additional condition that all parameters a
, c
, b are
The formation of the budget of municipalities for
the construction and reconstruction of railway
infrastructure facilities in Indonesia, taking into
account the volume of production plans of
contracting organizations, is carried out sequentially,
starting from the linear level formed by the
production and technical department of the
contracting organization (Volkov, 2018; Volkov,
2019) in accordance with the comprehensive
strategic plan for the development of infrastructure
in the region of Indonesia.
Taking into account the interests of not only
contractors, but also the customer, for example,
municipalities, leads to the need to set a new type of
transport task.
In this task, instead of one matrix that takes into
account "supply and demand", two matrices are
used, independently reflecting the interests of both
contracting organizations for the construction of new
and reconstruction of the existing infrastructure of
railways in Indonesia, and the customer – customer,
for example, municipalities. Each of these matrices
is formed on the basis of the existing production and
financial relations between contractors and
customers represented, for example, by
municipalities. Together, these "matrices of
interests" reflect not only the current benefits of each
of the participants in the overall process, but also the
reliability of interaction, which is ignored in the
usual formulation of the transport task. When
considering the process of creating an algorithm for
the construction and reconstruction of railway
infrastructure facilities in Indonesia, these matrices
serve as the basis for obtaining a reference solution.
For example, on the island of Sumatra, it is the
development of a suburban (between provinces)
railway network to reduce the traffic load on
highways as a link of economic activity.
Further optimization is obtained by processing the
resulting matrix, and such a matrix can be
supplemented by new construction and repair
companies and new customers. One of the options
for solving general or resultant matrices, in which,
on the one hand, the interests of the customer, for
example, the municipality, are taken into account, on
the other – the interests of the contracting
organization, methods that are characteristic of the
"Dynamic transport problem with delays" or
combinatorial methods can be used.
To develop the suburban railway network on
Sumatra Island, it is planned to build a main
highway to connect the following cities: Banda Aceh
– Sigli – Bireun – Lokseumave (284 km);
Lokseumave – Langsa – Besitang (199.5 km); Binjai
– Besitang (156 km); Rantauprapat – Duri –Dumai
(251 km); Duri – Pekanbaru (100 km); Pekanbaru –
Muaro (297 km); Pekanbaru – Rengat – Jambi (274
km); Jambi – Betung (188 km); Betung – Simpang
(124 km); Tarahan – Bakauhen (70 km); Pematang
Siantar – Danau Toba (117 km); Shortest way
Rejosari – Tarakhan (37,752 km); The shortest route
is Indarung – Solok (36.2 km); Reconstruction of the
Belavan – Gabion line; Reconstruction of the
Padang – Pulo Aer line; Reconstruction of the Naras
– Sungai Limau line, and Reconstruction of the
Moiro Calaban – Logas line.
When using an integrated approach of planning
for the development of the railway infrastructure of
Indonesia based on linear programming methods, it
is possible to obtain a balanced version of the
financial and economic plan of expenditures and
expenditures for the development of the railway
infrastructure of Indonesia. And also determine the
components of the share of financing, both private
capital and the state. Thus, the development of the
suburban train network is impossible without state
financial support for infrastructure to achieve
maximum quality of service.
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