Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention and the Role of
Entrepreneurial Education: An Analysis in the Ecuadorian
University Context
Fausto Calderón Pineda
, Juan Carlos Olives Maldonado
, Roxana Álvarez Acosta
José Xavier Tomalá Uribe
and Mercedes Freire Rendón
Peninsula of Santa Elena State University, Av. Principal, La Libertad, Ecuador
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurial Education Role, Entrepreneurship Education, Innovation,
Entrepreneurship Teaching.
Abstract: The objectives of this research were, first, to determine the incidence of determining factors in the
entrepreneurial intention (EI) of university students, with a mixed model based on the Theory of Planned
Behavior (TPB) and the Entrepreneurial Event Model (EEM), and with this, to propose guidelines for the
learning process of entrepreneurship that promote entrepreneurial intention in university students. The study,
with a quantitative approach, used the selected sampling technique (simple random sampling) from an
Ecuadorian public university with a population of 8,500 students. It was revealed that the three dimensions
analyzed: "university context", "perceived control" and "entrepreneurial attitude" have a positive and
significant impact on entrepreneurial intention. It is expected that the findings will contribute to improve the
effectiveness of entrepreneurship programs offered by higher education institutions.
This study arises as one of the products of the project
on innovation management and technology transfer
through incubation systems and sustainable business
acceleration in the province of Santa Elena,
implemented by the School of Administrative
Sciences of the Peninsula University of Santa Elena.
The objective of this project is to create an ecosystem
for the creation of startups in the university context
and increase the competitiveness of microenterprises
through disruptive innovation (products and/or
services, processes, and business models) within a
culture of high-value entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship and innovation have been
preferred allies for Ecuadorians when facing difficult
economic situations. It is not surprising therefore that
Ecuador is considered one of the most entrepreneurial
countries in the world, its rate grew by 4.7% due to
the pandemic, especially in the digital transformation
and innovation segments. AEI (2021).
Entrepreneurship has represented one of the great
challenges for the economic development of a
country. Although it may seem that entrepreneurship
has an implicit relationship with people who possess
innate qualities, however, its development has been
possible thanks to university education, with its
curricula and study plans at all levels of education
(Arango-Boter et al., 2020)
In order to strengthen the process of conversion
of university students to become entrepreneurs, it is
necessary to analyze in greater depth the determining
factors associated with entrepreneurial intention in
different contexts (Ozaralli & Rivenburgh, 2016). In
this regard, there are some theories that demonstrate
entrepreneurial intentionality under the influence of
socio-cultural aspects that can and should be
Pineda, F., Olives Maldonado, J., Acosta, R., Tomalá Uribe, J. and Rendón, M.
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention and the Role of Entrepreneurial Education: An Analysis in the Ecuadorian University Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0011604100003581
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Finance, Information Technology and Management (ICFITM 2022), pages 35-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-628-6
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
strengthened. (Fragoso, R., Rocha-Junior, W., &
Xavier, A. 2019).
It should also be noted that, with regard to the
study of entrepreneurial behavior, several authors
have focused on the analysis of the intention to
become self-employed. (Bird, 1988; Davidsson,
1995; Douglas, 1999; Krueger y Carsrud, 1993;
Reitan, 1996; Robinson, Stimpson, Huefner y Hunk,
1991; Shapero y Sokol, 1982).
1.1 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), by Izek
Ajsen (1991), contributes to the ways of predicting,
understanding and positively modifying people's
behavior, since behavior can be planned. This theory
is a successor to the theory of reasoned action, and it
was because it was discovered that behavior was not
entirely voluntary and under control that this gave rise
to the variable of perceived behavioral control, a
fundamental element of the TPB, and is closely linked
to entrepreneurial intention.
Intention relates to antecedents and subsequent
behavior (Kautonen et al., 2011). According to the
theory of planned behavior, both intentionality and
the different behaviors assumed by a person have
three basic determining factors: personal, social
context and perceived control.
