staff turnover is the result of poor management, and
low turnover can lead to depression, stagnation.
Another idea of the view on staff turnover was
reflected by Harrison (Harrison, 1996). He argued
that this is not an event that takes place at any point
in time, but a process that takes place over time and
contains changes between the employee and the
organization (Dickter, 1996).
Rassbult and Farrell (Rassbult, 1981; Farrell,
1983) believed that a low level of loyalty to work is
the cause of increased staff turnover.
Such scientists as Lee (Lee, 1994), Fireman
(Fireman, 1996) justified their own conceptual theory
of staff turnover, where, in our opinion, most of all
the employee evaluates his psychological feelings
that allow him to leave the organization or stay (Lee,
The problem of staff turnover was dealt with by
many domestic scientists: Odegov Yu.G., Kibanov
A.Ya., Shchekin G.V., Zhuravleva P.V., Kartashova
L.V., Kozina I.M., Grigorieva I., Filippov A.V.,
Kondakova A.A., Volkova I.A., Notchenko V.V.,
Zhukova M.V., Boikova M.A., Bulgakova M.A.,
Gagarinskaya G.P., et al, the published works
summarized the essential causes of staff turnover and
the features of overcoming them (Volkova, 2018;
Notchenko, 2013; Boikova, 2017; Bulgakova, 2017;
Gagarinskaya, 2017).
So, Yu.G. Odegov noticed that the essence of
the category "increased staff turnover" may be due
to: the specifics of the industry (in the field of trade,
hotel service staff turnover is higher); the status of
personnel (administrative and managerial personnel
has a lower turnover than linear); the location of the
company geographically (in companies located in
small cities, staff turnover is lower than in large
cities); employees are more likely to be dismissed
with low unemployment. Unstable employment of
young people in modern conditions was also noted
(Odegov, 2018).
Quantitative indicators are put forward as one of the
methods of analyzing staff turnover in our study. We
have analyzed these data on the whole for Russian
Railways JSC for the last five years, and specifically
for one of the divisions – the Tyumen Center for the
Organization of the work of railway stations for 2018-
2020. We especially note that we are considering not
only quantitative data. We also emphasize that staff
turnover is rarely considered in relation to HR risks.
HR risks in modern conditions are becoming one of
the objects of research in the digital economy
(Personnel management in the digital environment: a
monograph, 2021). Moreover, staff turnover acts as
one of the factors of HR risk, where the main role is
played by low wages, work schedule, unsatisfactory
working conditions, psychological atmosphere in the
team (Sahakyan, 2016).
Staff turnover is included by some authors in the
personnel security of the enterprise, information
threats (Kuznetsova, 2019; Boydalo, 2017; Korolev,
2019; Fursov, 2020).
Turning to statistics, let's consider the percentage
of staff turnover of Russian Railways JSC over the
past few years. According to the annual reports of
Russian Railways JSC in 2020, 723.5 thousand
people worked, in 2017 - 755.0 thousand people. The
reduction in the number of personnel occurred by
4.2% compared to 2017. The turnover rate has
decreased slightly over the past 5 years (See Table 1).
Table 1: Indicators of staff turnover of Russian Railways
JSC for 2016-2020, in %.
of staff