The Influence of Knowledge, Peers and Social Media on
Immunonutrition Intake of Adolescent Girls in the New Normal Era
Dian Isti Angraini
, Merry Indah Sari
, Novita Carolia
and Fitria Saftarina
Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Lampung University, Indonesia
Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Lampung University, Indonesia
Departement of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Lampung University, Indonesia
Keywords: Adolescent Girls, Immunonutrition, Media, Knowledge, Peers.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of knowledge, peers, and social media on the
immunonutrition intake of adolescent girls. This research is an analytic observational study using a cross
sectional design. The study was conducted at the Dinniyah Putri School in Lampung from August to October
2021. The sample was 82 students of Kulliyatul Mu'alimat El Islamiyah, which were taken using purposive
sampling technique. Data on immunonutrition intake using a 2x24 hour food recall questionnaire, data on
knowledge, peer influence and social media were obtained from interviews using a validated questionnaire.
Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate (chi-square) and multivariate (logistical regression). The
results showed that inadequate immunonutrition intake was 73.2%. Most of the adolescent girls have good
knowledge (58.5%), no peer influence (56.1%), and no social media influence (52.4%). The results showed
that knowledge (p=0.019), peers (p=0.037), and social media (p=0.048) had an effect on the immunonutrition
intake of adolescent girls. The most influential factors on the immunonutrition intake of adolescent girls are
knowledge and social media.
The World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that
the outbreak due to the COVID-19 virus was
designated a global pandemic on March 11, 2020.
This status was declared after there was a thirteen-
fold increase in positive cases outside China in 114
countries with the death toll at that time reaching
4,291 (Valerisha & Putra, 2020). Positive confirmed
cases of Covid 19 in Indonesia continue to increase.
Data on June 29, 2021, the number of positive
confirmed cases in Indonesia reached 2,156,465
cases, 1,869,606 cases recovered, and 58,024 cases
died. Meanwhile, the 10 provinces in Indonesia with
the highest confirmed cases are: East Java, DKI
Jakarta, South Sulawesi, Central Java, West Java,
South Kalimantan, South Sumatra, Papua, North
Sumatra and Banten (Kemenkes RI, 2021).
Maintaining a healthy diet is especially important
during the Covid 19 Pandemic. While no food or
dietary supplement can prevent COVID 19 infection,
maintaining a healthy balanced nutritional diet is
essential in promoting a good immune system and
lowering the risk of chronic disease and infection.
Things that can be done to increase endurance are:
eating balanced nutritious food, washing hands with
running water and soap, and exercising regularly
(Kemenkes RI, 2020).
Optimal nutritional status ensures the main
modulation of oxidative and inflammatory stress,
both of which are related to the immune system. In
fact, several nutrients and their metabolism are direct
regulators of gene expression in the immune
compartment and are involved in the maturation,
differentiation, and response of immune cells.
Basically, proper nutrition will form a state of the
immune system that can face any kind of
confrontation. Conversely, poor nutrition will make
the immune system unable to respond well (Di Renzo
et al., 2020). Specific nutrients that can modulate the
immune system are also called immunonutrients, to
maintain optimal immune system we need to increase
the consumption of these immunonutrient foods such
as foods containing vitamins A, C, E and zinc
(Angraini & Ayu, 2015).
Protein is very important in the body because it
plays a role in the formation of cells and body tissues,
repairing damaged cells and maintaining muscle
Angraini, D., Sari, M., Carolia, N. and Saftarina, F.
The Influence of Knowledge, Peers and Social Media on Immunonutrition Intake of Adolescent Girls in the New Normal Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0011644900003608
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2022), pages 60-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-621-7; ISSN: 2975-8297
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tissue (Tirtawinata, 2006). Protein is absorbed by the
body in the form of amino acids. Arginine and
glutamine are forms of amino acids that are more
effective in maintaining immune function and
reducing post-surgical infections (Fatmah, 2006).
Vitamin C has an important role in the formation
of collagen so it is needed to maintain the integrity of
blood vessels. Vitamin C is a powerful water-soluble
antioxidant, so it is spread throughout the body.
Vitamin C is very potent to scavenge free radicals,
and sometimes works together with vitamin E
(Hartono, 2006). Vitamin C increases interferon
levels and immune cell activity in the elderly,
increases lymphocyte and macrophage activity, and
improves leukocyte migration and mobility from viral
infections, such as the influenza virus (Fatmah,
2006), such as the corona virus that is currently
engulfing the world as a global pandemic.
Dietary behavior in adolescents, including the
behavior of immunonutrition intake is influenced by
many factors including knowledge, the influence of
social media, peers, family and others. According to
the perception of diet is influenced by knowledge of
nutrition and knowledge of the diet itself. The level
of knowledge affects a person's attitude. Another
influencing factor is self-esteem. Knowledge of diet
also turns out to have a relationship with dietary
behavior (Kumalasari, 2010).
