Predictive Model of the Organization of Car Maintenance and Repair
Wagons using the Smoothing Algorithm the Extrapolation Method
Guzal Bubnova
Ural State University of Railway Transport, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Railway carriage, technical maintenance, current repairs, dynamic series, extrapolation method, decision-
making structure.
Abstract: When developing a predictive organizational model for the maintenance and repair of railcars at large
marshalling yards, we take into account the multi-factor composition of variable values, many of which
should be within the required values without disrupting the order and activity of the transportation process.
In such cases, additional justification is required for the technical decisions taken to ensure normal and safe
operating conditions. The article provides a methodology for substantiating technical solutions for
improving the organization of car maintenance by determining forecast values for a given time interval. The
list of measures to improve the system within the framework of the selected factor is considered: installation
of floor-standing equipment in the form of an additional service channel for monitoring the sub-car space,
installation of SPIDER-type diagnostic equipment to provide an assessment of the technical condition of the
car according to external parameters. The effectiveness of implemented measures was evaluated.
Along with the increased demand for freight
transportation, there was a problem associated with
the development of a set of tasks, the solution of
which will optimize the operation and increase the
efficiency of the use and operation of railcars. One
of these tasks is the development of up-to-date
regulatory and technical documentation for the
design of maintenance and repair technology. The
analytical solution of the problem is complex
(Zubkov, 2022; Zubkov, 2022; Zubkov, 2022;
Pershin, 2021), and in some cases is hardly feasible.
Modern approaches to solving such problems
actively use numerical modeling methods, in
particular the extrapolation method (Yushkova,
2021; Galkin, 2021; Zubkov, 2021; Zubkov, 2021;
Kamaretdinova, 2020). The article describes the
process describing the dynamics of restoring the
service life of railcars in the framework of
maintenance and repair of freight cars with various
types of technical malfunctions. The restoration
process consists of preliminary decisions on the
regulations and content of the necessary work to be
performed in order to increase the efficiency of
production of the car industry. A unified and adapted
structural model for decision-making development is
presented in figure 1.
The description of each block according to the
scheme shown in Figure 1 is defined as follows:
Block 1 is responsible for forming an
informative block that includes the results of an
analysis of situations that arise in the divisions of the
car industry with a problem statement based on the
multi-factor structure of events that occur, for
example, at the point of maintenance and current
uncoupling repairs.
Block 2 is aimed at forming a target function
with setting critical parameters and conditional
restrictions, for example, increasing the efficiency of
production of restoring the technical resource of
wagons in conditions of limited time and parameters
of maintenance and repair.
Block 3 determines the performance of work
related to the collection and analysis and
identification of the informative component of the
car farm division, as well as operational processing
of the obtained statistical data with subsequent
evaluation using known methods, for example,
extrapolation and fixing the distribution law of a
random variable, in order to predict the time interval
for the desired period under given conditions.
Block 4 based on the forecast values of the