A mechanical contact is used at the boundary of
the soil and concrete junction. In this case, the contact
pressure is calculated by the penalty method based on
the field of concrete and soil movements. On the
connection line of the steel fastening with the eye and
the concrete foundation, the condition of continuity
of the displacement field u. The upper boundary of
the eyelet is given by the force F
. When
calculating, it incrementally increases from 0 to 90
The distributed volumetric force from its own
weight is set throughout the volume.
The finite element grid is shown in Fig. 2.
The type of finite element is quadratic
serendipitous. Since mechanical contact is assumed,
geometric nonlinearity is taken into account in the
model. In other words, the equilibrium conditions are
written taking into account the deformation.
The solution is in two stages by gradually
increasing the nonlinearity.
Stage 1: the strength of the anchor guy F
= 0,
under the action of its own weight, there is a gradual
stabilization of the contact between the soil and
concrete. To do this, the lower limit of the contact
pressure gradually decreases from large values to zero
and the soil adhesion gradually decreases from 0.1 to
0.03 MPa. Below 0.03 MPa, the solution is not stable.
At the same time, the anchor sags slightly in the
ground, the contact pressure is distributed mainly
along the sole.
Stage 2. Starting from the final result of stage 1,
the strength of the anchor guy begins to increase step
by step from 0 to 90 kN. The anchor is shifted to the
right and slightly upwards. The contact pressure is
redistributed mainly to the lower right corner of the
anchor. At F
> 93 kN, the solution is not found.
There are too large plastic deformations.
2.2 Results and Discussion
The main results are presented in the plot of
equivalent stresses according to Mises (Fig. 3), the
pressure inside the material (Fig. 4) and the contact
pressure (Fig. 5) at a force in the anchor tie F
of 0,
40 and 90 kN. The magnitude of the stresses is
indicated by color, the color scale is on the right. The
red arrow indicates the force in the anchor tie.
The figure shows a graph of the horizontal and
vertical movement of the eyelet from the magnitude
of the force in the anchor tie F
According to the results of the calculation on a
finite element mathematical model, it follows that the
specified anchor withstands the traction force in the
anchor tie at least 90 kN when 0.5 m is sunk into the
ground with characteristics close to sand. The density,
the angle of internal friction and Young's modulus
correspond to sand, and the adhesion of 30 kPa is
closer to loam. For sand, the adhesion is up to 8 kPa.
However, with a value less than 30 kPa, the
calculation cannot be performed.
Figure 6: A graph of the horizontal and vertical movement
of the eyelet from the magnitude of the force in the anchor
tie F
The anchor weight is approximately 6.2 tons,
which is three times more than three-beam anchors.
The work of the AM anchor is provided by contact
pressure on the ground in the lower right part from the
side of the anchor guy. It can be said that the anchor
conditionally "cuts" the soil at this angle and thereby
perceives the force in the anchor tie, due to the
resistance of the soil.
The movement of the eyelet is no more than 7 mm
with a guyline force of 90 kN. This is three orders of
magnitude less than the length of the anchor guy and,
accordingly, the shift of the anchor under load will
not lead to a significant weakening of the guyline
It follows from the pressure diagram inside the
concrete that the greatest compression (positive
pressure) occurs in the lower right part of the anchor.
Most of the left (protruding from the ground) side of
the anchor experiences a slight compression pressure
due to its own weight. The stretched area of concrete
with negative pressure is located near the metal
anchorage for the anchor guy. But there the modulo
negative pressure is not great. It should be noted that
the design of the steel fastening in the model is
reproduced approximately. From the point of view of
the strength of concrete, there are no large stretching
zones in it, which explains the lack of reinforcement.
The maximum compression stress occurs at the lower
right corner, where the greatest contact pressure with
the ground. It is not more than 0.5 MPa, which is
significantly lower than the calculated permissible
compression resistance of concrete B30 equal to 17