In the words of Al-Jubari et al. (2019), TPB is
oriented to explain and predict human behavior as its
basic purpose. There are other theories based on this
analogy and characteristics, such as the model
proposed by Shapero and Sokol. (1982), set forth
1.2 Enterprise Event Model (Eem)
Shapero and Sokol's Business Event Model (1982),
and it refers to entrepreneurial self-efficacy and is
undoubtedly one of the most cited models in the field
of entrepreneurship (Al-Jubari et al., 2019; Bandura,
1977; Veciana et al., 2005; Sharahiley, 2020). This
model comprises three key elements that have a direct
or indirect degree of influence on the entrepreneurial
intention of university students to start a business: a)
perceived desirability, which refers to the interest that
a university student may have in starting a business or
startup. According to Tarrats-Pons et al. (2015), this
factor is associated with the level of perception of a
university student or student about the way of
thinking and acting of people representing their
closest social circle, in terms of the possibility of
starting a business, this gives them a sense of
emotional support.
In this regard Sharahiley (2020), added that the
propensity to act is the inclination and preferences of
the students to start their own entrepreneurship,
taking as a reference the perceived viability and self-
confidence, which will serve as an impulse for the
action of entrepreneurship.
It is important to note that TBP has been
characterized by various meta-analyses in some
countries and were encouraging, such as that
attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral
control had an impact of 39% variation in terms of
entrepreneurship intentions (Schlaegel and Koenig,
In this regard, Kautonen, et al. (2013) carried out
a work on the prediction of intentions and behavior in
relation to the creation and implementation of
microbusinesses with time series (2006 and 2009) in
the economically active population in Finland and as
a result it was obtained that both attitude, subjective
norms and perceived control of behavior were
considered as predictors of high significance in
business intention
There is much other research done regarding the
validity of the prediction of intentions and behaviors
when the variable of business education and training
exists (Bae, T.J., S. Qian, C. Miao & J.O. Fiet, 2014).
1.3 Combined Model
For the purposes of this study, a model oriented to
entrepreneurial intention-action will be built,
combining the different variables of the TPB model
of planned behavior as developed by Maluk O (2018)
and the variables of the Shapero and Sokol's business
event model (1982) will be the one that best fits the
different combinations that are identified in the
measurement models. See figure 1.
For the purposes of this study, a model oriented to
entrepreneurial intention-action will be built,
combining the different variables of the TPB model
of planned behavior as developed by Maluk O (2018)
and the variables of the Shapero and Sokol's business
event model (1982) will be the one that best fits the
different combinations that are identified in the
measurement models. See figure 1.
Figure 1: Combined model adapted from Ajzen (1991);
Shapero y Sokol (1982).
1.4 Education for the Development of
Undoubtedly, one of the definitions that best fit
entrepreneurship is what is considered a highly
critical activity that encompasses the discoveries,
identification, evaluation and use of opportunities
with certain productive factors oriented to the
production process, in an established period. [14].
It has been evidenced the influence that formal
business education tem-prana has on students, their
attitudes, the choice of their career to follow and their
intention to undertake. This type of early education
allows the development of capacities, skills and
abilities, through knowledge and training. Students
are more likely to access the business world early and
an extension of the labor market is achieved with it
(Rauch & Hulsink. 2015).
However, some authors question the effectiveness of
academic programs, due to inconsistencies and
problems of relevance in the contents (Soria-Barreto
et al. 2016; Among the difficulties found are the
methodologies used (Westhead et al,. 2001) This
scenario represents a dilemma for researchers and
calls into question the role of entrepreneurial
education, that is, whether or not entrepreneurship
can be taught.
This research has a quantitative approach, ranging
from the identification of the variables, the analysis
of the consistency of the data collection instrument,
descriptive analysis of the dimensions, and even the
deductive contrast of the hypotheses of the
relationship between the variables. For this last
process, it is necessary to apply a correlational type
of scope in the research.
