formation of habits and awareness of the importance
of food sanitation hygiene. So that food safety can be
free from contamination.
Based on the results of univariate analysis showed
that as many as 47 traders (55.3%) who had the
availability of good infrastructure were more than
those who had the availability of poor infrastructure
as many as 38 traders (44.7%). the results of the
bivariate analysis showed a P value of 0.161. This
shows that there is no relationship. Facilities available
for anything can have a beneficial or negative impact
on the behavior of people who use these facilities
(Notoatmodjo, 2018). Based on the results of
observations using the observation checklist sheet on
the availability of infrastructure that most of the
angkringan traders' infrastructure still does not meet
the requirements, namely some angkringan traders
who do not have a place to wash their hands, do not
provide soap or hand sanitizer. In landfills, there are
still many traders whose trash cans are not closed, nor
are they made of strong and water-resistant materials.
The results of the research carried out explained
that as many as 84 traders (98.8%) had never attended
hygiene sanitation training and as many as 1 trader
(1.2%) had attended hygiene sanitation training.
Based on the data from the bivariate analysis, a P-
value of 0.329 was obtained, which means that there
is no relationship between sanitation hygiene training
and food sanitation hygiene. Based on the research
results that have been described previously,
angkringan traders who have received food sanitation
hygiene training are more likely to maintain high food
sanitation hygiene standards. This is because the
training that has been followed makes business
owners more aware, helps them understand it, and
enables them to operate it effectively.
Based on the results of the study it can be concluded
that: The results of the study on the variables of
gender, education level, duration of selling,
availability of infrastructure, and sanitation hygiene
training showed that there was no relationship with
food sanitation hygiene. while the results on the
knowledge and attitude variables show that there is a
relationship with food sanitation hygiene, with the p-
value of knowledge (0.007) and attitude (0.045).
It is hoped that the Health Office can help traders
to increase their knowledge about sanitation hygiene:
provide education in the form of direct counseling to
angkringan traders, indirect counseling such as using
social media where the Health Office makes
interesting videos or broadcast messages, and
distribute posters containing information on food
hygiene and sanitation and training.
It is recommended to angkringan traders to pay
attention to the condition of inadequate infrastructure
such as water used when washing equipment, pay
attention to how to store food so that it is not
contaminated by dust, and improve the quality of food
sanitation hygiene, such as providing a place to wash
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