language share of crypto, various phrases can be
formed: crypto exchange, crypto market. For
example: "Хьалха ма-аллара, ас а, кхин шина
накъоста а биткоинех а, Блокчейн технологех а
гIуллакх деш дикка хан яьккхина Иорданехь а,
Iаьрбийн кхийолчу пачхьалкхашкахь а
(криптовалюташ лелош, церан мехаш толлуш,
и.дI.кх" ("Daimohk", 03. 04. 2018).
One of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the
world is bitcoin (other spellings bitcoin, bitcoin). It
comes from the English bitcoin, which translates as
an electronic coin, and means "virtual electronic
currency without centralized management and
issuers" (word formation)). For example:
"Биткоинаш цхьана а агIонан долахь а йоцуш,
маьрша интернета
чухула лела, церан доладеш
цхьа а пачхьалкх я организаци яц" (“Daimohk”, 03.
04. 2018).
This thematic group may overlap with the
vocabulary group of economic topics, since these
nominations are used in currency transactions.
The name of various types of illegal activities and
threats on the Internet and frauds committed with the
help of other technical means. Thanks to various
information technologies and the Internet, humanity
has made a huge step forward. But along with
numerous opportunities for comprehensive
development, the Internet contains a huge number of
threats and often becomes a means for conducting
various criminal operations. Most of the names of
illegal activities on the Internet are borrowed from the
English language, in some places in the Chechen
language they have changed their semantics.
In the texts of the media, which talk about various
types of criminal activity on the Internet, you can
often find the word hacker. Hacker (English to hack)
– "a special type of computer specialists whose
activities are associated with an attempt to gain
unauthorized access to systems with secret
(confidential) information, a computer criminal"
(word formation). Initially, the meaning of this word
was not associated with criminal activity. This
computer term was founded in the 60s of the
twentieth century and meant the process of making
changes to one's own or someone else's program. The
verbal noun "hack" meant the results of such changes.
That is, a hack is a way to fix an error in a program,
and a specialist who could fix such errors,
respectively, was called a hacker. However, the hack
was not always aimed at correcting errors – more
often hacks changed the behavior of the program
against the will of its author. It was such scandalous
incidents that "distorted" the meaning of the word
hacker - it began to be used in the meaning of "an
attacker using computer knowledge to commit
unauthorized, sometimes malicious actions in a
computer - hacking computers, writing and
distributing computer viruses. "Discussions about the
semantics of this word are still ongoing. Thus, some
of the well-known proponents of free and open source
software, for example, Richard Stallman, promote the
use of this term only in its original meaning
(Yartseva, 1988). In the Chechen media, this term is
mainly used in the meaning of "computer criminal".
For example: "Къилбаседа Корейрчу хакерша
галъяьккхина Къилба Корейн 140 эзар сов
компьютер, царна чохь хиллачу хаамех шайн
хьашташкахь пайдаэцна" ("Daimohk", 16. 06.
The intensification of crime on the Internet has
caused the appearance of a number of names of types
of illegal activities with the English prefix cyber -
(English cyber – is associated with involvement or
attitude to computers, especially the Internet)
(Cambridge University Press, 2003). These are
tokens like: cyberattack, cyber threat, cybercrime,
cyber theft, cyberwar, etc. For example:
"Йерригроссин «Терахьан дарсаш» акцин
гурашкахь Нохчийн Республикехь кхочушйийр
йу «Кибератакаш таллар» дешаран программа"
("Daimohk", 22.01.2022).
"Соьлжа-ГӀалин школашкахь дӀадахьа
леринчу дарсашкахь дуьйцур ду
киберкхерамазаллах а, цуьнан талламах а лаьцна"
("Daimohk", 22. 01. 2022).
"Дешархоша кибердетективан ролаш ловзор
йу. Хила тарлуш йолу киберинцидент къастош
талламаш бийр бу" ("Daimohk", 22. 01. 2022).
A characteristic feature of the modern linguistic
situation in the Chechen Republic is the transition of
scientific and technical terms to general linguistic use
through the mass media. Even those lexemes that
belong to the sphere of highly specialized computer
jargon are now actively used in journalistic stylistics.
Moreover, they demonstrate high word-formation
activity and expand their semantics (Kremlin bot, bot
attack, photoshop, bitcoin, hacker, cybercrime, etc.).
However, a lot of scientific and technical terms of
English-speaking origin, which were recorded by us
in the media, still belong to the field of computer
slang (backend, big-date, plug-in, applet, etc.).
Sports vocabulary of foreign-language origin in
modern Chechen media. In the language of Chechen
periodicals, we often come across borrowed sports
terms from different sports. Today, it is possible to
distinguish several thematic groups of foreign-
language origin in media publications.