The total study population was 8,500 students at
the Peninsula Santa Elena State University (UPSE,
for its acronym in Spanish) during the period 2021-2.
Accordingly, a probabilistic sampling was applied,
since it seeks to generalize the results obtained from
the sample, in order to circumvent the limitations that
exist when it is necessary to collect information from
the entire population through a census. Starting from
a population with homogeneous characteristics, the
selected sampling technique was Simple Random
Sampling (SRS).
Being quantitative research, the technique applied
was the on-line survey. The instrument elaborated
from this premise, was elaborated in relation to the
dimensions described in the conceptualization of each
study variable, which are: University context,
Entrepreneurial attitude, Perceived control, and
Entrepreneurial intention.
For a better description and methodological
treatment, three phases are required:
The first is to demonstrate the statistical
confidence of the instrument applied, by means of
Cronbach's Alpha test.
Cronbach's Alpha is a method for determining the
reliability and trustworthiness of a set of data so that
the theoretical construct is as relevant as possible. The
result of applying this indicator admits values
between zero and one; for values close to one, the
higher the internal consistency of the group of
variables and dimensions; and for a lower
consistency, for values close to zero, the higher the
internal consistency of the group of variables and
dimensions (Welch & Comer. 1988).
For authors such as George & Mallery (2003),
suggest intervals based on the result of the indicator,
and thus verify the general condition of the
instrument. The values have the following scale:
excellent, good, acceptable, questionable, poor and
The second phase provides statistical evidence of
the relationships or not of the study dimensions,
through the application of the Pearson or Spear-man
correlation test, depending on the parametric
normality or not of the variables described in the data
collection instrument.
The hypotheses to be formulated for the
parametric or non-parametric contrast of the data are
as follows:
Ho: Data derived from the survey instrument are
from a normal distribution (parametric).
Ha: Data derived from the survey instrument are
not from a normal distribution (non-parametric).
Based on the significance, if it is greater than
0.05, the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted; if it is less,
the alternative hypothesis is accepted (Ha).
To evaluate the relationship between the study
variables, tests are applied based on the normality
results. If the data are parametric, Pearson's test is
applied, but if the data turn out to be non-parametric,
Spearman's test is applied.
The hypotheses to be formulated for the contrast
of the relationship between variables are as follows:
First reference: University Context and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Ho: There is no relationship between the
dimensions University Context and Entrepreneurial
Intention; Significance > 0.05.
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention and the Role of Entrepreneurial Education: An Analysis in the Ecuadorian University Context
Ha: There is a relationship between the
dimensions University Context and Entrepreneurial
Intention; Significance < 0.05.
Second reference: Entrepreneurial Attitude and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Ho: No relationship between the dimensions
Entrepreneurial Attitude and Entrepreneurial
Intention; Significance > 0.05.
Ha: There is a relationship between the
dimensions Entrepreneurial Attitude and
Entrepreneurial Intention; Significance < 0.05.
Third reference: Perceived Control and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Ho: No relationship between the dimensions
Perceived Control and Entrepreneurial Intention;
Significance > 0.05.
Ha: There is a relationship between the
dimensions Perceived Control and Entrepreneurial
Intention; Significance < 0.05.
Based on the significance, if it is greater than
0.05, the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted; if it is less,
the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
The third phase, the aim is to develop a logistic
probability model (logit) that determines the
probability in which the conditions of the university
context, entrepreneurial attitude, perceived control
explain a tendency for the student to have a higher
entrepreneurial intention
To determine the sample before collecting
information, it is necessary to apply the MAS
technique. The following are the results:
The following are the results:
 𝑍
N; Population: 8,500
Z; Z-value of normal distribution: 1.96
P; Probability of success: 0.5
Q; Probability of failure: 0.5
E: Statistical error: 0.05
The result of applying formula (1) is 368 university
students. To guarantee the representativeness of the
sample and therefore minimize the error at the
moment of generalizing population data, it is
necessary to distribute the selection of the sample
elements randomly by careers. In addition, since this
was an on-line survey, the responses exceeded this
number as a sample, which also guarantees this
generalizing context.
