Features of the Functioning of Borrowed Economic Terms in the
Chechen Language
Luiza Yu. Israilova
Larisa Yu. Israilova
and Timerlan I. Usmanov
Kadyrov Chechen State University Named After A.A. Kadyrov, Grozny, Russian Federation
Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny, Russian Federation
Keywords: Innovation, Term, Terminology, Borrowings, Economic Vocabulary, Anglicism.
Abstract: The article deals with the foreign borrowings in the economic terminological system of the Chechen language.
The reasons for the replenishment of the Chechen vocabulary with foreign words have been established. The
place of terms borrowed from the foreign languages is determined. The features of the functioning of
economic borrowed terms in the modern Chechen language are investigated. It is noted that the process of
borrowing foreign language vocabulary is a natural process characteristic of each language. The relevance of
the study is due to the fact that today, when the lexical system of the Chechen language is intensively
replenished with foreign words, there is a need for comprehensive studies of numerous new foreign
borrowings. Problem statement. The goal of this study is to analyze the latest borrowings in the modern
Chechen economic terminology. This goal assumes the solution of the following tasks: - clarification of the
problem of borrowing in the modern Chechen language and its terminological vocabulary in particular; -
definition of the place of internationalism terms borrowed from the English language in modern Chechen
economic terminology; - study of the peculiarities of the functioning of economic terms-anglicisms in the
modern Chechen language.
The words borrowed from the foreign languages are
present in various linguistic styles of the modern
Chechen language: colloquial, artistic, journalistic,
and scientific styles.
For a long time, borrowings were considered as a
part of scientific terminology in written styles.
Lexical borrowings in conversational and journalistic
styles were studied as foreign language elements and
linguists did not consider them as an independent part
of vocabulary with a complex system of genre
In recent decades, we have seen how the
economic terminology is actively developing. The
terminosphere of the English language plays a
significant role in the formation of the economic
terminosystem, producing a large number of
borrowed words to the recipient terminosystems. In
this regard,
there is an urgent need for a theoretical and
practical solution to the problems of adaptation,
unification and standardization of borrowed terms.
The development of each branch of science
involves the systematization and ordering of
accumulated knowledge, experience and relevant
scientific concepts. Such processes ensure the
determination of the basic concepts of a certain
scientific field, but it is worth noting that this process
is effective when it occurs within the framework of
consideration of theoretical problems of
terminological vocabulary in the aspect of modern
directions of linguistic analysis.
The issues of borrowings from the foreign languages
in modern economic terminology have repeatedly
become the object of scientific research. They are
reflected in the works of L. P. Krysin, A. I. Dyakov,
Luiza Yu. Israilova, Larisa Yu. Israilova and other
scientists. The study of the problems of terminology
at the present stage of the development of society is
one of the most important goals of linguistics, since
terminology plays an important role in
communication, acts as a source of information, a tool
Israilova, L., Israilova, L. and Usmanov, T.
Features of the Functioning of Borrowed Economic Terms in the Chechen Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0011636700003577
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Actual Issues of Linguistics, Linguodidactics and Intercultural Communication (TLLIC 2022), pages 190-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-655-2
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
for obtaining a job and even a mean of accelerating
scientific and technological progress.
Actually, the science that deals with the study of
terms is called differently by different scientists. So,
A. Selivanova in the "Linguistic Encyclopedia" calls
the science that studies terms, terminology and offers
such a definition: "... a section of lexicology that
studies the terminological systems of a language, the
principles of their organization, mechanisms for
creating terms, requirements for them, and also solves
applied problems of ordering and codification of
terminological systems and their correspondences in
different languages." The researcher notes that
terminology as a science is synonymous with
terminology studies (Selivanova, 2011).
Scientists of the Lviv Terminological School
believe that there is only one term for the designation
of the science of terms – terminology studies, which
originated in the 60s of the last century (Bulyk-
Verkhola, 2014).
Terminology, or terminology studies, is a
relatively young science, the formation of which
began in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. However, the word is a term that comes
from the Latin ‘terminus’ – the limit (Tegmipis
among the ancient Romans was the god of the border
and the boundary stone, which set the boundaries and
protected the inviolability of the land) and the Greek
‘logos’ – a word, a doctrine rooted in ancient times.
It is generally accepted among researchers that
terminology as an independent scientific discipline
was formed gradually as a result of the autonomous
development of individual scientific directions with
their subsequent synthesis. As the main directions of
terminology studies, we consider: methodological
research, term theory, functional and stylistic
research of terminology, research of terminology in
diachrony, ordering and standardization of
terminology, terminology, scientific and technical
translation, professional linguodidactics (Volodina,
The concept of the term (in the modern sense) was
fixed back in 1876 in Germany (Selivanova, 2011).
