incidence of nutritional anemia in schoolchild,
students who breakfast 2-3 times a week 2,95 times
are at risk of experiencing all of them compared to
student who often breakfast. Fulfilment of nutrients,
especially iron through a variety of food intake can
reduce the risk of anemia. Breakfast is an important
thing because the nutrients consumed at night have
been converted into energy to be circulated
throughout the body. The brain requires glucose as a
source of energy for the body which is obtained at the
time of breakfast. If someone skips breakfast,
hypoglycaemia can occur, which is where the body’s
glucose level is below normal, which is characterized
by using, shaking, and having difficulty
Based on the description above, it is known that
the prevalence of anemia in adolescent in West Java
reaches 26,54% (Riskesdas,2018). In Addition, a
similar study was also conducted by Sari et al in 2018
which stated that 11,68% of adolescent girls at SMPN
Tempuran Karawang Regency were anaemic. Several
previous studies have explained the prevalence of
anemia among adolescent girls, but there is no
evidence that explained the relationship between
factors that cause anemia, such as consumption of
iron and breakfast habit on the incidence of anemia I
adolescent girls in the West Karawang region. So, the
researcher is interested in researching further
regarding “The Relationship Between Iron
Consumption and Breakfast Habit with The Incidence
of Anemia in Adolescent Girls” which will be
conducted at SMP Negeri 6 Karawang Barat.
This research is an observational study using a cross
sectional design was conducted in Maret 2022. The
sample in this study were 63 student who were still
student in 8th grade at SMP Negeri 6 Karawang
Barat. A total of 63 adolescent girl from the 10 classes
in SMP Negeri 6 Karawang Barat were selected as
subject for this study by cluster random sampling
Data was taken in this study include
antropometric data, Hb level data was taken using Hb
Diaspect Easy Touch, iron intake data consisting of
dietary intake data from iron sources and consuming
Fe supplement using a questionnaire and forms SQ-
FFQ, and breakfast habits of adolescent using a
questionnaire. To collect the data during the Covid-
19 pandemic, the researcher and respondent always
obey the health protocol in prevention Covid-19 such
as wearing masks, maintaining distances, and
washing hand with soap before entering and leaving
the SMP Negeri 6 Karawang.
The variables in this study include the dependent
variabel and independent variable. Dependent
variable was anemia status in adolescent girls.
Anemia is a condition when the body experiences a
decrease in haemoglobin levels based on age and
gender groups. Haemoglobin or red blood cells have
a role in carrying oxygen and nutrients to the brain a
throughout the body. Anemia causes the blood to be
unable to transport and bind oxygen from the lungs to
the rest of the body, causing the body to tire easily so
it will interfere with daily activities (Muhayati &
Ratnawati, 2019). Anemia status was measured by
taking the blood by laboratory analysis to assess Hb
level by Hb Diaspect Easy Touch. Respondents were
categorized anemia if Hb level <11 g/dl and normal if
Hb level 11 g/dl. The independent variable were iron
(Fe) consumption and dietary habits using
questionnaire and forms SQ-FFQ. In this study, the
data was edited, entry an analysed by univariate and
bivariate using SPSS software. Then the data will be
analysed by using the chi-square test.
Data collection was carried out by means of the
respondent reading the agreement text to become a
respondent then the respondent signed the agreement,
after that, anthropometric measurements were carried
out to obtain data on the weight and height of the
respondent. To Hb checking, the researcher firs
confirmed to the respondents would do a Hb check
using Hb diaspecct Easy Touch. After that,
respondents will be interviewed regarding their
breakfast habits and iron consumption using a
questionnaire and forms SQ-FFQ.
Respondent Characteristics
The majority of adolescent girl at SMP Negeri 6
Karawang barat are 15 years old (77,8%). The
respondents were in the age range of 14-17 years old.
The majority of adolescent girl’s mother’s education
at SMP Negeri 6 Karawang Barat is in the high school
category (34,9%). Then in the category of mother’s
work, the majority work as housewives (92,1%)
compared to working mothers (7,9%).
Prevalence of Anemia
From a total of 63 students participated in this study,
42 (66,7%) respondents had anemia. Based on the
results of Hb measurements that have been carried out
using the Hb Diaspect Easy Touch test, it was found
that the Hb levels of adolescent girls in SMP Negeri