According to the first phase, where the statistical
consistency of the data collection instrument is
evidenced, it is necessary to determine the Cronbach's
Alpha indicator. The results are as follows:
Table 1: Reliability statistics.
Cronbach's Alpha
Source: Data processed through the SPSS program
based on the data obtained in the in-situ data collection.
According to the results, the value of Cronbach's
Alpha is greater than 0.8, which indicates that the
reliability of each of the questions in the instrument is
"Excellent", which statistically demonstrates that the
results and interpretations derived from the
instrument will be consistent, providing significant
In the second phase, the correlation test of
variables will be applied. For this purpose, it is
determined whether the instrument data are
parametric or non-parametric, since this depends on
the type of test to be applied. The following are the
Table 2: Normality test.
Variables Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Statistical Significance
University context 0.256 0.000
Entrepreneurial attitude
0.145 0.000
Perceived control
0.115 0.000
Entrepreneurial intent
0.112 0.000
Source: Data processed through the SPSS program based on the
data obtained in the in-situ data collection. The Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test is applied when data are equal to or greater than 50
According to the results, the data derived from
each item of the information gathering instrument
turn out to be non-parametric, since the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected in favor of the alternative
(Ha), that is, they do not come from a normal
distribution, since the significance of the two
variables under study is less than 0.05.
Since the results do not come from a normal
distribution, to contrast the correlation between the
variables under study, Spearman's test analysis is
applied. The following are the results:
First Reference: University Context and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Table 3: Spearman correlation test.
Variable 1 Criteria
Variable 2
Spearman's Rho 0.540*
Significance 0.000
N 1,078
Source: Data processed through the SPSS program based on the
data obtained in the in-situ data collection.
* The indicator is a value between 1 and -1, the closer it is to 1, the
higher the positive-direct correlation; if it is close to -1, the higher
the negative-indirect correlation.
According to the results of the significance of
Spear-man's Rho, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected
in favor of the alternative hypothesis (Ha), i.e. there
is a medium direct relationship between the variables
"University context" and "Entrepreneurial intention";
which indicates that, if the university context is
strengthened, with projects with an entrepreneurial
approach, it can be positively stimulated by
increasing the intention of students to become
Second Reference: Entrepreneurial Attitude and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Table 4: Spearman correlation test.
Variable 1 Criteria
Variable 2
Spearman's Rho 0.731*
Significance 0.000
N 1,078
Source: Data processed through the SPSS program based on the
data obtained in the in-situ data collection.
* The indicator is a value between 1 and -1, the closer it is to 1, the
higher the positive-direct correlation; if it is close to -1, the higher
the negative-indirect correlation.
According to the results of the significance of
Spear-man's Rho, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected
in favor of the alternative hypothesis (Ha), that is,
there is a direct medium relationship between the
variables "Entrepreneurial attitude" and
"Entrepreneurial intention"; which indicates that, if
actions are proposed to stimulate good
entrepreneurial attitude, this will cause the student's
intention to become an entrepreneur to increase.
Third Reference: Perceived Control and
Entrepreneurial Intention.
Table 5: Spearman correlation test.
Variable 1 Criteria
Variable 2
Spearman's Rho 0.732*
Significance 0.000
N 1,078
Source: Data processed through the SPSS program based on the
data obtained in the in-situ data collection.
* The indicator is a value between 1 and -1, the closer it is to 1, the
higher the positive-direct correlation; if it is close to -1, the higher
the negative-indirect correlation.
According to the results of the significance of
Spear-man's Rho, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected
in favor of the alternative hypothesis (Ha), i.e. there
is a direct medium relationship between the variables
"Perceived control" and "Entrepreneurial intention";
which indicates that, if a perceived control in
entrepreneurial matters is adequately strengthened,
the entrepreneurial intention of the student will
increase significantly.