The pioneer in his attempt to consider the term as a
component of the term system is the linguist D. Lotte,
who in his research in 1961 formed the signs of the
term and put forward a number of requirements that
any scientifically based term should satisfy (Lotte,
1982; Selivanova, 2011).
In today's studies of borrowed vocabulary, we should
take into account the tendency to create international
terminology, common names of concepts,
phenomena of modern science, production, which
also contributes to the consolidation of foreign
language vocabulary, which has received an
international character. This fact gives reason to
believe that the assimilation of foreign language
elements is a necessary and obligatory process for the
development of the Chechen language. Today, in the
modern Chechen language, we can observe an
increase in the number of economic terms and the
expansion of the semantics of already known national
We can distinguish two groups of lexemes in the
modern Chechen economic terminology according to
their use in speech:
1) highly specialized terms that are divided into:
one-word (for example, offshore, rent,
rehabilitation, transfer, reverse, sublease);
terms-phrases (for example, stock price, liquid
assets, holding companies);
2) general scientific terms (for example, problem,
idea, hypothesis, formula).
Analyzing the modern Chechen economic
terminology, we can say that it is heterogeneously
represented in terms of origin. Thus, in the modern
language of economic development, foreign-
language terms are distinguished by their origin (for
example, corner, lobby, management, audit, credit,
marketing) and by the Chechen origin proper (for
example, makhlelor - trade, dokhkar - sale, [dIa]larar
- accounting).
At the same time, we can often observe
in the
economic terminology system cases of parallel use of
terms-internationalisms and Chechen terms proper
(for example, economy – baham (economy).
Economics has always occupied and still occupies
a special place among the other social sciences, since
it is more connected with the life of the people than
others. Hence the close connection of economic
terminology with the lexical and stylistic systems of
the native language. So, the consideration of
economic terminology from both a historical and a
modern point of view confirms the idea that it is
constantly evolving, evolving and expanding its
functional status. The nature of changes in economic
terminology has a progressive orientation, that is, it
embodies the tendency to further actively form the
language of economics. Chechen economic terms-
Anglicisms have certain external features, since in the
vast majority of cases they continue to retain
functional, morphological (and sometimes even
graphic) features of the source language.
Features of the Functioning of Borrowed Economic Terms in the Chechen Language
The foreign-language terminological vocabulary is an
indispensable mean of concise and accurate
transmission of information in texts intended for
narrow specialists, but it can be an insurmountable
obstacle for an unprepared reader to understand a
popular science text. In the conditions of modern
active borrowing of ideas, theories and concepts of
foreign science, the choice of the translation of terms
– the key words of the text, the basic principles of
scientific research – also becomes a key event.
Questions of terminology translation, as well as
questions concerning the causes and consequences of
borrowing terms, constitute an urgent problem of
modern linguistics research. The intensification of
business, scientific, economic, cultural ties, the
heyday of the international tourism at the end of the
XX – beginning of the XXI century contribute to the
intensive development of communicative relations
with native speakers of foreign languages.
The study of the problem of the vocabulary and
specifics of the terminological system presented the
complexity of the process of its formation and, in
particular, revealed two sources of the compilation of
the terminological system:
1) borrowing of ready-made terms;
2) the formation of new terms from the material
of their own language.
These ways are peculiar to the replenishment of
the dictionary as a whole, but they are especially
clearly revealed in the replenishment of terminology,
where, firstly, the borrowed vocabulary plays an
important role, and secondly, the processes of the
term formation are more clearly manifested, since
they are more systematic and purposeful.
In modern linguistics, there are different points of
view on the question concerning the reasons for
borrowing a foreign vocabulary. A number of
researchers have the opinion that all changes in a
language are primarily due to the conditions of
definite society and completely deny the influence of
external factors, believing that any changes in a
language are the result of purely internal reasons. The
vast majority of modern linguists take as a basis the
thesis about the two-way dependence of the
borrowing processes in the language - external and
internal. It is taken into account that a complete
description of the language system is impossible
without taking into account the interaction of
extralinguistic and intralinguistic reasons:
1) psychological, physical, spatial, social and
other conditions of language existence;
2) periodic influence of other languages, which
the language experiences at a certain time and
in a certain place.
The development of individual branches of
science occurs in different ways, it is for this reason
that the formation of a particular term system is
determined by the peculiarities of the development of
a certain scientific branch. At the same time, foreign-
language borrowings are of great importance.
