- “Entrepreneurship and management" (for
example, business, engineering, insider, public
relations, realtor). For example:
“Цул тIаьхьа цо бовзийтира
«Россельхозбанкан» векалш – Нохчийн филиалан
вицедиректор Тычкова Ольга а, Жимачу а,
юккъерчу а бизнесан клиенташца болх баран
отделан хьаькам Сербиев Мохьмад а” ("Daimohk",
26. 02. 2019).
“Оцу хьокъехь барт бина НР-н гӀишлошйаран
а, хӀусамийн-коммунальни бахаман а министра
Зайпуллаев Муслима а, “Пекин Триумф
Интернэшнл Инжиниринг» компанин
векалша а»
(“Daimohk", 16. 06. 2022).
- "Finance, banks, investments" (for example,
acquiring, acceptance, outright, clearing, leasing).
For example: «Цигахь дийцаре дира республикин
экономикин коьртачу дакъошна банко гIо-
накъосталла даран а, иштта, социальни
инфраструктура кхиорехь а, эквайринг
юкъаялорехь а, “пачхьалкхан-совдегархойн"
бизнес кхиорехь а гIолацаран а гIуллакх"
(“Daimohk",10. 08. 2018).
“И гӀуллакх дийцаре дина Нохчийн
Республикин туризман министра М. Байтазиевс а,
«Мир электромобилийн» компанин
векалша Я.
Киприяновас а, А. Набокихс а, «КОНТРОЛ
лизинг» компанин директорша А. Усовс а, Н.
Нехорошевас а" (“Daimohk", 07. 07. 2021).
The definition of borrowing, given in the
linguistic literature, testifies to the borrowing of
terms. Thus, the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms by
A.S. Akhmanova gives the meaning of borrowing as
"an appeal to the lexical fund of other languages to
express new concepts, further differentiate existing
ones and designate previously unknown objects"
(Akhmanova, 1969). Thus, the definition of new
concepts and the differentiation of previously known
ones are inherent in most borrowed terms.
The reasons for the active borrowing of terms are
not only the need for the nomination of new concepts,
but also the need to clarify and improve the language
technique, which is the reason for the linguistic plan
The linguistic reasons for borrowings often
include the tendency to eliminate the polysemy of
one's own word, simplification of its structure, the
need for a more concise and more precise change in
the phenomenon of objective reality, which was
previously transmitted descriptively, and the need to
clarify the corresponding concept. Almost all of these
reasons can be applied to terminology as well.
If we are talking about a terminological unit, we
understand emotionally the the meaning of the neutral
word or phrase that conveys the name of an exactly
specified concept, phenomenon or object belonging
to the relevant field of science or technology. Such
vocabulary makes it possible to express the content
and meaning of this subject most accurately, clearly,
and economically, and at the same time provides a
correct understanding of the essence of the question
There is no generally accepted classification of
loan words in linguistics, however, it is possible to
determine the most important factors by which their
differentiation occurs in the linguistic literature. The
time of borrowing, the source language of borrowing,
the composition of the borrowed vocabulary, the
degree of its assimilation, etc. are already
traditionally taken into account. In the most scientific
studies of borrowed vocabulary, the chronological
aspect is also the most important, where special
attention is paid to the time of borrowing and finding
out the source of borrowing. In accordance with these
aspects, economic terms borrowed from the English
language can be conditionally divided into three
1. Vocabulary that has long been assimilated by
the Chechen language and today is fully adapted to its
phonetic and grammatical laws, for example:
advance, shareholder, bank, budget, currency, debit,
devaluation, deposit, investment, mortgage, loan,
balance. For example:
“Оцу сацамца билгалбаккха безаш бу Нохчийн
пачхьалкхан хьашташ кхочушдарна
закупкаш ярехь авансийн платежаш яран
лаккхара барам” (“Daimohk”, 06. 08. 2016).
“Цундела, субъекташкара и бакъо
дIаяьккхича, федеральни бюджетана мехала
пайда хир бу, – аьлла хета Дробизна” (“Daimohk”,
27. 02. 2020).
“ХIокху деношкахь Нохчийчоьнан Премьер-
министр Хучиев Муслим цхьаьнакхийтира
Акционерийн «Сбербанк” юкъараллин Къилба-
Малхбузерчу банкан председательца Титов
Евгенийца” (“Daimohk”, 10. 08. 2018).
“ХIетталц парафин дозанал арахьара
дара Советийн Союзе, валюта я Пачхьалкхан
Герзийн палатера а, Пачхьалкхан
Iалашдойлашкара а деши-дети луш” (“Daimohk”,
07. 05. 2019).
“Тайп-тайпана ду Сбербанко кхочушдеш долу
бахархойн хьашташ: депозиташ, кредитованин
ерриге а кепаш, банкийн карташ, ахчанаш дехьа-
сехьа дахар, банковски страховани яр, и.д1.кх.”
(“Daimohk”, 02. 11. 2015).