Finally, in the third phase, the main logistic
probability model is determined. The following are
the references:
Based on Novales A. (2005), Binomial Logit
models are linear references between a dependent
variable and one or more independent variables in
which, according to their significance, they would
explain the dependent variable. The relationships
between this system do not refer to magnitudes but
only to the direction of forces or direction of action,
which is evidenced by the sign of the independent
variable. As long as it has a positive sign, it is
suggested that the greater the incidence of this
variable, the higher the value of the probability of
occurrence of the dichotomous dependent variable
increases, and if it has a negative sign, the relationship
is contrary to this statement.
In this sense, a binomial logistic probability
model is used to explain the behavior of the
dimensions under study.
Dependent Variable: Entrepreneurial intent
Coding: 1: Has entrepreneurial intentions; 0: No
entrepreneurial intentions.
Coefficient Estimates:
Table 6: Estimates of the coefficients of the independent
Coefficients Sig.
University context 0.45 0.03
0.63 0.00
Perceived control 0.419 0..12
Source: Data provided by the IBM SPSS for Windows program
for the development of the binomial logistic probability method for
the Entrepreneurial Intention dimension.
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention and the Role of Entrepreneurial Education: An Analysis in the Ecuadorian University Context
As mentioned in the methodology reflected in, in
the probability models the coefficients do not reflect
the magnitudes of change on the dichotomous
dependent variable, but only the relationship between
them, i.e. direct or indirect (positive or negative).
According to the results, the three dimensions
contribute significantly to increase the probability
that students have the intention to become
entrepreneurs (dependent variable).
For the calculation of the probabilities, the initial
data of the dimensions and the coefficients of the
equation must be replaced in the exponential
transformation expression 2.
The results:
Table 7: Estimates of the coefficients of the independent
variables in probabilities
ln(p/1+p) Probabilities
-0.254 0.437
-0.744 0.322
-0.590 0.357
Source: Data provided by IBM SPSS for Windows for the
development of the binomial logistic probability method for
the Entrepreneurial Intention dimension.
Based on the results, the following main conclusions
can be drawn:
The three dimensions analyzed throughout this
research contributed in a relevant way to an increase
in the probability that students have a greater
intention to undertake are, in their order:
The "university context" contributed with
43.70%, "perceived control" with 35.70%,
"entrepreneurial attitude" with 32.20%.
This indicates that, if the university context is
strengthened, with projects with an entrepreneurial
approach, it can be positively stimulated by
increasing the students' entrepreneurial intention.
Likewise, if a perceived control in entrepreneurial
matters is adequately strengthened, the student's
entrepreneurial intention will increase significantly
and finally, it is concluded that if actions are proposed
to stimulate a good entrepreneurial attitude, this will
cause the student's entrepreneurial intention to
increase. 2) The validity of the combined model
(Theory of Planned Behavior -TPB and Enterprise
Event Model -EEM) was reinforced as the basis for
explaining the intention of the behavior in this study.
University entrepreneurship education can have
notable effects on entrepreneurial intention, but it will
have a greater initial response in students with certain
proactive characteristics. Therefore, a previous
diagnosis of the students can help predict the real
impact of the contents, especially of the
entrepreneurship subjects, on entrepreneurial
This study aims to provide certain valid
guidelines for the development of appropriate
training programs in entrepreneurship and
innovation, with a hybrid modality, which promotes
the development of individual and collective
capacities, abilities and skills in entrepreneurship and
innovation, with a comprehensive approach, not only
from an economic, administrative and/or accounting
point of view, but also considering all the contexts:
social, cultural and technological.
The reflections derived from the results of the
study indicate that the most important way in the
model is the one that goes from attitudes towards
entrepreneurial intention
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Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention and the Role of Entrepreneurial Education: An Analysis in the Ecuadorian University Context