The influence of the mass media, the influence of
family and the influence of peers is considered to
directly put pressure on young women, this makes
them dissatisfied with their body shape, causing the
desire to be thin by dieting. The influence of mass
media, the influence of the appearance of figures
appearing in the mass media, and pressure from their
parents make them go on a diet. Friends and family
can also provide information on how to diet. The
influence of friends and family will quickly affect the
behavior of teenagers to go on a diet (Firi, 2018). This
also applies not only to weight loss diets, but also
diets in the intake of immunonutrients, which are
currently needed to increase the body's immunity in
the face of viral, bacterial and other attacks.
Research on immunonutrition intake in adolescent
girls, especially in Indonesia, has not been widely
carried out. More research on children, obese
patients, infectious patients and not about the
immunonutrition intake. Whereas adolescents,
especially adolescent girls, are a group that is very
vulnerable to suffering from infectious diseases and
lacks in meeting immunonutrients. Immunonutrition
dietary behavior in adolescents is strongly influenced
by knowledge, social media and peers. This research
is important because it can be used as a basis for
activities to improve the health of adolescent girls, as
prospective mothers, which will indirectly improve
the health of mothers and children. The purpose of
this study was to determine the effect of knowledge,
peers and social media on dietary behavior, especially
related to immunonutrition intake in adolescent girls
in the new normal era.
This research is an observational analytic study with
a cross-sectional research design. The study was
conducted at the Dinniyah Putri School in Pesawaran
district from August to October 2021. The population
in this study were students at the Dinniyah Putri
School in Pesawaran district. Based on the results of
the sample calculation, the minimum number of
samples that must be met is 82 people, which students
of Kulliyatul Mu'alimat El Islamiyah Dinniyah Putri
School in Pesawaran district. The sample size
calculation uses the sample size formula for unpaired
categorical comparative analytics with a 95%
confidence value, the power of the test is 80%.
Sampling was done by the purposive sampling
method. The inclusion criteria for this research
sample were adolescent girl students aged 16-18
years and willing to participate in the research
process. The exclusion criteria for this study were
adolescent girls with chronic infectious disease,
suffering from covid-19 and currently on a weight
loss diet program.
The independent variables in this study were
knowledge, peers and social media. The dependent
variable in this study is immunonutrition intake.
Immunonutrition intake (protein and vitamin C) data
was measured using a 2x24h food recall questionnaire
in weekday dan weekend, to assess consumption of
protein and vitamin C in grams/day, then compared
with the recommended nutritional adequacy rate
(RDA) so that the nutritional adequacy level is
obtained. data on knowledge, peer influence and
social media were obtained from interviews using a
validated questionnaire. Data collection was carried
out by researchers with the help of 2 enumerators who
had been given previous guidance and training. The
data was analyzed with a significant degree of 95%
(p<0.05) univariate, bivariate with chi-square test,
and multivariate logistic regression. This research
was carried out after obtaining a research ethical
clearance letter from the Ethics Committee of the
Faculty of Medicine, the University of Lampung with
number 228/UN26.18/PP.05.02.00/2021.
The Influence of Knowledge, Peers and Social Media on Immunonutrition Intake of Adolescent Girls in the New Normal Era
The results showed that inadequate immunonutrition
intake in adolescent girls was 60 people (73,2%) and
adequate immunonutrition intake was 22 people
(26,8%), poor knowledge was 34 people (41,5) and
good knowledge was 48 people (58,5%), have peers
influence was 36 people (43,9%) and no peers
influence was 46 people (56,1%), and have social
media influence was 39 people (47,6%) and no social
media influence was 43 people (52,4%).
Table 1: Characteristic of Study Subject.
Variable n %
Immunonutriton Intake
a. Inadequate
. Ade
a. Poor
. Goo
Peers Influence
a. Yes
. No
Social Media Influence
a. Yes
. No
The results of cross-tabulation as shown in table 2, the
adolescent girls with poor knowledge and inadequate
immunonutrition intake, were 88,2% higher than
those with good knowledge and inadequate
immunonutrition intake, which was 62,5%. The
results showed that knowledge influence
immunonutrition intake of adolescent girls (p =
0,019) and poor knowledge was a risk factor for
inadequate immunonutrition intake in adolescent
girls with OR = 4,5 (95% CI; 1,36-14,87), which
means the adolescent girls with poor knowledge are
4,5 times more likely to have inadequate
immunonutrition intake than those with good
The results of cross-tabulation as shown in table 2,
the adolescent girls with peer’s influence and
inadequate immunonutrition intake, were 86,1%
higher than those with no peers influence and
inadequate immunonutrition intake, which was 63%.