The influence of other languages can be viewed
from the point of view of which language influences
the language being studied and what is the
corresponding social position of both languages. At
the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to
exactly what forms speech contacting takes and
whether it depends on the languages that interact. In
this understanding, the influence of one linguistic
system on another can be considered as an
intralinguistic process.
The solution of issues related to the influence of
different languages on the studied has both theoretical
and practical significance. In linguistics, the peoples
who have not become the object of external influence
are practically unknown. The process of lexical
borrowing becomes especially active due to the wide
and diverse contacts between different peoples at the
present stage.
Borrowing from other languages is quite a natural
process inherent in every developed national literary
language, because the process of forming a literary
language occurs in direct dependence on the general
processes of development of the national language.
Economic terms are commonly referred to words
and phrases used in the economic sphere and forming
the concept of "economy". Modern life requires a
certain awareness of any ordinary person in certain
economic concepts. That is why economic
terminology can be considered (and is being
considered) in the modern Chechen linguistics not
only as marked speech, but also as a component of the
commonly used Chechen vocabulary.
The composition of the modern Chechen
economic terminology from the point of view of its
origin, carried out by linguists, can be presented as
12% of economic terminology is actually
Chechen words (for example, dekhar - debt,
dekharcho - debtor, max - cost);
88% is vocabulary borrowed from other
languages. For example:
духкуш берш а, дилерш а
шайна сихха саяккха гIертар республикин
цхьаболчу бахархошна бале долу” (“Daimohk”,
15. 12. 2017).
Мишустин Михаила куьг йаздинчу сацамехь
оцу ахчанах пайдаэцаран некъ а бовзийтина
промышленностан предприятеш тойарна хьажор:
керла гӀирсаш эцарехь пайдаэцар;
лизинган ахчанаш дӀадаларехь пайдаэцар;
коммунальни инфраструктура тӀетасарехь
пайдаэцар» (“Daimohk”, 12. 04. 2022).
“RimGroup” холдингана йукъайогӀучу
Теплостройпроект-С“-н векалша билгалдоккху
конференцин гурашкахь цхьамогӀа практикумаш
хилар» («Daimohk», 21. 07. 2022).
Taking into account the results of a scientific
research on the borrowing of economic terms, it is
possible to draw conclusions about the reasons for
such borrowing:
1. The word is borrowed together with the
concept, the reality, until it is not used in speech, for
example: investor, cluster, trader. For example:
Йуьйцучу проекташна инвесторша
йеш 995,7
млн харжаш йу, тӀаьхьалуонехь цара 197 белхан
меттиг а лур йолуш” (“Daimohk“, 14. 07. 2022).
Россин экономикин кхиаран министерствос
а, Россерчу кластерийн а, технопаркийн а,
шатайпанчу экономикин майданийн а ассоциацис
а вовшахтоьхна хиллачу «Повестка ESG»
дешаран программин жамӀаш дина” (“Daimohk“,
27. 05. 2022).
Крайн юьртабахаман ведомствон
куьйгалхочо Ситников Владимира бечу хаамца,
крайхь гIуллакх деш болчу трейдершна
декхар хIоттор ду ялта кхечу мехкашна дохка
(“Daimohk», 23. 01. 2016).
The tendency to laconism, for example:
international auctions - tenders; cadastre (fr. cadastre)
- an ordered list, a register of any important objects.
For example:
ДӀакхайкхийначу тендерца нийса а догӀуш,
конкурсан толамхо декхарийлахь хир ву
инженерин талламаш бан а, проект хӀотто а, некъ
кечбаран белхаш дӀабахьа а” (“Daimohk”, 27. 09.
КӀоштан цӀе хийцар къобалдаран а, цӀе
хийцарна оьшуш йолу харж билгалъяккхаран а
кехаташ, экспертиза яйтархьама, Пачхьалкхан
регистрацин а, кадастран а, картографин а
федеральни службе дахьийтина” (“Daimohk”, 27.
09. 2019).
3. The uniqueness of the borrowed term, while the
specific word can have several meanings. For
example, the word урхалла [gift] - management has
two meanings in the Chechen language.: "1.
Governance of the state - пачхьалкхана урхалла дар.
2. Administrative institution or department of any
institution, organization – урхалла. At the same time,
the word management borrowed from the English
language is unambiguous. This is "a set of principles,
methods, means and forms of production
management in order to increase its efficiency,
increase profits" (Ushakov, 2007).
For example: “Иза менеджере ца хоттуш ма
дита. Агентски сетийн дакъа хилартурагент
зийна хиларан тоьшалла ду” (“Daimohk”, 14. 02.
