loneliness, the deeper the dependence on the
Internet, the deeper the application of various
functions of the Internet, the overall use of the
Internet helps to weaken the feeling of loneliness of
Internet users. (Arianna, 2019)
This article first uses questionnaire surveys to
investigate the current status of online social
interaction of young people, including online social
objects, social content, social motivations, and social
channels. The data application of online
communication behavior in the era of big data is
used to explore and analyze self-esteem and
loneliness. Strong and weak network interactions
and interpersonal relationships change. Furthermore,
the UCLA loneliness scale was used to investigate
the loneliness of urban youth living alone in the
online social environment. At the same time,
through the interview method, we have in-depth and
supplemented the understanding of whether young
people's online communication can help alleviate
loneliness, and whether face-to-face social
interaction or online social satisfaction is better. This
research also puts forward countermeasures on how
to alleviate loneliness when interacting online.
2.1 Relationship Between Self-Esteem,
Loneliness and Online
Communication Preferences
Subjectively, the non-face-to-face nature of online
communication will reduce social anxiety and
self-awareness, and bring people more positive
subjective experiences such as safety, effectiveness,
and self-protection, but objectively, the intermediary
nature of online communication itself, the absence
of the body leads to the lack of non-verbal cues in
the social process, reduces the amount of
information resources in the social process, and
limits the establishment of effective interpersonal
The public's understanding of the various
characteristics of online communication and their
own positive views on online communication are
significantly related to their gaining more
instrumental support. The richer the actual
interpersonal relationship and social support
resources, the individual will hope to extend this
good state to network communication, thus forming
a preference for network communication that is
consistent with the actual support resources. The less
the subjective experience of being respected,
supported, and understood in real social life, the
worse the real social ability. This may be because it
is difficult for individuals to obtain good
interpersonal relationship experience in social life,
resulting in insufficient social confidence, and thus
Hindered the development of its social skills.
Preference for online communication will bring
about the negative consequences of loneliness, but
preference for online communication does not
necessarily bring about the negative consequences of
loneliness. This effect is not direct. The preference
for online communication will come through the role
of online social support. Affecting loneliness will
also affect loneliness through real social support.
Therefore, although the preference for online
communication may have many negative
consequences, if the individual has a good real social
support system and his various needs and supports
can be met in online communication, it may not be
easy to feel lonely negative consequences.
Moreover, online communication preferences can
influence individual online social support through
real social support, which better explains that online
communication is the extension and expansion of
real social in virtual space.
2.2 Measures to Regulate the Use of the
Internet and Reduce Loneliness
2.2.1 Develop Good Surfing Habits
First, make a schedule for surfing the Internet. For
young people with poor self-control in using the
Internet, if necessary, they can restrict themselves by
planning their time online. Develop a weekly or
monthly online schedule, indicate the specific time
period and specific items for using the Internet, and
strictly follow the table time to access the Internet.
Second, clarify the purpose of surfing the Internet.
Before going online, teenagers do not think they will
be addicted to the Internet, but once they enter the
Internet, they are out of their control and
unconsciously attracted by things on the Internet.
Therefore, when you have a clear goal, you can
choose to go online. If the goal is achieved, you will
leave the network and avoid sinking.
ICPDI 2022 - International Conference on Public Management, Digital Economy and Internet Technology