutions will be
outlined to overcome the damage they cause to natural habitats.
The beauty of our planet can be mesmerizing, and it
all comes from the diversity of our nature. Every
place is different and has its own uniqueness and
ecosystem. Therefore, taking care of the ecosystem to
preserve its individuality also serves for the existence
of local species of living organisms. Due to natural or
deliberate interference with these ecosystems, severe
consequences can occur. From violation of the natural
habitat to its complete death. It is also fair to note that
impacts are not only local, but may also affect the
health of the global ecosystem.
Habitat destruction can occur gradually or over a
short period of time. Biodiversity can be influenced by
various factors. The following are some common
examples: fossil fuel extraction, deforestation, river
dredging, bottom trawling, urbanization, wetland
filling, and field mowing (
https://www.everythingconnects.org/). The
destruction or alteration of biodiversity is not a new
phenomenon. Numerous events have occurred in the
past that have destroyed or altered unique ecosystems,
and hence this has been the main reason for the
emergence of a new form of diversity. However, in
today's realities, the loss of a significant part of
biodiversity is inevitable. Global warming and
population growth are the present and future reasons
for the decline in diversity.
1.1 Global Warming
Global warming can be an example of gradually
changing the established biological system. It does
not need to be always in a negative way. Some might
prosper from it and others not (Magomedov, 2021).
Global warming is a long-term increase in the
average air temperature on Earth due to human
activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels, which
increases the level of heat-trapping greenhouse gases
(this process is called the "greenhouse effect") in the
Earth's atmosphere. According to some estimates, the
average temperature has increased by about 1 degree
since the pre-industrial period, and it continues to rise
(about 0.2 degrees per decade).
The "greenhouse effect" is the natural warming
that occurs when certain gases in the Earth's
atmosphere trap heat. These gases allow light to pass
through but prevent heat from escaping, much like the
glass walls of a greenhouse, hence the name. Sunlight
hits the Earth's surface, where energy is absorbed and
Khaliev, M., Bagov, A. and Pshukova, E.
Positive and Negative Influence of Invasive Alien Species.
DOI: 10.5220/0011571800003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
then radiated back into the atmosphere as heat. There,
greenhouse gas molecules absorb some of the heat,
and the rest goes into space. The more gases
accumulate in the atmosphere, the more heat is
retained in the molecules.
1.2 Overpopulation
Future once must have seen bright, but with the
today’s realities it is not. The first and most obvious
problem that leads to it is population growth and its
consequences. The problems behind the population
increase is that it creates higher numbers of demands
for the resources and spaces. Where both of these are
at their red line level. And the issue gets worse with
the presence of climate change or in other words
Global warming.
As it was mentioned, population increase is
directly related with the resource demand. For
instance, food and goods. Can we keep up with the
demands of growing population? The answer is yes.
However, the increase of demands is also directly
related with climate change. With the growth of
production rate, the Greenhouse gases emission also
rises. Hence, leading to more aggressive or
unpredictable climate change, which of course have
negative influence on the production rate. The other
side (side effect) of the issue is chemical usage for
creating good and for increasing the production rate.
These chemicals are mostly used or left on the land or
in the water, hence making water unusable and land
barren. There are other problems such as diseases,
poverty, etc. Consequently, one can see the clear path
of chains of one primary issue
Over population is also a driver of a destruction of
natural habitat. With the growth of population,
increases demands on places and food. A massive
landscape is transferred to the living areas, leaving
behind fully eliminated formed in many years’
ecosystem. Another side of over population as it was
mentioned before is increasing the food production.
Hence, landscapes are fully altered for different types
of yield (Magomedov, 2020).
There are many minor factors that can slightly
influence or fully eliminate the ecosystem but, in this
work, aim is to outline the danger of alien species.
Simply put, it can be described as a species
introduced by accident or intentionally into an
ecosystem that does not occur naturally in the region
of distribution. There are various definitions and
terms for alien species. For example, invasive species
are also described as species that intentionally or
unintentionally spread into a new environment,
causing harm to the ecosystem as well as human
health (http://www.issg.org/). In addition, according
to the United Nations Development Program
(UNDP), alien species are the second largest cause of
biodiversity loss. Not only plants, but also animals
and pathogens can be invasive.
How can these alien species spread in an unknown
region (ecosystem)? As mentioned earlier, there are
two main scenarios for their introduction: intentional
and unintentional. The intentional spread of alien
species can be carried out by humans to change an
existing ecosystem or completely change it. The
unintentional spread of alien species can occur in a
variety of ways. For example, alien species can be
brought to a new area by wind, rising water, animal
migration, tourists, and so on. In recent centuries,
invasions of invasive or alien species have become
more frequent (Meyerson, 2007; Byers, 2002). The
increase is due to the expansion of world trade, the
specialization of production and the increase in links
with previously isolated places, as well as global
distribution (Byers, 2002).
This paragraph will focus on the advantages and
disadvantages of alien and invasive species. Only the
main aspects will be considered. Although there are
many impacts that are not felt at the moment, but will
occur in the future.
