with the undergoing of guilt by an individual? As a
rule, guilt is characterized as a reaction to the result
of deviant behavior. It is natural that the researcher-
lawyer is interested in guilt as a legal category.
However, it should be noted that a general judgment
about guilt can be formed only with a comprehensive
analysis of this category from the perspective of not
only legal science, but also the sciences we have
outlined above.
In the process of the study of these phenomena, first
of all, let's turn to the etymological analysis of the
concept of guilt. In the explanatory dictionary of the
Russian linguist V. Dal guilt is defined as follows:
"Guilt – a fault, misdemeanor, transgression, as well
as any unauthorized, reprehensible act" (Dal, 1955).
As can be seen, guilt is assessed by V. Dal from an
objective position. That is, guilt acts as a result of an
impermissible behavior, action. This is also
evidenced by the attribution of guilt to a
"reprehensible deed". In other words, a person is
condemned by another person, the authorities, society
as a whole.
Another Russian linguist S.I. Ozhegov in the
Dictionary of the Russian Language defines guilt
almost in the same way, namely as "a transgression, a
crime; the cause, the source of something
(unfavorable)" (Ozhegov, 1986). It is easy to see that
here we are talking about an unlawful action. Thus,
the scope of the concept of "guilt" is almost
completely identified with the concepts of
"misdemeanor and crime". This means that the
presence of guilt indicates the presence of an
unlawful action (misdemeanor or crime) and vice
Also, V. Dal's Dictionary states that guilt is a duty,
an obligation, a debt. "Sometimes a pecuniary
penalty, blame, penalty is called a fault <...>" (Dal,
1955). That is, if a person was at someone's
command, was obliged, and also had a debt, it was
said about him that he was guilty.
We proceed from the fact that the psychological
interpretation of guilt and responsibility implies their
characterization from the position of such
psychological state of a person, its internal discomfort
state, arising in situations when a person undergoes
guilt, due to the negative assessment of his actions,
due to his violation of the established imperatives.
Such a state acts as a regulator of relations on an
internal and interpersonal level. At the same time, as
O. Vasilyeva and E. Korotkova state "guilt, designed
to play in the life of society the role of a social
regulator contributing to its integration, in practice
has acquired disjunctive functions". They explain this
phenomenon by the fact that "unconscious, irrational
forms of guilt prevail in the psychical reality, making
communication difficult and reducing a person's
ability to social adaptation" (Vasilyeva, Korotkova,
In terms of law, guilt is a personal attitude
(mental, volitional, etc.) of the offender to the results
of his action (inaction), which has legal
consequences, and liability is the obligation of an
individual established by the state to suffer personal
and (or) property deprivations, depending on the
degree of public danger of the offense.
In the analysis of liability and guilt such
categories as will, volition and interest are no less
important, because in guilt there is an active volitional
moment, which explains clearly the fact that an action
(wrongful) generates guilt, and action, in turn, is
impossible without the active will and volition of an
individual. It seems to us that the will, volition and
interest are not simply interconnected, but more, they
are interdependent and correlate with the categories
of guilt and liability. In addition, the will, being,
above all, a psychological category, nevertheless has
a certain legal meaning. The concepts of "will" and
"interest" are used by the legislator in the wording of
a number of articles of codified normative legal acts
of Russia (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
of 06/13/1996 N 63-FZ; Code of the Russian
Federation on Administrative Offenses of December
30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on January 28,
2022); Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts
one, two, three, four)). We proceed from the fact that
the will of an individual in the legal understanding is
an internal mental process, the need, realized by a
subject, based on a free choice, to achieve (solve) a
specific set goal, potentially implying legal
consequences for the subject himself. From the point
of view of legal science, not only the will as a measure
of a person's legal status is important, but perhaps
even primarily the expression of will as an act of
expressing a person's will outside. Thus, expression
of will are those actions that demonstrate the will of
the subject outside, so to speak, outside his
consciousness - in the material world, and these
actions have an actual legally significant nature. The
category of interest from the legal point of view is the
final desired result (goal) of the process of
implementation of the subject's will through his
expression of will, which has legal consequences for
the subject himself.