A reference implementation based on the following
Open Source has also been provided:
• Custom Python scripts for the client and the
• RabbitMQ message queue to connect the client
and the writer
• TimescaleDB to store time series data
• Grafana to deploy and customize the visualizer
and the monitor
This implementation has been validated using a
simulator of a boiler from Microsoft which includes
and OPC UA Server to subscribe to its values. Data
from the boiler has been captured, adapted and stored
at the database. A Grafana dashboard has been
created to visualize data from the boiler, and three
rules have been successfully generated to create alerts
when undesirable conditions are fulfilled.
The proposed architecture greatly decreases the
technological barrier required to monitor and
visualize data from manufacturing processes.
Moreover, as data is already properly stored at the
database, it serves as a foundation for future services,
for example integrating Artificial Intelligence
algorithms to provide predictive maintenance
Future work starts with a validation at a real
manufacturing scenario for a relevant period of time
to test the resilience and scalability of the
implementation. Moreover, advances functionalities
from TimescaleDB to manage data retention and
aggregation policies should also be validated.
Performance of the solution in a real scenario
customized with rules and alarms related to a real
manufacturing use case should also be tackled during
the validation.
One last point to further decrease the
technological barrier consists of the integration of no-
code tools, such as node-red. Node-red is a popular
graphical tool where non-expert users interact with
simple blocks to customize the functionalities of a
system using an interactive interface.
This work has been partially founded by the Basque
Government (SPRI) through the following Elkartek
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