3. The great prestige of words-borrowings that
seem more modern than their Chechen
correspondences. A foreign-language word is a
traditional means to increase one's own authority, to
give weight to not too prestigious professionals, for
example: латторг, кхоьхьург (supplier) – provider;
даржорхо - distributor; товарлелорхо - маркетолог.
РФ-н ГПК-н 45-чу статьяца
нийса а догIуш,
Невран кIоштан прокурора Сербиев Iимрана
суьде иск елла интернетехь зуламечу
материалашна тIекхачарна доза тохийтар
интернет-провайдершна тIедожор доьхуш
(“Daimohk”, 28. 07. 2017).
Раймед Групп» компани медицинин гIирсаш
а, лаккхарчу технологийн материалаш а ечу
производителийн официальни дистрибьютер ю
(“Daimohk”, 16. 02. 2018.)
ХӀокху дакъошкахула говзанчаш дӀаэцар
хоуьйту «RimGroup» холдинго:
а, экономисташ а; • Юристаш; •
Маркетологаш; • Йохкаран менеджерш; •
Сварщикаш; • ГӀишлошйархой; • Инженераш; •
Проектировщикаш” (“Daimohk”, 01. 08. 2022).
One more bilingual factor of borrowing
terminology from the English language should be
mentioned: a rather accelerated transition from a
planned to a market economy. In a very short period
of time, a large number of new economic realities
appeared, names for which already existed in the
languages from which they came, primarily from
English. In the vast majority of cases, these names are
ready-made in the Chechen language. All subsystems
of the analyzed term system are represented by
foreign-language terms, namely:
"Exchanges and exchange activities" (for
example, broker, dealer, option). For example:
Карарчу шеран масех баттахь Соьлжа-
ГIалахь йина ер йолуш ю «Ford» компанин
дилеран туш” ("Daimohk", 01. 08. 2022).
- "Marketing and trade" (for example, barter,
distributor, counterfeit, merchandising, franchise).
For example:
Цу тайпана дозанаш деттаро контрафактни
продукци йохкаран барам лакхабаккхарна
«накъосталла” ("Daimohk", 27. 02. 2020).;
Features of the Functioning of Borrowed Economic Terms in the Chechen Language
- “Entrepreneurship and management" (for
example, business, engineering, insider, public
relations, realtor). For example:
Цул тIаьхьа цо бовзийтира
«Россельхозбанкан» векалшНохчийн филиалан
вицедиректор Тычкова Ольга а, Жимачу а,
юккъерчу а бизнесан клиенташца болх баран
отделан хьаькам Сербиев Мохьмад а” ("Daimohk",
26. 02. 2019).
Оцу хьокъехь барт бина НР-н гӀишлошйаран
а, хӀусамийн-коммунальни бахаман а министра
Зайпуллаев Муслима а, “Пекин Триумф
Интернэшнл Инжиниринг» компанин
векалша а»
(“Daimohk", 16. 06. 2022).
- "Finance, banks, investments" (for example,
acquiring, acceptance, outright, clearing, leasing).
For example: «Цигахь дийцаре дира республикин
экономикин коьртачу дакъошна банко гIо-
накъосталла даран а, иштта, социальни
инфраструктура кхиорехь а, эквайринг
юкъаялорехь а, “пачхьалкхан-совдегархойн"
бизнес кхиорехь а гIолацаран а гIуллакх"
(“Daimohk",10. 08. 2018).
И гӀуллакх дийцаре дина Нохчийн
Республикин туризман министра М. Байтазиевс а,
«Мир электромобилийн» компанин
векалша Я.
Киприяновас а, А. Набокихс а, «КОНТРОЛ
лизинг» компанин директорша А. Усовс а, Н.
Нехорошевас а" (“Daimohk", 07. 07. 2021).
The definition of borrowing, given in the
linguistic literature, testifies to the borrowing of
terms. Thus, the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by
A.S. Akhmanova gives the meaning of borrowing as
"an appeal to the lexical fund of other languages to
express new concepts, further differentiate existing
ones and designate previously unknown objects"
(Akhmanova, 1969). Thus, the definition of new
concepts and the differentiation of previously known
ones are inherent in most borrowed terms.
The reasons for the active borrowing of terms are
not only the need for the nomination of new concepts,
but also the need to clarify and improve the language
technique, which is the reason for the linguistic plan
The linguistic reasons for borrowings often
include the tendency to eliminate the polysemy of
one's own word, simplification of its structure, the
need for a more concise and more precise change in
the phenomenon of objective reality, which was
previously transmitted descriptively, and the need to
clarify the corresponding concept. Almost all of these
reasons can be applied to terminology as well.