The results showed that peers influence
immunonutrition intake of adolescent girls (p =
0,037) and peers influence was a risk factor for
inadequate immunonutrition intake in adolescent
girls with OR = 3,6 (95% CI; 1,18-11,12), which
means the adolescent girls who have peers influence
are 3,6 times more likely to have inadequate
immunonutrition intake than those with no peers
The results of cross-tabulation as shown in table 2,
the adolescent girls with social media influence and
inadequate immunonutrition intake, were 84,6%
higher than those with no social media influence and
inadequate immunonutrition intake, which was
62,8%. The results showed that social media
influence immunonutrition intake of adolescent girls
(p = 0,048) and social media influence was a risk
factor for inadequate immunonutrition intake in
adolescent girls with OR = 3,2 (95% CI; 1,12-9,47),
which means the adolescent girls who have social
media influence are 3,2 times more likely to have
inadequate immunonutrition intake than those with
no social media influence.
Table 2: The Influence of Knowledge, Peers and Social
Media on Immunonutrition Intake of Adolescent Girls.
Immunonutrition Intake
p OR
Inadequate Adequate
n % n %
a. Poor
. Good
0,019 4,5
a. Yes
. No
0,037 3,6
Social Media
a. Yes
. No
0,048 3,2
Based on the results of the bivariate analysis using
the chi-square test, the independent variables were
determined as candidates in the multivariate analysis;
is the variable with p-value <0,25. The candidate
variables included in the multivariate analysis were
knowledge, peers influence and social media
influence.The results of the multivariate analysis
using binary logistic regression with the backward
stepwise method as shown in table 3 found that the
factors that most contributed to the nutritional status
of pregnant women were knowledge and social media.
The null hypothesis in the Hosmer and Lemeshow
test has a p-value of 0.998 so that the null hypothesis
is accepted. This means that there is no difference
between the observed value and the expected
value/expectation so that it can be concluded that the
obtained equation is well-calibrated (Dahlan, 2012).
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 3: Initial Model and Final Model of Binary Logistic
Regression Analysis of Factors Contribute to the
Immunonutrition Intake of Adolescent Girls.
OR 95% CI
Initial Model
a. Knowledge
b. Peers
c. Social Media
Final Model
a. Knowledge
b. Social Media
Based on the results of the analysis obtained the
following equation:
Inadequate Immunonutrition Intake in Adolescent
Girls = -6,685 + (1,887*knowledge) + (1,593*social
media influence)
This study shows adolescent girls in Pesawaran
District, Lampung Province, have inadequate
immunonutrition intake as many as 60 people
(73,2%). Low intake of immunonutrients risks
lowering the immune system. Low immunity will
cause the body to be susceptible to disease, especially
in the new normal era. Adequate intake of
immunonutrition is believed to be able to modulate
the immune system and improve inflammatory
processes that occur due to exposure to viruses,
bacteria, etc (Derbyshire & Delange, 2020).
The results of the study show that knowledge
affect the intake of immunonutrition. Good
nutritional knowledge will enable adolescent girls to
be able to choose good food and form healthy eating
behaviors so that they have adequate
immunonutrition intake (Naeeni et al., 2014).
Respondents poor of knowledge because they
generally do not know and do not understand well
about the importance of immunonutrition intake, lack
of information seeking in mass media or electronic
media, and have never been given health education on
The results of the study show that peers affect the
intake of immunonutrition. Peers can influence
dietary behavior and intake of immunonutrition in
adolescent girls. Peers play an important role in the
formation of adolescent self-concept. The influence
of peers is high because most of the adolescent girls
time is spent at school or other places with friends, so
that peers can change good and healthy behaviors and
habits related to healthy eating behaviors such as
immunonutrition intake (Chung et al., 2021).
The results of the study show that social media
affect the intake of immunonutrition. Adolescents
with an average age of 13 years are actively using
social media, 75% of girls and 70% of boys claim to
have at least one social media account. Social media
is influential in providing new knowledge about
everything related to human welfare in life (Kennedy,
2019). Knowledge spread by social media includes
knowledge on how to maintain a healthy body,
prevent disease, and eat well. Through social media,
adolescent girls know how to maintain a healthy
body, prevent disease (Chau et al., 2018), including
the importance of immunonutrition intake in the new
normal era.
Among female adolescents, the duration of
exposure to food and beverage content from social
media was associated with food selection after
controlling for body image. Food selection was
associated with energy and protein intake. Thus, the
duration of exposure to social media was associated
with energy and protein intake. The longer duration
of social media exposure on food and beverage
content led to higher energy and protein intake
(Adiba, 2020).
Social media plays both positive and negative
effects on health of adolescents. It is a fact that social
media is very benecial as it keeps us in contact with
everyone all over the world and provides us with the
latest information but everything has its draw backs
too and the most common drawback is that youth has
decreased spending time and enjoying healthy meals
with their families. They have moved on from these
healthy eating habits and become reserved to their
peer circle that is majorly inuencing their health as
they are more focused towards junk food (Aslam et
al., 2021).
The most influential factors on the immunonutrition
intake of adolescent girls are knowledge and social
media. Social media that contains information on how
to maintain health, prevent disease, and good eating
behavior can increase the knowledge of adolescent
girls to choose good food and form healthy eating
behaviors such as having adequate immunonutritio
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ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health