Table 3: Match with SMART Rules Repository.
Spell Check Methods Total Ambiguous Word Detect
Textblob 15
Cyhunspell 25
CyHunspell provides recommendations for
correcting words that have been registered in the
SMART repository, so that detection of ambiguous
sentence structures is better than TextBlob.
In this research, a comparative analysis of the spell
checker method has been carried out to be integrated
with SMART rules. Based on the results of the study,
it was found that CyHunspell gave better detection
results than TextBlob. Detection of ambiguous
statements with the SMART Requirements approach
which refers to specific criteria is a suitable criterion
because it explains that it is necessary to avoid words
that contain ambiguity, for example some, several,
and many with pairs of word classes being nouns. If
there is a word match in the input sentence with a
word in the SMART rule repository, then the sentence
is declared ambiguous.
A spell check is performed at the beginning before
performing the rule-matching step. The statement
sentence will be checked first against the writing of
the word or the spelling of the word in the statement
sentence that is entered for processing to the next
process. Pre-processing is an important stage because
if you don't do pre-processing, then the data is
declared unclean.
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