If we are talking about a terminological unit, we
understand emotionally the the meaning of the neutral
word or phrase that conveys the name of an exactly
specified concept, phenomenon or object belonging
to the relevant field of science or technology. Such
vocabulary makes it possible to express the content
and meaning of this subject most accurately, clearly,
and economically, and at the same time provides a
correct understanding of the essence of the question
There is no generally accepted classification of
loan words in linguistics, however, it is possible to
determine the most important factors by which their
differentiation occurs in the linguistic literature. The
time of borrowing, the source language of borrowing,
the composition of the borrowed vocabulary, the
degree of its assimilation, etc. are already
traditionally taken into account. In the most scientific
studies of borrowed vocabulary, the chronological
aspect is also the most important, where special
attention is paid to the time of borrowing and finding
out the source of borrowing. In accordance with these
aspects, economic terms borrowed from the English
language can be conditionally divided into three
1. Vocabulary that has long been assimilated by
the Chechen language and today is fully adapted to its
phonetic and grammatical laws, for example:
advance, shareholder, bank, budget, currency, debit,
devaluation, deposit, investment, mortgage, loan,
balance. For example:
Оцу сацамца билгалбаккха безаш бу Нохчийн
пачхьалкхан хьашташ кхочушдарна
закупкаш ярехь авансийн платежаш яран
лаккхара барам” (“Daimohk”, 06. 08. 2016).
Цундела, субъекташкара и бакъо
дIаяьккхича, федеральни бюджетана мехала
пайда хир бу, – аьлла хета Дробизна” (“Daimohk”,
27. 02. 2020).
ХIокху деношкахь Нохчийчоьнан Премьер-
министр Хучиев Муслим цхьаьнакхийтира
Акционерийн «Сбербанк юкъараллин Къилба-
Малхбузерчу банкан председательца Титов
Евгенийца” (“Daimohk”, 10. 08. 2018).
ХIетталц парафин дозанал арахьара
дара Советийн Союзе, валюта я Пачхьалкхан
Герзийн палатера а, Пачхьалкхан
Iалашдойлашкара а деши-дети луш” (“Daimohk”,
07. 05. 2019).
Тайп-тайпана ду Сбербанко кхочушдеш долу
бахархойн хьашташ: депозиташ, кредитованин
ерриге а кепаш, банкийн карташ, ахчанаш дехьа-
сехьа дахар, банковски страховани яр, и.д1.кх.”
(“Daimohk”, 02. 11. 2015).
“115,05 млрд -на леринчу инвестицийн 588
проект кхочушйаран декъехь белхаш дӀахьош бу
Нохчийчохь” (“Daimohk”, 11. 08. 2022).
“2020-чу шеран чаккхенехь Нохчийн
Республикехь 2,2-зза алсамдаьлла
Россельхозбанкера» гIоленаш яран юьртан
ипотеке долу хьашт” (“Daimohk”, 27. 01. 2021).
Таханлерчу дийнахь республикехь болх беш
болчу жимачу а, юккъерчу а бизнесан векалийн
15,21 процент бен ставкин барам а боцуш, кредит
эца таро
ю Россельхозбанкан республикерчу
муьлххачу а офисехь (“Daimohk”, 02. 04. 2016).
Terms that appeared not so long ago (over the past
20 years), for example: promotion, brand, broker,
know-how, offshore (or offshore) (the variation of
some of the examples given once again testifies to
their stability).
Research of the latest borrowed words allowed us to
trace new trends in the vocabulary of their origin and
identify its heterogeneity, diversity and dynamism.
The modern Chechen economic terminology as
part of the general Chechen terminology system
meets the requirements of international standards and
the world scientific tradition. The process of creating
and selecting the best samples of terms continues and,
of course, should take place in the scientific
interaction of terminologists and practical
economists, who should take care of the optimal ratio
of specific and foreign-language terms. And the rapid
growth of the economic life of today's world and our
country in particular has caused not only the
relevance of studying economic disciplines in
educational institutions, but also interest in the
problems of economics at the linguistic level.
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Dyakov, A. I., 2003. The reasons for the intensive
borrowing of Anglicisms in modern Russian. Language
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Israilova, L. Y., 2013. English vocabulary in the Chechen
language (borrowing and mastering): monograph. p.
Israilova, L. Yu., Israilova, L. Yu., Magomadova, M. S.,
2015. Dictionary of Anglicisms borrowed by the
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Selivanova, A. A., 2011. Linguistic encyclopedia. p. 844.
Bulyk-Verkhola, S. S., Nakonechnaya, G. V., Teglivets,
Yu. V., 2014. Fundamentals of terminology: a
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Features of the Functioning of Borrowed Economic Terms in the Chechen Language