Additional exposure to the environment leads to a
decrease in speed 𝑉
According to our data, an increase in resistivity by
9.81 n/t leads to a drop in the speed of free movement
by an average of 7.7%, and hence the throughput by
the same proportion. You can increase the speed 𝑉
appropriate profile design, 9.81
is the resistivity
at 𝜄=1
∙ 𝜗
3.4 The Non-normative Track
When trains move, deformations accumulate in the
railway track, which is expressed in the appearance of
deviations in the geometry of the track gauge -
irregularities occur. The irregularities vary: by
location, length, amplitude, area and intensity
(quantity per 1 km). Deviations differ in degrees: the
first degree is not taken into account, the second
degree of deviation does not require a reduction in
speed and immediate straightening of the path, the
third requires immediate correction and speed
reduction, at the fourth degree the running line is
closed. Therefore, the deviation of the second degree
was taken into account. According to our data, if the
deviation is within the curve, then the transverse
forces of the wheel-rail increase to 20%, and an
increase in additional resistance in the curve should
be expected by the same amount. In (Shapetko, 2020),
it is concluded that irregularities in the longitudinal
profile can lead to excessive electricity consumption
on each km of track per 1000 tons of train of 0.82
kWh, which is equivalent to 2.64kN per km of
mechanical work of the locomotive traction force or
2.64 n/t of resistivity - this is approximately 0.18 wo.
An example is also given here that on the Trans-
Baikal Railway, additional resistance from
irregularities reached (0.3-0.4) wo. Therefore, it can
be assumed that irregularities lead to an increase in
additional resistance to the movement of the train
within (0.18-0.4) of the main resistance.
1. Adverse weather conditions can increase the
resistance to train movement by up to 39%.
2. The design of an energy-optimal profile allows
you to reduce energy costs on the rise by up to
15% or more. Moreover, the movement of the
train on such a rise is more uniform.
3. The resistance to the movement of the train on
curved sections of the track is reduced by half
when using biclottoid projecting of such
4. The additional environmental resistance by
9.81 n/t leads to a drop in the speed of free
movement by 7.7%, and hence the throughput
by the same proportion.
5. Unevenness of the track leads to an increase in
additional resistance to the movement of the
train to 0.4 of the main resistance.
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