3.1 Human Health Relate Problems as
a Result of Invasive Alien Species
3.1.1 Negative Impact of Invasive Alien
Species on Human Health
The first thing, which will be valued more than
anything, in the modern time, is health of an
individual. By any means, if the ecosystem is harmful
or hazardous, the region or the area will be altered by
removing all the threatening parts or completely
changed. The impacts of invasive alien species on
human health vary from psychological effects,
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
discomfort, nuisance, and phobias to skin irritations,
allergies, poisoning, disease and even death (Hanley,
Mainly due to the climate change, some invasive
species can be flourishing in different parts of the
planet. For instance, ragweed can be seen in the
European countries, which came in within the mix of
bird feed. Ragweed can be a trigger of hayfever and
other allergies (Giuseppe, 2018). These species can
be seen as a normal vegetations, but in the reality they
can harm and even can get lethal
Another dangerous invasive species are carriers of
disease. The Asian tiger mosquito can be carrier of
almost 20 different diseases, which can be seen in the
southern European countries. Most of the people do
not expect some diseases (mostly transmitted from
one person to another) can be carried out by the
insects. Therefore, it is important to spread the
information of such issues.
Figure 1: Example of Ragweed (by Krzystof Z.).
Similarly, there are different types of invasive
species that can cause different health related
problems, which of some are unnoticeable and some
are lethal. There are some indirect impacts to human
health. For example, the red palm weevil is
destroying large numbers of palms in the
Mediterranean region, transforming the green spaces
in cities.
There are many examples of invasive alien
species, that can harm a human being and hence the
management of such things have to be prioritized.
3.1.2 Positive Impact of Invasive Alien
Species on Human Health
There may be a bright side to the intentional or
unintentional introduction of invasive alien species.
For example, harsh environments (dangerous plants,
dangerous insects, etc.) can be replaced with more
sustainable species for humans, animals, or even plant
health benefits.
Some species are more resistant to harsh
environmental conditions. Thus, it is suitable for most
places where vegetation is scarce. This means that the
introduction of such species into the environment will
smooth it out and therefore create a comfortable
living environment for humans.
3.2 Biodiversity
3.2.1 Negative Impact of Invasive Alien
Species on Human Health
The negative effect on biodiversity as it was
mentioned earlier is distraction or alternation of
existing ecosystem. Biodiversity is an ecosystem
where different species not only plants, but also
animals and pathogens co-existing in synchrony of
life. Every piece of it is involved in keeping the whole
system working. When one down, the system is at the
risk of losing it uniqueness. But when species that do
not belong to the system enters it and start to replacing
all the diversity it has, the system goes down and dies.
In the figure 2 one can see that the invasive alien
species is dominating the surroundings and therefore
overtaking and replacing the whole diversity it has.
3.2.1 Negative Impact of Invasive Alien
Species on Human Health
Sometimes these invasive alien species are
deliberately introduced into a new system to breathe
life into its dying ecosystem. As mentioned earlier,
some species are more tolerant of harsher conditions.
Today global warming is changing the suitable
weather to the most of vegetation and once one cannot
scope with the weather the other one is introduced as
it can prosper in such climate.
Positive and Negative Influence of Invasive Alien Species
Figure 2: The threat to biodiversity.
By the danger they bring to the ecosystem it is a must
do thing to properly manage the spreading process.
Management can bring an end to the invasion of alien
species and stop distraction at early stage.
By the danger they bring to the ecosystem, it is a
must-do thing to properly manage the spreading
process. Management can bring an end to the invasion
of alien species and stop distraction at an early stage.
Invasive alien species spread not only in small
regions, but they can take massive landscapes and
similarly dysfunction well-established ecosystem.
In this case, the feasible solution is to utilize
modern technologies to control the spreading at its
beginning or eliminate them after occurrence. Today,
we have so many tools to use to fight the spread of
unwanted species in the larger areas. For example,
drones with the cameras and built AI capabilities and
other useful tools to distribute substances (chemicals
like fertilizers and hazardous chemicals to kill the
unwanted alien species). The drone can scan a large
scale of regions and then the AI can detect (using a
spatial algorithm to detect invasive intruders) an
invasive alien species and remember the coordinates.
After that, with the collected data of information, one
can distribute chemical substances to kill the
unwanted species distantly (using drones) or by labor.
There are other technics to be used in fighting the
invasive alien species in the market.
In conclusion, the work was done to outline what are
the invasive alien species and what they can do to the
ecosystem if left uncontrolled. The effect of Global
warming and uncontrolled emission of gasses into the
atmosphere were also outlined in terms of how they
can influence the invasive alien species prosperity.
Also, the overpopulation problem was covered and its
links to the global warming. The main goal of the
work was to look at the positive if there are any and
negative influences of the invasive alien species to the
wellbeing of people and ecosystems. And hence if
there are issues related to the invaders how to solve
the problem by utilizing modern technologies.
However, it does not mean that these species to be
removed from the new regions. However, this work
illustrates that there are two sides of the issue.
Hence, identification and monitoring of invasive
alien species can mild the problem that they might
bring in the nearest future.
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Meyerson, L. A., Mooney, H. A., 2007. Invasive alien
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Hanley, N., et al., 2019. The economic benefits of invasive
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Giuseppe, M., Elena, T., 2018. Invasive species and human
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher